global function GamemodeTTDM_Init const float TTDMIntroLength = 15.0 struct { table< entity, int > challengeCount } file void function GamemodeTTDM_Init() { Riff_ForceSetSpawnAsTitan( eSpawnAsTitan.Always ) Riff_ForceTitanExitEnabled( eTitanExitEnabled.Never ) TrackTitanDamageInPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE ) ScoreEvent_SetupEarnMeterValuesForMixedModes() SetLoadoutGracePeriodEnabled( false ) ClassicMP_SetCustomIntro( TTDMIntroSetup, TTDMIntroLength ) ClassicMP_ForceDisableEpilogue( true ) SetTimeoutWinnerDecisionFunc( CheckScoreForDraw ) AddCallback_OnClientConnected( SetupPlayerTTDMChallenges ) //Just to make up the Match Goals tracking AddCallback_OnClientDisconnected( RemovePlayerTTDMChallenges ) //Safety removal of data to prevent crashes AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( AddTeamScoreForPlayerKilled ) // dont have to track autotitan kills since you cant leave your titan in this mode // probably needs scoreevent earnmeter values } void function TTDMIntroSetup() { // this should show intermission cam for 15 sec in prematch, before spawning players as titans AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Prematch, TTDMIntroStart ) AddCallback_OnClientConnected( TTDMIntroShowIntermissionCam ) } void function TTDMIntroStart() { thread TTDMIntroStartThreaded() } void function TTDMIntroStartThreaded() { ClassicMP_OnIntroStarted() foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( !IsPrivateMatchSpectator( player ) ) TTDMIntroShowIntermissionCam( player ) else RespawnPrivateMatchSpectator( player ) } wait TTDMIntroLength ClassicMP_OnIntroFinished() } void function TTDMIntroShowIntermissionCam( entity player ) { if ( GetGameState() != eGameState.Prematch ) return thread PlayerWatchesTTDMIntroIntermissionCam( player ) } void function SetupPlayerTTDMChallenges( entity player ) { file.challengeCount[ player ] <- 0 } void function RemovePlayerTTDMChallenges( entity player ) { if( player in file.challengeCount ) delete file.challengeCount[ player ] } void function PlayerWatchesTTDMIntroIntermissionCam( entity player ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) ScreenFadeFromBlack( player ) entity intermissionCam = GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_intermission" )[ 0 ] // the angle set here seems sorta inconsistent as to whether it actually works or just stays at 0 for some reason player.SetObserverModeStaticPosition( intermissionCam.GetOrigin() ) player.SetObserverModeStaticAngles( intermissionCam.GetAngles() ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_STATIC_LOCKED ) wait TTDMIntroLength RespawnAsTitan( player, false ) TryGameModeAnnouncement( player ) } void function AddTeamScoreForPlayerKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo ) { if ( victim == attacker || !victim.IsPlayer() || !attacker.IsPlayer() && GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing ) return if( victim in file.challengeCount ) file.challengeCount[victim] = 0 if( attacker in file.challengeCount ) { file.challengeCount[attacker]++ if( file.challengeCount[attacker] >= 2 && !HasPlayerCompletedMeritScore( attacker ) ) { AddPlayerScore( attacker, "ChallengeTTDM" ) SetPlayerChallengeMeritScore( attacker ) } } AddTeamScore( GetOtherTeam( victim.GetTeam() ), 1 ) } int function CheckScoreForDraw() { if (GameRules_GetTeamScore(TEAM_IMC) > GameRules_GetTeamScore(TEAM_MILITIA)) return TEAM_IMC else if (GameRules_GetTeamScore(TEAM_MILITIA) > GameRules_GetTeamScore(TEAM_IMC)) return TEAM_MILITIA return TEAM_UNASSIGNED }