global function AiGameModes_Init global function AiGameModes_SetGruntWeapons global function AiGameModes_SetSpectreWeapons global function AiGameModes_SpawnDropShip global function AiGameModes_SpawnDropPod global function AiGameModes_SpawnReaper global function AiGameModes_SpawnTitan global function GetValidIntroDropShipSpawn const INTRO_DROPSHIP_CUTOFF = 2000 struct { array< string > gruntWeapons = [ "mp_weapon_rspn101" ] array< string > spectreWeapons = [ "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ] } file void function AiGameModes_Init() { } //------------------------------------------------------ void function AiGameModes_SetGruntWeapons( array< string > weapons ) { file.gruntWeapons = weapons } void function AiGameModes_SetSpectreWeapons( array< string > weapons ) { file.spectreWeapons = weapons } //------------------------------------------------------ void function AiGameModes_SpawnDropShip( vector pos, vector rot, int team, int count, void functionref( array guys ) squadHandler = null ) { string squadName = MakeSquadName( team, UniqueString( "" ) ) CallinData drop drop.origin = pos drop.yaw = rot.y drop.dist = 768 = team drop.squadname = squadName SetDropTableSpawnFuncs( drop, CreateSoldier, count ) SetCallinStyle( drop, eDropStyle.ZIPLINE_NPC ) thread RunDropshipDropoff( drop ) WaitSignal( drop, "OnDropoff" ) array< entity > guys = GetNPCArrayBySquad( squadName ) foreach ( guy in guys ) { ReplaceWeapon( guy, file.gruntWeapons[ RandomInt( file.gruntWeapons.len() ) ], [] ) guy.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_PATROL | NPC_ALLOW_INVESTIGATE | NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS | NPC_ALLOW_FLEE ) } if ( squadHandler != null ) thread squadHandler( guys ) } void function AiGameModes_SpawnDropPod( vector pos, vector rot, int team, string content /*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*/, void functionref( array guys ) squadHandler = null ) { string squadName = MakeSquadName( team, UniqueString( "" ) ) array guys entity pod = CreateDropPod( pos, <0,0,0> ) InitFireteamDropPod( pod ) for ( int i = 0; i < 4 ;i++ ) { entity npc = CreateNPC( content, team, pos,<0,0,0> ) DispatchSpawn( npc ) SetSquad( npc, squadName ) switch ( content ) { case "npc_soldier": ReplaceWeapon( npc, file.gruntWeapons[ RandomInt( file.gruntWeapons.len() ) ], [] ) break case "npc_spectre": ReplaceWeapon( npc, file.spectreWeapons[ RandomInt( file.spectreWeapons.len() ) ], [] ) break } npc.SetParent( pod, "ATTACH", true ) npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_PATROL | NPC_ALLOW_INVESTIGATE | NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS | NPC_ALLOW_FLEE ) guys.append( npc ) } // The order here is different so we can show on minimap while were still falling if ( squadHandler != null ) thread squadHandler( guys ) waitthread LaunchAnimDropPod( pod, "pod_testpath", pos, rot ) ActivateFireteamDropPod( pod, guys ) } void function AiGameModes_SpawnReaper( vector pos, vector rot, int team, string aiSettings = "", void functionref( entity reaper ) reaperHandler = null ) { thread Reaper_Spawnpoint( pos, team, 11.2 ) wait 10 // spawn reapers right before it warpfalls, or round_end clean up will crash the game entity reaper = CreateSuperSpectre( team, pos, rot ) // reaper highlight Highlight_SetFriendlyHighlight( reaper, "sp_enemy_pilot" ) reaper.Highlight_SetParam( 1, 0, < 3,3,3 > ) Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( reaper, "enemy_titan" ) SetSpawnOption_Titanfall( reaper ) SetSpawnOption_Warpfall( reaper ) if ( aiSettings != "" ) SetSpawnOption_AISettings( reaper, aiSettings ) DispatchSpawn( reaper ) if ( reaperHandler != null ) thread reaperHandler( reaper ) } // copied from cl_replacement_titan_hud.gnut void function Reaper_Spawnpoint( vector origin, int team, float impactTime, bool hasFriendlyWarning = false ) { array targetEffects = [] vector surfaceNormal = < 0, 0, 1 > int index = GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_ar_titan_droppoint" ) if( hasFriendlyWarning ) { entity effectFriendly = StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity( index, origin, surfaceNormal ) SetTeam( effectFriendly, team ) EffectSetControlPointVector( effectFriendly, 1, < 128,188,255 > ) effectFriendly.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY targetEffects.append( effectFriendly ) } entity effectEnemy = StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity( index, origin, surfaceNormal ) SetTeam( effectEnemy, team ) EffectSetControlPointVector( effectEnemy, 1, < 255,99,0 > ) effectEnemy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY targetEffects.append( effectEnemy ) wait impactTime foreach( entity targetEffect in targetEffects ) { if ( IsValid( targetEffect ) ) EffectStop( targetEffect ) } } // including aisettings stuff specifically for at bounty titans void function AiGameModes_SpawnTitan( vector pos, vector rot, int team, string setFile, string aiSettings = "", void functionref( entity titan ) titanHandler = null ) { entity titan = CreateNPCTitan( setFile, TEAM_BOTH, pos, rot ) SetSpawnOption_Titanfall( titan ) SetSpawnOption_Warpfall( titan ) if ( aiSettings != "" ) SetSpawnOption_AISettings( titan, aiSettings ) DispatchSpawn( titan ) if ( titanHandler != null ) thread titanHandler( titan ) } // entity.ReplaceActiveWeapon gave grunts archers sometimes, this is my replacement for it void function ReplaceWeapon( entity guy, string weapon, array mods ) { guy.TakeActiveWeapon() guy.GiveWeapon( weapon, mods ) guy.SetActiveWeaponByName( weapon ) } // Checks if we can spawn a dropship at a node, this should guarantee dropship ziplines array function GetValidIntroDropShipSpawn( array introNodes ) { array introShipSpawns if ( GetZiplineDropshipSpawns().len() == 0 ) return [] foreach ( node in introNodes ) { entity closestNode = GetClosest( GetZiplineDropshipSpawns(), node.GetOrigin() ) SetTeam( closestNode, node.GetTeam() ) if ( Distance( closestNode.GetOrigin(), node.GetOrigin() ) < INTRO_DROPSHIP_CUTOFF ) introShipSpawns.append( closestNode ) } return introShipSpawns }