untyped global function GamemodeAITdm_Init const SQUADS_PER_TEAM = 3 const REAPERS_PER_TEAM = 2 const LEVEL_SPECTRES = 125 const LEVEL_STALKERS = 380 const LEVEL_REAPERS = 500 struct { // Due to team based escalation everything is an array array< int > levels = [ LEVEL_SPECTRES, LEVEL_SPECTRES ] array< array< string > > podEntities = [ [ "npc_soldier" ], [ "npc_soldier" ] ] array< bool > reapers = [ false, false ] } file void function GamemodeAITdm_Init() { SetSpawnpointGamemodeOverride( ATTRITION ) // use bounty hunt spawns as vanilla game has no spawns explicitly defined for aitdm AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Prematch, OnPrematchStart ) AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Playing, OnPlaying ) AddCallback_OnNPCKilled( HandleScoreEvent ) AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( HandleScoreEvent ) AddCallback_OnClientConnected( OnPlayerConnected ) AddCallback_NPCLeeched( OnSpectreLeeched ) if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "aitdm_archer_grunts", 0 ) == 0 ) { AiGameModes_SetGruntWeapons( [ "mp_weapon_rspn101", "mp_weapon_dmr", "mp_weapon_r97", "mp_weapon_lmg" ] ) AiGameModes_SetSpectreWeapons( [ "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", "mp_weapon_doubletake", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ] ) } else { AiGameModes_SetGruntWeapons( [ "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ] ) AiGameModes_SetSpectreWeapons( [ "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ] ) } ScoreEvent_SetupEarnMeterValuesForMixedModes() } // Starts skyshow, this also requiers AINs but doesn't crash if they're missing void function OnPrematchStart() { thread StratonHornetDogfightsIntense() } void function OnPlaying() { // don't run spawning code if ains and nms aren't up to date if ( GetAINScriptVersion() == AIN_REV && GetNodeCount() != 0 ) { thread SpawnIntroBatch_Threaded( TEAM_MILITIA ) thread SpawnIntroBatch_Threaded( TEAM_IMC ) } } // Sets up mode specific hud on client void function OnPlayerConnected( entity player ) { Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_AITDM_OnPlayerConnected" ) } // Used to handle both player and ai events void function HandleScoreEvent( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo ) { // Basic checks if ( victim == attacker || !( attacker.IsPlayer() || attacker.IsTitan() ) || GetGameState() != eGameState.Playing ) return // Hacked spectre filter if ( victim.GetOwner() == attacker ) return // Split score so we can check if we are over the score max // without showing the wrong value on client int teamScore int playerScore string eventName // Handle AI, marvins aren't setup so we check for them to prevent crash if ( victim.IsNPC() && victim.GetClassName() != "npc_marvin" ) { switch ( victim.GetClassName() ) { case "npc_soldier": case "npc_spectre": case "npc_stalker": playerScore = 1 break case "npc_super_spectre": playerScore = 3 break default: playerScore = 0 break } // Titan kills get handled bellow this if ( eventName != "KillNPCTitan" && eventName != "" ) playerScore = ScoreEvent_GetPointValue( GetScoreEvent( eventName ) ) } if ( victim.IsPlayer() ) playerScore = 5 // Player ejecting triggers this without the extra check if ( victim.IsTitan() && victim.GetBossPlayer() != attacker ) playerScore += 10 teamScore = playerScore // Check score so we dont go over max if ( GameRules_GetTeamScore(attacker.GetTeam()) + teamScore > GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist() ) teamScore = GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist() - GameRules_GetTeamScore(attacker.GetTeam()) // Add score + update network int to trigger the "Score +n" popup AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), teamScore ) attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, playerScore ) attacker.SetPlayerNetInt("AT_bonusPoints", attacker.GetPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE ) ) } // When attrition starts both teams spawn ai on preset nodes, after that // Spawner_Threaded is used to keep the match populated void function SpawnIntroBatch_Threaded( int team ) { array dropPodNodes = GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_spawnpoint_droppod_start" ) array dropShipNodes = GetValidIntroDropShipSpawn( dropPodNodes ) array podNodes array shipNodes // mp_rise has weird droppod_start nodes, this gets around it // To be more specific the teams aren't setup and some nodes are scattered in narnia if( GetMapName() == "mp_rise" ) { entity spawnPoint // Get a spawnpoint for team foreach ( point in GetEntArrayByClass_Expensive( "info_spawnpoint_dropship_start" ) ) { if ( point.HasKey( "gamemode_tdm" ) ) if ( point.kv[ "gamemode_tdm" ] == "0" ) continue if ( point.GetTeam() == team ) { spawnPoint = point break } } // Get nodes close enough to team spawnpoint foreach ( node in dropPodNodes ) { if ( node.HasKey("teamnum") && Distance2D( node.GetOrigin(), spawnPoint.GetOrigin()) < 2000 ) podNodes.append( node ) } } else { // Sort per team foreach ( node in dropPodNodes ) { if ( node.GetTeam() == team ) podNodes.append( node ) } } shipNodes = GetValidIntroDropShipSpawn( podNodes ) // Spawn logic int startIndex = 0 bool first = true entity node int pods = RandomInt( podNodes.len() + 1 ) int ships = shipNodes.len() for ( int i = 0; i < SQUADS_PER_TEAM; i++ ) { if ( pods != 0 || ships == 0 ) { int index = i if ( index > podNodes.len() - 1 ) index = RandomInt( podNodes.len() ) node = podNodes[ index ] thread AiGameModes_SpawnDropPod( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles(), team, "npc_soldier", SquadHandler ) pods-- } else { if ( startIndex == 0 ) startIndex = i // save where we started node = shipNodes[ i - startIndex ] thread AiGameModes_SpawnDropShip( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles(), team, 4, SquadHandler ) ships-- } // Vanilla has a delay after first spawn if ( first ) wait 2 first = false } wait 15 thread Spawner_Threaded( team ) } // Populates the match void function Spawner_Threaded( int team ) { svGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "GameStateChanged" ) // used to index into escalation arrays int index = team == TEAM_MILITIA ? 0 : 1 while( true ) { Escalate( team ) // TODO: this should possibly not count scripted npc spawns, probably only the ones spawned by this script array npcs = GetNPCArrayOfTeam( team ) int count = npcs.len() int reaperCount = GetNPCArrayEx( "npc_super_spectre", team, -1, <0,0,0>, -1 ).len() // REAPERS if ( file.reapers[ index ] ) { array< entity > points = SpawnPoints_GetDropPod() if ( reaperCount < REAPERS_PER_TEAM ) { entity node = points[ GetSpawnPointIndex( points, team ) ] waitthread AiGameModes_SpawnReaper( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles(), team, "npc_super_spectre_aitdm", ReaperHandler ) } } // NORMAL SPAWNS if ( count < SQUADS_PER_TEAM * 4 - 2 ) { string ent = file.podEntities[ index ][ RandomInt( file.podEntities[ index ].len() ) ] array< entity > points = GetZiplineDropshipSpawns() // Prefer dropship when spawning grunts if ( ent == "npc_soldier" && points.len() != 0 ) { if ( RandomInt( points.len() ) ) { entity node = points[ GetSpawnPointIndex( points, team ) ] waitthread AiGameModes_SpawnDropShip( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles(), team, 4, SquadHandler ) continue } } points = SpawnPoints_GetDropPod() entity node = points[ GetSpawnPointIndex( points, team ) ] waitthread AiGameModes_SpawnDropPod( node.GetOrigin(), node.GetAngles(), team, ent, SquadHandler ) } WaitFrame() } } // Based on points tries to balance match void function Escalate( int team ) { int score = GameRules_GetTeamScore( team ) int index = team == TEAM_MILITIA ? 1 : 0 // This does the "Enemy x incoming" text string defcon = team == TEAM_MILITIA ? "IMCdefcon" : "MILdefcon" // Return if the team is under score threshold to escalate if ( score < file.levels[ index ] || file.reapers[ index ] ) return // Based on score escalate a team switch ( file.levels[ index ] ) { case LEVEL_SPECTRES: file.levels[ index ] = LEVEL_STALKERS file.podEntities[ index ].append( "npc_spectre" ) SetGlobalNetInt( defcon, 2 ) return case LEVEL_STALKERS: file.levels[ index ] = LEVEL_REAPERS file.podEntities[ index ].append( "npc_stalker" ) SetGlobalNetInt( defcon, 3 ) return case LEVEL_REAPERS: file.reapers[ index ] = true SetGlobalNetInt( defcon, 4 ) return } unreachable // hopefully } // Decides where to spawn ai // Each team has their "zone" where they and their ai spawns // These zones should swap based on which team is dominating where int function GetSpawnPointIndex( array< entity > points, int team ) { entity zone = DecideSpawnZone_Generic( points, team ) if ( IsValid( zone ) ) { // 20 Tries to get a random point close to the zone for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { int index = RandomInt( points.len() ) if ( Distance2D( points[ index ].GetOrigin(), zone.GetOrigin() ) < 6000 ) return index } } return RandomInt( points.len() ) } // tells infantry where to go // In vanilla there seem to be preset paths ai follow to get to the other teams vone and capture it // AI can also flee deeper into their zone suggesting someone spent way too much time on this void function SquadHandler( array guys ) { // Not all maps have assaultpoints / have weird assault points ( looking at you ac ) // So we use enemies with a large radius array< entity > points = GetNPCArrayOfEnemies( guys[0].GetTeam() ) if ( points.len() == 0 ) return vector point point = points[ RandomInt( points.len() ) ].GetOrigin() array players = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies( guys[0].GetTeam() ) // Setup AI foreach ( guy in guys ) { guy.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_PATROL | NPC_ALLOW_INVESTIGATE | NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS | NPC_ALLOW_FLEE ) guy.AssaultPoint( point ) guy.AssaultSetGoalRadius( 1600 ) // 1600 is minimum for npc_stalker, works fine for others // show on enemy radar foreach ( player in players ) guy.Minimap_AlwaysShow( 0, player ) //thread AITdm_CleanupBoredNPCThread( guy ) } // Every 5 - 15 secs change AssaultPoint while ( true ) { foreach ( guy in guys ) { // Check if alive if ( !IsAlive( guy ) ) { guys.removebyvalue( guy ) continue } // Stop func if our squad has been killed off if ( guys.len() == 0 ) return // Get point and send guy to it points = GetNPCArrayOfEnemies( guy.GetTeam() ) if ( points.len() == 0 ) continue point = points[ RandomInt( points.len() ) ].GetOrigin() guy.AssaultPoint( point ) } wait RandomFloatRange(5.0,15.0) } } // Award for hacking void function OnSpectreLeeched( entity spectre, entity player ) { // Set Owner so we can filter in HandleScore spectre.SetOwner( player ) // Add score + update network int to trigger the "Score +n" popup AddTeamScore( player.GetTeam(), 1 ) player.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE, 1 ) player.SetPlayerNetInt("AT_bonusPoints", player.GetPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE ) ) } // Same as SquadHandler, just for reapers void function ReaperHandler( entity reaper ) { array players = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies( reaper.GetTeam() ) foreach ( player in players ) reaper.Minimap_AlwaysShow( 0, player ) reaper.AssaultSetGoalRadius( 500 ) // Every 10 - 20 secs get a player and go to him // Definetly not annoying or anything :) while( IsAlive( reaper ) ) { players = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies( reaper.GetTeam() ) if ( players.len() != 0 ) { entity player = GetClosest2D( players, reaper.GetOrigin() ) reaper.AssaultPoint( player.GetOrigin() ) } wait RandomFloatRange(10.0,20.0) } // thread AITdm_CleanupBoredNPCThread( reaper ) } // Currently unused as this is handled by SquadHandler // May need to use this if my implementation falls apart void function AITdm_CleanupBoredNPCThread( entity guy ) { // track all ai that we spawn, ensure that they're never "bored" (i.e. stuck by themselves doing fuckall with nobody to see them) for too long // if they are, kill them so we can free up slots for more ai to spawn // we shouldn't ever kill ai if players would notice them die // NOTE: this partially covers up for the fact that we script ai alot less than vanilla probably does // vanilla probably messes more with making ai assaultpoint to fights when inactive and stuff like that, we don't do this so much guy.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) wait 15.0 // cover spawning time from dropship/pod + before we start cleaning up int cleanupFailures = 0 // when this hits 2, cleanup the npc while ( cleanupFailures < 2 ) { wait 10.0 if ( guy.GetParent() != null ) continue // never cleanup while spawning array otherGuys = GetPlayerArray() otherGuys.extend( GetNPCArrayOfTeam( GetOtherTeam( guy.GetTeam() ) ) ) bool failedChecks = false foreach ( entity otherGuy in otherGuys ) { // skip dead people if ( !IsAlive( otherGuy ) ) continue failedChecks = false // don't kill if too close to anything if ( Distance( otherGuy.GetOrigin(), guy.GetOrigin() ) < 2000.0 ) break // don't kill if ai or players can see them if ( otherGuy.IsPlayer() ) { if ( PlayerCanSee( otherGuy, guy, true, 135 ) ) break } else { if ( otherGuy.CanSee( guy ) ) break } // don't kill if they can see any ai if ( guy.CanSee( otherGuy ) ) break failedChecks = true } if ( failedChecks ) cleanupFailures++ else cleanupFailures-- } print( "cleaning up bored npc: " + guy + " from team " + guy.GetTeam() ) guy.Destroy() }