global function PlayerParentTest global function AIBossTitan_Init global function OnBossTitanPrimaryFire global function IsVDUTitan global function IsBossTitan global function GetBossTitanCharacterModel global function BossTitanRetreat global function BossTitanAdvance global function IsMercTitan global function GetMercCharacterID global function BossTitanIntro global function BossTitanVDUEnabled global function BossTitanPlayerView global function MakeMidHealthTitan global const float SLAMZOOM_TIME = 1.0 global const float BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER_LOW = 0.6 global const float BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER = 0.5 void function AIBossTitan_Init() { if ( IsMultiplayer() ) return FlagInit( "BossTitanViewFollow" ) AddSpawnCallback( "npc_titan", NPCTitanSpawned ) AddDeathCallback( "npc_titan", OnBossTitanDeath ) AddCallback_OnTitanDoomed( OnBossTitanDoomed ) AddCallback_OnTitanHealthSegmentLost( OnTitanLostSegment ) AddSyncedMeleeServerCallback( GetSyncedMeleeChooser( "titan", "titan" ), OnBossTitanExecuted ) PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_VDU_mflash" ) RegisterSignal( "BossTitanStartAnim" ) RegisterSignal( "BossTitanIntroEnded" ) } void function OnBossTitanExecuted( SyncedMeleeChooser actions, SyncedMelee action, entity attacker, entity victim ) { if ( victim.IsNPC() && IsVDUTitan( victim ) && BossTitanVDUEnabled( victim ) ) { string name = == "" ? "Generic1" : int bossID = GetBossTitanID( name ) foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( player == attacker || IsMercTitan( victim ) ) { Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanDeath", victim.GetEncodedEHandle(), bossID ) } } } } void function OnBossTitanDeath( entity titan, var damageInfo ) { int damageSourceId = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) if ( damageSourceId == eDamageSourceId.titan_execution ) return entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul() if ( soul.IsEjecting() ) return entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) if ( IsVDUTitan( titan ) && BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) { foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( player == attacker || IsMercTitan( titan ) ) { string name = == "" ? "Generic1" : Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanDeath", titan.GetEncodedEHandle(), GetBossTitanID( name ) ) } } } } void function OnBossTitanDoomed( entity titan, var damageInfo ) { entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) if ( IsVDUTitan( titan ) && BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) { foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( player == attacker || IsMercTitan( titan ) ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanDoomed", titan.GetEncodedEHandle() ) } } } void function OnBossTitanCoreMitigation( entity titan, var damageInfo ) { int damageSourceID = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) switch ( damageSourceID ) { case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_salvo_core: DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER_LOW ) return // case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_laser_cannon: laser core handles this in mp_titanweapon_lasercannon.nut case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave: case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave_secondary: case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_shift_core: case eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_flightcore_rockets: case eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_amp_core: case damagedef_nuclear_core: DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER ) return } // SMART CORE array weaponMods = GetWeaponModsFromDamageInfo( damageInfo ) if ( weaponMods.contains( "Smart_Core" ) ) { DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER ) // DamageInfo_ScaleDamage( damageInfo, BOSS_TITAN_CORE_DAMAGE_SCALER_LOW ) return } } void function NPCTitanSpawned( entity titan ) { Assert( !IsMultiplayer() ) if ( titan.GetTeam() == TEAM_IMC ) { switch ( ) { case TITAN_WEAK: case TITAN_HENCH: MakeMidHealthTitan( titan ) case TITAN_BOSS: RegisterBossTitan( titan ) ApplyTitanDamageState( titan ) if ( == TITAN_BOSS ) AddEntityCallback_OnDamaged( titan, OnBossTitanCoreMitigation ) if ( titan.HasKey( "skip_boss_intro" ) && titan.GetValueForKey( "skip_boss_intro" ) == "1" ) return thread BossTitanNoIntro( titan ) break; case TITAN_MERC: // TODO: This SetSkin() call should move to RegisterBossTitan() when the above TITAN_BOSS stuff is cleaned up/removed. titan.SetSkin( 1 ) // all titan models have a boss titan version of the skin at index 1 RegisterBossTitan( titan ) ApplyTitanDamageState( titan ) AddEntityCallback_OnDamaged( titan, OnBossTitanCoreMitigation ) if ( titan.HasKey( "skip_boss_intro" ) && titan.GetValueForKey( "skip_boss_intro" ) == "1" ) return if ( ! ) return foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { thread BossTitanIntro( player, titan ) } break // case TITAN_WEAK: // MakeLowHealthTitan( titan ) // break case TITAN_AUTO: if ( !IsMultiplayer() && GetMapName() == "sp_hub_timeshift" || GetMapName() == "sp_timeshift_spoke02" ) MakeLowHealthTitan( titan ) break default: return } } } void function BossTitanNoIntro( entity titan ) { FlagWait( "PlayerDidSpawn" ) entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0] player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) // Wait until player sees the boss titan waitthread WaitForHotdropToEnd( titan ) while ( 1 ) { waitthread WaitTillLookingAt( player, titan, true, 60, 5100 ) if ( titan.GetEnemy() == null ) titan.WaitSignal( "OnSeeEnemy" ) else break } if ( BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanNoIntro", titan.GetEncodedEHandle() ) AddEntityCallback_OnDamaged( titan, OnBossTitanDamaged ) AddTitanCallback_OnHealthSegmentLost( titan, OnBossTitanLostSegment ) } void function BossTitanIntro( entity player, entity titan, BossTitanIntroData ornull introdata = null ) { Assert( titan.IsNPC() ) Assert( != "" ) if ( introdata == null ) { BossTitanIntroData defaultData = GetBossTitanIntroData( ) introdata = defaultData } expect BossTitanIntroData( introdata ) player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) HideCrit( titan ) titan.SetValidHealthBarTarget( false ) titan.SetInvulnerable() // Wait until player sees the boss titan while ( titan.e.isHotDropping ) { WaitFrame() } HideName( titan ) titan.kv.allowshoot = 0 if ( introdata.waitToStartFlag != "" ) FlagWait( introdata.waitToStartFlag ) if ( introdata.waitForLookat ) waitthread WaitTillLookingAt( player, titan, introdata.lookatDoTrace, introdata.lookatDegrees, introdata.lookatMinDist ) while ( IsPlayerDisembarking( player ) || IsPlayerEmbarking( player ) ) { WaitFrame() } BossTitanData bossTitanData = GetBossTitanData( ) // Create a ref node to animate on vector refPos vector refAngles if ( bossTitanData.introAnimTitanRef != "" ) { entity titanAnimRef = GetEntByScriptName( bossTitanData.introAnimTitanRef ) refPos = titanAnimRef.GetOrigin() refAngles = titanAnimRef.GetAngles() } else { refPos = titan.GetOrigin() vector vecToPlayer = Normalize( player.GetOrigin() - titan.GetOrigin() ) refAngles = VectorToAngles( vecToPlayer ) refAngles = FlattenAngles( refAngles ) } entity ref if ( introdata.parentRef != null ) { ref = introdata.parentRef } else ref = CreateScriptRef( refPos, refAngles ) entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul() if ( IsValid( soul.soul.bubbleShield ) ) { soul.soul.bubbleShield.Destroy() } // Freeze player and clear up the screen StartBossIntro( player, titan, introdata ) player.Hide() player.SetVelocity( <0,0,0> ) player.FreezeControlsOnServer() player.SetNoTarget( true ) player.SetInvulnerable() // Do special player view movement FlagSet( "BossTitanViewFollow" ) // Animate the boss titan entity pilot = CreatePropDynamic( GetBossTitanCharacterModel( titan ) ) if ( introdata.parentRef != null ) { if ( introdata.parentAttach != "" ) { pilot.SetParent( introdata.parentRef, introdata.parentAttach ) } else { pilot.SetParent( introdata.parentRef ) } } SetTeam( pilot, TEAM_IMC ) string pilotAnimName = bossTitanData.introAnimPilot string titanAnimName = bossTitanData.introAnimTitan float introDuration = 6.0 Assert( titan.Anim_HasSequence( titanAnimName ), "Your boss titan does not have an intro animation set, or it is missing." ) introDuration = titan.GetSequenceDuration( titanAnimName ) svGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "BossTitanStartAnim" ) if ( introdata.parentAttach != "" ) { thread PlayAnim( pilot, pilotAnimName, ref, introdata.parentAttach, 0.0 ) thread PlayAnim( titan, titanAnimName, ref, introdata.parentAttach, 0.0 ) } else { thread PlayAnim( pilot, pilotAnimName, ref, 0.0 ) thread PlayAnim( titan, titanAnimName, ref, 0.0 ) } Objective_Hide( player ) thread BossTitanPlayerView( player, titan, ref, bossTitanData.titanCameraAttachment ) wait introDuration - SLAMZOOM_TIME // Player view returns to normal FlagClear( "BossTitanViewFollow" ) EndBossIntro( player, titan ) wait SLAMZOOM_TIME // Return the player screen and movement back to normal player.UnfreezeControlsOnServer() player.SetNoTarget( false ) player.ClearInvulnerable() player.Show() pilot.Destroy() if ( IsValid( titan ) ) { titan.ClearInvulnerable() titan.Solid() AddEntityCallback_OnDamaged( titan, OnBossTitanDamaged ) AddTitanCallback_OnHealthSegmentLost( titan, OnBossTitanLostSegment ) ShowName( titan ) titan.SetValidHealthBarTarget( true ) ShowCrit( titan ) Signal( titan, "BossTitanIntroEnded" ) } wait 0.5 if ( Flag( "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" ) ) { if ( introdata.checkpointOnlyIfPlayerTitan ) { if ( player.IsTitan() ) CheckPoint_Forced() } else CheckPoint_Forced() } wait 1.0 titan.kv.allowshoot = 1 Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanPostIntro", titan.GetEncodedEHandle(), BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) } void function PlayerParentTest() { entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0] vector moverStartPos = player.EyePosition() vector moverStartAng = FlattenAngles( player.GetAngles() ) entity mover = CreateScriptMover( moverStartPos, moverStartAng ) player.SnapEyeAngles( moverStartAng ) player.SetParent( mover, "", true ) } void function BossTitanPlayerView( entity player, entity titan, entity ref, string titanCameraAttachment ) { bool hasTitanCameraAttachment = titanCameraAttachment != "" EndSignal( player, "OnDeath" ) EndSignal( titan, "OnDeath" ) vector moverStartPos = player.CameraPosition() vector camFeetDiff = < 0,0,-185 >//player.GetOrigin() - player.CameraPosition() vector moverStartAng = player.CameraAngles() entity mover = CreateScriptMover( moverStartPos, moverStartAng ) // player.SnapEyeAngles( moverStartAng ) // player.SetParent( mover, "", true ) // ViewConeZero( player ) entity camera = CreateEntity( "point_viewcontrol" ) camera.kv.spawnflags = 56 // infinite hold time, snap to goal angles, make player non-solid camera.SetOrigin( player.CameraPosition() ) camera.SetAngles( player.CameraAngles() ) DispatchSpawn( camera ) camera.SetParent( mover, "", false ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player, titan, mover, camera ) { if ( IsValid( camera ) ) { camera.Destroy() } mover.Destroy() if ( IsValid( player ) ) { player.ClearParent() player.ClearViewEntity() RemoveCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_HIDE_MAIN_HUD ) RemoveCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_TITAN_3P_CAM ) } if ( IsAlive( titan ) && titan.IsNPC() ) { titan.SetNoTarget( false ) titan.DisableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL ) } } ) // Slam Zoom In float slamZoomTime = SLAMZOOM_TIME float slamZoomTimeAccel = 0.3 float slamZoomTimeDecel = 0.3 vector viewOffset = < 200, 100, 160 > vector viewPos = ref.GetOrigin() + ( AnglesToForward( ref.GetAngles() ) * viewOffset.x ) + ( AnglesToRight( ref.GetAngles() ) * viewOffset.y ) + ( AnglesToUp( ref.GetAngles() ) * viewOffset.z ) vector viewAngles = ref.GetAngles() + <0,180,0> if ( hasTitanCameraAttachment ) { WaitFrame() int titanCameraAttachmentID = titan.LookupAttachment( titanCameraAttachment ) viewPos = titan.GetAttachmentOrigin( titanCameraAttachmentID ) viewAngles = titan.GetAttachmentAngles( titanCameraAttachmentID ) } float blendTime = 0.5 float waittime = 0.3 float moveTime = slamZoomTime - blendTime - waittime float startTime = Time() player.SetVelocity( < 0,0,0 > ) player.MakeInvisible() HolsterAndDisableWeapons( player ) wait waittime // wait for the AI to blend into the anim if ( titan.IsNPC() ) { titan.SetNoTarget( true ) titan.EnableNPCFlag( NPC_IGNORE_ALL ) } AddCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_HIDE_MAIN_HUD ) AddCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_TITAN_3P_CAM ) mover.SetOrigin( player.CameraPosition() ) mover.SetAngles( player.CameraAngles() ) player.SetViewEntity( camera, true ) player.SetPredictionEnabled( false ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player ) { if ( IsValid( player ) ) player.SetPredictionEnabled( true ) } ) while ( Time() - startTime < moveTime ) { if ( hasTitanCameraAttachment ) { int titanCameraAttachmentID = titan.LookupAttachment( titanCameraAttachment ) viewPos = titan.GetAttachmentOrigin( titanCameraAttachmentID ) viewAngles = titan.GetAttachmentAngles( titanCameraAttachmentID ) } mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( viewPos, moveTime - (Time() - startTime), 0, 0 ) mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( viewAngles, moveTime - (Time() - startTime), 0, 0 ) wait 0.1 } if ( hasTitanCameraAttachment ) { mover.SetParent( titan, titanCameraAttachment, false, blendTime ) } wait 0.5 int tagID = titan.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" ) while ( Flag( "BossTitanViewFollow" ) ) { vector lookVec = Normalize( titan.GetAttachmentOrigin( tagID ) - mover.GetOrigin() ) vector angles = VectorToAngles( lookVec ) if ( !hasTitanCameraAttachment ) mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( angles, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0 ) WaitFrame() } // Slam Zoom Out mover.ClearParent() startTime = Time() while ( Time() - startTime < slamZoomTime ) { moverStartPos = player.GetOrigin() - camFeetDiff moverStartAng = FlattenAngles( player.GetAngles() ) mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( moverStartPos, slamZoomTime - (Time() - startTime), 0, 0 ) mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( moverStartAng, slamZoomTime - (Time() - startTime), 0, 0 ) wait 0.1 } // mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( moverStartPos, slamZoomTime, slamZoomTimeDecel, slamZoomTimeAccel ) // mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( moverStartAng, slamZoomTime, slamZoomTimeDecel, slamZoomTimeAccel ) // wait slamZoomTime ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player ) player.SnapEyeAngles( moverStartAng ) DeployAndEnableWeapons( player ) player.MakeVisible() EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "UI_Lobby_RankChip_Disable" ) } void function OnBossTitanDamaged( entity titan, var damageInfo ) { } void function OnBossTitanLostSegment( entity titan, entity attacker ) { if ( !titan.IsNPC() || !BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) return foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( player == attacker || IsMercTitan( titan ) ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanLostSegment", titan.GetEncodedEHandle(), GetTitanCurrentRegenTab( titan ) ) } } void function OnBossTitanPrimaryFire( entity titan ) { } bool function IsVDUTitan( entity titan ) { Assert( IsSingleplayer() ) if ( titan.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC ) return false switch ( ) { case TITAN_AUTO: case TITAN_WEAK: return false case TITAN_HENCH: case TITAN_MERC: case TITAN_BOSS: return true } Assert( 0, "Unknown boss titan type " + ) unreachable } bool function IsBossTitan( entity titan ) { Assert( IsSingleplayer() ) if ( titan.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC ) return false switch ( ) { case TITAN_MERC: case TITAN_BOSS: return true } return false } int function GetMercCharacterID( entity titan ) { return } asset function GetBossTitanCharacterModel( entity titan ) { int mercCharacterID = GetMercCharacterID( titan ) return GetMercCharacterModel( mercCharacterID ) } void function OnTitanLostSegment( entity titan, entity attacker ) { entity player if ( !titan.IsPlayer() ) player = titan.GetBossPlayer() else player = titan if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return if ( !IsValid( attacker ) ) return if ( !attacker.IsNPC() || !IsVDUTitan( attacker ) || !BossTitanVDUEnabled( attacker ) ) return Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "BossTitanPlayerLostHealthSegment", GetSegmentHealthForTitan( titan ) ) } void function BossTitanRetreat( entity titan ) { if ( !IsVDUTitan( titan ) || !BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) return foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanRetreat", titan.GetEncodedEHandle() ) } } void function BossTitanAdvance( entity titan ) { if ( !IsVDUTitan( titan ) || !BossTitanVDUEnabled( titan ) ) return foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() ) { Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_BossTitanAdvance", titan.GetEncodedEHandle() ) } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Low Health Titans ------------------------------------------------------------ */ void function MakeLowHealthTitan( entity ent ) { entity soul = ent.GetTitanSoul() soul.soul.regensHealth = false thread SetHealthValuesForLowHealth( soul ) //ent.SetValidHealthBarTarget( false ) ent.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) ent.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ANTIRODEO ) ent.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_EQUIPMENT ) ent.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_SPECIAL ) } void function MakeMidHealthTitan( entity ent ) { entity soul = ent.GetTitanSoul() soul.soul.regensHealth = false thread SetHealthValuesForMidHealth( soul ) } void function SetHealthValuesForMidHealth( entity soul ) { soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) WaitEndFrame() // wait for a bunch of variables to start up soul.Signal( SIGNAL_TITAN_HEALTH_REGEN ) soul.Signal( "StopShieldRegen" ) soul.SetShieldHealth( 0 ) entity titan = soul.GetTitan() int numSegments = ( titan.GetMaxHealth() / GetSegmentHealthForTitan( titan ) ) - 2 Assert( numSegments > 0 ) SetSoulBatteryCount( soul, numSegments ) if ( IsAlive( titan ) ) { soul.soul.skipDoomState = true int segmentHealth = GetSegmentHealthForTitan( titan ) * numSegments titan.SetMaxHealth( segmentHealth ) titan.SetHealth( segmentHealth ) titan.kv.healthEvalMultiplier = 2 } titan.Signal( "WeakTitanHealthInitialized" ) ApplyTitanDamageState( titan ) } void function SetHealthValuesForLowHealth( entity soul ) { soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) WaitEndFrame() // wait for a bunch of variables to start up soul.Signal( SIGNAL_TITAN_HEALTH_REGEN ) soul.Signal( "StopShieldRegen" ) soul.SetShieldHealth( 0 ) int numSegments = 2 SetSoulBatteryCount( soul, numSegments ) entity titan = soul.GetTitan() if ( IsAlive( titan ) ) { soul.soul.skipDoomState = true int segmentHealth = GetSegmentHealthForTitan( titan ) * numSegments titan.SetMaxHealth( segmentHealth ) titan.SetHealth( segmentHealth ) titan.kv.healthEvalMultiplier = 2 } titan.Signal( "WeakTitanHealthInitialized" ) ApplyTitanDamageState( titan ) } void function ApplyTitanDamageState( entity titan ) { array healthScale = [ 1.0, 0.6, 0.3, 0.1 ] int state = 0 if ( titan.HasKey( "DamageState" ) ) { state = int( titan.GetValueForKey( "DamageState" ) ) } titan.SetHealth( titan.GetMaxHealth() * healthScale[state] ) if ( state >= 1 ) { string part = [ "left_arm", "right_arm" ].getrandom() GibBodyPart( titan, part ) } if ( state >= 2 ) GibBodyPart( titan, "torso" ) } bool function IsMercTitan( entity titan ) { if ( IsMultiplayer() ) return false if ( titan.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC ) return false return == TITAN_MERC } bool function BossTitanVDUEnabled( entity titan ) { return }