// atm this is just a stub script since hardpoints are only really used in hardpoint // respawn probably tried to share this code across multiple modes but atm we just dont need to do that global function Hardpoints_Init global function CapturePoint_GetStartProgress global function CapturePoint_GetCappingTeam global function CapturePoint_GetOwningTeam global function CapturePoint_GetGoalProgress void function Hardpoints_Init() { RegisterSignal( "StopHardpointBehavior" ) } float function CapturePoint_GetStartProgress( entity hardpoint ) { return GetGlobalNetFloat( "objective" + GetHardpointGroup(hardpoint) + "Progress" ) } int function CapturePoint_GetCappingTeam( entity hardpoint ) { return GetGlobalNetInt( "objective" + GetHardpointGroup(hardpoint) + "CappingTeam" ) } int function CapturePoint_GetOwningTeam( entity hardpoint ) { return hardpoint.GetTeam() } float function CapturePoint_GetGoalProgress( entity hardpoint ) { return GetGlobalNetFloat( "objective" + GetHardpointGroup(hardpoint) + "Progress" ) } string function GetHardpointGroup(entity hardpoint) //Hardpoint Entity B on Homestead is missing the Hardpoint Group KeyValue { if((GetMapName()=="mp_homestead")&&(!hardpoint.HasKey("hardpointGroup"))) return "B" return string(hardpoint.kv.hardpointGroup) }