global function SuicideSpectres_Init global function MakeSuicideSpectre global function SpectreSuicideOnDamaged global function GetNPCAttackerEnt const FX_SPECTRE_EXPLOSION = $"P_drone_frag_exp" // // Suicide spectre script // const SPECTRE_EXPLOSION_DELAY = 0.25 // Delay for the first spectre in a chain to start exploding. const SPECTRE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER_BODY = 1.5 const SPECTRE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER_HEAD = 6.0 const SPECTRE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER_SMART_PISTOL = 2.0 const SPECTRE_HEADSHOT_KEEP_WALKING_CHANCE = 100 // 35% chance to keep walking after a headshot to add variety struct { int chainExplosionIndex float lastChainExplosionTime table< string, array > spectreAnims float nextOverloadTime } file const SFX_TICK_OVERLOAD = "corporate_spectre_overload_beep" const SFX_TICK_EXPLODE = "corporate_spectre_death_explode" const SFX_FRAGDRONE_OVERLOAD = "weapon_sentryfragdrone_preexplo" const SFX_FRAGDRONE_EXPLODE = "weapon_sentryfragdrone_explo" const SFX_FRAGDRONE_SUPERPURSUIT = "weapon_sentryfragdrone_superpursuit" const CHAIN_EXPLOSION_MAXINDEX = 10 void function SuicideSpectres_Init() { RegisterSignal( "SuicideSpectreForceExplode" ) RegisterSignal( "SuicideSpectreExploding" ) RegisterSignal( "SuicideGotEnemy" ) RegisterSignal( "SuicideLostEnemy" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_SPECTRE_EXPLOSION ) file.spectreAnims[ "spectreSearch" ] <- [] file.spectreAnims[ "spectreSearch" ].append( "sp_suicide_spectre_search" ) file.spectreAnims[ "spectreSearch" ].append( "sp_suicide_spectre_search_B" ) file.spectreAnims[ "spectreSearch" ].append( "sp_suicide_spectre_search_C" ) AddDamageCallback( "npc_frag_drone", SpectreSuicideOnDamaged_Callback ) AddDeathCallback( "npc_frag_drone", FragDroneDeath ) } /************************************************************************************************\ ###### ######## ######## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ######## ## ####### ## \************************************************************************************************/ void function MakeSuicideSpectre( entity spectre ) { spectre.SetAimAssistAllowed( true ) spectre.SetAllowMelee( false ) DisableLeeching( spectre ) spectre.SetNPCMoveSpeedScale( 1.0 ) spectre.EnableNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_IGNORE_CLUSTER_DANGER_TIME | NPCMF_PREFER_SPRINT ) spectre.DisableNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_FOLLOW_SAFE_PATHS | NPCMF_INDOOR_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE ) spectre.kv.allowShoot = 0 // Frag drones do suicide spectre behavior but we don't want them doing the enemy changed sounds so filter them out if ( !IsFragDrone( spectre ) && !IsTick( spectre ) ) spectre.SetEnemyChangeCallback( SuicideSpectreEnemyChanged ) spectre.SetLookDistOverride( SPECTRE_MAX_SIGHT_DIST ) //spectre.SetHearingSensitivity( 10 ) //1 is default spectre.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_MUTE_TEAMMATE ) = -1 thread SpectreWaitToExplode( spectre ) AddAnimEvent( spectre, "frag_drone_armed", FragDroneArmed ) } void function FragDroneArmed( entity npc ) { = true } void function FragDroneDeath( entity spectre, var damageInfo ) { FragDroneDeath_Think( spectre, damageInfo ) } // for reloadscripts void function FragDroneDeath_Think( entity spectre, var damageInfo ) { vector pos = spectre.GetOrigin() int tagID = spectre.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" ) vector fxOrg = spectre.GetAttachmentOrigin( tagID ) string expSFX if ( spectre.mySpawnOptions_aiSettings == "npc_frag_drone_throwable" ) expSFX = SFX_FRAGDRONE_EXPLODE else expSFX = SFX_TICK_EXPLODE int expFX = GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_SPECTRE_EXPLOSION ) entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) entity attackerEnt = GetNPCAttackerEnt( spectre, attacker ) int team = GetExplosionTeamBasedOnGamemode( spectre ) int damageDef = GetDamageDefForFragDrone( spectre ) RadiusDamage_DamageDefSimple( damageDef, pos, attackerEnt, spectre, 0 ) EmitSoundAtPosition( spectre.GetTeam(), pos, expSFX ) CreateShake( pos, 10, 105, 1.25, 768 ) StartParticleEffectInWorld( expFX, fxOrg, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) spectre.Gib( <0, 0, 100> ) //Used to do .Destroy() on the frag drones immediately, but this meant you can't display the obiturary correctly. Instead, since it's dead already just hide it } entity function GetNPCAttackerEnt( entity npc, entity attacker ) { entity owner = npc.GetBossPlayer() bool ownerIsPlayer = owner != null && owner.IsPlayer() if ( IsMultiplayer() ) return ownerIsPlayer ? owner : npc if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) ) return npc // dont give player credit, since that does some bad things if ( ownerIsPlayer ) return owner if ( attacker.IsPlayer() ) return GetEnt( "worldspawn" ) return attacker } int function GetDamageDefForFragDrone( entity drone ) { var damageDef = drone.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "damageDefOverride" ) if ( damageDef != null ) { expect string( damageDef ) return eDamageSourceId[ damageDef ] } entity owner = drone.GetBossPlayer() if ( owner != null && owner.IsPlayer() ) return damagedef_frag_drone_throwable_PLAYER return damagedef_frag_drone_throwable_NPC } void function SuicideSpectreEnemyChanged( entity spectre ) { // Spectre "Speaks" if ( ( RandomFloat( 1.0 ) ) < 0.02 ) EmitSoundOnEntity( spectre, "diag_imc_spectre_gs_spotenemypilot_01_1" ) } /************************************************************************************************\ ######## ######## ####### ## ## #### ## ## #### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## #### ######## ######## ## ## ### ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## #### ## ## #### ## ## \************************************************************************************************/ void function SpectreWaitToExplode( entity spectre ) { Assert( spectre.IsNPC() ) spectre.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) waitthread SuicideSpectre_WaittillNearEnemyOrExploding( spectre ) if ( == null ) { // not exploding, so overload = GetSpectreExplosionTime( spectre ) waitthread SpectreOverloads( spectre ) } if ( > 0 ) wait entity attacker = if ( !IsValid( attacker ) ) { entity lastAttacker = GetLastAttacker( spectre ) if ( IsValid( lastAttacker ) ) { attacker = lastAttacker } else { attacker = spectre } } vector force = GetDeathForce() Assert( !attacker.IsProjectile(), "Suicide Spectre attacker was a projectile! Type: " + attacker.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() ) // JFS: sometimes the attacker is a projectile, which can cause a script error. // The real solution is to figure out which weapon is passing in the projectile as the attacker and correct that. if ( attacker.IsProjectile() ) { attacker = spectre } spectre.Die( attacker, attacker, { force = force, scriptType = DF_DOOMED_HEALTH_LOSS, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.suicideSpectreAoE } ) } void function SetSuicideSpectreExploding( entity spectre, entity attacker, float explodingTime ) { Assert( == null ) = attacker = explodingTime spectre.Signal( "SuicideSpectreExploding" ) } float function GetSpectreExplosionTime( entity spectre ) { if ( Time() - file.lastChainExplosionTime > 1.0 ) file.chainExplosionIndex = 0 float waitTime = file.chainExplosionIndex * 0.14 // RandomFloatRange( CHAIN_EXPLOSION_INTERVALMIN, CHAIN_EXPLOSION_INTERVALMAX ) file.lastChainExplosionTime = Time() file.chainExplosionIndex++ return waitTime } void function SuicideSpectre_WaittillNearEnemyOrExploding( entity spectre ) { spectre.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) spectre.EndSignal( "SuicideSpectreExploding" ) spectre.EndSignal( "SuicideSpectreForceExplode" ) bool pursuitSoundPlaying = false float minScale = expect float( spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "minSpeedScale" ) ) float maxScale = expect float( spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "maxSpeedScale" ) ) while ( true ) { wait 0.1 if ( ! ) continue if ( != null ) return //If spectre is not interrruptable, don't bother if ( !spectre.IsInterruptable() ) continue //If spectre is parented, don't bother if ( IsValid( spectre.GetParent() ) ) continue // speed up when near enemy entity enemy = spectre.GetEnemy() if ( IsAlive( enemy ) ) { float dist = Distance( enemy.GetOrigin(), spectre.GetOrigin() ) float maxDist = 850 if ( spectre.mySpawnOptions_aiSettings == "npc_frag_drone_throwable" ) { if ( dist < maxDist ) { if ( pursuitSoundPlaying == false ) { EmitSoundOnEntity( spectre, SFX_FRAGDRONE_SUPERPURSUIT ) pursuitSoundPlaying = true } } else { if ( pursuitSoundPlaying == true ) { StopSoundOnEntity( spectre, SFX_FRAGDRONE_SUPERPURSUIT ) pursuitSoundPlaying = false } } } float speed = GraphCapped( dist, 200, 850, maxScale, minScale ) spectre.SetNPCMoveSpeedScale( speed ) } // offset the overload time if ( Time() < file.nextOverloadTime ) continue entity attacker = SuicideSpectre_NearEnemy( spectre ) if ( attacker != null ) { //SetSuicideSpectreOverloading( spectre, attacker ) //Assert( 0 ) // never reached return } } } entity function SuicideSpectre_NearEnemy( entity spectre ) { // See if any player is close eneough to trigger self-destruct array enemies entity closestEnemy = spectre.GetClosestEnemy() if ( closestEnemy ) enemies.append( closestEnemy ) entity currentEnemy = spectre.GetEnemy() if ( currentEnemy && currentEnemy != closestEnemy ) enemies.append( currentEnemy ) vector origin = spectre.GetOrigin() float dist = expect float( spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "suicideExplosionDistance" ) ) foreach ( enemy in enemies ) { if ( !IsAlive( enemy ) ) continue if ( enemy.IsCloaked( true ) ) continue if ( enemy.GetNoTarget() ) continue if ( enemy.IsPlayer() && enemy.IsPhaseShifted() ) continue vector enemyOrigin = enemy.GetOrigin() if ( Distance( origin, enemyOrigin ) > dist ) continue float heightDiff = enemyOrigin.z - origin.z // dont explode because you jump over me or I am on the floor above you if ( fabs( heightDiff ) > 40 ) { // unless enemy is standing on something slightly above you and there is a clear trace float curTime = Time() float timeDiff = curTime - const float TRACE_INTERVAL = 2 if ( heightDiff > 0 && timeDiff > TRACE_INTERVAL && enemy.IsOnGround() && spectre.CanSee( enemy ) ) { = curTime float frac = TraceHullSimple( origin, < origin.x, origin.y, enemyOrigin.z >, spectre.GetBoundingMins(), spectre.GetBoundingMaxs(), spectre ) if ( frac == 1.0 ) return enemy } continue } return enemy } return null } void function SpectreOverloads( entity spectre ) { spectre.EndSignal( "SuicideSpectreExploding" ) file.nextOverloadTime = Time() + 0.05 #if MP var chaseTime = spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "SuicideChaseTime" ) if ( chaseTime != null ) { float maxScale = expect float( spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "maxSpeedScale" ) ) spectre.SetNPCMoveSpeedScale( maxScale ) expect float( chaseTime ) float endChaseTime = Time() + chaseTime for ( ;; ) { if ( Time() >= endChaseTime ) break if ( !IsAlive( spectre.GetEnemy() ) ) break entity nearEnemy = SuicideSpectre_NearEnemy( spectre ) if ( IsAlive( nearEnemy ) ) { if ( nearEnemy.IsTitan() && spectre.IsInterruptable() ) { JumpAtTitan( spectre, nearEnemy ) = 0.0 return } break } WaitFrame() } } #endif for ( ;; ) { #if SP if ( spectre.IsInterruptable() && !spectre.Anim_IsActive() ) break #elseif MP if ( spectre.IsInterruptable() && !spectre.Anim_IsActive() && spectre.IsOnGround() ) break #endif WaitFrame() } string overloadSF bool isFragDrone = spectre.mySpawnOptions_aiSettings == "npc_frag_drone_throwable" if ( isFragDrone ) overloadSF = SFX_FRAGDRONE_OVERLOAD else overloadSF = SFX_TICK_OVERLOAD // Overload Sound EmitSoundOnEntity( spectre, overloadSF ) AI_CreateDangerousArea_DamageDef( damagedef_frag_drone_explode, spectre, TEAM_INVALID, true, false ) // Cleanup on thread end OnThreadEnd( function() : ( spectre, overloadSF ) { if ( IsValid( spectre ) ) { StopSoundOnEntity( spectre, overloadSF ) } } ) bool jumpAtTitans = spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "JumpAtTitans" ) == null || spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "JumpAtTitans" ) == 1 entity enemy = spectre.GetEnemy() if ( enemy && enemy.IsTitan() && jumpAtTitans && !spectre.IsInterruptable() ) { JumpAtTitan( spectre, enemy ) } else { string anim = "sp_suicide_spectre_explode_stand" var overrideAnim = spectre.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "OverrideOverloadAnim" ) if ( overrideAnim != null ) { anim = expect string( overrideAnim ) } waitthread PlayAnim( spectre, anim ) if ( !isFragDrone ) wait 0.25 } } void function JumpAtTitan( entity spectre, entity enemy ) { vector myOrigin = spectre.GetOrigin() vector dirToEnemy = enemy.EyePosition() - myOrigin float dist = Length( dirToEnemy ) if ( dist > 0 ) { const float MAX_DIST = 100 dirToEnemy *= min( MAX_DIST, dist ) / dist } vector refOrigin = myOrigin + Vector( dirToEnemy.x, dirToEnemy.y, 256 ) vector refAngles = spectre.GetAngles() + Vector( 0, 180, 0 ) spectre.Anim_ScriptedPlayWithRefPoint( "sd_jump_explode", refOrigin, refAngles, 0.3 ) WaittillAnimDone( spectre ) return } int function GetExplosionTeamBasedOnGamemode( entity spectre ) { return spectre.GetTeam() } /************************************************************************************************\ ######## ### ## ## ### ###### ######## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## #### ###### ## ## ######### ## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ######## \************************************************************************************************/ void function SpectreSuicideOnDamaged_Callback( entity spectre, var damageInfo ) { SpectreSuicideOnDamaged( spectre, damageInfo ) } void function SpectreSuicideOnDamaged( entity spectre, var damageInfo ) { //Assert( IsSuicideSpectre( spectre ) ) int damageType = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) DamageInfo_SetCustomDamageType( damageInfo, damageType ) if ( !IsAlive( spectre ) ) return entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) entity inflictor = DamageInfo_GetInflictor( damageInfo ) float damage = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) int damageSourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) // Calculate build time credit if ( attacker.IsPlayer() ) { if ( GameModeRulesShouldGiveTimerCredit( attacker, spectre, damageInfo ) && !TitanDamageRewardsTitanCoreTime() ) { float timerCredit = CalculateBuildTimeCredit( attacker, spectre, damage, spectre.GetHealth(), spectre.GetMaxHealth(), "spectre_kill_credit", 9 ) if ( timerCredit ) DecrementBuildTimer( attacker, timerCredit ) } } // No pain anims for suicide spectres DamageInfo_AddDamageFlags( damageInfo, DAMAGEFLAG_NOPAIN ) spectre.Signal( "SuicideSpectreExploding" ) if ( !IsValid( inflictor ) || !inflictor.IsPlayer() ) { if ( == null ) { if ( spectre.GetHealth() - damage <= 0 || ( IsValid( inflictor ) && IsTick( inflictor ) ) ) { float explosionTime = GetSpectreExplosionTime( spectre ) SetSuicideSpectreExploding( spectre, attacker, explosionTime ) DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 ) return } } else { // already exploding DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 ) return } DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, damage ) } }