global function AiSpectre_Init global function NPCCarriesBattery void function AiSpectre_Init() { //AddDamageCallback( "npc_spectre", SpectreOnDamaged ) AddDeathCallback( "npc_spectre", SpectreOnDeath ) //AddSpawnCallback( "npc_spectre", SpectreOnSpawned ) #if !SPECTRE_CHATTER_MP_ENABLED AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( SpectreChatter_OnPlayerKilled ) AddCallback_OnNPCKilled( SpectreChatter_OnNPCKilled ) #endif } void function SpectreOnSpawned( entity npc ) { } void function SpectreOnDeath( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { if ( !IsValidHeadShot( damageInfo, npc ) ) return // Set these so cl_player knows to kill the eye glow and play the right SFX DamageInfo_AddCustomDamageType( damageInfo, DF_HEADSHOT ) DamageInfo_AddCustomDamageType( damageInfo, DF_KILLSHOT ) // EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( npc, attacker, "SuicideSpectre.BulletImpact_HeadShot_3P_vs_3P" ) int bodyGroupIndex = npc.FindBodyGroup( "removableHead" ) int stateIndex = 1 // 0 = show, 1 = hide npc.SetBodygroup( bodyGroupIndex, stateIndex ) DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, npc.GetMaxHealth() ) } // All damage to spectres comes here for modification and then either branches out to other npc types (Suicide, etc) for custom stuff or it just continues like normal. void function SpectreOnDamaged( entity npc, var damageInfo ) { } void function SpectreChatter_OnPlayerKilled( entity playerKilled, entity attacker, var damageInfo ) { if ( !IsSpectre( attacker ) ) return if ( playerKilled.IsTitan() ) thread PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( attacker, "spectre_gs_gruntkillstitan_02_1" ) else thread PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( attacker, "spectre_gs_killenemypilot_01_1" ) } void function SpectreChatter_OnNPCKilled( entity npcKilled, entity attacker, var damageInfo ) { if ( IsSpectre( npcKilled ) ) { string deadGuySquadName = expect string( npcKilled.kv.squadname ) if ( deadGuySquadName == "" ) return array squad = GetNPCArrayBySquad( deadGuySquadName ) entity speakingSquadMate = null foreach( squadMate in squad ) { if ( IsSpectre( squadMate ) ) { speakingSquadMate = squadMate break } } if ( speakingSquadMate == null ) return if ( squad.len() == 1 ) thread PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( speakingSquadMate, "spectre_gs_squaddeplete_01_1" ) else if ( squad.len() > 0 ) thread PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( speakingSquadMate, "spectre_gs_allygrundown_05_1" ) } else { if ( !IsSpectre( attacker ) ) return if ( npcKilled.IsTitan() ) thread PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( attacker, "spectre_gs_gruntkillstitan_02_1" ) } } void function PlaySpectreChatterAfterDelay( entity spectre, string chatterLine, float delay = 0.3 ) { wait delay if ( !IsAlive( spectre ) ) //Really this is just an optimization thing, if the spectre is dead no point in running the same check for every player nearby in ShouldPlaySpectreChatterMPLine return PlaySpectreChatterToAll( chatterLine, spectre ) } void function NPCCarriesBattery( entity npc ) { entity battery = Rodeo_CreateBatteryPack() battery.SetParent( npc, "BATTERY_ATTACH" ) battery.MarkAsNonMovingAttachment() thread SpectreBatteryThink( npc, battery ) } void function SpectreBatteryThink( entity npc, entity battery ) { battery.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) npc.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( battery ) { if ( IsValid( battery ) ) { battery.ClearParent() battery.SetAngles( < 0,0,0 > ) battery.SetVelocity( < 0,0,200 > ) } } ) npc.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" ) }