global function AiStalker_Init global function GetDeathForce global function StalkerGearOverloads global function StalkerMeltingDown global function IsStalkerLimbBlownOff const float STALKER_DAMAGE_REQUIRED_TO_HEADSHOT = 0.3 // // Base npc script shared between all npc types (regular, suicide, etc.) // const STALKER_REACTOR_CRITIMPACT_SOUND_1P_VS_3P = "ai_stalker_bulletimpact_nukecrit_1p_vs_3p" const STALKER_REACTOR_CRITIMPACT_SOUND_3P_VS_3P = "ai_stalker_bulletimpact_nukecrit_3p_vs_3p" const STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_SOUND = "ai_stalker_nukedestruct_warmup_3p" const STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_FX = $"P_spectre_suicide_warn" void function AiStalker_Init() { PrecacheImpactEffectTable( "exp_stalker_powersupply" ) PrecacheImpactEffectTable( "exp_small_stalker_powersupply" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_FX ) AddDamageCallback( "npc_stalker", StalkerOnDamaged ) AddDeathCallback( "npc_stalker", StalkerOnDeath ) AddSpawnCallback( "npc_stalker", StalkerOnSpawned ) } void function StalkerOnSpawned( entity npc ) { StalkerOnSpawned_Think( npc ) } void function StalkerOnSpawned_Think( entity npc ) { npc.SetCanBeMeleeExecuted( false ) for ( int hitGroup = 0; hitGroup < HITGROUP_COUNT; hitGroup++ ) {[ hitGroup ] <- 0[ hitGroup ] <- 0 } if ( npc.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "ScriptSpawnAsCrawler" ) == 1 ) { EnableStalkerCrawlingBehavior( npc ) PlayCrawlingAnim( npc, "ACT_RUN" ) npc.Anim_Stop() // start playing a crawl anim then cut it off so it doesnt loop } } void function StalkerOnDeath( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { thread StalkerOnDeath_Internal( npc, damageInfo ) #if MP int sourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) if ( sourceId == eDamageSourceId.damagedef_titan_step ) { Explosion_DamageDefSimple( damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_large_at, npc.GetOrigin(), npc, npc, npc.GetOrigin() ) } #endif } void function StalkerOnDeath_Internal( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { int customDamageFlags = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) bool allowDismemberment = bool( customDamageFlags & DF_DISMEMBERMENT ) if ( allowDismemberment ) { int hitGroup = GetHitGroupFromDamageInfo( npc, damageInfo ) if ( hitGroup >= HITGROUP_GENERIC ) { entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) TryDismemberStalker( npc, damageInfo, attacker, hitGroup ) } } if ( IsCrawling( npc ) ) { WaitFrame() // or head won't disappear if ( IsValid( npc ) ) npc.BecomeRagdoll( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), false ) return } } // All damage to stalkers comes here for modification and then either branches out to other npc types (Suicide, etc) for custom stuff or it just continues like normal. void function StalkerOnDamaged( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { StalkerOnDamaged_Internal( npc, damageInfo ) } void function StalkerOnDamaged_Internal( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { if ( !IsAlive( npc ) ) return if ( StalkerMeltingDown( npc ) ) { DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, 0.0 ) return } // can't shoot, don't blow off limbs if ( IsCrawling( npc ) ) { if ( Time() - < 0.75 ) { DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, 0 ) return } } int hitGroup = GetHitGroupFromDamageInfo( npc, damageInfo ) if ( hitGroup < HITGROUP_GENERIC ) hitGroup = HITGROUP_GENERIC float damage = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) // limb dead yet?[ hitGroup ] += int( damage )[ hitGroup ] = Time() entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) if ( PlayerHitGear( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup ) ) { // don't die from damage float damage = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) damage = npc.GetHealth() - 1.0 DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, damage ) thread StalkerGearOverloads( npc, attacker ) return } int customDamageFlags = DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) bool allowDismemberment = bool( customDamageFlags & DF_DISMEMBERMENT ) if ( !allowDismemberment ) return bool canBeStaggered = TryDismemberStalker( npc, damageInfo, attacker, hitGroup ) if ( canBeStaggered && !IsCrawling( npc ) && ! ) { if ( npc.GetHealth().tofloat() / npc.GetMaxHealth().tofloat() <= 0.5 ) { thread AttemptStandToStaggerAnimation( npc ) npc.SetActivityModifier( ACT_MODIFIER_STAGGER, true ) } } } bool function TryDismemberStalker( entity npc, var damageInfo, entity attacker, int hitGroup ) { string fpSound string tpSound switch ( hitGroup ) { case HITGROUP_CHEST: case HITGROUP_STOMACH: fpSound = "AndroidArmored.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" tpSound = "AndroidArmored.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" break default: fpSound = "AndroidVulnerable.BulletImpact_1P_vs_3P" tpSound = "AndroidVulnerable.BulletImpact_3P_vs_3P" break } if ( IsAlive( attacker ) && attacker.IsPlayer() ) { EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( npc, attacker, fpSound ) EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( npc, attacker, tpSound ) } else { EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, tpSound ) } bool justAFleshWound = true switch ( hitGroup ) { case HITGROUP_HEAD: thread StalkerHeadShot( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup ) justAFleshWound = false break case HITGROUP_LEFTARM: if ( StalkerLimbBlownOff( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup, 0.085, "left_arm", [ "left_arm", "l_hand" ], "Spectre.Arm.Explode" ) ) { npc.SetActivityModifier( ACT_MODIFIER_ONEHANDED, true ) // Some of his synced melees depend on using his left arm npc.SetCapabilityFlag( bits_CAP_SYNCED_MELEE_ATTACK, false ) } break case HITGROUP_LEFTLEG: justAFleshWound = TryLegBlownOff( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup, 0.17, "left_leg", [ "left_leg", "foot_L_sole" ], "Spectre.Leg.Explode" ) break case HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG: justAFleshWound = TryLegBlownOff( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup, 0.17, "right_leg", [ "right_leg", "foot_R_sole" ], "Spectre.Leg.Explode" ) break } return justAFleshWound } bool function PlayerHitGear( entity npc, var damageInfo, int hitGroup ) { entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) if ( !attacker.IsPlayer() ) return false if ( hitGroup != HITGROUP_GEAR ) return false if ( !( DamageInfo_GetCustomDamageType( damageInfo ) & DF_BULLET ) ) return false return true } int function GetHitGroupFromDamageInfo( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { int hitGroup = DamageInfo_GetHitGroup( damageInfo ) if ( hitGroup <= HITGROUP_GENERIC ) { int hitBox = DamageInfo_GetHitBox( damageInfo ) if ( hitBox >= 0 ) return GetHitgroupForHitboxOnEntity( npc, hitBox ) } return hitGroup } bool function StalkerMeltingDown( entity npc ) { int bodyGroup = npc.FindBodyGroup( "gear" ) Assert( bodyGroup != -1 ) // gear already blown up? return npc.GetBodyGroupState( bodyGroup ) != 0 } void function StalkerGearOverloads( entity npc, entity attacker = null ) { Assert( !StalkerMeltingDown( npc ) ) if ( !IsCrawling( npc ) && StalkerCanCrawl( npc ) ) thread FallAndBecomeCrawlingStalker( npc ) int bodyGroup = npc.FindBodyGroup( "gear" ) // hide gear npc.SetBodygroup( bodyGroup, 1 ) string attachment = "CHESTFOCUS" npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) entity nukeFXInfoTarget = CreateEntity( "info_target" ) nukeFXInfoTarget.kv.spawnflags = SF_INFOTARGET_ALWAYS_TRANSMIT_TO_CLIENT DispatchSpawn( nukeFXInfoTarget ) nukeFXInfoTarget.SetParent( npc, attachment ) if ( attacker != null ) { EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( nukeFXInfoTarget, attacker, STALKER_REACTOR_CRITIMPACT_SOUND_1P_VS_3P ) EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( nukeFXInfoTarget, attacker, STALKER_REACTOR_CRITIMPACT_SOUND_3P_VS_3P ) } else { EmitSoundOnEntity( nukeFXInfoTarget, STALKER_REACTOR_CRITIMPACT_SOUND_3P_VS_3P ) } EmitSoundOnEntity( nukeFXInfoTarget, STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_SOUND ) AI_CreateDangerousArea_DamageDef( damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_small, nukeFXInfoTarget, TEAM_INVALID, true, false ) entity fx = PlayFXOnEntity( STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_FX, nukeFXInfoTarget ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( nukeFXInfoTarget, fx, npc, attacker ) { if ( IsValid( npc ) ) StopSoundOnEntity( nukeFXInfoTarget, STALKER_REACTOR_CRITICAL_SOUND ) if ( IsValid( nukeFXInfoTarget ) ) nukeFXInfoTarget.Destroy() if ( IsValid( fx ) ) fx.Destroy() if ( IsAlive( npc ) ) { entity damageAttacker if ( IsValid( attacker ) ) damageAttacker = attacker else damageAttacker = npc vector force = GetDeathForce() npc.Die( damageAttacker, npc, { force = force, scriptType = DF_GIB, damageSourceId = eDamageSourceId.suicideSpectreAoE } ) } } ) wait 1.0 float duration = 2.1 float endTime = Time() + duration float startTime = Time() int tagID = npc.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" ) for ( ;; ) { float timePassed = Time() - startTime float explodeMin = Graph( timePassed, 0, duration, 0.4, 0.1 ) float explodeMax = explodeMin + Graph( timePassed, 0, duration, 0.21, 0.1 ) wait RandomFloatRange( explodeMin, explodeMax ) entity damageAttacker = GetNPCAttackerEnt( npc, attacker ) // origin = npc.GetWorldSpaceCenter() vector origin = npc.GetAttachmentOrigin( tagID ) if ( Time() >= endTime ) { Explosion_DamageDefSimple( damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_large, origin, damageAttacker, npc, origin ) break } else { Explosion_DamageDefSimple( damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_small, origin, damageAttacker, npc, origin ) } } } bool function StalkerCanCrawl( entity npc ) { if ( !IsAlive( npc ) ) return false if ( npc.Anim_IsActive() ) return false return true } bool function TryLegBlownOff( entity npc, var damageInfo, int hitGroup, float limbHealthPercentOfMax, string leg, array fxTags, string sound ) { if ( IsCrawling( npc ) ) { // can blow off leg if stalker is already crawling StalkerLimbBlownOff( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup, limbHealthPercentOfMax, leg, fxTags, sound ) return true } if ( !StalkerCanCrawl( npc ) ) return true if ( StalkerLimbBlownOff( npc, damageInfo, hitGroup, limbHealthPercentOfMax, leg, fxTags, sound ) ) { thread FallAndBecomeCrawlingStalker( npc ) return false } return true } void function EnableStalkerCrawlingBehavior( entity npc ) { Assert( StalkerCanCrawl( npc ) ) Assert( !IsCrawling( npc ) ) DisableLeeching( npc ) DisableMinionUsesHeavyWeapons( npc ) string crawlingSettings = string ( npc.Dev_GetAISettingByKeyField( "crawlingSettingsWrapper" ) ) // Changing the setting file includes changing the behavior file to "behavior_stalker_crawling" SetAISettingsWrapper( npc, crawlingSettings ) = true = Time() npc.DisableGrappleAttachment() npc.EnableNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_DISABLE_ARRIVALS ) npc.SetCapabilityFlag( bits_CAP_MOVE_TRAVERSE | bits_CAP_MOVE_SHOOT | bits_CAP_WEAPON_RANGE_ATTACK1 | bits_CAP_AIM_GUN, false ) npc.SetActivityModifier( ACT_MODIFIER_CRAWL, true ) npc.SetActivityModifier( ACT_MODIFIER_STAGGER, false ) npc.SetCanBeGroundExecuted( true ) npc.ClearMoveAnim() npc.SetHealth( npc.GetMaxHealth() * 0.5 ) npc.SetAimAssistForcePullPitchEnabled( true ) thread SelfTerminateAfterDelay( npc ) } void function SelfTerminateAfterDelay( entity npc ) { const float lifeSupportDuration = 8 float deathTime = Time() + (lifeSupportDuration * 2) npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) for ( ;; ) { entity enemy = npc.GetEnemy() if ( IsAlive( enemy ) ) { if ( Distance( npc.GetEnemyLKP(), npc.GetOrigin() ) < 500 ) { if ( npc.TimeSinceSeen( enemy ) < 3 ) deathTime = max( Time() + lifeSupportDuration, deathTime ) } } if ( Time() > deathTime ) { npc.Die() return } wait 1.0 } } void function FallAndBecomeCrawlingStalker( entity npc ) { // finish what he's doing npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) = true // Workaround for Bug 114372 WaitFrame() for ( ;; ) { if ( npc.IsInterruptable() ) break WaitFrame() } if ( !StalkerCanCrawl( npc ) ) return if ( IsCrawling( npc ) ) return EnableStalkerCrawlingBehavior( npc ) npc.Anim_Stop() // stop leeching, etc. PlayCrawlingAnim( npc, "ACT_STAND_TO_CRAWL" ) } void function PlayCrawlingAnim( entity npc, string animation ) { npc.Anim_ScriptedPlayActivityByName( animation, true, 0.1 ) npc.UseSequenceBounds( true ) } void function AttemptStandToStaggerAnimation( entity npc ) { // Check if we are already staggered if ( npc.IsActivityModifierActive( ACT_MODIFIER_STAGGER ) ) return if ( !npc.IsInterruptable() ) return if ( npc.ContextAction_IsBusy() ) return // Are we blocking additional pain animations if ( npc.GetNPCFlag( NPC_NO_PAIN ) ) return // finish what he's doing npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) // Workaround for Bug 114372 WaitFrame() for ( ;; ) { if ( npc.IsInterruptable() ) break WaitFrame() } if ( IsCrawling( npc ) || ) return npc.Anim_ScriptedPlayActivityByName( "ACT_STAND_TO_STAGGER", true, 0.1 ) npc.UseSequenceBounds( true ) npc.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_PAIN_IN_SCRIPTED_ANIM ) } bool function IsStalkerLimbBlownOff( entity npc, string limbName ) { int bodyGroup = npc.FindBodyGroup( limbName ) if ( npc.GetBodyGroupState( bodyGroup ) != 0 ) return true return false } bool function StalkerLimbBlownOff( entity npc, var damageInfo, int hitGroup, float limbHealthPercentOfMax, string limbName, array fxTags, string sound ) { int damageSourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) switch ( damageSourceId ) { case eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_emp: case eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_proximity_mine: return false } int bodyGroup = npc.FindBodyGroup( limbName ) if ( bodyGroup == -1 ) return false if ( IsStalkerLimbBlownOff( npc, limbName ) ) return false EmitSoundOnEntity( npc, sound ) // blow off limb npc.SetBodygroup( bodyGroup, 1 ) return true } void function StalkerHeadShot( entity npc, var damageInfo, int hitGroup ) { // random chance to blow up head // if ( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) < 100 && RandomFloat( 100 ) <= 66 ) // return if ( !IsValidHeadShot( damageInfo, npc ) ) return // only players score headshots entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) if ( !IsAlive( attacker ) ) return if ( !attacker.IsPlayer() ) return if ( DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) < npc.GetHealth() ) { // force lethal if we have done more than this much damage if ([ hitGroup ] < npc.GetMaxHealth() * STALKER_DAMAGE_REQUIRED_TO_HEADSHOT ) return } npc.Anim_Stop() // stop leeching, etc. npc.ClearParent() //DisableLeeching( npc ) // No pain anims //DamageInfo_AddDamageFlags( damageInfo, DAMAGEFLAG_NOPAIN ) // Set these so cl_player knows to kill the eye glow and play the right SFX DamageInfo_AddCustomDamageType( damageInfo, DF_HEADSHOT ) DamageInfo_AddCustomDamageType( damageInfo, DF_KILLSHOT ) EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( npc, attacker, "SuicideSpectre.BulletImpact_HeadShot_3P_vs_3P" ) int bodyGroupIndex = npc.FindBodyGroup( "removableHead" ) int stateIndex = 1 // 0 = show, 1 = hide npc.SetBodygroup( bodyGroupIndex, stateIndex ) DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, npc.GetMaxHealth() ) } vector function GetDeathForce() { vector angles = vector forward = AnglesToForward( angles ) return forward * RandomFloatRange( 0.25, 0.75 ) }