untyped global function InitItems global function InitUnlock global function ItemDefined global function IsRefValid global function IsUnlockValid global function SubitemDefined global function IsDisabledRef global function GetIconForTitanClass global function GetItemData global function GetItemType global function GetItemMenuAnimClass global function GetItemId global function GetItemName global function GetItemLongName global function GetItemDescription global function GetItemLongDescription global function GetItemPersistenceId global function GetItemDisplayDataFromGuid #if UI global function GetItemUnlockReqText global function GetUnlockProgressText global function GetUnlockProgressFrac global function Player_GetRecentUnlock global function Player_GetRecentUnlockCount global function IsItemPurchasableEntitlement global function GetPurchasableEntitlementMenu #endif global function GetItemImage global function GetItemCost global function GetSubItemClipSizeStat global function GetPlayerDecalUnlockData global function GetItemStat global function GetModdedItemStat global function GetSubitemStat global function GetTitanStat global function GetImage global function GetAllWeaponsByType global function GetItemTypeName global function GetItemRefTypeName global function GetItemRequiresPrime global function IsItemInEntitlementUnlock global function GetEntitlementIds global function GetItemImageAspect global function GetItemUnlockType global function GetSubItemUnlockType global function GetItemDisplayData global function GetRefFromItem global function GetUnlockLevelReq global function GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent global function GetSubitemDisplayData global function GetSubitemType global function GetSubitemId global function GetSubitemName global function GetSubitemDescription global function GetSubitemLongDescription global function GetSubitemImage global function GetSubitemCost global function HasSubitem global function GetAllItemsOfType global function GetAllItemRefsOfType global function GetVisibleItemsOfType global function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeForCategory global function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeWithoutEntitlements global function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeMatchingEntitlementID global function GetIndexForUnlockItem global function GetAllItemRefs global function GetAllSubitemRefs global function GetDisplaySubItemsOfType global function GetAllRefsOfType global function GetRandomItemRefOfType global function GetItemRefOfTypeByIndex global function GetItemIndexOfTypeByRef global function ItemSupportsAttachments global function ItemSupportsAttachment global function ItemSupportsMods global function ItemTypeSupportsAttachments global function ItemTypeSupportsMods global function IsItemTypeMod global function IsItemTypeAttachment global function IsSubItemType global function IsItemLocked global function IsSubItemLocked global function IsItemOwned global function IsSubItemOwned global function IsItemLockedForPlayer global function IsItemLockedForWeapon global function IsItemLockedForTitan global function IsItemLockedForPlayerLevel global function IsItemLockedForWeaponLevel global function IsItemLockedForTitanLevel global function IsItemLockedForFDTitanLevel global function GetItemPersistenceStruct global function IsItemNew global function GetOwnedEliteWeaponSkins global function GetStatUnlockStatVal #if UI global function UpdateCachedNewItems global function GetCachedNewItemsVar global function ClearNewStatus global function HasAnyNewPilotItems global function HasAnyNewTitanItems global function HasAnyNewBoosts global function HasAnyNewDpadCommsIcons global function HasAnyNewFactions global function HasAnyNewCallsignBanners global function HasAnyNewCallsignPatches global function HasAnyNewArmoryItems global function ButtonShouldShowNew global function RefHasAnyNewSubitem global function HasAnyNewItemOfCategory global function GetStatUnlockProgress global function GetStatUnlockProgressFrac #endif #if UI || CLIENT global function GetStatUnlockReq #endif #if SERVER global function SetItemNewStatus global function SetItemOwned global function ClearItemOwned global function CodeCallback_GivePersistentItem global function Player_AddRecentUnlock global function PersistenceCleanup global function GetNoseArtRefFromTitanClassAndPersistenceValue global function GetSkinRefFromTitanClassAndPersistenceValue global function UnlockUltimateEdition #endif global function GetSkinRefFromWeaponRefAndPersistenceValue global function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerLevels global function GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevels global function GetNextUnlockForTitanLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevels global function GetNextUnlockForWeaponLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForFactionLevels global function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForFactionLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevel global function GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevels global function GetNextUnlockForFDTitanLevel global function FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass global function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerRawLevel global function GetTitanCoreIcon global function DidPlayerBuyItemFromBlackMarket global function GetDisplayNameFromItemType global function PrintItemData global function PrintItems global function CheckItemUnlockType global function CreateWeaponData global function GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile global function GetSuitBasedTactical //global function GetSuitBasedDefaultPassive global function GetWeaponBasedDefaultMod global function GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType global function GetTitanLoadoutPropertyExecutionType global function GetPrimeTitanSetFileFromNonPrimeSetFile global function CheckEverythingUnlockedAchievement global function DevFindItemByName global function DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex global function ItemReport global function UnlockReport global function UnlockDump #if SERVER global function Player_SetDoubleXPCount global function Player_SetColiseumTicketCount global function Player_GiveColiseumTickets global function Player_GiveDoubleXP global function Player_GiveCredits global function Player_ActivateDoubleXP global function Player_GiveFDUnlockPoints global function AwardCredits #endif global function Player_GetColiseumTicketCount global function Player_GetDoubleXPCount global function GetWeaponForTitan global function GetTitanForWeapon global function StringHash global function RefreshSortedElems global function GetSortedIndex global function SortItemsAlphabetically global function ItemsInSameMenuCategory global function GetTitanLoadoutIconFD global function GetTitanPrimeBg global function GetItemRefsForEntitlements global function WeaponWarpaint_GetByIndex #if DEV global function GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText global function GenerateAllValidateDataTableCRCCheckText #endif // northstar additional global funcs, some of these are new, some are preexisting ones i'm making global for modularity reasons global function AddCallback_OnRegisterCustomItems global function CreateGenericSubItemData global function CreateGenericItem global function CreateModData global function CreatePassiveData global function CreatePilotSuitData global function CreateTitanExecutionData global function CreateTitanData global function CreatePrimeTitanData global function CreateNoseArtData global function CreateSkinData global function CreateFDTitanUpgradeData global function CreateBaseItemData global function CreateWeaponSkinData global const MOD_ICON_NONE = $"ui/menu/items/mod_icons/none" global enum eUnlockType { DISABLED, PLAYER_LEVEL, TITAN_LEVEL, WEAPON_LEVEL, FACTION_LEVEL, ENTITLEMENT, PERSISTENT_ITEM, STAT, RANDOM, FD_UNLOCK_POINTS, } global struct PurchaseData { string purchaseMenu } global struct ChildUnlock { int unlockType = eUnlockType.DISABLED int unlockLevel = 1 float unlockFloatVal = 0 int unlockIntVal = 0 array entitlementIds int cost string additionalRef table additionalData PurchaseData purchaseData } global struct Unlock { int unlockType = eUnlockType.DISABLED int unlockLevel = 1 float unlockFloatVal = 0 int unlockIntVal = 0 array entitlementIds table child int cost string parentRef string additionalRef table additionalData PurchaseData purchaseData } global struct GlobalItemRef { int guid string ref int itemType bool hidden // TODO: remove } struct modCommonDef { string modType string name string description asset image int dataTableIndex int cost int costSniper int costPistol int costAT } global struct ItemDisplayData { int itemType string ref string parentRef string name string desc string longdesc asset image int imageAtlas int persistenceId bool hidden bool reqPrime int slot table< var, var > i } global struct SubItemData { int itemType // TODO: temp until PRIMARY_MOD/ATTACHEMENT/SECONDARY are gone string ref string parentRef int cost int slot table< var, var > i } global struct ItemData { // GlobalItemRef& globalItemRef if we do this, we should remove itemType and ref. int itemType string ref string parentRef string name string longname string desc string longdesc asset image int imageAtlas int cost bool hidden bool reqPrime int slot string persistenceStruct int persistenceId table< string, SubItemData > subitems table< var, var > i } struct { array allItems table< string, int > itemRefToGuid table< int, string > guidToItemRef table itemData table< int, array > itemsOfType table itemsWithPersistenceStruct array[eItemTypes.COUNT] globalItemRefsOfType table < string, ItemDisplayData > displayDataCache table cachedNewItems table unlocks table entitlementUnlocks table > sortedElems table > titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable //Primarily used to speed up validation of persistence data table > titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable //Primarily used to speed up validation of persistence data table > weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable //Primarily used to speed up validation of persistence data // northstar custom hooks array itemRegistrationCallbacks } file void function InitItems() { file.unlocks = {} file.entitlementUnlocks = {} file.allItems = [] file.itemRefToGuid = {} file.guidToItemRef = {} file.guidToItemRef[0] <- "reserved" file.itemData = {} file.itemsOfType = {} file.displayDataCache = {} for ( int i = 0; i < eItemTypes.COUNT; i++ ) { file.itemsOfType[ i ] <- [] file.globalItemRefsOfType[ i ] = [] } #if SERVER AddClientCommandCallback( "BuyItem", ClientCommand_BuyItem ) AddClientCommandCallback( "BuyTicket", ClientCommand_BuyTicket ) AddClientCommandCallback( "ClearNewStatus", ClientCommand_ClearNewStatus ) AddClientCommandCallback( "UseDoubleXP", ClientCommand_UseDoubleXP ) AddClientCommandCallback( "DEV_GiveFDUnlockPoint", ClientCommand_DEV_GiveFDUnlockPoint ) AddClientCommandCallback( "DEV_ResetTitanProgression", ClientCommand_DEV_ResetTitanProgression ) #endif #if UI uiGlobal.itemsInitialized = true #endif #if CLIENT ClearItemTypes(); #endif if ( IsSingleplayer() ) { InitTitanWeaponDataSP() return } #if DEV //Updated with DLC 4 ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/burn_meter_rewards.rpak", 13, -195196861 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/calling_cards.rpak", 379, -93927632 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/callsign_icons.rpak", 167, 2015621078 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/camo_skins.rpak", 140, -320502469 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/faction_leaders.rpak", 7, -686839648 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/features_mp.rpak", 18, 1879135085 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_abilities.rpak", 15, 2112045689 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_executions.rpak", 10, 1341275658 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_passives.rpak", 8, 981112716 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_properties.rpak", 7, -1114320894 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_features.rpak", 4, 439636371 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods.rpak", 249, 2010060417 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods_common.rpak", 25, -761470088 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak", 32, 1625188373 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/playlist_items.rpak", 19, -1360623070 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_nose_art.rpak", 150, 1922555441 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_passives.rpak", 51, 1139205682 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods.rpak", 0, 0 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods_common.rpak", 0, 0 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak", 8, -1270130815 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_skins.rpak", 42, 1057626784 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titan_voices.rpak", 8, -1605184394 ) ValidateDataTableCRC( $"datatable/titans_mp.rpak", 7, 420442720 ) #endif var dataTable int numRows //////////////////// //CAMO SKINS DATA //////////////////// //CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.FEATURE, "no_item", true ) dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/camo_skins.rpak" ) table categoryCounts = {} for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string camoRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string pilotCamoRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_PILOT_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string titanCamoRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_TITAN_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_IMAGE_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string desc = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int pilotCost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_PILOT_COST_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int categoryId = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CAMO_CATEGORY_COLUMN_NAME ) ) if ( !(categoryId in categoryCounts) ) categoryCounts[categoryId] <- 0 categoryCounts[categoryId]++ int datatableIndex = row const bool IS_HIDDEN_ARG = false ItemData item item = CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT, pilotCamoRef, name, desc, desc, image, pilotCost, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CAMO item.i.categoryId <- categoryId item = CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN, titanCamoRef, name, desc, desc, image, 0, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CAMO item.i.categoryId <- categoryId item = CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN, camoRef, name, desc, desc, image, 0, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CAMO item.i.categoryId <- categoryId } InitTitanWeaponDataMP() //////////////////// //PILOT WEAPON DATA //////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ) ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "hidden" ) ) string xpPerLevelType = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "xpPerLevelType" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) WeaponSetXPPerLevelType( itemRef, xpPerLevelType ) CreateWeaponData( i, itemType, hidden, itemRef, true, cost ) var camoSkinsDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/camo_skins.rpak" ) for ( int camoRow = 0; camoRow < GetDatatableRowCount( camoSkinsDataTable ); camoRow++ ) { string camoRef = GetDataTableString( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int weaponCamoCost = GetDataTableInt( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_PILOT_WEAPON_COST_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int categoryId = GetDataTableInt( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_CATEGORY_COLUMN_NAME ) ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN, itemRef, camoRef, weaponCamoCost, { categoryId = categoryId } ) } } SetupWeaponSkinData() dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_abilities.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ) ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] bool isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "damageSource" ) ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "hidden" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) CreateWeaponData( i, itemType, hidden, itemRef, isDamageSource, cost ) } //////////////////////// //PILOT MODS/ATTACHMENTS //////////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods_common.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) table modCommonTable for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { modCommonDef modCommon modCommon.modType = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COMMON_TYPE_COLUMN ) Assert( modCommon.modType == "attachment" || modCommon.modType == "mod" || modCommon.modType == "mod3" ) modCommon.name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COMMON_NAME_COLUMN ) modCommon.description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COMMON_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) modCommon.image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COMMON_IMAGE_COLUMN ) modCommon.cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) modCommon.costSniper = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "costSniper" ) ) modCommon.costPistol = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "costPistol" ) ) modCommon.costAT = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "costAT" ) ) modCommon.dataTableIndex = i string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COMMON_COLUMN ) modCommonTable[ itemRef ] <- modCommon ItemData modCommonData if ( modCommon.modType == "attachment" ) modCommonData = CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT, itemRef, false ) else modCommonData = CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD, itemRef, false ) modCommonData.name = modCommon.name modCommonData.longname = modCommon.name modCommonData.desc = modCommon.description modCommonData.image = modCommon.image modCommonData.persistenceId = modCommon.dataTableIndex modCommonData.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) var weaponTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string mod = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COLUMN ) string weapon = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_WEAPON_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) int typeRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( weaponTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( weaponTable, "itemRef" ), weapon ) int weaponType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( weaponTable, typeRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( weaponTable, "type" ) ) ] int cost string xpPerLevelType = GetDataTableString( weaponTable, typeRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( weaponTable, "xpPerLevelType" ) ) switch ( xpPerLevelType ) { case "sniper": cost = modCommonTable[ mod ].costSniper break case "pistol": cost = modCommonTable[ mod ].costPistol break case "antititan": cost = modCommonTable[ mod ].costAT break default: cost = modCommonTable[ mod ].cost } if ( modCommonTable[ mod ].modType == "attachment" ) { Assert( weaponType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) CreateModData( eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT, weapon, mod, cost ) } else if ( modCommonTable[ mod ].modType == "mod" ) { Assert( weaponType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY || weaponType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) int itemType = weaponType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ? eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD : eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD int damageDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_DAMAGEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int accuracyDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_ACCURACYDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int rangeDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_RANGEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int fireRateDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_FIRERATEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int clipSizeDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_CLIPSIZEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) CreateModData( itemType, weapon, mod, cost, damageDisplay, accuracyDisplay, rangeDisplay, fireRateDisplay, clipSizeDisplay ) } else { Assert( modCommonTable[ mod ].modType == "mod3" ) CreateModData( eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3, weapon, mod, cost ) } } ///////////////////// //PILOT PASSIVE DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_passives.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive" ) ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "description" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "hidden" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) CreatePassiveData( i, itemType, hidden, itemRef, name, description, description, image, cost ) } ///////////////////// //SUIT DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_properties.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) CreatePilotSuitData( i, eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT, itemRef, image, cost ) } CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.RACE, "race_human_male", false ) CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.RACE, "race_human_female", false ) ///////////////////// //PILOT EXECUTION DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_executions.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "description" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "hidden" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) ) continue CreatePassiveData( i, eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION, hidden, ref, name, description, description, image, cost ) } ///////////////////// //TITAN EXECUTION DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_executions.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "hidden" ) ) if ( hidden == true ) continue string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "description" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) bool reqPrime = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "reqPrime" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) ) continue CreateTitanExecutionData( i, itemType, hidden, ref, name, description, description, image, cost, reqPrime ) } ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/features_mp.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) int featureIndex = 0 for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string featureRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureRef" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureName" ) ) string desc = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureDesc" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureIcon" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) string specificType = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "specificType" ) ) const bool IS_HIDDEN_ARG = false ItemData featureItem = CreateGenericItem( featureIndex, eItemTypes.FEATURE, featureRef, name, desc, "", image, cost, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) featureItem.i.specificType <- specificType featureIndex++ } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/playlist_items.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string playlistRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "playlist" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) const bool IS_HIDDEN_ARG = false ItemData featureItem = CreateGenericItem( featureIndex, eItemTypes.FEATURE, playlistRef, name, "", "", image, cost, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) featureItem.i.specificType <- "#ITEM_TYPE_PLAYLIST" featureItem.i.isPlaylist <- true featureIndex++ } //{ // int featureIndex = 0 // int gameModeCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "gameModes" ) // for ( int modeIndex = 0; modeIndex < gameModeCount; modeIndex++ ) // { // string gameModeRef = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "gameModes", modeIndex ) // if ( !IsRefValid( gameModeRef ) ) // { // string name = GameMode_GetName( gameModeRef ) // string desc = GameMode_GetDesc( gameModeRef ) // asset image = GameMode_GetIcon( gameModeRef ) // int cost = 0 // // CreateGenericItem( featureIndex, eItemTypes.GAME_MODE, gameModeRef, name, desc, "", image, cost ) // featureIndex++ // } // } //} dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_features.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string featureRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureRef" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureName" ) ) string desc = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureDesc" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "featureIcon" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) int dataTableIndex = i const bool IS_HIDDEN_ARG = false CreateGenericItem( dataTableIndex, eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE, featureRef, name, desc, "", image, cost, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) } ///////////////////// //PILOT SECONDARY MOD SLOTS ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string weaponRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ) ) int weaponType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] if ( weaponType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE, weaponRef, "primarymod2", file.itemData["primarymod2"].cost ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE, weaponRef, "primarymod3", file.itemData["primarymod3"].cost ) } else { CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE, weaponRef, "secondarymod2", file.itemData["secondarymod2"].cost ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE, weaponRef, "secondarymod3", file.itemData["secondarymod3"].cost ) } } ///////////////////// //FACTION DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/faction_leaders.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string factionRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "persistenceRef" ) ) asset logo = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "logo" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "factionName" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.FACTION, factionRef, false ) item.image = logo item.name = name item.cost = cost item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_FACTION_LOGO item.persistenceId = i } ///////////////// //TITAN MOD DATA ///////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods_common.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) modCommonTable.clear() for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { modCommonDef modCommon modCommon.name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_COMMON_NAME_COLUMN ) modCommon.description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_COMMON_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) modCommon.image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_COMMON_IMAGE_COLUMN ) modCommon.dataTableIndex = i string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_COMMON_COLUMN ) modCommonTable[ itemRef ] <- modCommon } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string mod = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_COLUMN ) string weapon = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_WEAPON_COLUMN ) string name = modCommonTable[ mod ].name string description = modCommonTable[ mod ].description asset image = modCommonTable[ mod ].image int dataTableIndex = modCommonTable[ mod ].dataTableIndex int damageDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_DAMAGEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int accuracyDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_ACCURACYDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int rangeDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_RANGEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int fireRateDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_FIRERATEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) int clipSizeDisplay = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_CLIPSIZEDISPLAY_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) // CreateModData( dataTableIndex, eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD, weapon, mod, name, description, description, image, damageDisplay, accuracyDisplay, rangeDisplay, fireRateDisplay, clipSizeDisplay ) } ///////////////////// //TITAN PASSIVE DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_passives.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_COLUMN ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_TYPE_COLUMN ) ] string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_NAME_COLUMN ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) string longDescription = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_LONGDESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_IMAGE_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_PASSIVE_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) CreatePassiveData( i, itemType, hidden, itemRef, name, description, longDescription, image, cost ) } ///////////////////// //TITAN OS DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_voices.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_VOICE_COLUMN ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_VOICE_NAME_COLUMN ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_VOICE_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, TITAN_VOICE_IMAGE_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_VOICE_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) const bool IS_HIDDEN_ARG = false CreateGenericItem( i, eItemTypes.TITAN_OS, itemRef, name, description, description, image, 0, IS_HIDDEN_ARG ) } var titanPropertiesDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) var titansMpDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titans_mp.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( titansMpDataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( titansMpDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titansMpDataTable, "titanRef" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( titansMpDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titansMpDataTable, "cost" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( titansMpDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titansMpDataTable, "image" ) ) asset coreIcon = GetDataTableAsset( titansMpDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titansMpDataTable, "coreIcon" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) ) continue CreateTitanData( i, titanRef, cost, image, coreIcon ) ItemData itemData = GetItemData( titanRef ) int passive1Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive1Type ) int passive2Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive2Type ) int passive3Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive3Type ) int passive4Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive4Type ) int passive5Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive5Type ) int passive6Type = expect int( itemData.i.passive6Type ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive1Type ) foreach ( item in items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive1Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } } if ( passive1Type != passive2Type ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive2Type ) foreach ( item in items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive2Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } } if ( passive3Type != passive1Type && passive3Type != passive2Type ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive3Type ) foreach ( item in items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive3Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } } array passive4items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive4Type ) foreach ( item in passive4items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive4Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } array passive5items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive5Type ) foreach ( item in passive5items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive5Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } array passive6items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive6Type ) foreach ( item in passive6items ) { CreateGenericSubItemData( passive6Type, titanRef, item.ref, GetItemCost( item.ref ) ) } { var camoSkinsDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/camo_skins.rpak" ) for ( int camoRow = 0; camoRow < GetDatatableRowCount( camoSkinsDataTable ); camoRow++ ) { string camoRef = GetDataTableString( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string titanCamoRef = GetDataTableString( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_TITAN_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int titanWeaponCost = GetDataTableInt( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_TITAN_WEAPON_COST_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int titanCost = GetDataTableInt( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_TITAN_COST_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int categoryId = GetDataTableInt( camoSkinsDataTable, camoRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( camoSkinsDataTable, CAMO_CATEGORY_COLUMN_NAME ) ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN, titanRef, camoRef, titanWeaponCost, { categoryId = categoryId } ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN, titanRef, titanCamoRef, titanCost, { categoryId = categoryId } ) } } #if SERVER || CLIENT int propertyRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( titanPropertiesDataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) string setFile = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "setFile" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "bodymodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "armsmodel" ) ) string primeSetFile = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "primeSetFile" ) ) if ( primeSetFile != "" ) { PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( primeSetFile, "bodymodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( primeSetFile, "armsmodel" ) ) } #endif //string primary = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "primary" ) ) //string melee = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "melee" ) ) //string ordnance = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "ordnance" ) ) //string special = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "special" ) ) //string antirodeo = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "antirodeo" ) ) //string coreAbility = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "coreAbility" ) ) } ////////////////////////// // DLC1 ////////////////////////// //Need to be moved up here for prime_titan_nose_art to work CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "ion_prime", "ion", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "tone_prime", "tone", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "scorch_prime", "scorch", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "legion_prime", "legion", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "ronin_prime", "ronin", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "northstar_prime", "northstar", true ) CreatePrimeTitanData( eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN, "vanguard_prime", "vanguard", true ) dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_nose_art.rpak" ) table decalIndexTable for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ) ) string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) ) continue if ( !( titanRef in decalIndexTable ) ) decalIndexTable[titanRef] <- 0 else decalIndexTable[titanRef]++ //CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART, ref, name, "", "", image ) //CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART, ref, false ) CreateNoseArtData( decalIndexTable[titanRef], eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART, false, ref, name, image, decalIndexTable[titanRef] ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART, titanRef, ref, cost ) if ( !( titanRef in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable ) ) file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable[ titanRef ] <- {} file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable[ titanRef ][ decalIndexTable[titanRef] ] <- ref } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_skins.rpak" ) for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ) ) string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) int skinIndex = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "skinIndex" ) ) int datatableIndex = row if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) || IsDisabledRef( ref ) ) continue CreateSkinData( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT, false, ref, name, image, skinIndex ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT, titanRef, ref, cost, { skinIndex = skinIndex } ) if ( !( titanRef in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable ) ) file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ titanRef ] <- {} file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ titanRef ][ skinIndex ] <- ref } { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/calling_cards.rpak" ) for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string cardRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLING_CARD_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLING_CARD_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLING_CARD_IMAGE_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) bool isHidden = false if ( cost < 0 ) { isHidden = true cost = 0 } string desc = "Undefined" string longdesc = "Undefined" int datatableIndex = row CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD, cardRef, name, desc, longdesc, image, cost, isHidden ) GetItemData( cardRef ).imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CALLINGCARD } } { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/callsign_icons.rpak" ) for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string iconRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLSIGN_ICON_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLSIGN_ICON_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, CALLSIGN_ICON_IMAGE_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) bool isHidden = false if ( cost < 0 ) { isHidden = true cost = 0 } string desc = "Undefined" string longdesc = "Undefined" int datatableIndex = row if ( IsDisabledRef( iconRef ) ) continue CreateGenericItem( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON, iconRef, name, desc, longdesc, image, cost, isHidden ) GetItemData( iconRef ).imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CALLINGCARD } } ///////////////////// // NON-LOADOUT WEAPONS ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/non_loadout_weapons.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string weapon = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_WEAPON_COLUMN ) #if SERVER || CLIENT if ( !IsDisabledRef( weapon ) ) PrecacheWeapon( weapon ) #endif //CreateWeaponData( i, eItemTypes.NOT_LOADOUT, true, weapon, true ) } ///////////////////// // NON-LOADOUT MODS ///////////////////// //dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/non_loadout_mods.rpak" ) //numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) //for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) //{ // string mod = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_MOD_COLUMN ) // string parentItem = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_MOD_PARENT_COLUMN ) // string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_MOD_NAME_COLUMN ) // string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_MOD_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN ) // asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, NON_LOADOUT_MOD_IMAGE_COLUMN ) // // CreateModData( -1, eItemTypes.NOT_LOADOUT, parentItem, mod, name, description, description, image ) //} ///////////////////// //BURN METER REWARD DATA ///////////////////// dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/burn_meter_rewards.rpak" ) for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, BURN_REF_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, BURN_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, BURN_NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( itemRef ) ) continue // Why does the server need this? Client script error happens otherwise. #if SERVER || CLIENT asset model = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "model" ) ) PrecacheModel( model ) #endif // SERVER || CLIENT bool hidden = !GetDataTableBool( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "selectable" ) ) CreateGenericItem( row, eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD, itemRef, name, description, description, image, cost, hidden ) } InitRandomUnlocks() SetupFrontierDefenseItems() InitUnlocks() foreach ( item in file.itemData ) { if ( item.persistenceStruct != "" ) file.itemsWithPersistenceStruct[ item.persistenceStruct ] <- item } // northstar hook: custom item registrations foreach ( void functionref() callback in file.itemRegistrationCallbacks ) callback() // Sort some items based on unlock level file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE].sort( SortByUnlockLevel ) #if !UI // Non-player weapons #if SERVER || CLIENT PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_yh803" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_yh803_bullet" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_yh803_bullet_overcharged" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_super_spectre" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_dronebeam" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_dronerocket" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_droneplasma" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_turretplasma" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_turretplasma_mega" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_turretlaser_mega_fort_war" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_turretlaser_mega" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_gunship_launcher" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_gunship_turret" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_gunship_missile" ) // NPC weapons PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_mega_turret" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_spectre_spawner" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_engineer_turret" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_engineer_combat_drone" ) #endif #if DEV && ( SERVER || CLIENT ) PrecacheWeapon( "weapon_cubemap" ) #endif #if CLIENT PrecacheHUDMaterial( MOD_ICON_NONE ) #endif #endif } void function AddCallback_OnRegisterCustomItems( void functionref() callback ) { file.itemRegistrationCallbacks.append( callback ) } void function InitUnlocks() { InitUnlock( "race_human_male", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "race_human_female", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "speedball", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/unlocks_player_level.rpak" ) int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int column = 1; column <= 13; column++ ) { for ( int row = 0; row < numRows; row++ ) { string unlockField = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) array unlockArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( unlockField ) foreach ( unlock in unlockArray ) { if ( unlock != "" ) { if ( unlock != "random" && !ItemDefined( unlock ) ) { #if DEV && DEVSCRIPTS CodeWarning( unlock + " does not appear to be a valid eItemType" ) #else continue #endif } InitUnlock( unlock, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, row + 1 ) } } } } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/unlocks_titan_level.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) int column = 1 while ( true ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, 0, column ) if ( titanRef == "END" ) break if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) ) { column++ continue } for ( int row = 1; row < numRows; row++ ) { string unlockField = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) array unlockArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( unlockField ) foreach ( unlock in unlockArray ) { if ( unlock != "" ) InitUnlock( unlock, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, row ) } } column++ } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/unlocks_faction_level.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) int NUM_FACTIONS = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.FACTION ).len() for ( int column = 1; column <= NUM_FACTIONS; column++ ) { string additionalRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, 0, column ) for ( int row = 1; row < numRows; row++ ) { string unlockField = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) array unlockArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( unlockField ) foreach ( unlock in unlockArray ) { if ( unlock != "" ) { string parentRef var periodPos = unlock.find( "." ) if ( periodPos != null ) { parentRef = unlock.slice( 0, periodPos ) unlock = unlock.slice( periodPos + 1 ) } InitUnlock( unlock, parentRef, eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL, row, 0, additionalRef ) } } } } var titanLoadoutsDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/default_titan_loadouts.rpak" ) var titanPropertiesDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) var titansMpDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titans_mp.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( titansMpDataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( titansMpDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titansMpDataTable, "titanRef" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) ) continue int propertyRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( titanPropertiesDataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) string primary = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "primary" ) ) InitUnlock( primary, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) //string melee = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "melee" ) ) //InitUnlock( melee, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) string ordnance = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "ordnance" ) ) InitUnlock( ordnance, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) string special = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "special" ) ) InitUnlock( special, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) string antirodeo = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "antirodeo" ) ) InitUnlock( antirodeo, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) string coreAbility = GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "coreAbility" ) ) InitUnlock( coreAbility, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_shoulder_rockets", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_homing_rockets", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "mp_titanweapon_xo16_shorty", titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) // //{ // int passive1Type = GetTitanProperty_Passive1Type( titanRef ) // array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive1Type ) // foreach ( item in items ) // { // InitUnlock( item.ref, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) // } //} // //{ // int passive2Type = GetTitanProperty_Passive2Type( titanRef ) // array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive1Type ) // foreach ( item in items ) // { // InitUnlock( item.ref, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) // } //} //{ // int passive3Type = GetTitanProperty_Passive3Type( titanRef ) // array items = GetAllItemsOfType( passive1Type ) // foreach ( item in items ) // { // InitUnlock( item.ref, titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) // } //} //int loadoutRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( titanLoadoutsDataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanLoadoutsDataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) //InitUnlock( GetDataTableString( titanLoadoutsDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanLoadoutsDataTable, "passive1" ) ), titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) //InitUnlock( GetDataTableString( titanLoadoutsDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanLoadoutsDataTable, "passive2" ) ), titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) //InitUnlock( GetDataTableString( titanLoadoutsDataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanLoadoutsDataTable, "passive3" ) ), titanRef, eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL, 1 ) } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/default_pilot_loadouts.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_PERSISTENT_PILOT_LOADOUTS; i++ ) { PilotLoadoutDef loadout loadout.name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) loadout.suit = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "suit" ) ) loadout.race = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "race" ) ) loadout.primary = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primary" ) ) loadout.primaryAttachment = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primaryAttachment" ) ) loadout.primaryMod1 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primaryMod1" ) ) loadout.primaryMod2 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primaryMod2" ) ) loadout.primaryMod3 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primaryMod3" ) ) loadout.secondary = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "secondary" ) ) loadout.secondaryMod1 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "secondaryMod1" ) ) loadout.secondaryMod2 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "secondaryMod2" ) ) loadout.secondaryMod3 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "secondaryMod3" ) ) loadout.weapon3 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "weapon3" ) ) loadout.weapon3Mod1 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "weapon3Mod1" ) ) loadout.weapon3Mod2 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "weapon3Mod2" ) ) loadout.weapon3Mod3 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "weapon3Mod3" ) ) loadout.ordnance = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ordnance" ) ) loadout.passive1 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive1" ) ) loadout.passive2 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive2" ) ) UpdateDerivedPilotLoadoutData( loadout ) if ( !(loadout.suit in file.unlocks) ) InitUnlock( loadout.suit, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( !(loadout.primary in file.unlocks) ) { InitUnlock( loadout.primary, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.primaryAttachment != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.primaryAttachment, loadout.primary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.primaryMod1 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.primaryMod1, loadout.primary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.primaryMod2 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.primaryMod2, loadout.primary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.primaryMod3 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.primaryMod3, loadout.primary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) } if ( !(loadout.secondary in file.unlocks) ) { InitUnlock( loadout.secondary, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.secondaryMod1 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.secondaryMod1, loadout.secondary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.secondaryMod2 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.secondaryMod2, loadout.secondary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( loadout.secondaryMod3 != "" ) InitUnlock( loadout.secondaryMod3, loadout.secondary, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) } if ( !(loadout.special in file.unlocks) ) InitUnlock( loadout.special, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( !(loadout.ordnance in file.unlocks) ) InitUnlock( loadout.ordnance, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( !(loadout.passive1 in file.unlocks) ) InitUnlock( loadout.passive1, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( !(loadout.passive2 in file.unlocks) ) InitUnlock( loadout.passive2, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ) ) string defaultAttachment = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "defaultAttachment" ) ) string defaultMod1 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "defaultMod1" ) ) string defaultMod2 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "defaultMod2" ) ) string defaultMod3 = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "defaultMod3" ) ) if ( defaultAttachment != "" ) InitUnlock( defaultAttachment, itemRef, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( defaultMod1 != "" ) InitUnlock( defaultMod1, itemRef, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( defaultMod2 != "" ) InitUnlock( defaultMod2, itemRef, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) if ( defaultMod3 != "" ) InitUnlock( defaultMod3, itemRef, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, 1 ) } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/unlocks_weapon_level_pilot.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) column = 1 while ( true ) { string weaponRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, 0, column ) if ( weaponRef == "END" ) break for ( int row = 1; row < numRows; row++ ) { string unlockField = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) array unlockArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( unlockField ) foreach ( unlock in unlockArray ) { if ( unlock != "" ) InitUnlock( unlock, weaponRef, eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL, row ) } } column++ } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) var weaponTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string mod = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_COLUMN ) string weapon = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, PILOT_WEAPON_MOD_WEAPON_COLUMN ) Assert( weapon in file.unlocks, "Weapon " + weapon + " does not exist in the unlock datatables." ) Assert( mod in file.unlocks[ weapon ].child, "Mod " + mod + " for weapon " + weapon + " does not exist in the unlock datatables." ) } int titanClassEnumCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "titanClasses" ) array pilotWeaponRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) pilotWeaponRefs.extend( GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) ) ////////////////////////// // DEV ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "gc_icon_respawn_dev", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) ////////////////////////// // SP ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "callsign_103_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_103_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_103_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) ////////////////////////// // Tech Test ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "callsign_105_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) ////////////////////////// // Email Signup ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "callsign_104_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_104_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_104_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_goodboy", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_01", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_02", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_03", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_04", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_05", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_06", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_07", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_08", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_09", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_contest_10", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) ////////////////////////// // Holidays ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "callsign_126_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_127_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_130_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_131_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) //InitUnlock( "callsign_126_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) //Unlocked in-game or via advocate gifts //InitUnlock( "callsign_127_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) //Unlocked in-game or via advocate gifts ////////////////////////// // Reserved for future use ////////////////////////// InitUnlock( "callsign_65_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_14_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_14_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_129_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_132_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_133_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_134_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_135_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_136_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_137_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_125_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_126_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_127_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_129_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_130_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_131_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_132_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_133_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_134_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_135_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_136_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_137_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_125_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_126_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_127_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_129_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_130_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_131_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_132_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_133_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_134_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_135_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_136_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_137_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_125_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_128_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_129_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_130_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_131_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_132_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_133_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_134_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_135_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_136_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_137_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_138_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_140_col", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_140_col_fire", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_140_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) // InitUnlock( "callsign_14_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_38_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 2500 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_33_col_gold", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 5000 ) InitUnlock( "gc_icon_blank", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_10_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_10_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 950 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_20_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 951 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_20_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1450 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_30_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_30_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1950 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_40_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1951 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_40_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 2450 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_50_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 2451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_50_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 2950 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_60_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 2951 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_60_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 3450 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_70_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 3451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_70_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 3950 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_80_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 3951 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_80_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 4450 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_90_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 4451 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_90_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 4950 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_100_col", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 4951 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_regen_100_col_prism", "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 5000 ) InitUnlock( "gc_icon_deuce", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) for ( int i = 0; i < titanClassEnumCount; i++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", i ) if ( IsDisabledRef( titanClass ) ) continue if ( titanClass != "" ) { InitUnlock( "titan_camo_skin09", titanClass, eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "camo_skin09", titanClass, eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) } } InitUnlock( "pilot_camo_skin09", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { InitUnlock( "camo_skin09", weaponClassName, eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) } ////////////////////////// // CHALLENGES ////////////////////////// // InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "ion", 100, "misc_stats", "titanFalls" ) ////////////////// CALLSIGN CHALLENGES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Live Fire Wins InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_142_col", "", 5, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_142_col_fire", "", 10, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_142_col_gold", "", 20, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_138_col", "", 35, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_138_col_fire", "", 50, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_138_col_gold", "", 100, "game_stats", "mode_won", "speedball" ) //Live Fire Played InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_141_col", "", 2, "game_stats", "mode_played", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_141_col_fire", "", 5, "game_stats", "mode_played", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_141_col_gold", "", 15, "game_stats", "mode_played", "speedball" ) //Live Fire Kills InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_threebullets", "", 3, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_prowlerhead", "", 10, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_shuriken", "", 25, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_squid", "", 50, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_tick", "", 100, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_scythe", "", 250, "game_stats", "pvp_kills_by_mode", "speedball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_fd_normal", "", 10, "fd_stats", "normalWins" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_fd_hard", "", 10, "fd_stats", "hardWins" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_fd_master", "", 10, "fd_stats", "masterWins" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_fd_insane", "", 10, "fd_stats", "insaneWins" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "fd_hard", "", 5, "fd_stats", "highestTitanFDLevel" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "fd_master", "", 11, "fd_stats", "highestTitanFDLevel" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "fd_insane", "", 14, "fd_stats", "highestTitanFDLevel" ) //Distance InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_97_col", "", 40.0, "distance_stats", "total" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_97_col_fire", "", 400.0, "distance_stats", "total" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_97_col_gold", "", 4000.0, "distance_stats", "total" ) //Wallrun Distance InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_99_col", "", 5.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_99_col_fire", "", 10.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "callsign_99_col_gold", "", 25.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) //Headshots InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_04_col", "", 50, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_04_col_fire", "", 100, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_04_col_gold", "", 250, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) //MVP InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_pro", "", 10, "game_stats", "mvp_total" ) //Evac InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_balloon", "", 5, "misc_stats", "evacsSurvived" ) //First Strike InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_vip", "", 5, "kills_stats", "firstStrikes" ) //Eject InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_bat", "", 3, "kills_stats", "ejectingPilots" ) //Titanfall Kills InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_apostrophe", "", 3, "kills_stats", "titanFallKill" ) //Rodeo Kills InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_cowboy_hat", "", 3, "kills_stats", "rodeo_total" ) //First to Fall InitUnlockForStatInt( "gc_icon_striketwice", "", 3, "misc_stats", "titanFallsFirst" ) //Titanfalls InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_23_col", "", 15, "misc_stats", "titanFalls" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_23_col_fire", "", 50, "misc_stats", "titanFalls" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "callsign_23_col_gold", "", 150, "misc_stats", "titanFalls" ) // ////////////////// PILOT CHALLENGES ////////////////// //Pilot Kills InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin67", "", 100, "kills_stats", "pilots" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin65", "", 500, "kills_stats", "pilots" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin66", "", 1000, "kills_stats", "pilots" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin64", "", 2500, "kills_stats", "pilots" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin63", "", 5000, "kills_stats", "pilots" ) //Kill Spree 3 InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin13", "", 10, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin07", "", 25, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin87", "", 100, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) //Pilot Executions InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin60", "", 3, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin61", "", 5, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin62", "", 10, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin59", "", 25, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_telefrag", "", 50, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_stim", "", 10, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilotUsing_execution_telefrag" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_grapple", "", 75, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_pulseblade", "", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_grenade_sonar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_random", "", 0, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilot" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_cloak", "", 10, "kills_stats", "pilotExecutePilotWhileCloaked" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_holopilot", "", 20, "kills_stats", "pilotKillsWithHoloPilotActive" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "execution_ampedwall", "", 5, "kills_stats", "pilotKillsWithAmpedWallActive" ) //Distance InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin56", "", 100.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin58", "", 250.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin55", "", 500.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin57", "", 1000.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin91", "", 2500.0, "distance_stats", "asPilot" ) //Wallrun Distance InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin93", "", 2.0, "distance_stats", "wallrunning" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin94", "", 20.0, "distance_stats", "wallrunning" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "pilot_camo_skin85", "", 200.0, "distance_stats", "wallrunning" ) //Pilot Headshot Kills // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin56", "", 25, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin57", "", 100, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin85", "", 250, "kills_stats", "pilot_headshots_total" ) // //Assists // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin93", "", 5, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin94", "", 15, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) // InitUnlockForStatInt( "pilot_camo_skin85", "", 30, "misc_stats", "killingSprees" ) // ////////////////// PILOT WEAPON CHALLENGES ////////////////// //Pilot Weapon Kills InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_g2", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_g2", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_g2", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_g2", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_g2", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_vinson", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_vinson", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_vinson", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_vinson", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_vinson", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_car", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_car", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_car", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_car", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_car", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_r97", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_r97", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_r97", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_r97", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_r97", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_lmg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_lmg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_lmg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_lmg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_lmg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_lstar", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_lstar", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_lstar", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_lstar", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_lstar", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_esaw", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_esaw", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_esaw", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_esaw", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_esaw", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_sniper", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_sniper", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_sniper", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_sniper", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_sniper", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_dmr", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_dmr", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_dmr", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_dmr", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_dmr", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_epg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_epg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_epg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_epg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_epg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_softball", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_softball", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_softball", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_softball", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_softball", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_smr", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_smr", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_smr", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_smr", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_smr", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_wingman", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_wingman", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_wingman", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_wingman", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_wingman", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_defender", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_defender", 20, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_defender", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_defender", 200, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_defender", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_mgl", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_mgl", 20, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_mgl", 100,"weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_mgl", 200, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_mgl", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 20, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 100,"weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 200, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) 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"mp_weapon_rspn101", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_g2", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_g2", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_g2", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_g2", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_g2", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_vinson", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_vinson", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_vinson", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_vinson", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_vinson", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_car", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_car", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_car", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_car", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_car", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_r97", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_r97", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_r97", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_r97", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_r97", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_lmg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_lmg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_lmg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_lmg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_lmg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_lstar", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_lstar", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_lstar", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_lstar", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_lstar", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_esaw", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_esaw", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_esaw", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_esaw", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_esaw", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_sniper", 10, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_sniper", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_sniper", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_sniper", 1000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_sniper", 2500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_dmr", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_dmr", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_dmr", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_dmr", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_dmr", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_epg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_epg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_epg", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_epg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_epg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_softball", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_softball", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_softball", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_softball", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_softball", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_smr", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_smr", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_smr", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_smr", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_smr", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) 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"assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_wingman", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_wingman", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_wingman", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_wingman", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_wingman", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_defender", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_defender", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_defender", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_defender", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_defender", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_mgl", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_mgl", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_mgl", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_mgl", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_mgl", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 1000, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 2500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 500, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) 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"killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_g2", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_g2", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_g2", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_g2", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_g2", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_vinson", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_vinson", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_vinson", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_vinson", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_vinson", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_vinson" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_car", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_car", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_car", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_car", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_car", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_r97", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_r97", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_r97", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_r97", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_r97", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees" , "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_lmg", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_lmg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_lmg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_lmg", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_lmg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_lstar", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_lstar", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_lstar", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_lstar", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_lstar", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_esaw", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_esaw", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_esaw", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_esaw", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_esaw", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_esaw" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_shotgun", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_mastiff", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_mastiff" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_doubletake", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_doubletake" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_sniper", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_sniper", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_sniper", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_sniper", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_sniper", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_dmr", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_dmr", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_dmr", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_dmr", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_dmr", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_dmr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_epg", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_epg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_epg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_epg", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_epg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_softball", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_softball", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_softball", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_softball", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_softball", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_smr", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_smr", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_smr", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_smr", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_smr", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_autopistol", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 2, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "killingSprees", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) 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"mp_weapon_rspn101", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_rspn101", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_hemlok", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_g2", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_g2", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_g2", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_g2" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_g2", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_g2" ) 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"camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_car", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_car", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_car" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_r97", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_r97", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_r97", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_r97", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_r97", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_r97" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_lmg", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_lmg", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_lmg", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_lmg", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_lmg", 250, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_lstar", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_lstar", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_lstar", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_lstar", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_lstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_lstar", 250, 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"mp_weapon_autopistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 5, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_semipistol", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_semipistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 5, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_wingman", 5, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_wingman", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_wingman", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_wingman", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_wingman", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 5, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 10, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 25, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 50, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_wingman_n", 100, "weapon_stats", "headshots", "mp_weapon_wingman_n" ) //Shots hit for Grenadier and AT rather than headshots InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_epg", 25, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_epg", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_epg", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_epg", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_epg", 1000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_epg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_softball", 20, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_softball", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_softball", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_softball", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_softball", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_softball" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_smr", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_smr", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_smr", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_smr", 1000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_smr", 2500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_smr" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 1000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 2500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", 5000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_defender", 20, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_defender", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_defender", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_defender", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_defender", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_defender" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_mgl", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_mgl", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_mgl", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_mgl", 1000, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_mgl", 2500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_mgl" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 20, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", 500, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 10, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 25, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 50, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 100, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", 250, "weapon_stats", "shotsHit", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher" ) // ////////////////// Titan CHALLENGES ////////////////// //Titan killing Titans InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "ion", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "ion", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "ion", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "ion", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "ion", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "scorch", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "scorch", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "scorch", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "scorch", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "scorch", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "vanguard", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "vanguard", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "vanguard", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "vanguard", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "vanguard", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "northstar", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "northstar", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "northstar", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "northstar", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "northstar", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "ronin", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "ronin", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "ronin", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "ronin", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "ronin", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "tone", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "tone", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "tone", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "tone", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "tone", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin67", "legion", 10, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin65", "legion", 50, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin66", "legion", 100, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin64", "legion", 250, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin63", "legion", 500, "titan_stats", "titansTotal", "legion" ) //Titan killing Pilots InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "ion", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "ion", 100, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "ion", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "ion", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "scorch", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "scorch", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "scorch", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "scorch", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "vanguard", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "vanguard", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "vanguard", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "vanguard", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "northstar", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "northstar", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "northstar", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "northstar", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "ronin", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "ronin", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "ronin", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "ronin", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "tone", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "tone", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "tone", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "tone", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin60", "legion", 20, "titan_stats", "pilots", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin61", "legion", 100,"titan_stats", "pilots", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin62", "legion", 200, "titan_stats", "pilots", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin59", "legion", 500, "titan_stats", "pilots", "legion" ) //TITAN DMG InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "ion", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "ion", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "ion", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "ion", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "ion", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "scorch", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "scorch", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "scorch", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "scorch", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "scorch", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "vanguard", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "vanguard", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "vanguard", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "vanguard", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "vanguard", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "northstar", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "northstar", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "northstar", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "northstar", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "northstar", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "ronin", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "ronin", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "ronin", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "ronin", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "ronin", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "tone", 300000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "tone", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "tone", 1500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "tone", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "tone", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin56", "legion", 600000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin58", "legion", 1500000,"titan_stats", "titanDamage", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin55", "legion", 3000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin57", "legion", 5000000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin91", "legion", 7500000, "titan_stats", "titanDamage", "legion" ) //Titan DISTANCE InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "ion", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ion" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "ion", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ion" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "ion", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ion" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "scorch", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "scorch", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "scorch", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "vanguard", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "vanguard", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "vanguard", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "northstar", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "northstar", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "northstar", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "ronin", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "ronin", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "ronin", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "tone", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "tone", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "tone", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin13", "legion", 15, "distance_stats", "asTitan_legion" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin07", "legion", 50, "distance_stats", "asTitan_legion" ) InitUnlockForStatFloat( "titan_camo_skin87", "legion", 150, "distance_stats", "asTitan_legion" ) //Titan Executions InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "ion", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionIon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "ion", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionIon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "ion", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionIon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "scorch", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionScorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "scorch", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionScorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "scorch", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionScorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "vanguard", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionVanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "vanguard", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionVanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "vanguard", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionVanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "northstar", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionNorthstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "northstar", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionNorthstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "northstar", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionNorthstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "ronin", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionRonin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "ronin", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionRonin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "ronin", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionRonin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "tone", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionTone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "tone", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionTone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "tone", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionTone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin93", "legion", 3, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionLegion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin94", "legion", 10, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionLegion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "titan_camo_skin85", "legion", 25, "kills_stats", "titanExocutionLegion" ) //Titan Sprees for Warpaint InitUnlockForStatInt( "ion_skin_01", "ion", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "ion_skin_02", "ion", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_ion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "scorch_skin_01", "scorch", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_scorch" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "scorch_skin_02", "scorch", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_scorch" ) //InitUnlockForStatInt( "vanguard_skin_01", "vanguard", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_vanguard" ) //InitUnlockForStatInt( "vanguard_skin_02", "vanguard", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_vanguard" ) //InitUnlockForStatInt( "vanguard_skin_03", "vanguard", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "northstar_skin_01", "northstar", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "northstar_skin_02", "northstar", 65, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "northstar_skin_03", "northstar", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_northstar" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "ronin_skin_01", "ronin", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "ronin_skin_02", "ronin", 65, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "ronin_skin_03", "ronin", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_ronin" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "tone_skin_01", "tone", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "tone_skin_02", "tone", 65, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "tone_skin_03", "tone", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_tone" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "legion_skin_01", "legion", 30, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "legion_skin_02", "legion", 65, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_legion" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "legion_skin_03", "legion", 100, "kills_stats", "killingSpressAs_legion" ) // ////////////////// Titan Weapon CHALLENGES ////////////////// //Titan killing Titans for Weapon InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "ion", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "ion", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "ion", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "ion", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "ion", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "scorch", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "scorch", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "scorch", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "scorch", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "scorch", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "vanguard", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "vanguard", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "vanguard", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "vanguard", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "vanguard", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "northstar", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "northstar", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "northstar", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "northstar", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "northstar", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "ronin", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "ronin", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "ronin", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "ronin", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "ronin", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "tone", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "tone", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "tone", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "tone", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "tone", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin67", "legion", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin65", "legion", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin66", "legion", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin64", "legion", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin63", "legion", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "titansTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) //Titan Weapon killing Pilots InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "ion", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "ion", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "ion", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "ion", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "ion", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "scorch", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_meteor") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "scorch", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_meteor") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "scorch", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "scorch", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "scorch", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "vanguard", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "vanguard", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "vanguard", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "vanguard", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "vanguard", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "northstar", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sniper") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "northstar", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sniper") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "northstar", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "northstar", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "northstar", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "ronin", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "ronin", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "ronin", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "ronin", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "ronin", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "tone", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "tone", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "tone", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "tone", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "tone", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin60", "legion", 10, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin61", "legion", 25, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon") InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin62", "legion", 50, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin59", "legion", 100, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin87", "legion", 250, "weapon_kill_stats", "pilots", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) //Titan assists Titans for Weapon InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "ion", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "ion", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "ion", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "ion", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "ion", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "scorch", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "scorch", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "scorch", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "scorch", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "scorch", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "vanguard", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "vanguard", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "vanguard", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "vanguard", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "vanguard", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "northstar", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "northstar", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "northstar", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "northstar", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "northstar", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "ronin", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "ronin", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "ronin", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "ronin", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "ronin", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "tone", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "tone", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "tone", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "tone", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "tone", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin56", "legion", 5, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin58", "legion", 15, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin55", "legion", 30, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin57", "legion", 75, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin91", "legion", 150, "weapon_kill_stats", "assistsTotal", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) //Titan damage for weapon InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "ion", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "ion", 100000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "ion", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "ion", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "ion", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "scorch", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "scorch", 100000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "scorch", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "scorch", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "scorch", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "vanguard", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "vanguard", 100000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "vanguard", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "vanguard", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "vanguard", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "northstar", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "northstar", 100000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "northstar", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "northstar", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "northstar", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sniper" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "ronin", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "ronin", 100000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "ronin", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "ronin", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "ronin", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_leadwall" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "tone", 50000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "tone", 100000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "tone", 250000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "tone", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "tone", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin93", "legion", 100000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin94", "legion", 200000,"weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin13", "legion", 500000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin07", "legion", 1000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "camo_skin85", "legion", 2000000, "weapon_stats", "titanDamage", "mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon" ) ////////////////////////// // DELUXE ENTITLEMENTS ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_04", "ion", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_04", "scorch", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_skin_04", "northstar", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_skin_04", "tone", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_skin_04", "ronin", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_skin_04", "legion", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_prime", "", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_prime", "", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_07", "ion", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_07", "scorch", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_07", "northstar", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_10", "tone", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_07", "ronin", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_07", "legion", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) for ( int i = 0; i < titanClassEnumCount; i++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", i ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "titan_camo_skin10", titanClass, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin10", titanClass, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "titan_camo_skin92", titanClass, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin92", titanClass, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "pilot_camo_skin10", "", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "pilot_camo_skin92", "", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin10", weaponClassName, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin92", weaponClassName, ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_14_col_gold", "", ET_DELUXE_EDITION ) ////////////////////////// // PREORDER ENTITLEMENTS ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "mp_angel_city", "", ET_PREORDER ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "angel_city_247", "", ET_PREORDER ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_03", "scorch", ET_PREORDER ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_06", "scorch", ET_PREORDER ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_71_col_gold", "", ET_PREORDER ) ////////////////////////// // BF1 ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_06", "ion", ET_BF1 ) ////////////////////////// // DLC1 ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_prime", "", ET_DLC1_PRIME_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_prime", "", ET_DLC1_PRIME_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "vanguard_prime", "", ET_DLC5_PRIME_TONE ) // TODO: Entitlement is incorrect here InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_17", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_18", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_19", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_20", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_21", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_10", "ion", ET_DLC1_ION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_15", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_16", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_17", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_18", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_19", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_07", "scorch", ET_DLC1_SCORCH, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_16", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_17", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_18", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_19", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_20", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_skin_10", "ronin", ET_DLC1_RONIN, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_17", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_18", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_19", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_20", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_21", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_skin_06", "tone", ET_DLC1_TONE, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_18", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_19", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_20", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_21", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_22", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_skin_10", "northstar", ET_DLC1_NORTHSTAR, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_17", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_18", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_19", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_20", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_21", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_skin_07", "legion", ET_DLC1_LEGION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_106_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_107_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_108_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_109_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_110_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_111_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_112_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_113_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_114_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_115_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_116_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_117_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_118_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_119_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_120_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_121_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_122_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_123_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_124_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_125_col", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_64", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_aces", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_alien", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_apex", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_ares", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_controller", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_drone", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_heartbreaker", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_hexes", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_kodai", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_lastimosa", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_lawai", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_mcor", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_phoenix", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_pilot", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_robot", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_sentry", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_super_spectre", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_vinson", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_wonyeon", "", ET_DLC1_CALLSIGN ) for ( int i = 101; i <= 120; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < titanClassEnumCount; j++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", j ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "titan_camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC1_CAMO ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC1_CAMO ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "pilot_camo_skin" + i, "", ET_DLC1_CAMO ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, weaponClassName, ET_DLC1_CAMO ) } } InitFrontierDefenseUnlocks() ////////////////////////// // DLC3 ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_prime", "", ET_DLC3_PRIME_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_prime", "", ET_DLC3_PRIME_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_22", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_23", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_24", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_25", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_26", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_11", "ion", ET_DLC3_ION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_20", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_21", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_22", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_23", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_24", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_08", "scorch", ET_DLC3_SCORCH, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_21", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_22", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_23", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_24", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_25", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_skin_11", "ronin", ET_DLC3_RONIN, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_22", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_23", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_24", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_25", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_26", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_skin_07", "tone", ET_DLC3_TONE, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_23", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_24", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_25", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_26", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_27", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_skin_11", "northstar", ET_DLC3_NORTHSTAR, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_22", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_23", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_24", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_25", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_26", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_skin_08", "legion", ET_DLC3_LEGION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_balance", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_boot", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_bt_eye", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_buzzsaw", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_crossed_lighting", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_flying_bullet", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_hammer2", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_keyboard", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_lightbulb", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_narwhal", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_peace", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_pilot2", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_robot_eye", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_srs", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_starline", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_taco", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_thumbdown", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_thumbup", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_treble", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_vanguard", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) for ( int i = 121; i <= 140; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < titanClassEnumCount; j++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", j ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "titan_camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC3_CAMO ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC3_CAMO ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "pilot_camo_skin" + i, "", ET_DLC3_CAMO ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, weaponClassName, ET_DLC3_CAMO ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_143_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_144_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_145_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_146_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_147_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_148_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_149_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_150_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_151_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_152_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_153_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_154_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_155_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_156_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_157_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_158_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_159_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_160_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_161_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_162_col", "", ET_DLC3_CALLSIGN ) ////////////////////////// // DLC5 ////////////////////////// InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_prime", "", ET_DLC5_PRIME_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_prime", "", ET_DLC5_PRIME_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_27", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_28", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_29", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_30", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_nose_art_31", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_07", "ion", ET_DLC5_ION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_25", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_26", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_27", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_28", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_nose_art_29", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_06", "scorch", ET_DLC5_SCORCH, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_26", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_27", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_28", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_29", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_nose_art_30", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_skin_07", "ronin", ET_DLC5_RONIN, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_27", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_28", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_29", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_30", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_nose_art_31", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_skin_08", "tone", ET_DLC5_TONE, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_28", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_29", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_30", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_31", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_nose_art_32", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_skin_06", "northstar", ET_DLC5_NORTHSTAR, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_27", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_28", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_29", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_30", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_nose_art_31", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_skin_09", "legion", ET_DLC5_LEGION, "StoreMenu_Customization" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_monarch_dlc5", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_militia", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_militia_alt", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_imc", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_hammond", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_tri_chevron", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_pilot_circle", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_x", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_nessie", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_spicy", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_crown", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_pawn", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_excite", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_duck", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_sock", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_rabbit", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_peanut", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_clock", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_shamrock", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "gc_icon_trident", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) for ( int i = 141; i <= 160; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < titanClassEnumCount; j++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", j ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "titan_camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC5_CAMO ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, titanClass, ET_DLC5_CAMO ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "pilot_camo_skin" + i, "", ET_DLC5_CAMO ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "camo_skin" + i, weaponClassName, ET_DLC5_CAMO ) } } InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_166_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_167_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_168_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_169_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_170_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_171_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_172_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_173_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_174_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_175_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_176_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_177_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_178_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_179_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_180_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_181_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_182_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_183_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_184_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_185_col", "", ET_DLC5_CALLSIGN ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rspn101_wasteland", "mp_weapon_rspn101", ET_DLC7_R201_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_g2_masterwork", "mp_weapon_g2", ET_DLC7_G2A5_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_vinson_blue_fade", "mp_weapon_vinson", ET_DLC7_FLATLINE_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_car_crimson_fury", "mp_weapon_car", ET_DLC7_CAR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_alternator_patriot", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", ET_DLC7_ALTERNATOR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_shotgun_badlands", "mp_weapon_shotgun", ET_DLC7_EVA8_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_wingman_aqua_fade", "mp_weapon_wingman", ET_DLC7_WINGMAN_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rocket_launcher_psych_spectre", "mp_weapon_rocket_launcher", ET_DLC7_ARCHER_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ion_skin_fd", "ion", ET_DLC7_ION_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "scorch_skin_fd", "scorch", ET_DLC7_SCORCH_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "northstar_skin_fd", "northstar", ET_DLC7_NORTHSTAR_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "ronin_skin_fd", "ronin", ET_DLC7_RONIN_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "tone_skin_fd", "tone", ET_DLC7_TONE_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "legion_skin_fd", "legion", ET_DLC7_LEGION_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "monarch_skin_fd", "vanguard", ET_DLC7_MONARCH_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_ion_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_ION_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_scorch_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_SCORCH_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_northstar_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_NORTHSTAR_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_ronin_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_RONIN_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_tone_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_TONE_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_legion_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_LEGION_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "callsign_fd_monarch_dynamic", "", ET_DLC7_MONARCH_WARPAINT ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ion_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ion_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ion_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_tone_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_tone_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_tone_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_scorch_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_scorch_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_scorch_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_legion_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_legion_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_legion_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ronin_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ronin_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_ronin_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_northstar_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_northstar_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_northstar_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_monarch_hard", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_monarch_master", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlock( "callsign_fd_monarch_insane", "", eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM, 0 ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "classic_music", "", 10, "game_stats", "mode_won", "fd" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "burnmeter_at_turret_weapon_infinite", "", 2, "fd_stats", "arcMinesPlaced" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "burnmeter_ap_turret_weapon_infinite", "", 2, "fd_stats", "arcMinesPlaced" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "burnmeter_rodeo_grenade", "", 3, "fd_stats", "rodeos" ) InitUnlockForStatInt( "burnmeter_harvester_shield", "", 3, "fd_stats", "wavesComplete" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rspn101_patriot", "mp_weapon_rspn101", ET_DLC8_R201_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_hemlok_mochi", "mp_weapon_hemlok", ET_DLC8_HEMLOK_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_r97_purple_fade", "mp_weapon_r97", ET_DLC8_R97_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_kraber_masterwork", "mp_weapon_sniper", ET_DLC8_KRABER_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_spitfire_lead_farmer", "mp_weapon_lmg", ET_DLC8_SPITFIRE_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_devotion_rspn_customs", "mp_weapon_esaw", ET_DLC8_DEVOTION_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_mozambique_crimson_fury", "mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol", ET_DLC8_MOZAMBIQUE_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_thunderbolt_8bit", "mp_weapon_arc_launcher", ET_DLC8_THUNDERBOLT_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_lstar_heatsink", "mp_weapon_lstar", ET_DLC9_LSTAR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_mastiff_crimson_fury", "mp_weapon_mastiff", ET_DLC9_MASTIFF_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_sidewinder_masterwork", "mp_weapon_smr", ET_DLC9_SIDEWINDER_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rspn101_halloween", "mp_weapon_rspn101", ET_DLC9_R201_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_car_halloween", "mp_weapon_car", ET_DLC9_CAR_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_spitfire_halloween", "mp_weapon_lmg", ET_DLC9_SPITFIRE_WARPAINT ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rspn101_og_blue_fade", "mp_weapon_rspn101_og", ET_DLC10_R101_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_vinson_badlands", "mp_weapon_vinson", ET_DLC10_FLATLINE_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_volt_heatsink", "mp_weapon_hemlok_smg", ET_DLC10_VOLT_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_alternator_headhunter", "mp_weapon_alternator_smg", ET_DLC10_ALTERNATOR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_softball_masterwork", "mp_weapon_softball", ET_DLC10_SOFTBALL_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_epg_mrvn", "mp_weapon_epg", ET_DLC10_EPG1_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_dmr_phantom", "mp_weapon_dmr", ET_DLC11_DMR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_doubletake_masterwork", "mp_weapon_doubletake", ET_DLC11_DOUBLETAKE_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_g2_purple_fade", "mp_weapon_g2", ET_DLC11_G2A5_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_coldwar_heatsink", "mp_weapon_pulse_lmg", ET_DLC11_COLDWAR_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_r97_sky", "mp_weapon_r97", ET_DLC11_R97_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) InitUnlockAsEntitlement( "skin_rspn101_crimson_fury", "mp_weapon_rspn101", ET_DLC11_R101_WARPAINT, "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) array burnMeterRewards = GetAllItemsOfType( eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD ) foreach ( ItemData item in burnMeterRewards ) { if ( !IsUnlockValid( item.ref ) ) InitUnlock( item.ref, "", eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, 1 ) } #if DEV && SERVER && DEVSCRIPTS array ignoreList = [ "titanos_ronin", "mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield", "mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream", "melee_pilot_arena", "mp_titanweapon_shoulder_rockets", "mp_titancore_dash_core", "mp_titanability_smoke", "melee_pilot_sword", "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets", "mp_titancore_amp_core", "advocate_gift", "random", "default", "mp_titanability_rocketeer_ammo_swap", "titanos_scorch", "double_xp", "titanos_ion", "fnf", "melee_pilot_emptyhanded", "mp_titanweapon_homing_rockets", "private_match", "credit_award_5x", "titanos_bt", "mp_titanweapon_xo16_shorty", "titanos_northstar", "titanos_tone", "titanos_legion", "titanos_vanguard", "varietypack", "mp_titanweapon_stun_laser", "mp_titanability_rearm", "mp_titancore_upgrade", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core8", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core9", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core2", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core5", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core3", "ronin.pas_vanguard_core6", "ion.pas_vanguard_core8", "ion.pas_vanguard_core6", "ion.pas_vanguard_core9", "ion.pas_vanguard_core2", "ion.pas_vanguard_core5", "ion.pas_vanguard_core3", "legion.pas_vanguard_core8", "legion.pas_vanguard_core9", "legion.pas_vanguard_core2", "legion.pas_vanguard_core5", "legion.pas_vanguard_core6", "legion.pas_vanguard_core3", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core8", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core6", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core9", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core2", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core5", "scorch.pas_vanguard_core3", "tone.pas_vanguard_core8", "tone.pas_vanguard_core9", "tone.pas_vanguard_core2", "tone.pas_vanguard_core5", "tone.pas_vanguard_core6", "tone.pas_vanguard_core3", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core8", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core9", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core2", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core5", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core3", "northstar.pas_vanguard_core6", ] foreach ( item in file.itemData ) { if ( ignoreList.contains( item.ref ) ) continue if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( item.ref ) ) ) continue if ( item.ref in file.entitlementUnlocks ) continue if ( IsDisabledRef( item.ref ) ) continue if ( ( item.ref in file.unlocks ) || IsItemInRandomUnlocks( item.ref ) ) { foreach ( subItem in item.subitems ) { if ( subItem.ref in file.unlocks[ item.ref ].child || IsItemInRandomUnlocks( subItem.ref, item.ref ) || IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( subItem.ref, item.ref ) ) continue if ( ignoreList.contains( item.ref + "." + subItem.ref ) ) continue CodeWarning( "Not in unlocks " + item.ref + "." + subItem.ref ) } } else { CodeWarning( "Not in unlocks " + item.ref ) } } #endif } #if SERVER void function UnlockTarget( entity player ) { int titanClassEnumCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "titanClasses" ) array pilotWeaponRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) pilotWeaponRefs.extend( GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) ) ////////////////////////// // TARGET ////////////////////////// for ( int i = 0; i < titanClassEnumCount; i++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", i ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { SetItemOwned( player, "titan_camo_skin08", titanClass, true ) SetItemOwned( player, "camo_skin08", titanClass, true ) } } SetItemOwned( player, "pilot_camo_skin08", "", true ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { SetItemOwned( player, "camo_skin08", weaponClassName, true ) } } void function ClearTargetNew( entity player ) { // early out if we don't own target skins if ( !IsItemOwned( player, "pilot_camo_skin08" ) ) return int titanClassEnumCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "titanClasses" ) array pilotWeaponRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) pilotWeaponRefs.extend( GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) ) for ( int i = 0; i < titanClassEnumCount; i++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", i ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { if ( IsItemLocked( player, titanClass ) ) { SetItemNewStatus( player, "titan_camo_skin08", titanClass, false ) SetItemNewStatus( player, "camo_skin08", titanClass, false ) } } } foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { if ( IsItemLocked( player, weaponClassName ) ) SetItemNewStatus( player, "camo_skin08", weaponClassName, false ) } } void function FixupLevelCamosForRegen( entity player ) { if ( player.GetGen() <= 1 ) return int maxPlayerLevel = GetMaxPlayerLevel() array camoSkins = GetAllItemsOfType( eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT ) foreach ( ItemData camoData in camoSkins ) { if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( camoData.ref ) ) continue if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( camoData.ref ) ) continue if ( GetItemUnlockType( camoData.ref ) != eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL ) continue if ( GetUnlockLevelReq( camoData.ref ) > maxPlayerLevel ) continue SetItemOwned( player, camoData.ref, "", false ) } } void function UnlockBWW( entity player ) { ////////////////////////// // BWW ////////////////////////// SetItemOwned( player, "ion_nose_art_05", "ion", true ) } void function UnlockDEW( entity player ) { int titanClassEnumCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "titanClasses" ) array pilotWeaponRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) pilotWeaponRefs.extend( GetAllItemRefsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) ) ////////////////////////// // Mountain Dew ////////////////////////// SetItemOwned( player, "execution_face_stab", "", true ) SetItemOwned( player, "ion_skin_03", "ion", true ) SetItemOwned( player, "callsign_70_col_gold", "", true ) for ( int i = 0; i < titanClassEnumCount; i++ ) { string titanClass = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "titanClasses", i ) if ( titanClass != "" ) { SetItemOwned( player, "titan_camo_skin09", titanClass, true ) SetItemOwned( player, "camo_skin09", titanClass, true ) } } SetItemOwned( player, "pilot_camo_skin09", "", true ) foreach ( weaponClassName in pilotWeaponRefs ) { SetItemOwned( player, "camo_skin09", weaponClassName, true ) } } #endif void function InitTitanWeaponDataMP() { //////////////////// //TITAN WEAPON DATA //////////////////// var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_primary_weapons.rpak" ) int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_PRIMARY_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) if ( IsDisabledRef( itemRef ) ) continue CreateWeaponData( i, eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY, hidden, itemRef, true, 0 ) } dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_abilities.rpak" ) numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { string itemRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_ABILITY_COLUMN ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, TITAN_ABILITY_TYPE_COLUMN ) ] bool isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_ABILITY_DAMAGESOURCE_COLUMN ) bool hidden = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, i, TITAN_ABILITY_HIDDEN_COLUMN ) if ( IsDisabledRef( itemRef ) ) continue CreateWeaponData( i, itemType, hidden, itemRef, isDamageSource, 0 ) } } void function InitTitanWeaponDataSP() { //////////////////// //TITAN WEAPON DATA //////////////////// array loadouts = GetAllowedTitanLoadouts() var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_abilities.rpak" ) int abilityColumn = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ) int abilityTypeColumn = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) int isDamageSourceColumn = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "damageSource" ) table loaded foreach ( loadoutIndex, loadout in loadouts ) { string itemRef = loadout.primary if ( !(itemRef in loaded) ) { loaded[ itemRef ] <- true CreateWeaponData( loadoutIndex, eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY, false, itemRef, true ) } string ability int row int itemType bool isDamageSource ability = loadout.coreAbility if ( !(ability in loaded) ) { loaded[ ability ] <- true row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, abilityColumn, ability ) itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, abilityTypeColumn ) ] isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, row, isDamageSourceColumn ) CreateWeaponData( row, itemType, false, ability, isDamageSource ) } ability = loadout.special if ( !(ability in loaded) ) { loaded[ ability ] <- true row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, abilityColumn, ability ) itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, abilityTypeColumn ) ] isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, row, isDamageSourceColumn ) CreateWeaponData( row, itemType, false, ability, isDamageSource ) } ability = loadout.antirodeo if ( !(ability in loaded) ) { loaded[ ability ] <- true row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, abilityColumn, ability ) itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, abilityTypeColumn ) ] isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, row, isDamageSourceColumn ) CreateWeaponData( row, itemType, false, ability, isDamageSource ) } ability = loadout.ordnance if ( !(ability in loaded) ) { loaded[ ability ] <- true row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, abilityColumn, ability ) itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, abilityTypeColumn ) ] isDamageSource = GetDataTableBool( dataTable, row, isDamageSourceColumn ) CreateWeaponData( row, itemType, false, ability, isDamageSource ) } } } array function SplitAndStripUnlockField( string unlockField ) { array unlockArray = split( unlockField, "," ) foreach ( i, unlock in unlockArray ) { unlockArray[ i ] = strip( unlock ) } return unlockArray } void function InitUnlock( string ref, string parentRef, int unlockType, int unlockLevel, int cost = 0, string additionalRef = "" ) { if ( ref == "random" ) { if ( unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL ) AppendRandomUnlock( unlockType, unlockLevel, additionalRef ) else AppendRandomUnlock( unlockType, unlockLevel, parentRef ) return } if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) || IsDisabledRef( parentRef ) ) return ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) if ( parentRef == "" ) { Assert( !(ref in file.unlocks), "Duplicate unlock entry " + ref ) Assert( unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL || unlockType == eUnlockType.DISABLED || unlockType == eUnlockType.ENTITLEMENT || unlockType == eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM || unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL || unlockType == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS, "Cannot specify a parentRef for an item that unlocks with player level" ) Unlock unlock unlock.unlockType = unlockType unlock.unlockLevel = unlockLevel unlock.cost = cost unlock.additionalRef = additionalRef file.unlocks[ ref ] <- unlock } else if ( IsSubItemType( itemData.itemType ) ) { Assert( HasSubitem( parentRef, ref ), "Item " + parentRef + " does not have a " + ref + " subitem" ) ChildUnlock childUnlock childUnlock.unlockType = unlockType childUnlock.unlockLevel = unlockLevel childUnlock.cost = cost childUnlock.additionalRef = additionalRef // Assert( !(ref in file.unlocks[parentRef].child) ) if ( !(parentRef in file.unlocks) ) { //CodeWarning( "Unassigned parent reference: " + parentRef + " for child " + ref ) Unlock unlock unlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL unlock.unlockLevel = 1 file.unlocks[ parentRef ] <- unlock } #if DEV if ( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) CodeWarning( "Duplicate unlock entry " + parentRef + "." + ref ) //Assert( !(ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child), "Duplicate unlock entry " + ref ) #endif file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ] <- childUnlock } else { Assert( !HasSubitem( parentRef, ref ), "Item " + parentRef + " uses " + ref + " as a subitem" ) Unlock unlock unlock.unlockType = unlockType unlock.unlockLevel = unlockLevel unlock.cost = cost unlock.parentRef = parentRef unlock.additionalRef = additionalRef file.unlocks[ ref ] <- unlock } } //int function GetPlayerStatInt( entity player, string category, string alias, string subAlias = "" ) void function InitUnlockForStatInt( string ref, string parentRef, int statValue, string statCategory, string statAlias, string statSubAlias = "" ) { Assert ( GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) == ePlayerStatType.INT ) if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) || IsDisabledRef( parentRef ) ) return if ( parentRef != "" ) { Assert( HasSubitem( parentRef, ref ), "Item " + parentRef + " does not have a " + ref + " subitem" ) ChildUnlock childUnlock childUnlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.STAT childUnlock.unlockLevel = 0 childUnlock.cost = 0 childUnlock.unlockIntVal = statValue childUnlock.unlockFloatVal = -1 childUnlock.additionalRef = GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statCategory <- statCategory childUnlock.additionalData.statAlias <- statAlias childUnlock.additionalData.statSubAlias <- statSubAlias childUnlock.additionalData.statVar <- GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statType <- GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statUnlockValue <- statValue Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) #if DEV if ( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) CodeWarning( "Duplicate unlock entry " + parentRef + "." + ref ) #endif #if SERVER AddStatCallback( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias, StatsCallback_SubItemUnlockUpdate, ref + "," + parentRef ) #endif file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ] <- childUnlock } else { Unlock unlock unlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.STAT unlock.parentRef = parentRef unlock.unlockLevel = 0 unlock.cost = 0 unlock.unlockIntVal = statValue unlock.unlockFloatVal = -1 unlock.additionalRef = GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statCategory <- statCategory unlock.additionalData.statAlias <- statAlias unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias <- statSubAlias unlock.additionalData.statVar <- GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statType <- GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statUnlockValue <- statValue #if SERVER AddStatCallback( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias, StatsCallback_ItemUnlockUpdate, ref ) #endif file.unlocks[ ref ] <- unlock } } void function InitUnlockForStatFloat( string ref, string parentRef, float statValue, string statCategory, string statAlias, string statSubAlias = "" ) { Assert ( GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) == ePlayerStatType.FLOAT ) if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) || IsDisabledRef( parentRef ) ) return if ( parentRef != "" ) { Assert( HasSubitem( parentRef, ref ), "Item " + parentRef + " does not have a " + ref + " subitem" ) ChildUnlock childUnlock childUnlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.STAT childUnlock.unlockLevel = 0 childUnlock.cost = 0 childUnlock.unlockIntVal = -1 childUnlock.unlockFloatVal = statValue childUnlock.additionalRef = GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statCategory <- statCategory childUnlock.additionalData.statAlias <- statAlias childUnlock.additionalData.statSubAlias <- statSubAlias childUnlock.additionalData.statVar <- GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statType <- GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) childUnlock.additionalData.statUnlockValue <- statValue Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) #if DEV if ( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) CodeWarning( "Duplicate unlock entry " + parentRef + "." + ref ) #endif #if SERVER AddStatCallback( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias, StatsCallback_SubItemUnlockUpdate, ref + "," + parentRef ) #endif file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ] <- childUnlock } else { Unlock unlock unlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.STAT unlock.parentRef = parentRef unlock.unlockLevel = 0 unlock.cost = 0 unlock.unlockIntVal = -1 unlock.unlockFloatVal = statValue unlock.additionalRef = GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statCategory <- statCategory unlock.additionalData.statAlias <- statAlias unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias <- statSubAlias unlock.additionalData.statVar <- GetStatVar( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statType <- GetStatVarType( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) unlock.additionalData.statUnlockValue <- statValue #if SERVER AddStatCallback( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias, StatsCallback_ItemUnlockUpdate, ref ) #endif file.unlocks[ ref ] <- unlock } } ItemData function CreateBaseItemData( int itemType, string ref, bool hidden ) { Assert( ref == ref.tolower() ) Assert( !(ref in file.itemData), "Already defined item ref " + ref ) GlobalItemRef globalItemRef globalItemRef.ref = ref globalItemRef.itemType = itemType globalItemRef.hidden = hidden globalItemRef.guid = StringHash( ref ) file.allItems.append( globalItemRef ) file.itemRefToGuid[ref] <- globalItemRef.guid Assert( !(globalItemRef.guid in file.guidToItemRef), "duplicate hash for refs " + file.guidToItemRef[globalItemRef.guid] + " and " + ref ) file.guidToItemRef[globalItemRef.guid] <- ref ItemData item item.itemType = itemType item.ref = ref item.hidden = hidden file.itemData[ref] <- item file.itemsOfType[ itemType ].append( ref ) file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ].append( globalItemRef ) return item } void function CreatePrimeTitanData( int itemType, string ref, string nonPrimeRef, bool hidden ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.persistenceStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( nonPrimeRef ) item.persistenceId = GetItemPersistenceId( nonPrimeRef ) } void function CreateWeaponData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, bool isDamageSource, int cost = 0 ) { #if !UI #if SERVER || CLIENT PrecacheWeapon( ref ) #endif PROTO_PrecacheTrapFX( ref ) #endif ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "shortprintname" ) ) item.longname = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "printname" ) ) item.desc = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "description" ) ) item.longdesc = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "longdesc" ) ) item.cost = cost asset image = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( ref, "menu_icon" ) if ( image == $"" ) image = $"ui/temp" item.image = image switch ( item.itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: string stringVal = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalString( ref, "menu_category" ) item.i.menuCategory <- MenuCategoryStringToEnumValue( stringVal ) stringVal = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalString( ref, "menu_anim_class" ) item.i.menuAnimClass <- MenuAnimClassStringToEnumValue( stringVal ) item.persistenceStruct = "pilotWeapons[" + dataTableIndex + "]" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: item.persistenceStruct = "pilotOffhands[" + dataTableIndex + "]" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_HUD item.persistenceStruct = "pilotOffhands[" + dataTableIndex + "]" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: item.persistenceStruct = "titanWeapons[" + dataTableIndex + "]" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_CORE_ABILITY: item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_HUD item.persistenceStruct = "titanOffhands[" + dataTableIndex + "]" break } item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex // some weapons are really abilities and don't have these values item.i.statDamage <- int( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalFloat( ref, "stat_damage" ) ) // TODO: Code makes these float though everywhere expects int item.i.statRange <- int( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalFloat( ref, "stat_range" ) ) item.i.statAccuracy <- int( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalFloat( ref, "stat_accuracy" ) ) item.i.statFireRate <- int( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalFloat( ref, "stat_rof" ) ) item.i.statClipSize <- GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalInt( ref, "ammo_clip_size" ) if ( itemType != eItemTypes.NOT_LOADOUT ) { //UpdateChallengeRewardItems( ref, null, itemType, challengeReq, challengeTier ) // Register the item itemType so the "bot_loadout" console command auto-complete // knows about it. Client only. If this auto-complete breaks then the item // itemType enum may be desynced between .nut and C++ source code. See Glenn. //#if CLIENT // RegisterItemType( itemType, ref ) //#endif #if SERVER || CLIENT if ( isDamageSource ) RegisterWeaponDamageSourceName( ref, expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "shortprintname" ) ) ) #endif } } void function CreatePilotSuitData( int datatableIndex, int itemType, string ref, asset image, int cost = 0 ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, false ) item.image = image item.persistenceId = datatableIndex item.cost = cost #if SERVER || CLIENT string setFile setFile = GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile( ref, "race_human_male" ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "bodymodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "armsmodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "cockpitmodel" ) ) setFile = GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile( ref, "race_human_female" ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "bodymodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "armsmodel" ) ) PrecacheModel( GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( setFile, "cockpitmodel" ) ) #endif } #if !UI void function PROTO_PrecacheTrapFX( ref ) { asset trapWarningFriendlyFX = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( ref, "trap_warning_friendly_fx" ) if ( trapWarningFriendlyFX != $"" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( trapWarningFriendlyFX ) asset trapWarningEnemyFX = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( ref, "trap_warning_enemy_fx" ) if ( trapWarningEnemyFX != $"" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( trapWarningEnemyFX ) var trapWarningOwnerFX = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_Global( ref, "trap_warning_owner_fx" ) if ( trapWarningOwnerFX != $"" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( trapWarningOwnerFX ) } #endif int function GetUnlockLevelReq( string ref ) { if ( ref in file.unlocks ) return file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel return 0 } int function GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( parentRef in file.unlocks ) { if ( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) return file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockLevel } return 0 } bool function ItemDefined( string ref ) { return ref in file.itemData } ItemData function GetItemData( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref] } int function GetItemType( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].itemType } int function GetItemMenuAnimClass( string ref ) { return expect int ( file.itemData[ref].i.menuAnimClass ) } int function GetItemId( string ref ) { return file.itemRefToGuid[ref] } string function GetItemName( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].name } string function GetItemLongName( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].longname } string function GetItemDescription( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].desc } string function GetItemLongDescription( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].longdesc } bool function IsItemPurchasableEntitlement( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( !IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) return false string fullRef = GetFullRef( ref, parentRef ) Assert( fullRef in file.entitlementUnlocks ) if ( file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef].purchaseData.purchaseMenu != "" ) return true return false } float function GetStatUnlockStatVal( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { int statType string statVar string statCategory string statAlias string statSubAlias float statVal if ( parentRef != "" ) { ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) statVal = float( unlock.unlockIntVal ) else statVal = unlock.unlockFloatVal } else { Unlock unlock = file.unlocks[ ref ] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) statVal = float( unlock.unlockIntVal ) else statVal = unlock.unlockFloatVal } return statVal } #if UI string function GetPurchasableEntitlementMenu( string ref, string parentRef ) { Assert ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) string fullRef = GetFullRef( ref, parentRef ) Assert( fullRef in file.entitlementUnlocks ) return file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef].purchaseData.purchaseMenu } string function GetItemUnlockReqText( string ref, string parentRef = "", bool alwaysShow = false ) { entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return "" if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref, parentRef ) ) return "#UNLOCK_RANDOM" string unlockReq = "" int itemType = GetItemType( ref ) int unlockType int unlockLevel bool isUnlocked if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { isUnlocked = !IsSubItemLocked( player, ref, parentRef ) if ( !IsSubItemLocked( player, ref, parentRef ) && !alwaysShow ) return "" if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) { //if ( !isUnlocked && !DevEverythingUnlocked() ) // CodeWarning( ref + " needs to be hidden since it's an entitlement unlock" ) if ( IsItemPurchasableEntitlement( ref, parentRef ) ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_STORE_PURCHASE" else return "" } unlockType = GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( ref, parentRef ) } else { isUnlocked = !IsItemLocked( player, ref ) if ( !IsItemLocked( player, ref ) && !alwaysShow ) return "" if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref ) ) { //if ( !isUnlocked && !DevEverythingUnlocked() ) //CodeWarning( ref + " needs to be hidden since it's an entitlement unlock" ) if ( IsItemPurchasableEntitlement( ref ) ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_STORE_PURCHASE" else return "" } unlockType = GetItemUnlockType( ref ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( ref ) } switch ( unlockType ) { case eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL: int gen = player.GetGen() string level = PlayerXPDisplayGenAndLevelForRawLevel( unlockLevel ) if ( gen <= 1 && unlockLevel > GetMaxPlayerLevel() ) { unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_PLAYER_LEVEL_REGEN" ) } else { if ( isUnlocked ) unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCKED_PLAYER_LEVEL", level ) else unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_PLAYER_LEVEL", level ) } break case eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL: if ( parentRef == "" ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef != "" ) parentRef = file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef } string level = TitanGetDisplayGenAndLevelForRawLevel( unlockLevel ) if ( TitanGetGen( player, parentRef ) <= 1 && unlockLevel > TitanGetMaxLevel( parentRef ) ) { unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_TITAN_LEVEL_REGEN", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ) ) } else { if ( isUnlocked ) unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCKED_TITAN_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), level ) else unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_TITAN_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), level ) } break case eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS: if ( parentRef == "" ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef != "" ) parentRef = file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef } if ( isUnlocked ) unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCKED_FD_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), unlockLevel ) else unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_FD_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), unlockLevel ) break case eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL: if ( parentRef == "" ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef != "" ) parentRef = file.unlocks[ ref ].parentRef } string level = WeaponGetDisplayGenAndLevelForRawLevel( unlockLevel ) if ( WeaponGetGen( player, parentRef ) <= 1 && unlockLevel > WeaponGetMaxLevel( parentRef ) ) { unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_WEAPON_LEVEL_REGEN", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ) ) } else { if ( isUnlocked ) unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCKED_WEAPON_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), level ) else unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_WEAPON_LEVEL", Localize( GetItemName( parentRef ) ), level ) } break case eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL: string level = FactionGetDisplayGenAndLevelForRawLevel( unlockLevel ) string factionRef string factionName if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) factionRef = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].additionalRef else factionRef = file.unlocks[ ref ].additionalRef factionName = Localize( file.itemData[factionRef].name ) if ( FactionGetGen( player, factionRef ) <= 1 && unlockLevel > FactionGetMaxLevel( factionRef ) ) { unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_FACTION_LEVEL_REGEN", factionName ) } else { if ( isUnlocked ) unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCKED_FACTION_LEVEL", factionName, level ) else unlockReq = Localize( "#UNLOCK_FACTION_LEVEL", factionName, level ) } break case eUnlockType.STAT: unlockReq = GetStatUnlockReq( ref, parentRef ) break } return unlockReq } string function GetUnlockProgressText( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return "" if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref, parentRef ) ) return "" int itemType = GetItemType( ref ) int unlockType int unlockLevel if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { if ( !IsSubItemLocked( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return "" if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) return "" unlockType = GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( ref, parentRef ) } else { if ( !IsItemLocked( player, ref ) ) return "" if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref ) ) return "" unlockType = GetItemUnlockType( ref ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( ref ) } switch ( unlockType ) { case eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL: return "" case eUnlockType.STAT: return GetStatUnlockProgress( ref, parentRef ) } return "" } float function GetUnlockProgressFrac( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return 0.0 if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref, parentRef ) ) return 0.0 int itemType = GetItemType( ref ) int unlockType int unlockLevel if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { if ( !IsSubItemLocked( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return 0.0 if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) return 0.0 unlockType = GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( ref, parentRef ) } else { if ( !IsItemLocked( player, ref ) ) return 0.0 if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref ) ) return 0.0 unlockType = GetItemUnlockType( ref ) unlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( ref ) } switch ( unlockType ) { case eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL: case eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL: return 0.0 case eUnlockType.STAT: return GetStatUnlockProgressFrac( ref, parentRef ) } return 0.0 } string function GetStatUnlockProgress( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { int statType string statVar string statCategory string statAlias string statSubAlias string statValString string statCurString entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !player ) return "" if ( parentRef != "" ) { ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) { statCurString = string( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockIntVal ) } else { statCurString = format( "%.2f", GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockFloatVal ) } } else { Unlock unlock = file.unlocks[ ref ] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) { statCurString = string( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockIntVal ) } else { statCurString = format( "%.2f", GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockFloatVal ) } } return statCurString + " / " + statValString } float function GetStatUnlockProgressFrac( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { int statType string statVar string statCategory string statAlias string statSubAlias float statVal float statCur entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !player ) return 0.0 if ( parentRef != "" ) { ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) { statCur = float( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statVal = float( unlock.unlockIntVal ) } else { statCur = GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) statVal = unlock.unlockFloatVal } } else { Unlock unlock = file.unlocks[ ref ] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) { statCur = float( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) ) statVal = float( unlock.unlockIntVal ) } else { statCur = GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) statVal = unlock.unlockFloatVal } } return statCur / statVal } #endif #if UI || CLIENT string function GetStatUnlockReq( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { int statType string statVar string statCategory string statAlias string statSubAlias string statValString if ( parentRef != "" ) { ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockIntVal ) else statValString = string( unlock.unlockFloatVal ) } else { Unlock unlock = file.unlocks[ ref ] statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) statValString = string( unlock.unlockIntVal ) else statValString = string( unlock.unlockFloatVal ) } string localizedUnlockBase = GetStatVarLocalizedUnlock( statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) string unlockReq if ( statSubAlias != "" ) { ItemData itemData = GetItemData( statSubAlias ) unlockReq = Localize( localizedUnlockBase, statValString, Localize( itemData.name ) ) } else { string subString if ( parentRef != "" ) { ItemData itemData = GetItemData( parentRef ) subString = Localize( itemData.name ) } unlockReq = Localize( localizedUnlockBase, statValString, subString ) } return unlockReq } #endif asset function GetItemImage( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].image } vector function GetItemImageAspect( string ref ) { vector aspectRatio = <1, 1, 0> switch ( GetItemType( ref ) ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: aspectRatio = <2, 1, 0> break case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: aspectRatio = <0.64, 1, 0> break case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: aspectRatio = <2.25, 1, 0> break case eItemTypes.FEATURE: if ( ref == "coliseum" ) // JFS aspectRatio = <2, 1, 0> else if ( "isPlaylist" in GetItemData( ref ).i ) // JFS aspectRatio = <2, 1, 0> break } return aspectRatio } int function GetItemCost( string ref ) { return file.itemData[ref].cost } int function GetItemStat( string ref, int statType ) { Assert( ref in file.itemData ) int statValue = 0 switch ( statType ) { case eWeaponStatType.DAMAGE: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statDamage ) break case eWeaponStatType.ACCURACY: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statAccuracy ) break case eWeaponStatType.RANGE: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statRange ) break case eWeaponStatType.FIRE_RATE: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statFireRate ) break case eWeaponStatType.CAPACITY: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statClipSize ) break } return statValue } int function GetModdedItemStat( string parentRef, string childRef, int statType ) { int defaultValue = GetItemStat( parentRef, statType ) if ( childRef == "none" ) return defaultValue int modValue = GetSubitemStat( parentRef, childRef, statType ) return defaultValue + modValue } int function GetSubitemStat( string parentRef, string childRef, int statType ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) int statValue = 0 Assert( childRef == "none" || childRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems ) if ( !(childRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems) ) return statValue SubItemData subItem = file.itemData[parentRef].subitems[childRef] switch ( statType ) { case eWeaponStatType.DAMAGE: statValue = expect int( subItem.i.statDamage ) break case eWeaponStatType.ACCURACY: statValue = expect int( subItem.i.statAccuracy ) break case eWeaponStatType.RANGE: statValue = expect int( subItem.i.statRange ) break case eWeaponStatType.FIRE_RATE: statValue = expect int( subItem.i.statFireRate ) break case eWeaponStatType.CAPACITY: statValue = expect int( subItem.i.statClipSize ) break } return statValue } int function GetTitanStat( string ref, int statType ) { int statValue = 0 switch ( statType ) { case eTitanStatType.SPEED: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statSpeed ) break case eTitanStatType.DAMAGE: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statDamage ) break case eTitanStatType.HEALTH: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statHealth ) break case eTitanStatType.DASHES: statValue = expect int( file.itemData[ref].i.statDash ) break } return statValue } int function GetSubItemClipSizeStat( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) if ( !(childRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems) ) return 0 SubItemData subItem = file.itemData[parentRef].subitems[childRef] return expect int ( subItem.i.statClipSize ) } string function GetRefFromItem( item ) { return expect string( item.ref ) } function SubitemDefined( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return (childRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems) } ItemDisplayData function GetSubitemDisplayData( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemDisplayData( childRef, parentRef ) } int function GetSubitemType( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemData( parentRef ).subitems[childRef].itemType } int function GetSubitemId( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return file.itemRefToGuid[childRef] } string function GetSubitemName( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemData( childRef ).name } bool function HasSubitem( string parentRef, string childRef ) { return (childRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems) } string function GetSubitemDescription( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemData( childRef ).desc } string function GetSubitemLongDescription( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemData( childRef ).longdesc } asset function GetSubitemImage( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) return GetItemData( childRef ).image } int function GetSubitemCost( string parentRef, string childRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) if ( childRef == "none" ) return GetItemCost( parentRef ) return GetItemData( parentRef ).subitems[childRef].cost } array function GetAllItemsOfType( int itemType ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) array items = [] if ( file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ].len() ) { array genericItemData = file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ] foreach ( itemData in genericItemData ) items.append( file.itemData[ itemData.ref ] ) return items } foreach ( ref in file.itemsOfType[ itemType ] ) items.append( file.itemData[ ref ] ) return items } array function GetAllSubItemsOfType( string parentRef, int itemType ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) array items = [] ItemData parentItem = GetItemData( parentRef ) foreach ( subitem in parentItem.subitems ) { if ( GetSubitemType( parentRef, subitem.ref ) != itemType ) continue items.append( subitem ) } return items } array function GetAllItemRefsOfType( int itemType ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) //Assert( !(itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD) ) //Assert( !(itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD) ) //Assert( !(itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT) ) array refs = [] if ( file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ].len() ) { array genericItemData = file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ] foreach ( itemData in genericItemData ) refs.append( itemData.ref ) return refs } foreach ( ref in file.itemsOfType[ itemType ] ) refs.append( ref ) return refs } array function GetVisibleItemsOfType( int itemType, string parentRef = "", bool doSort = true ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) Assert( !IsSubItemType( itemType ) || parentRef != "" ) array items = [] if ( file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ].len() ) { array genericItemData = file.globalItemRefsOfType[ itemType ] foreach ( itemData in genericItemData ) { if ( itemData.hidden ) continue if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) && !HasSubitem( parentRef, itemData.ref ) ) continue items.append( GetItemDisplayData( itemData.ref, parentRef ) ) } } if ( doSort ) items.sort( SortByUnlockLevelUntyped ) return items } array function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeWithoutEntitlements( entity player, int itemType, string parentRef = "" ) { array items = GetVisibleItemsOfType( itemType, parentRef ) array finalItems = [] // in case the player is gone (disconnected) if ( player == null ) { return items } foreach ( item in items ) { bool isEntitlement = IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( item.ref, item.parentRef ) bool locked int unlockType if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( item.ref, item.parentRef ) ) { finalItems.append( item ) continue } if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { locked = IsSubItemLocked( player, item.ref, item.parentRef ) if ( isEntitlement && locked && !IsItemPurchasableEntitlement( item.ref, item.parentRef ) ) continue else if ( isEntitlement ) unlockType = 0 // just a whatever number else unlockType = GetSubItemUnlockType( item.ref, item.parentRef ) } else { locked = IsItemLocked( player, item.ref ) if ( isEntitlement && locked && !IsItemPurchasableEntitlement( item.ref ) ) continue else if ( isEntitlement ) unlockType = 0 // just a whatever number else unlockType = GetItemUnlockType( item.ref ) } if ( unlockType == eUnlockType.PERSISTENT_ITEM && locked ) continue finalItems.append( item ) } return finalItems } array function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeForCategory( int itemType, int category ) { array items = GetVisibleItemsOfType( itemType ) array filteredItems foreach ( item in items ) { if ( item.i.menuCategory == category ) filteredItems.append( item ) } return filteredItems } array function GetVisibleItemsOfTypeMatchingEntitlementID( int itemType, int entitlementID, string parentRef = "" ) { array items = GetVisibleItemsOfType( itemType, parentRef ) array filteredItems foreach ( item in items ) { array ids = GetEntitlementIds( item.ref, parentRef ) foreach ( id in ids ) { if ( id == entitlementID ) filteredItems.append( item ) } } return filteredItems } int function GetIndexForUnlockItem( int itemType, string ref ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) array items = GetVisibleItemsOfType( itemType ) for ( int i = 0; i < items.len(); i++ ) { if ( items[i].ref == ref ) return i } Assert( 0, "GetIndexForUnlockItem() failed to find ref " + ref ) unreachable } array function GetAllRefsOfType( int itemType ) { return file.itemsOfType[itemType] } array function GetAllItemRefs() { return file.allItems } array function GetAllSubitemRefs( string parentRef ) { array childRefs = [] foreach ( childRef, subItem in file.itemData[ parentRef ].subitems ) { childRefs.append( childRef ) } return childRefs } string function GetItemRefOfTypeByIndex( int itemType, int index ) { array typeArray = file.itemsOfType[itemType] Assert( index >= 0 && index < typeArray.len() ) return typeArray[index] } string function GetRandomItemRefOfType( int itemType ) { Assert( itemType >= 0 && itemType < eItemTypes.COUNT, "Unknown item itemType " + itemType ) array items = GetAllRefsOfType( itemType ) return items[ rand() % items.len() ] } int function GetItemIndexOfTypeByRef( int itemType, string itemRef ) { int count = 0 foreach ( ref in file.itemsOfType[ itemType ] ) { if ( ref == itemRef ) return count else count++ } Assert( false, "itemRef not found in ItemType" ) return 0 } void function CreateModData( int itemType, string parentRef, string modRef, int cost = 0, int statDamage = 0, int statAccuracy = 0, int statRange = 0, int statFireRate = 0, int statClipSize = 0 ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) Assert( modRef in file.itemData ) if ( itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT ) Assert( ItemTypeSupportsAttachments( GetItemType( parentRef ) ), "Item type was " + GetItemType( parentRef ) ) else Assert( ItemTypeSupportsMods( GetItemType( parentRef ) ), "Item type was " + GetItemType( parentRef ) ) Assert( !(modRef in file.itemData[parentRef].subitems), "childRef " + modRef + " being redefined!" ) ItemData modData = GetItemData( modRef ) SubItemData subItemRef subItemRef.itemType = itemType subItemRef.ref = modRef subItemRef.parentRef = parentRef subItemRef.cost = cost subItemRef.i.statDamage <- statDamage subItemRef.i.statRange <- statRange subItemRef.i.statAccuracy <- statAccuracy subItemRef.i.statFireRate <- statFireRate subItemRef.i.statClipSize <- statClipSize ItemData parentItem = GetItemData( parentRef ) Assert( !(modRef in parentItem.subitems) ) parentItem.subitems[modRef] <- subItemRef } void function CreateGenericSubItemData( int itemType, string parentRef, string itemRef, int cost = 0, table t = {} ) { Assert( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) Assert( itemRef in file.itemData ) ItemData baseData = GetItemData( itemRef ) SubItemData subItemRef subItemRef.itemType = itemType subItemRef.ref = itemRef subItemRef.parentRef = parentRef subItemRef.cost = cost subItemRef.i = clone t ItemData parentItem = GetItemData( parentRef ) Assert( !(itemRef in parentItem.subitems), "childRef " + itemRef + " being redefined!" ) parentItem.subitems[itemRef] <- subItemRef } ItemData function CreateGenericItem( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, string ref, string name, string desc, string longdesc, asset image, int cost, bool isHidden ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, isHidden ) item.name = name item.desc = desc item.longdesc = longdesc item.image = image item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex item.cost = cost return item } array function GetDisplaySubItemsOfType( string parentRef, int itemType ) { array subitems = [] foreach ( subItemRef, subItemData in file.itemData[ parentRef ].subitems ) { if ( subItemData.itemType == itemType ) subitems.append( GetItemDisplayData( subItemRef, parentRef ) ) } subitems.sort( SortByUnlockLevelUntyped ) // TODO return subitems } bool function ItemSupportsAttachments( string ref ) { return (GetItemType( ref ) == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY) } bool function ItemSupportsAttachment( string itemRef, string childRef ) { ItemData item = GetItemData( itemRef ) if ( !(childRef in item.subitems ) ) return false ItemData childItem = GetItemData( childRef ) return childItem.itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT } bool function ItemSupportsMods( string ref ) { local itemType = GetItemType( ref ) return (itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY || itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY || itemType == eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY) } void function CreateTitanData( int dataTableIndex, string titanRef, int cost, asset image, asset coreIcon ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) string setFile = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "setFile" ) ) string name = expect string( GetPlayerSettingsFieldForClassName( setFile, "printname" ) ) string desc = expect string( GetPlayerSettingsFieldForClassName( setFile, "description" ) ) ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.TITAN, titanRef, false ) item.name = name item.desc = desc item.longdesc = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "desc" ) ) item.image = image item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_HUD item.cost = cost item.i.coreIcon <- coreIcon item.i.statSpeed <- GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "speedDisplay" ) ) item.i.statHealth <- GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "healthDisplay" ) ) item.i.statDamage <- GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "damageDisplay" ) ) item.i.statDash <- GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "dashDisplay" ) ) item.i.passive1Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive1" ) item.i.passive2Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive2" ) item.i.passive3Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive3" ) item.i.passive4Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive4" ) item.i.passive5Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive5" ) item.i.passive6Type <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( setFile, "passive6" ) item.i.titanExecution <- GetTitanLoadoutPropertyExecutionType( setFile, "titanExecution" ) item.persistenceStruct = "titanChassis[" + dataTableIndex + "]" item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex } asset function GetIconForTitanClass( string titanClass ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int loadoutIconCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "loadoutIcon" ) int titanCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, titanCol, titanClass ) asset icon = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, loadoutIconCol ) return icon } array function FD_GetUpgradesForTitanClass( string titanClass ) { array allUpgradeItems = GetAllItemsOfType( eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE ) array titanUpgrades foreach ( ItemData item in allUpgradeItems ) { if ( item.parentRef != titanClass ) continue titanUpgrades.append( item ) } titanUpgrades.sort( SortItemDataByUnlockLevel ) array displayUpgrades foreach ( ItemData item in titanUpgrades ) { displayUpgrades.append( GetItemDisplayData( item.ref, item.parentRef ) ) } return displayUpgrades } int function SortItemDataByUnlockLevel( ItemData a, ItemData b ) { const int SORT_SAME = 0 const int SORT_AFTER = 1 const int SORT_BEFORE = -1 int aLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( a.ref, a.parentRef ) int bLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( b.ref, b.parentRef ) if ( aLevel > bLevel ) return SORT_AFTER else if ( aLevel < bLevel ) return SORT_BEFORE else return SORT_SAME unreachable } void function SetupFrontierDefenseItems() { { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_fd_upgrades.rpak" ) var numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) { bool hidden = false string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) string parentRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "parentref" ) ) //int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ) ) ] string upgradeType = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "upgradeType" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) string description = GetDataTableString( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "description" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) asset lockedImage = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "lockedImage" ) ) int slot = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "slot" ) ) int cost = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, i, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "cost" ) ) if ( IsDisabledRef( ref ) ) continue CreateFDTitanUpgradeData( i, upgradeType, hidden, ref, parentRef, name, description, image, lockedImage, slot, cost ) //InitUnlock( ref, parentRef, eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS, unlockLevel ) } } } void function InitFrontierDefenseUnlocks() { { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/unlocks_fd_titan_level.rpak" ) int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) int column = 1 while ( true ) { string titanRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, 0, column ) if ( titanRef == "END" ) break if ( IsDisabledRef( titanRef ) ) { column++ continue } for ( int row = 1; row < numRows; row++ ) { string unlockField = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) array unlockArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( unlockField ) foreach ( unlock in unlockArray ) { if ( unlock != "" ) InitUnlock( unlock, titanRef, eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS, row ) } } column++ } } } void function CreateFDTitanUpgradeData( int dataTableIndex, string upgradeType, bool hidden, string ref, string parentRef, string name, string desc, asset image, asset lockedImage, int slot, int cost = 0 ) { Assert( parentRef in file.itemData ) ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.longname = name item.desc = desc item.image = image item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex item.cost = cost item.slot = slot item.parentRef = parentRef item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU string upgradeTypeCategory if ( upgradeType == "weapon" ) upgradeTypeCategory = "#FD_UPGRADE_ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON" else if ( upgradeType == "utility" ) upgradeTypeCategory = "#FD_UPGRADE_ITEM_TYPE_UTILITY" else if ( upgradeType == "defensive" ) upgradeTypeCategory = "#FD_UPGRADE_ITEM_TYPE_DEFENSE" else if ( upgradeType == "ultimate" ) upgradeTypeCategory = "#FD_UPGRADE_ITEM_TYPE_ULTIMATE" else upgradeTypeCategory = "!!FD_UPGRADE_ITEM_TYPE UNKNOWN!!" item.i.upgradeType <- upgradeType item.i.upgradeTypeCategory <- upgradeTypeCategory item.i.lockedImage <- lockedImage SubItemData subItemRef subItemRef.itemType = eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE subItemRef.ref = ref subItemRef.parentRef = parentRef subItemRef.cost = cost subItemRef.slot = slot subItemRef.i = {} subItemRef.i.upgradeType <- upgradeType subItemRef.i.upgradeTypeCategory <- upgradeTypeCategory subItemRef.i.lockedImage <- lockedImage ItemData parentItem = GetItemData( parentRef ) Assert( !(ref in parentItem.subitems), "childRef " + ref + " being redefined!" ) parentItem.subitems[ref] <- subItemRef } void function CreateTitanExecutionData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, string name, string desc, string longdesc, asset image, int cost = 0, bool reqPrime = false ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.longname = name item.desc = desc item.longdesc = longdesc item.image = image item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex item.cost = cost item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU item.reqPrime = reqPrime } void function CreatePassiveData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, string name, string desc, string longdesc, asset image, int cost = 0 ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.longname = name item.desc = desc item.longdesc = longdesc item.image = image item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex item.cost = cost item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU } void function CreateNoseArtData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, string name, asset image, int decalIndex ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.image = image item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CAMO item.i.decalIndex <- decalIndex item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex } void function CreateSkinData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, string name, asset image, int skinIndex ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.image = image item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_CAMO item.i.skinIndex <- skinIndex item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex } void function CreateWeaponSkinData( int dataTableIndex, int itemType, bool hidden, string ref, string weaponRef, string name, asset image, int skinIndex, int skinType ) { ItemData item = CreateBaseItemData( itemType, ref, hidden ) item.name = name item.image = image item.imageAtlas = IMAGE_ATLAS_MENU item.parentRef = weaponRef item.i.skinIndex <- skinIndex item.i.skinType <- skinType item.persistenceId = dataTableIndex } function ItemTypeSupportsMods( iType ) { if ( iType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY || iType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY || iType == eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY ) return true return false } function ItemTypeSupportsAttachments( itemType ) { if ( itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) return true return false } bool function IsItemTypeMod( int itemType ) { if ( itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD || itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD || itemType == eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD ) return true return false } bool function IsItemTypeAttachment( int itemType ) { if ( itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT ) return true return false } bool function IsRefValid( string ref ) { if ( ItemDefined( ref ) ) return true if ( ref in file.unlocks ) return true if ( ref in shGlobalMP.challengeData ) return true foreach ( itemType in file.itemsOfType ) { foreach ( itemRef in itemType ) { if ( itemRef == ref ) return true } } return false } bool function IsUnlockValid( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( !IsRefValid( ref ) ) return false if ( parentRef == "" ) { if ( !( ref in file.unlocks ) ) return false } else { if ( !IsRefValid( parentRef ) ) return false if ( !(parentRef in file.unlocks ) ) return false if ( !(ref in file.unlocks[parentRef].child ) ) return false } return true } bool function IsSubItemLocked( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { if ( DevEverythingUnlocked() ) return false if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) { if (!IsItemLockedForEntitlement( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) } if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref, parentRef ) ) return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) Assert( IsValid( player ) ) Assert( !(ref in file.unlocks) ) Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) int parentRefType = GetItemType( parentRef ) int refType = GetSubitemType( parentRef, ref ) Assert( !IsSubItemType( parentRefType ) ) Assert( IsSubItemType( refType ) ) if ( IsItemLocked( player, parentRef ) ) return true if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.STAT ) { if ( !IsSubItemLockedForStat( player, ref, parentRef) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) } switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: if ( !IsItemLockedForWeapon( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: if ( !IsItemLockedForTitan( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: switch ( parentRefType ) { case eItemTypes.TITAN: if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForTitan( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForFaction( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForWeapon( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForFaction( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) } case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForTitan( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL && !IsItemLockedForFaction( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: if ( GetSubItemUnlockType( ref, parentRef ) == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS && !IsItemLockedForFrontierDefense( player, ref, parentRef ) ) return false return !IsSubItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: unreachable //Show have been caught IsItemInEntitlementUnlock() check earlier default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled unlock type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } return false } bool function IsItemLocked( entity player, string ref ) { if ( DevEverythingUnlocked() ) return false if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref ) ) { if ( !IsItemLockedForEntitlement( player, ref ) ) return false return !IsItemOwned( player, ref ) } if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref ) ) return !IsItemOwned( player, ref ) Assert( IsValid( player ) ) Assert( ref in file.unlocks, "ref not found: " + ref ) if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { CodeWarning( "undefined item? " + ref ) return false } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) Assert( !IsSubItemType( itemData.itemType ) ) switch ( file.unlocks[ref].unlockType ) { case eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL: if ( !IsItemLockedForPlayer( player, ref ) ) return false break case eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL: Assert( file.unlocks[ref].parentRef != "" ) if ( !IsItemLockedForWeapon( player, ref, file.unlocks[ref].parentRef ) ) return false break case eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL: if ( !IsItemLockedForTitan( player, ref, file.unlocks[ref].parentRef ) ) return false break case eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL: if ( !IsItemLockedForFaction( player, ref, file.unlocks[ref].parentRef ) ) return false break case eUnlockType.STAT: if ( !IsItemLockedForStat( player, ref ) ) return false break case eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS: if ( !IsItemLockedForFrontierDefense( player, ref, file.unlocks[ref].parentRef ) ) return false break } //Assert( file.unlocks[ref].unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL, "Non subitem types must be unlocked via player level." ) return !IsItemOwned( player, ref ) } bool function IsItemLockedForEntitlement( entity player, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { string fullRef = GetFullRef( ref, parentRef ) foreach ( int entitlementId in file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef].entitlementIds ) { //printt( "entitlement check", fullRef, entitlementId ) #if SERVER if ( player.HasEntitlement( entitlementId ) ) return false #else if ( LocalPlayerHasEntitlement( entitlementId ) ) return false #endif } return true } bool function IsSubItemOwned( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { if ( DevEverythingUnlocked() ) return false Assert( IsValid( player ) ) if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { CodeWarning( "undefined item? " + ref ) return false } int parentRefType = GetItemType( parentRef ) int refType = GetSubitemType( parentRef, ref ) Assert( !IsSubItemType( parentRefType ) ) Assert( IsSubItemType( refType ) ) int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedMods", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedFeatures", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPassives", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedSkins", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeSkins", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedWeaponSkins", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedTitanDecals", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeTitanDecals", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedFDUpgrades", bitIndex ) default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled owned type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } return false } bool function IsItemOwned( entity player, string ref ) { if ( DevEverythingUnlocked() ) return false Assert( IsValid( player ) ) if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { CodeWarning( "undefined item? " + ref ) return false } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) Assert( !IsSubItemType( itemData.itemType ) ) int refType = GetItemType( ref ) int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotWeapons", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotOffhands", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotPassives", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotSuits", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotExecutions", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedTitanExecutions", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedTitanWeapons", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedTitanOffhands", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.TITAN: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedTitanChassis", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPrimeTitans", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.FEATURE: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedFeatures", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedPilotSkins", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedBoosts", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.FACTION: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedFactions", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedCallingCards", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedCallsignIcons", bitIndex ) case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, "unlockedCommsIcons", bitIndex ) default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled owned type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } return false } int function GetItemUnlockType( string ref ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) return file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType } int function GetSubItemUnlockType( string ref, string parentRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) Assert( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) return file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockType } bool function IsItemLockedForTitanLevel( int titanLevel, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( ref ) ) ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) Assert( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL ) return titanLevel < file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockLevel } else { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ref].parentRef == parentRef ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL ) return titanLevel < file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel } unreachable } bool function IsItemLockedForWeaponLevel( int weaponLevel, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( ref ) ) ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) Assert( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL ) return weaponLevel < file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockLevel } else { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ref].parentRef == parentRef ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL ) return weaponLevel < file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel } unreachable } bool function IsItemLockedForFDTitanLevel( int titanLevel, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( ref ) ) ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) Assert( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS ) return titanLevel < file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockLevel } else { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ref].parentRef == parentRef ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS ) return titanLevel < file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel } unreachable } bool function IsItemLockedForFactionLevel( int factionLevel, string faction, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( ref ) ) ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) Assert( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL ) if ( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].additionalRef != faction ) return false return factionLevel < file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ ref ].unlockLevel } else { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ref].parentRef == parentRef ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL ) if ( file.unlocks[ ref ].additionalRef != faction ) return false return factionLevel < file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel } unreachable } bool function IsItemLockedForPlayerLevel( int playerLevel, string ref ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL ) return (playerLevel < file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockLevel) } bool function IsItemLockedForFrontierDefense( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { return IsItemLockedForFDTitanLevel( FD_TitanGetRawLevel( player, parentRef ), ref, parentRef ) } bool function IsItemLockedForTitan( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { return IsItemLockedForTitanLevel( TitanGetRawLevel( player, parentRef ), ref, parentRef ) } bool function IsItemLockedForWeapon( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { return IsItemLockedForWeaponLevel( WeaponGetRawLevel( player, parentRef ), ref, parentRef ) } bool function IsItemLockedForFaction( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { int enumCount = PersistenceGetEnumCount( "faction" ) for ( int i = 0; i < enumCount; i++ ) { string faction = PersistenceGetEnumItemNameForIndex( "faction", i ) if ( faction == "" ) continue if ( IsItemLockedForFactionLevel( FactionGetRawLevel( player, faction ), faction, ref, parentRef ) ) return true } return false } bool function IsItemLockedForPlayer( entity player, string ref ) { int rawLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( ref ) if ( rawLevel > GetMaxPlayerLevel() || ItemLockedShouldUseRawLevel( ref ) ) { int playerGen = player.GetGen() int rawPlayerLevel = (playerGen - 1) * GetMaxPlayerLevel() + player.GetLevel() return IsItemLockedForPlayerLevel( rawPlayerLevel, ref ) } else { return IsItemLockedForPlayerLevel( player.GetLevel(), ref ) } unreachable } bool function ItemLockedShouldUseRawLevel( string ref ) { int refType = GetItemType( ref ) bool shouldUseRawLevel = true switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.TITAN_OS: case eItemTypes.RACE: case eItemTypes.NOT_LOADOUT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: case eItemTypes.TITAN_CORE_ABILITY: case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_MELEE: case eItemTypes.TITAN: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: case eItemTypes.FEATURE: case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.FACTION: case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: shouldUseRawLevel = false } return shouldUseRawLevel } bool function IsItemLockedForStat( entity player, string ref ) { Assert( ref in file.unlocks ) Assert( file.unlocks[ ref ].unlockType == eUnlockType.STAT ) Unlock unlock = file.unlocks[ ref ] int statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) string statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) string statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) string statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) return ( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) < unlock.unlockIntVal ) else return ( GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) < unlock.unlockFloatVal ) unreachable } bool function IsSubItemLockedForStat( entity player, string ref, string parentRef ) { Assert( parentRef in file.unlocks ) Assert( ref in file.unlocks[parentRef].child ) Assert( file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref].unlockType == eUnlockType.STAT ) ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[ref] int statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) string statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) string statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) string statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) return ( GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) < unlock.unlockIntVal ) else return ( GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) < unlock.unlockFloatVal ) unreachable } int function GetItemPersistenceId( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( ref in file.itemData ) return file.itemData[ref].persistenceId } string function GetItemPersistenceStruct( string ref ) { Assert( ref in file.itemData ) return file.itemData[ref].persistenceStruct } ItemData ornull function GetItemFromPersistenceStruct( string persistenceStruct ) { if ( !( persistenceStruct in file.itemsWithPersistenceStruct ) ) return null // arrays in persistence may be bigger than the data loaded so persistenceStruct may not exist return file.itemsWithPersistenceStruct[ persistenceStruct ] } bool function IsItemNew( entity player, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( IsValid( player ) ) ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) string persistenceVar switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: persistenceVar = "newPilotWeapons" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: persistenceVar = "newPilotOffhands" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: persistenceVar = "newPilotPassives" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: persistenceVar = "newPilotSuits" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: persistenceVar = "newPilotExecutions" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: persistenceVar = "newTitanExecutions" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: persistenceVar = "newTitanOffhands" break case eItemTypes.TITAN: persistenceVar = "newTitanChassis" break case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: persistenceVar = "newPrimeTitans" break case eItemTypes.FEATURE: persistenceVar = "newFeatures" break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: persistenceVar = "newPilotSkins" break case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: persistenceVar = "newBoosts" break case eItemTypes.FACTION: persistenceVar = "newFactions" break case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: persistenceVar = "newCallingCards" break case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: persistenceVar = "newCallsignIcons" break case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: persistenceVar = "newCommsIcons" break default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled new type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } if ( persistenceVar != "" ) { #if UI return IsCachedPersistenceBitSet( persistenceVar, bitIndex ) #endif return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, persistenceVar, bitIndex ) } } else { if ( IsItemLocked( player, parentRef ) ) return false int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) string persistenceVar switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newMods" break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newFeatures" break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newPrimeWeaponSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newPassives" break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newPrimeSkins" //TODO: This is actually warpaints. Rename next game break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newWeaponSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newTitanDecals" break case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newPrimeTitanDecals" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: persistenceVar = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) + ".newFDUpgrades" break default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled new type (subitem) 1: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } #if UI return IsCachedPersistenceBitSet( persistenceVar, bitIndex ) #endif return IsPersistenceBitSet( player, persistenceVar, bitIndex ) } unreachable } #if UI void function UpdateCachedNewItems() { if ( !uiGlobal.updateCachedNewItems ) { uiGlobal.updateCachedNewItems = true return } file.cachedNewItems.clear() UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "pilotWeapons", "newMods" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "pilotWeapons", "newWeaponSkins" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "pilotWeapons", "newPrimeWeaponSkins" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "pilotWeapons", "newFeatures" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newPassives" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newSkins" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newPrimeSkins" ) //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newWeaponSkins" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newTitanDecals" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newPrimeTitanDecals" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( "titanChassis", "newFDUpgrades" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotSkins" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotWeapons" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotOffhands" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotPassives" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newTitanOffhands" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newTitanPassives" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newTitanChassis" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPrimeTitans" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotSuits" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newPilotExecutions" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newTitanExecutions" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newFeatures" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newBoosts" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newFactions" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newCallingCards" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newCallsignIcons" ) UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( "newCommsIcons" ) } int function GetCachedNewItemsVar( string persistenceVar ) { return file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] } void function SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( string persistenceVar, int bitIndex, int value ) { Assert( value == 0 || value == 1 ) int arrayIndex = bitIndex / 32; int bitOffset = bitIndex % 32; int decimalValue = 1 << bitOffset persistenceVar = persistenceVar + "[" + arrayIndex + "]" int currentVal = file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] if ( value == 0 ) file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] = currentVal & ~decimalValue else file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] = currentVal | decimalValue //printt( "file.cachedNewItems[ " + persistenceVar + " ] bitIndex:" + bitIndex + " val:" + value ) } bool function IsCachedPersistenceBitSet( string persistenceVar, int bitIndex ) { int arrayIndex = bitIndex / 32; int bitOffset = bitIndex % 32; int decimalValue = 1 << bitOffset persistenceVar = persistenceVar + "[" + arrayIndex + "]" //printt( "IsCachedPersistenceBitSet( " + persistenceVar + ", " + bitIndex + " ) " + ( ( file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] & decimalValue ) != 0 ) ) Assert( arrayIndex < PersistenceGetArrayCount( persistenceVar ), "Need to increase the array size of the persistenceVar " + persistenceVar ) return ( ( file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] & decimalValue ) != 0 ) } void function UpdateCachedNewItemsArray( string arrayVar ) { int arrayCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( arrayVar ) for ( int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++ ) { string persistenceVar = arrayVar + "[" + i + "]" file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] <- GetPersistentVarAsInt( persistenceVar ) } } void function UpdateCachedNewItemsStruct( string newStruct, string structVar ) { int newStructArrayCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( newStruct ) for ( int i = 0; i < newStructArrayCount; i++ ) { string arrayVar = newStruct + "[" + i + "]." + structVar int structVarArrayCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( arrayVar ) for ( int j = 0; j < structVarArrayCount; j++ ) { string persistenceVar = arrayVar + "[" + j + "]" file.cachedNewItems[ persistenceVar ] <- GetPersistentVarAsInt( persistenceVar ) } } } void function ClearNewStatus( var button, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( ref == "" || ref == "none" ) return Assert( parentRef == "" || ( parentRef != "" && IsSubItemType( GetItemType( ref ) ) ) ) if ( button != null ) Hud_SetNew( button, false ) ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotWeapons", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotOffhands", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotPassives", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotSuits", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotExecutions", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newTitanExecutions", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newTitanOffhands", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newTitanChassis", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPrimeTitans", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.FEATURE: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newFeatures", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newPilotSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newBoosts", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.FACTION: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newFactions", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newCallingCards", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newCallsignIcons", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( "newCommsIcons", bitIndex, 0 ) break default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled ClearNewStatus type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } } else { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newMods", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newFeatures", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newPassives", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newPrimeSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newWeaponSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newTitanDecals", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newPrimeTitanDecals", bitIndex, 0 ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetCachedPersistenceBitfield( parentStruct + ".newFDUpgrades", bitIndex, 0 ) break default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled ClearNewStatus type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } } ClientCommand( "ClearNewStatus " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } bool function HasAnyNewPilotLoadout( entity player ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) { if ( IsItemNew( player, "pilot_loadout_" + i ) ) return true PilotLoadoutDef loadout = GetCachedPilotLoadout( i - 1 ) if ( loadout.primary != "" && RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, loadout.primary ) ) return true if ( loadout.secondary != "" && RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, loadout.secondary ) ) return true if ( loadout.weapon3 != "" && RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, loadout.weapon3 ) ) return true } return false } bool function HasAnyNewPilotItems( entity player ) { if ( HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1 ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2 ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT ) || HasAnyNewPilotLoadout( player ) ) return true return false } bool function HasAnyNewTitanItems( entity player ) { if ( HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.TITAN ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN ) ) return true return false } bool function HasAnyNewDpadCommsIcons( entity player ) { return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON ) } bool function HasAnyNewBoosts( entity player ) { return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD ) } bool function HasAnyNewFactions( entity player ) { return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.FACTION ) } bool function HasAnyNewCallsignBanners( entity player ) { return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD ) } bool function HasAnyNewCallsignPatches( entity player ) { return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON ) } bool function HasAnyNewArmoryItems( entity player ) { if ( HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.FACTION ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD ) || HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON ) ) return true return false } bool function ButtonShouldShowNew( int itemType, string ref = "", string parentRef = "" ) { entity player = GetUIPlayer() if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return false string menu = expect string( uiGlobal.activeMenu._name ) switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: if ( menu == "EditPilotLoadoutsMenu" ) return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, itemType, -1, ref ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN ) else if ( menu == "EditPilotLoadoutMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutMenu" || menu == "PilotLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "TitanLoadoutsMenu" ) return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, itemType, -1, ref ) else return ( IsItemNew( player, ref ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3 ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref, eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT ) ) case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: case eItemTypes.FACTION: case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: if ( menu == "EditPilotLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "EditPilotLoadoutMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutMenu" || menu == "PilotLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "TitanLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "ArmoryMenu" ) return HasAnyNewItemOfType( player, itemType ) else return IsItemNew( player, ref ) case eItemTypes.FEATURE: case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: return IsItemNew( player, ref ) case eItemTypes.TITAN: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: return IsItemNew( player, ref ) || RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, ref ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: Assert( parentRef != "" ) if ( menu == "EditPilotLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "EditPilotLoadoutMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "EditTitanLoadoutMenu" || menu == "PilotLoadoutsMenu" || menu == "TitanLoadoutsMenu" ) return RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, parentRef, itemType ) else return IsItemNew( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: return IsItemNew( player, ref, parentRef ) case eItemTypes.RACE: case eItemTypes.PILOT_MELEE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: return false } unreachable } bool function RefHasAnyNewSubitem( entity player, string ref, int subitemType = -1 ) { if ( IsItemLocked( player, ref ) ) return false int refType = GetItemType( ref ) bool isPrimeTitanRef = ( refType == eItemTypes.TITAN && IsTitanClassPrime( player, ref ) ) ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) foreach ( subitem in itemData.subitems ) { if ( subitemType != -1 && GetSubitemType( ref, subitem.ref ) != subitemType ) continue if ( isPrimeTitanRef && subitem.itemType == eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT ) continue if ( IsItemNew( player, subitem.ref, ref ) ) return true } return false } bool function HasAnyNewItemOfCategory( entity player, int refType, int categoryIndex ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( refType ) foreach ( item in items ) { if ( item.i.menuCategory != categoryIndex ) continue if ( IsItemNew( player, item.ref ) ) return true //if ( RefHasAnyNewSubitem( player, item.ref ) ) // return true } return false } bool function HasAnyNewSubItemOfType( entity player, string parentRef, int refType ) { switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newMods" ) case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newFeatures" ) case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeWeaponSkins" ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newPassives" ) case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newSkins" ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeSkins" ) //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newWeaponSkins" ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newTitanDecals" ) case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeTitanDecals" ) case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) return IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, parentStruct + ".newFDUpgrades" ) default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled HasAnyNewSubItemOfType type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + parentRef ) } return false } bool function HasAnyNewItemOfType( entity player, int refType, int parentRefType = -1, string refToExclude = "" ) { if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( refType ) foreach ( item in items ) { if ( item.ref == refToExclude ) continue if ( IsItemLocked( player, item.ref ) ) continue if ( IsItemNew( player, item.ref ) ) return true table checkedSubItemTypes = {} if ( refType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY || refType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) continue bool isPrimeTitanRef = ( refType == eItemTypes.TITAN && IsTitanClassPrime( player, item.ref ) ) foreach ( subItem in item.subitems ) { if ( isPrimeTitanRef && subItem.itemType == eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT ) continue if ( subItem.itemType in checkedSubItemTypes ) continue if ( HasAnyNewSubItemOfType( player, item.ref, subItem.itemType ) ) return true checkedSubItemTypes[subItem.itemType] <- true } } } else { string persistenceArray string persistenceVar switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: persistenceArray = "pilotWeapons" persistenceVar = "newMods" break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: persistenceArray = "pilotWeapons" persistenceVar = "newFeatures" break case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: persistenceArray = "pilotWeapons" persistenceVar = "newPrimeWeaponSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newPassives" break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newPrimeSkins" //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. break case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: if ( parentRefType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY || parentRefType == eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ) persistenceArray = "pilotWeapons" else persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newWeaponSkins" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newTitanDecals" break case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newPrimeTitanDecals" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: persistenceArray = "titanChassis" persistenceVar = "newFDUpgrades" break default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled new type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) ) } int arrayCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( persistenceArray ) for ( int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++ ) { string persistenceStruct = persistenceArray + "[" + i + "]" ItemData ornull parentItem = GetItemFromPersistenceStruct( persistenceStruct ) if ( parentItem == null ) continue expect ItemData( parentItem ) if ( IsItemLocked( player, parentItem.ref ) ) continue if ( parentRefType == -1 || GetItemType( parentItem.ref ) == parentRefType ) { if ( IsAnyPersistenceBitSet( player, persistenceStruct + "." + persistenceVar ) ) return true } } } return false } #endif //UI #if SERVER void function UnlockUltimateEdition( entity player ) { printt( "!!!!!!!!!!! UnlockUltimateEdition() running" ) if ( player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "ultimateEdition" ) > 0 ) { printt( "!!!!!!!!!!! Returned because player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( \"ultimateEdition\" ) > 0" ) return } if ( !player.HasEntitlement( ET_JUMPSTARTERKIT ) ) { printt( "!!!!!!!!!!! Returned because !player.HasEntitlement( ET_JUMPSTARTERKIT )" ) return } Player_GiveCredits( player, 500 ) Player_GiveDoubleXP( player, 10 ) array suits = GetVisibleItemsOfType( eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT ) foreach ( suitData in suits ) { string tacticalRef = GetSuitBasedTactical( suitData.ref ) SetItemOwned( player, suitData.ref, "", IsItemLocked( player, suitData.ref ) ) SetItemOwned( player, tacticalRef, "", false ) } array titans = GetVisibleItemsOfType( eItemTypes.TITAN ) foreach ( titanData in titans ) { SetItemOwned( player, titanData.ref, "", IsItemLocked( player, titanData.ref ) ) } player.SetPersistentVar( "ultimateEdition", true ) } void function SetItemOwnedStatus( entity player, string ref, string parentRef, bool unlocked ) { int unlockBitVal = unlocked ? 1 : 0 ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotWeapons", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotOffhands", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotPassives", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotSuits", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotExecutions", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedTitanExecutions", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedTitanOffhands", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedTitanChassis", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPrimeTitans", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.FEATURE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedFeatures", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedPilotSkins", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedBoosts", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.FACTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedFactions", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedCallingCards", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedCallsignIcons", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "unlockedCommsIcons", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled unlock type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } } else { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedMods", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedFeatures", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPassives", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedSkins", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeSkins", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedWeaponSkins", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedTitanDecals", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedPrimeTitanDecals", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".unlockedFDUpgrades", bitIndex, unlockBitVal ) return default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled unlock type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } } } void function SetItemNewStatus( entity player, string ref, string parentRef, bool setNew ) { int newBitVal = setNew ? 1 : 0 ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotWeapons", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotOffhands", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotPassives", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotSuits", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotExecutions", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanExecutions", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanOffhands", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanChassis", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPrimeTitans", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.FEATURE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newFeatures", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newBoosts", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.FACTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newFactions", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCallingCards", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCallsignIcons", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCommsIcons", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled unlock type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } } else { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newMods", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newFeatures", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPassives", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. return case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newWeaponSkins", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newTitanDecals", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeTitanDecals", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newFDUpgrades", bitIndex, newBitVal ) return default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled unlock type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } } } bool function ClientCommand_ClearNewStatus( entity player, array args ) { if ( args.len() == 0 ) return false string ref = args[0] if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { if ( args.len() != 2 ) return false string parentRef = args[1] if ( !SubitemDefined( parentRef, ref ) ) return false } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotWeapons", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotOffhands", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotPassives", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotSuits", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotExecutions", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanExecutions", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanOffhands", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newTitanChassis", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPrimeTitans", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.FEATURE: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newFeatures", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newPilotSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newBoosts", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.FACTION: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newFactions", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCallingCards", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCallsignIcons", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: SetPersistenceBitfield( player, "newCommsIcons", bitIndex, 0 ) return true default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled ClearNewStatus type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref ) } } else { string parentRef = args[1] int bitIndex = GetItemPersistenceId( ref, parentRef ) switch ( refType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newMods", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newFeatures", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeWeaponSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPassives", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) //TODO: This is actually WarPaint, rename next game. return true case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newWeaponSkins", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newTitanDecals", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newPrimeTitanDecals", bitIndex, 0 ) return true case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: string parentStruct = GetItemPersistenceStruct( parentRef ) SetPersistenceBitfield( player, parentStruct + ".newFDUpgrades", bitIndex, 0 ) return true default: CodeWarning( "Unhandled ClearNewStatus type (subitem): " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", refType ) + " " + ref + " " + parentRef ) } } return true } void function SetItemOwned( entity player, string ref, string parentRef = "", bool setNew = true ) { SetItemOwnedStatus( player, ref, parentRef, true ) SetItemNewStatus( player, ref, parentRef, setNew ) } void function ClearItemOwned( entity player, string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { SetItemOwnedStatus( player, ref, parentRef, false ) } bool function ClientCommand_DEV_GiveFDUnlockPoint( entity player, array args ) { if ( args.len() == 0 ) return false if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return false string parentRef = args[0] printt( "GIVE PLAYER UNLOCK POINT ", parentRef ) Player_GiveFDUnlockPoints( player, 1 ) return true } bool function ClientCommand_DEV_ResetTitanProgression( entity player, array args ) { if ( args.len() == 0 ) return false if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return false string titanRef = args[0] printt( "RESET PLAYER TITAN PROGRESSION ", titanRef ) SetAvailableFDUnlockPoints( player, titanRef, 0 ) array fdUpgrades = GetAllItemsOfType( eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE ) foreach ( upgrade in fdUpgrades ) { if ( upgrade.parentRef == titanRef ) { ClearItemOwned( player, upgrade.ref, upgrade.parentRef ) } } return true } bool function ClientCommand_BuyItem( entity player, array args ) { if ( args.len() == 0 ) return false string ref = args[0] if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { if ( args.len() != 2 ) return false string parentRef = args[1] if ( !SubitemDefined( parentRef, ref ) ) return false } if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return false string parentRef int cost string fullItemName = ref if ( args.len() > 1 ) { parentRef = args[ 1 ] cost = GetSubitemCost( parentRef, ref ) for ( int i = 1; i < args.len(); i++ ) fullItemName += " " + args[i] } else { cost = GetItemCost( ref ) } if ( cost <= 0 ) return false int creditsAvailable bool isFDUpgrade = GetItemType( ref ) == eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE if ( isFDUpgrade ) { creditsAvailable = GetAvailableFDUnlockPoints( player, parentRef ) } else { creditsAvailable = GetAvailableCredits( player ) } if ( cost > creditsAvailable ) return false SetItemOwned( player, ref, parentRef, false ) if ( isFDUpgrade ) { SetAvailableFDUnlockPoints( player, parentRef, creditsAvailable - cost ) } else { SetAvailableCredits( player, creditsAvailable - cost ) PIN_BuyItem( player, false, fullItemName, cost ) } return true } bool function ClientCommand_BuyTicket( entity player, array args ) { if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return true ItemDisplayData displayData = GetItemDisplayData( "coliseum_ticket" ) string itemName = GetItemName( "coliseum_ticket" ) string ref = displayData.ref int numTickets = 1 if ( args.len() > 0 ) numTickets = int( args[0] ) int cost = GetItemCost( ref ) * numTickets int creditsAvailable = GetAvailableCredits( player ) if ( cost > creditsAvailable ) return true Player_GiveColiseumTickets( player, numTickets ) SetAvailableCredits( player, creditsAvailable - cost ) PIN_BuyItem( player, true, ref, cost ) return true } void function CodeCallback_GivePersistentItem( entity player, string itemName, int count ) { printt( "CodeCallback_GivePersistentItem", player, itemName, count ) bool consumable = false switch ( itemName ) { case "double_xp": case "burncard_doublexp": if ( count ) { Player_GiveDoubleXP( player, count ) ItemDisplayData displayData = GetItemDisplayData( "double_xp" ) Player_AddRecentUnlock( player, displayData, count ) PIN_GiveItem( player, true, itemName, count ) } break case "coliseum_ticket": if ( count ) { Player_GiveColiseumTickets( player, count ) ItemDisplayData displayData = GetItemDisplayData( "coliseum_ticket" ) Player_AddRecentUnlock( player, displayData, count ) PIN_GiveItem( player, true, itemName, count ) } break case "credit_award": if ( count ) { Player_GiveCredits( player, count ) ItemDisplayData displayData = GetItemDisplayData( "credit_award" ) Player_AddRecentUnlock( player, displayData, count ) } break case "unlock_dew": UnlockDEW( player ) PIN_GiveItem( player, false, itemName, count ) break case "unlock_target": UnlockTarget( player ) PIN_GiveItem( player, false, itemName, count ) break case "unlock_bww": UnlockBWW( player ) PIN_GiveItem( player, false, itemName, count ) break default: array tokens = split( itemName, " " ) if ( tokens.len() == 1 ) { if ( !GivePersistentItem( player, tokens[0] ) ) CodeWarning( itemName ) } else if ( tokens.len() == 2 ) { if ( !GivePersistentSubItem( player, tokens[0], tokens[1] ) ) CodeWarning( itemName ) } PIN_GiveItem( player, false, itemName, count ) // // //string itemRef = itemName //if ( ItemDefined( itemRef ) ) //{ // ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) // int refType = itemData.itemType // // if ( !IsSubItemType( refType ) ) // { // // } // //} //break } } bool function GivePersistentItem( entity player, string itemRef ) { if ( !ItemDefined( itemRef ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give undefined item: " + itemRef ) return false } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) int refType = itemData.itemType if ( IsSubItemType( refType ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give sub-item " + itemRef + " without specifying a parent" ) return false } SetItemOwned( player, itemRef, "", true ) Player_AddRecentUnlock( player, GetItemDisplayData( itemRef ) ) return true } bool function GivePersistentSubItem( entity player, string itemRef, string parentRef ) { if ( !ItemDefined( itemRef ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give undefined item: " + itemRef ) return false } if ( !ItemDefined( parentRef ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give item " + itemRef + " to undefined parent: " + parentRef ) return false } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) int itemRefType = itemData.itemType if ( !IsSubItemType( itemRefType ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give item " + itemRef + " to parent " + parentRef + ", but it isn't a sub-item type" ) return false } ItemData parentData = GetItemData( parentRef ) int parentRefType = parentData.itemType if ( !HasSubitem( parentRef, itemRef ) ) { CodeWarning( "Tried to give item " + itemRef + " to a parent " + parentRef + " it is not a child of" ) return false } SetItemOwned( player, itemRef, parentRef, true ) Player_AddRecentUnlock( player, GetItemDisplayData( itemRef, parentRef ) ) return true } #endif //SERVER array function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerLevels( int startLevel, int endLevel ) { array unlockedItems for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForPlayerLevel( currentLevel ) ) } return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerLevel( int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems array genUnlockItems if ( newLevel > GetMaxPlayerLevel() ) { foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL ) { if ( ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) genUnlockItems.append( ref ) } } genUnlockItems.sort( UnlockItemSort ) } array levelUnlockItems foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL ) { if ( ItemLockedShouldUseRawLevel( ref ) ) { if ( ul.unlockLevel == newLevel && !genUnlockItems.contains( ref ) ) levelUnlockItems.append( ref ) } else { if ( ul.unlockLevel == ((newLevel - 1) % GetMaxPlayerLevel() + 1) ) levelUnlockItems.append( ref ) } } } levelUnlockItems.sort( UnlockItemSort ) unlockedItems.extend( genUnlockItems ) unlockedItems.extend( levelUnlockItems ) if ( unlockedItems.len() == 0 ) unlockedItems.append( "credit_award_5x" ) return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForPlayerRawLevel( int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.PLAYER_LEVEL ) { if ( ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) unlockedItems.append( ref ) } } unlockedItems.sort( UnlockItemSort ) return unlockedItems } string function GetWeaponForTitan( string titanClass ) { var titanPropertiesDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int propertyRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( titanPropertiesDataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "titanRef" ), titanClass ) return GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "primary" ) ) } string function GetTitanForWeapon( string weaponRef ) { var titanPropertiesDataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int propertyRow = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( titanPropertiesDataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "primary" ), weaponRef ) return GetDataTableString( titanPropertiesDataTable, propertyRow, GetDataTableColumnByName( titanPropertiesDataTable, "titanRef" ) ) } #if SERVER void function AwardCredits( entity player, string award ) { switch ( award ) { case "credit_award": Player_GiveCredits( player, 1 ) break case "credit_award_5x": Player_GiveCredits( player, 5 ) break } } void function Player_GiveCredits( entity player, int count ) { int currentCredits = GetAvailableCredits( player ) SetAvailableCredits( player, currentCredits + count ) PIN_GiveCredits( player, count ) } void function Player_GiveColiseumTickets( entity player, int count ) { int currentTickets = Player_GetColiseumTicketCount( player ) int newTicketCount = maxint( 0, (currentTickets + count) ) Player_SetColiseumTicketCount( player, newTicketCount ) } void function Player_GiveFDUnlockPoints( entity player, int count ) { TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player ) int currentPoints = GetAvailableFDUnlockPoints( player, loadout.titanClass ) SetAvailableFDUnlockPoints( player, loadout.titanClass, currentPoints + count ) } #endif int function Player_GetColiseumTicketCount( entity player ) { return player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "coliseumTickets" ) } void function Player_SetColiseumTicketCount( entity player, int newCount ) { player.SetPersistentVar( "coliseumTickets", newCount ) } #if SERVER void function Player_GiveDoubleXP( entity player, int count ) { int currentDoubleXP = Player_GetDoubleXPCount( player ) Player_SetDoubleXPCount( player, currentDoubleXP + count ) } bool function ClientCommand_UseDoubleXP( entity player, array args ) { if ( IsPrivateMatch() ) return true if ( GetGameState() > eGameState.Prematch ) return true if ( Player_GetDoubleXPCount( player ) < 1 ) return true if ( player.GetPlayerNetInt( "xpMultiplier" ) ) return true int currentDoubleXP = Player_GetDoubleXPCount( player ) Player_SetDoubleXPCount( player, currentDoubleXP - 1 ) Player_ActivateDoubleXP( player ) PIN_ConsumeItem( player, "double_xp" ) // ? return true } void function Player_ActivateDoubleXP( entity player ) { player.SetPlayerNetInt( "xpMultiplier", 2 ) Remote_CallFunction_UI( player, "SCB_SetDoubleXPStatus", 2 ) } #endif int function Player_GetDoubleXPCount( entity player ) { return player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "doubleXP" ) } #if SERVER void function Player_SetDoubleXPCount( entity player, int newCount ) { player.SetPersistentVar( "doubleXP", newCount ) } #endif ItemDisplayData ornull function Player_GetRecentUnlock( entity player, int index ) { int refGuid = player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].refGuid" ) int parentRefGuid = player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].parentRefGuid" ) if ( refGuid == 0 ) return null return GetItemDisplayDataFromGuid( refGuid, parentRefGuid ) } int function Player_GetRecentUnlockCount( entity player, int index ) { return player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].count" ) } #if SERVER void function Player_AddRecentUnlock( entity player, ItemDisplayData itemData, int count = 1 ) { array recentUnlocks RecentUnlock mostRecentUnlock mostRecentUnlock.refGuid = file.itemRefToGuid[itemData.ref] mostRecentUnlock.count = count if ( itemData.parentRef != "" ) mostRecentUnlock.parentRefGuid = file.itemRefToGuid[itemData.parentRef] recentUnlocks.append( mostRecentUnlock ) int maxRecentUnlockCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( "recentUnlocks" ) for ( int index = 0; index < maxRecentUnlockCount; index++ ) { RecentUnlock recentUnlock recentUnlock.refGuid = player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].refGuid" ) recentUnlock.parentRefGuid = player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].parentRefGuid" ) recentUnlock.count = player.GetPersistentVarAsInt( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].count" ) recentUnlocks.append( recentUnlock ) } for ( int index = 0; index < maxRecentUnlockCount; index++ ) { player.SetPersistentVar( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].refGuid", recentUnlocks[index].refGuid ) player.SetPersistentVar( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].parentRefGuid", recentUnlocks[index].parentRefGuid ) player.SetPersistentVar( "recentUnlocks[" + index + "].count", recentUnlocks[index].count ) } } #endif int function UnlockItemSort( string itemRefA, string itemRefB ) { int priority = 0 table itemPriority itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_OS] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_CORE_ABILITY] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_MELEE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.FACTION] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.FEATURE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.RACE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.NOT_LOADOUT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.GAME_MODE] <- priority++ itemPriority[eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON] <- priority++ int itemRefAType = GetItemType( itemRefA ) int itemRefBType = GetItemType( itemRefB ) if ( itemPriority[itemRefAType] < itemPriority[itemRefBType] ) return -1 if ( itemPriority[itemRefAType] > itemPriority[itemRefBType] ) return 1 return 0 } array function GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevels( string titanRef, int startLevel, int endLevel ) { array unlockedItems for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevel( titanRef, currentLevel ) ) } return unlockedItems } string function GetNextUnlockForTitanLevel( entity player, string titanRef, int startLevel ) { array unlockedItems int endLevel = TitanGetMaxRawLevel( titanRef ) for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems = GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevel( titanRef, currentLevel ) if ( unlockedItems.len() == 0 ) { if ( TitanLevelHasRandomUnlock( currentLevel, titanRef ) ) return "random" } if ( unlockedItems.len() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < unlockedItems.len(); i++ ) { if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) ) { if ( IsSubItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ], titanRef ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } else { if ( IsItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } } } } return "" } array function GetUnlockItemsForTitanLevel( string titanRef, int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems Assert( titanRef in file.unlocks ) foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel && ul.parentRef == titanRef ) { unlockedItems.append( ref ) } } foreach ( childRef, ul in file.unlocks[ titanRef ].child ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.TITAN_LEVEL && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) { unlockedItems.append( childRef ) } } return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevels( string weaponRef, int startLevel, int endLevel ) { array unlockedItems for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevel( weaponRef, currentLevel ) ) } return unlockedItems } string function GetNextUnlockForWeaponLevel( entity player, string weaponRef, int startLevel ) { array unlockedItems int endLevel = WeaponGetMaxRawLevel( weaponRef ) for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevel( weaponRef, currentLevel ) ) if ( unlockedItems.len() == 0 ) { if ( WeaponLevelHasRandomUnlock( currentLevel, weaponRef ) ) return "random" } if ( unlockedItems.len() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < unlockedItems.len(); i++ ) { if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) ) { if ( IsSubItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ], weaponRef ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } else { if ( !IsItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } } } } return "" } array function GetUnlockItemsForWeaponLevel( string weaponRef, int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel && ul.parentRef == weaponRef ) { unlockedItems.append( ref ) } } foreach ( childRef, ul in file.unlocks[ weaponRef ].child ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.WEAPON_LEVEL && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) { unlockedItems.append( childRef ) } } return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForFactionLevels( string factionRef, int startLevel, int endLevel ) { array unlockedItems for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForFactionLevel( factionRef, currentLevel ) ) } return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForFactionLevel( string factionRef, int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) { if ( ul.additionalRef == factionRef ) unlockedItems.append( GetItemDisplayData( ref ) ) } foreach ( childRef, cul in ul.child ) { if ( cul.unlockType == eUnlockType.FACTION_LEVEL && cul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) { if ( cul.additionalRef == factionRef ) unlockedItems.append( GetItemDisplayData( childRef, ref ) ) } } } return unlockedItems } array function GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevels( string titanRef, int startLevel, int endLevel ) { array unlockedItems for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems.extend( GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevel( titanRef, currentLevel ) ) } return unlockedItems } string function GetNextUnlockForFDTitanLevel( entity player, string titanRef, int startLevel ) { array unlockedItems int endLevel = FD_TitanGetMaxRawLevel( titanRef ) for ( int currentLevel = startLevel; currentLevel <= endLevel; currentLevel++ ) { unlockedItems = GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevel( titanRef, currentLevel ) //if ( unlockedItems.len() == 0 ) //{ // if ( FDTitanLevelHasRandomUnlock( currentLevel, titanRef ) ) // return "random" //} if ( unlockedItems.len() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < unlockedItems.len(); i++ ) { if ( IsSubItemType( GetItemType( unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) ) { if ( IsSubItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ], titanRef ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } else { if ( IsItemLocked( player, unlockedItems[ i ] ) ) return unlockedItems[ i ] } } } } return "" } array function GetUnlockItemsForFDTitanLevel( string titanRef, int newLevel ) { array unlockedItems Assert( titanRef in file.unlocks ) foreach ( ref, ul in file.unlocks ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel && ul.parentRef == titanRef ) { unlockedItems.append( ref ) } } foreach ( childRef, ul in file.unlocks[ titanRef ].child ) { if ( ul.unlockType == eUnlockType.FD_UNLOCK_POINTS && ul.unlockLevel == newLevel ) { unlockedItems.append( childRef ) } } //if ( unlockedItems.len() == 0 ) { if ( FDTitanLevelHasRandomUnlock( newLevel, titanRef ) ) unlockedItems.append( "random" ) } return unlockedItems } bool function DidPlayerBuyItemFromBlackMarket( player, ref ) { bool doesRefExist = PersistenceEnumValueIsValid( "BlackMarketUnlocks", ref ) if ( doesRefExist == false ) return false return expect bool( player.GetPersistentVar( "bm.blackMarketItemUnlocks[" + ref + "]" ) ) } void function PrintItem( ItemData item, int indentLevel = 0 ) { print( TableIndent( indentLevel ) ) printt( "itemType =", item.itemType ) printt( "ref =", item.ref ) printt( "name =", item.name ) printt( "desc =", item.desc ) printt( "longdesc =", item.longdesc ) printt( "image =", item.image ) printt( "hidden =", item.hidden ) printt( "persistenceStruct =", item.persistenceStruct ) printt( "persistenceId =", item.persistenceId ) foreach ( itemRef, _ in item.subitems ) { PrintItem( GetItemData( itemRef ), indentLevel + 1 ) } PrintTable( item.i ) } void function PrintItemData() { foreach ( ItemData item in file.itemData ) { PrintItem( item, 0 ) } } void function PrintItems() { foreach ( itemType, refList in file.itemsOfType ) { printt( itemType ) foreach ( ref in refList ) { printt( " " + ref ) } } } string function GetDisplayNameFromItemType( int itemType ) { string displayName switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: displayName = "#PILOT_PRIMARY" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: displayName = "#PILOT_SECONDARY" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON3: displayName = "#PILOT_WEAPON3" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: displayName = "#TACTICAL_ABILITY" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: displayName = "#DEFENSIVE_ABILITY" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: displayName = "#TACTICAL_ABILITY" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: displayName = "#ORDNANCE" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: displayName = "#PILOT_KIT1" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: displayName = "#PILOT_KIT2" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_ION_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: displayName = "#TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE_TITLE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_OS: displayName = "#VOICE" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: displayName = "#NOSE_ART" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: displayName = "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: displayName = "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_MOD" break case eItemTypes.TITAN: displayName = "#CHASSIS" break case eItemTypes.RACE: displayName = "#GENDER" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_MELEE: displayName = "#MELEE" break case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: displayName = "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_EXECUTION" break case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: displayName = "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_EXECUTION" break default: Assert( false, "Invalid item itemType!" ) } return displayName } int function GetStatUnlockSort( ItemDisplayData a, ItemDisplayData b ) { table aAdditionalData table bAdditionalData int itemType = GetItemType( a.ref ) if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { aAdditionalData = file.unlocks[ a.parentRef ].child[ a.ref ].additionalData bAdditionalData = file.unlocks[ b.parentRef ].child[ b.ref ].additionalData } else { aAdditionalData = file.unlocks[ a.ref ].additionalData bAdditionalData = file.unlocks[ b.ref ].additionalData } string aStatCategory = expect string( aAdditionalData.statCategory ) string aStatAlias = expect string( aAdditionalData.statAlias ) string aStatSubAlias = expect string( aAdditionalData.statSubAlias ) var aUnlockValue = aAdditionalData.statUnlockValue string bStatCategory = expect string( bAdditionalData.statCategory ) string bStatAlias = expect string( bAdditionalData.statAlias ) string bStatSubAlias = expect string( bAdditionalData.statSubAlias ) var bUnlockValue = bAdditionalData.statUnlockValue if ( aStatCategory > bStatCategory ) return 1 else if ( aStatCategory < bStatCategory ) return -1 if ( aStatAlias > bStatAlias ) return 1 else if ( aStatAlias < bStatAlias ) return -1 if ( aUnlockValue > bUnlockValue ) return 1 else if ( aUnlockValue < bUnlockValue ) return -1 return 0 } int function SortItemsAlphabetically( ItemDisplayData a, ItemDisplayData b ) { if ( a.name > b.name ) return 1 if ( a.name < b.name ) return -1 return 0 } int function SortByUnlockLevelUntyped( ItemDisplayData a, ItemDisplayData b ) { if ( a.ref == b.ref ) return 0 int aUnlockLevel int bUnlockLevel int itemType = GetItemType( a.ref ) if ( IsSubItemType( itemType ) ) { aUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( a.ref, a.parentRef ) bUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReqWithParent( b.ref, b.parentRef ) } else { aUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( a.ref ) bUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( b.ref ) } if ( aUnlockLevel == 0 && bUnlockLevel > 0 ) return 1 else if ( aUnlockLevel > 0 && bUnlockLevel == 0 ) return -1 if ( aUnlockLevel > bUnlockLevel ) return 1 else if ( aUnlockLevel < bUnlockLevel ) return -1 int aUnlockType = CheckItemUnlockType( a.ref, a.parentRef ) int bUnlockType = CheckItemUnlockType( b.ref, b.parentRef ) if ( aUnlockType > bUnlockType ) return 1 else if ( aUnlockType < bUnlockType ) return -1 if ( aUnlockType == bUnlockType && aUnlockType == eUnlockType.STAT ) return GetStatUnlockSort( a, b ) if ( a.persistenceId > b.persistenceId ) return 1 else return -1 unreachable } int function SortByUnlockLevel( GlobalItemRef a, GlobalItemRef b ) { if ( a.ref == b.ref ) return 0 int aUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( a.ref ) int bUnlockLevel = GetUnlockLevelReq( b.ref ) if ( aUnlockLevel > bUnlockLevel ) return 1 else if ( aUnlockLevel < bUnlockLevel ) return -1 if ( a.guid > b.guid ) return 1 else return -1 unreachable } bool function IsTitanOSUnlocked( ref, player ) { return true } bool function IsDecalUnlocked( ref, player = null ) { Assert( ref == ref.tolower() ) local decalUnlockData = GetPlayerDecalUnlockData( player, ref ) return expect bool( decalUnlockData.unlocked ) } function GetPlayerDecalUnlockData( player, ref ) { Assert( IsUI() || IsValid( player ) ) local data = {} data.unlocked <- true data.goal <- 0 data.progress <- 0 data.dlcGroup <- 0 data.unlockText <- "" return data } // TODO: Default "pretend" attachments shouldn't be baked into weapons. // Because of this, we don't have real items for everything in order to make this work the right way. // Should be a real attachment as all others and we can flag it as default in some way. asset function GetStockAttachmentImage( string itemRef ) { Assert( GetItemType( itemRef ) == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY ) switch ( itemRef ) { case "mp_weapon_dmr": case "mp_weapon_sniper": return $"r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/attachments/stock_scope" case "mp_weapon_doubletake": return $"r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/attachments/stock_doubletake_sight" case "mp_weapon_rspn101_og": return $"r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/attachments/aog" } return $"r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/attachments/iron_sights" } string function GetSuitAndGenderBasedSetFile( string suit, string gender ) { Assert( gender == "race_human_male" || gender == "race_human_female" ) bool isFemale = gender == RACE_HUMAN_FEMALE string genderString if ( isFemale ) genderString = "female" else genderString = "male" // pilot_medium_male // pilot_geist_male // pilot_stalker_male // pilot_light_male // pilot_heavy_male // pilot_grapple_male // pilot_nomad_male // pilot_medium_female // pilot_geist_female // pilot_stalker_female // pilot_light_female // pilot_heavy_female // pilot_grapple_female // pilot_nomad_female return "pilot_" + suit + "_" + genderString } string function GetSuitBasedTactical( string suit ) { return GetTableValueForSuit( suit, "tactical" ) } //string function GetSuitBasedDefaultPassive( string suit, string propertyName ) //{ // Assert( propertyName == "passive1" || propertyName == "passive2" ) // // string value // if ( propertyName == "passive1" ) // value = GetTableValueForSuit( suit, "defaultPassive1" ) // else // value = GetTableValueForSuit( suit, "defaultPassive2" ) // // return value //} string function GetTableValueForSuit( string suit, string columnName ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "type" ), suit ) int column = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, columnName ) string value = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) return value } int function GetTitanLoadoutPropertyPassiveType( string setFile, string loadoutProperty ) { Assert( loadoutProperty == "passive1" || loadoutProperty == "passive2" || loadoutProperty == "passive3" || loadoutProperty == "passive4" || loadoutProperty == "passive5" || loadoutProperty == "passive6") var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "setFile" ), setFile ) int column = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, loadoutProperty ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) ] return itemType } int function GetTitanLoadoutPropertyExecutionType( string setFile, string loadoutProperty ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "setFile" ), setFile ) int column = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, loadoutProperty ) int itemType = eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) ] return itemType } string function GetPrimeTitanSetFileFromNonPrimeSetFile( string nonPrimeSetFile ) //TODO: should just load titan_properties into memory instead of run-time lookup { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "setFile" ), nonPrimeSetFile ) int column = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "primeSetFile" ) return GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) } string function GetTitanProperty_SetFile( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "setFile" ) ) } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive1Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive1" ) ) ] } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive2Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive2" ) ) ] } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive3Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive3" ) ) ] } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive4Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive4" ) ) ] } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive5Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive5" ) ) ] } int function GetTitanProperty_Passive6Type( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ), titanRef ) return eItemTypes[ GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "passive6" ) ) ] } asset function GetTitanCoreIcon( string titanRef ) { Assert( GetItemType( titanRef ) == eItemTypes.TITAN ) ItemData itemData = GetItemData( titanRef ) return expect asset( itemData.i.coreIcon ) } string function GetWeaponBasedDefaultMod( string weapon, string propertyName ) { Assert( propertyName == "primaryAttachment" || propertyName == "primaryMod1" || propertyName == "primaryMod2" || propertyName == "primaryMod3" || propertyName == "secondaryMod1" || propertyName == "secondaryMod2" || propertyName == "secondaryMod3" || propertyName == "weapon3Mod1" || propertyName == "weapon3Mod2" || propertyName == "weapon3Mod3" ) string columnName if ( propertyName == "primaryAttachment" ) columnName = "defaultAttachment" else if ( propertyName == "primaryMod1" || propertyName == "secondaryMod1" || propertyName == "weapon3Mod1" ) columnName = "defaultMod1" else if ( propertyName == "primaryMod2" || propertyName == "secondaryMod2" || propertyName == "weapon3Mod2" ) columnName = "defaultMod2" else columnName = "defaultMod3" string value = GetTableValueForWeapon( weapon, columnName ) return value } string function GetTableValueForWeapon( string weapon, string columnName ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "itemRef" ), weapon ) int column = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, columnName ) string value = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, column ) return value } void function CheckEverythingUnlockedAchievement( entity player ) { Assert( IsServer() ) //if ( !IsValid( player ) || !player.IsPlayer() ) // return //if ( player.IsBot() ) // return // //if ( player.GetPersistentVar( "ach_unlockEverything" ) ) // return // //foreach ( item in file.allItems ) //{ // if ( item.Type == eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART ) // continue // // if ( IsParentItemLocked( item.ref, item.childRef, player ) ) // return //} // //player.SetPersistentVar( "ach_unlockEverything", true ) } ItemData ornull function DevFindItemByName( int itemType, string itemName ) { array items = GetAllItemsOfType( itemType ) foreach ( item in items ) { if ( item.ref == itemName ) { return item } } return null } int function MenuCategoryStringToEnumValue( string stringVal ) { int enumVal = -1 switch ( stringVal ) { case "ar": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.AR break case "smg": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.SMG break case "lmg": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.LMG break case "sniper": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.SNIPER break case "shotgun": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.SHOTGUN break case "handgun": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.HANDGUN break case "special": enumVal = ePrimaryWeaponCategory.SPECIAL break case "at": enumVal = eSecondaryWeaponCategory.AT break case "pistol": enumVal = eSecondaryWeaponCategory.PISTOL break default: Assert( 0, "Unknown stringVal: " + stringVal ) } return enumVal } int function MenuAnimClassStringToEnumValue( string stringVal ) { int enumVal = -1 switch ( stringVal ) { case "small": enumVal = eMenuAnimClass.SMALL break case "medium": enumVal = eMenuAnimClass.MEDIUM break case "large": enumVal = eMenuAnimClass.LARGE break case "custom": enumVal = eMenuAnimClass.CUSTOM break default: Assert( 0, "Unknown stringVal: " + stringVal ) } return enumVal } asset function GetImage( int itemType, string itemRef, string childRef = "" ) { asset image if ( itemRef == "" ) return image switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: if ( childRef == "none" || childRef == "" ) { if ( itemType == eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT ) image = GetStockAttachmentImage( itemRef ) else image = MOD_ICON_NONE } else { image = GetSubitemImage( itemRef, childRef ) } break case eItemTypes.RACE: Assert( itemRef == "race_human_male" || itemRef == "race_human_female" ) if ( itemRef == "race_human_male" ) image = $"rui/menu/common/gender_button_male" else image = $"rui/menu/common/gender_button_female" break default: image = GetItemImage( itemRef ) } return image } array function GetAllWeaponsByType( array weaponTypes ) { array weapons foreach ( weaponType in weaponTypes ) { foreach ( weapon in GetAllItemRefsOfType( weaponType ) ) { // mp puts weapons into its list multiple times if ( weapons.contains( weapon ) ) continue weapons.append( weapon ) } } return weapons } string function GetItemRefTypeName( string itemRef, string parentItemRef = "" ) { int itemType = GetItemType( itemRef ) int parentItemType = parentItemRef != "" ? GetItemType( parentItemRef ) : -1 if ( itemType == eItemTypes.FEATURE ) { ItemData featureItem = GetItemData( itemRef ) return expect string( featureItem.i.specificType ) } else if ( itemType == eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE ) { ItemData item = GetItemData( itemRef ) return expect string( item.i.upgradeTypeCategory ) } return GetItemTypeName( itemType, parentItemType ) } string function GetItemTypeName( int itemType, int parentItemType = -1 ) { switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_PRIMARY" case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_PRIMARY" case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_SECONDARY" case eItemTypes.PILOT_SPECIAL: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_SPECIAL" case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_SPECIAL" case eItemTypes.PILOT_ORDNANCE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_ORDNANCE" case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_ORDNANCE" case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_ANTIRODEO" case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_SPECIFIC_ATTACHMENT" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_GENERIC_ATTACHMENT" case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_SPECIFIC_MOD" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_GENERIC_MOD" case eItemTypes.CALLING_CARD: return "#ITEM_TYPE_CALLING_CARD" case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_PILOT: return "#ITEM_TYPE_CAMO_SKIN_PILOT" case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_SPECIFIC_CAMO" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_CAMO_SKIN_TITAN" case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_WARPAINT" case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) { if ( parentItemType == eItemTypes.TITAN ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_SPECIFIC_WEAPON_CAMO" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_SPECIFIC_CAMO" } else return "#ITEM_TYPE_CAMO_SKIN" case eItemTypes.CALLSIGN_ICON: return "#ITEM_TYPE_CALLSIGN_ICON" case eItemTypes.BURN_METER_REWARD: return "#ITEM_TYPE_BURN_METER_REWARD" case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_SPECIFIC_KIT" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_GENERIC_KIT" case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_UPGRADE1" case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_UPGRADE2" case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_UPGRADE3" case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE" case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE" case eItemTypes.TITAN: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN" case eItemTypes.RACE: return "#GENDER" case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_NOSE_ART" case eItemTypes.PILOT_EXECUTION: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_EXECUTION" case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_EXECUTION: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_EXECUTION: if ( parentItemType != -1 ) return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_SPECIFIC_EXECUTION" else return "#ITEM_TYPE_TITAN_EXECUTION" case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE1: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PASSIVE2: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_PASSIVE" case eItemTypes.FACTION: return "#ITEM_TYPE_FACTION" case eItemTypes.FEATURE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_FEATURE" case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON_FEATURE" case eItemTypes.PILOT_SUIT: return "#ITEM_TYPE_PILOT_SPECIAL" case eItemTypes.COMMS_ICON: return "#ITEM_TYPE_COMMS_ICON" case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: return "#ITEM_TYPE_FD_UPGRADES" default: #if DEV Assert( false, "Invalid item type: " + DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eItemTypes", itemType) ) #endif } return "UNDEFINED" } /* PILOT_PRIMARY, PILOT_SECONDARY, PILOT_SPECIAL, PILOT_ORDNANCE, PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT, PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD, PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD, PILOT_PASSIVE1, PILOT_PASSIVE2, TITAN_PRIMARY, TITAN_SPECIAL, TITAN_ANTIRODEO, TITAN_ORDNANCE, TITAN_PRIMARY_MOD, TITAN_OS, RACE, NOT_LOADOUT, TITAN_NOSE_ART, PILOT_SUIT, TITAN_CORE_ABILITY, BURN_METER_REWARD, PILOT_MELEE, TITAN, FEATURE, CALLING_CARD, CALLSIGN_ICON, CAMO_SKIN, CAMO_SKIN_PILOT, CAMO_SKIN_TITAN, SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD, SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT, FACTION, PILOT_EXECUTION, TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE, TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE, TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE, TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE, TITAN_ION_PASSIVE, TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE, TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE, TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE, */ void function ItemReport() { table itemTypesEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eItemTypes ) array itemTypeIndexToName itemTypeIndexToName.resize( itemTypesEnum.len(), "UNDEFINED" ) foreach ( name, index in itemTypesEnum ) { expect int( index ) itemTypeIndexToName[index] = string( name ) } array allItemsRefData = GetAllItemRefs() table subItemRefs printt( "ITEM REPORT:" ) foreach ( typeIndex, typeName in itemTypeIndexToName ) { if ( typeName == "COUNT" ) continue printt( typeName ) array itemRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( typeIndex ) foreach ( itemRef in itemRefs ) { ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) if ( itemRef in subItemRefs ) { printt( itemRef, itemData.persistenceId, "use count: ", subItemRefs[itemRef] ) Assert( !(itemRef in file.unlocks) ) } else printt( itemRef, itemData.persistenceId, itemData.persistenceStruct ) foreach ( subItemRef, subItemData in itemData.subitems ) { printt( "\t", subItemRef ) if ( !(subItemRef in subItemRefs) ) { subItemRefs[subItemRef] <- 0 } subItemRefs[subItemRef]++ } } printt( "\n" ) } } void function UnlockReport() { table itemTypesEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eItemTypes ) table unlockTypesEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eUnlockType ) array unlockIndexToName unlockIndexToName.resize( unlockTypesEnum.len(), "UNDEFINED" ) foreach ( name, index in unlockTypesEnum ) { expect int( index ) unlockIndexToName[index] = string( name ) } array itemTypeIndexToName itemTypeIndexToName.resize( itemTypesEnum.len(), "UNDEFINED" ) foreach ( name, index in itemTypesEnum ) { expect int( index ) itemTypeIndexToName[index] = string( name ) } array allItemsRefData = GetAllItemRefs() foreach ( typeIndex, typeName in itemTypeIndexToName ) { if ( typeName == "COUNT" ) continue printt( typeName ) switch ( typeIndex ) { case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: continue } array itemRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( typeIndex ) foreach ( itemRef in itemRefs ) { ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) if ( itemRef in file.unlocks ) { printt( "\t", itemRef, unlockIndexToName[file.unlocks[itemRef].unlockType] ) foreach ( subItemRef, subItemData in itemData.subitems ) { if ( !(subItemRef in file.unlocks[itemRef].child ) ) { CodeWarning( typeName + " " + itemRef + " contains subitem " + subItemRef + " but does not unlock it." ) } } } else { bool found = false foreach ( ref, unlockData in file.unlocks ) { if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) continue if ( itemRef in unlockData.child ) { found = true printt( "\t", itemRef, ref, unlockIndexToName[unlockData.child[itemRef].unlockType] ) break } } if ( !found ) printt( "\t", itemRef, "***" ) } } printt( "\n" ) } /* foreach ( ref, unlockData in file.unlocks ) { if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { printt( "bogus unlock ref:", ref ) continue } ItemData itemData = GetItemData( ref ) } foreach ( ref, unlockData in file.unlocks ) { if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) { printt( "bogus unlock ref:", ref ) printt( "\t", itemRef, unlockIndexToName[file.unlocks[itemRef].unlockType] ) } } */ } void function UnlockDump() { table itemTypesEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eItemTypes ) table unlockTypesEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eUnlockType ) array unlockIndexToName unlockIndexToName.resize( unlockTypesEnum.len(), "UNDEFINED" ) foreach ( name, index in unlockTypesEnum ) { expect int( index ) unlockIndexToName[index] = string( name ) } array itemTypeIndexToName itemTypeIndexToName.resize( itemTypesEnum.len(), "UNDEFINED" ) foreach ( name, index in itemTypesEnum ) { expect int( index ) itemTypeIndexToName[index] = string( name ) } foreach ( ref, unlock in file.unlocks ) { printt( ref, DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eUnlockType", unlock.unlockType ), unlock.unlockLevel ) foreach ( childRef, child in unlock.child ) { printt( "\t", childRef, DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( "eUnlockType", child.unlockType ), child.unlockLevel ) } } /* switch ( typeIndex ) { case eItemTypes.TITAN_SPECIAL: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ANTIRODEO: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ORDNANCE: continue } array itemRefs = GetAllItemRefsOfType( typeIndex ) foreach ( itemRef in itemRefs ) { ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) if ( itemRef in file.unlocks ) { printt( "\t", itemRef, unlockIndexToName[file.unlocks[itemRef].unlockType] ) } else { bool found = false foreach ( ref, unlockData in file.unlocks ) { if ( !ItemDefined( ref ) ) continue if ( itemRef in unlockData.child ) { found = true printt( "\t", itemRef, ref, unlockIndexToName[unlockData.child[itemRef].unlockType] ) break } } if ( !found ) printt( "\t", itemRef, "***" ) } } printt( "\n" ) } */ } bool function IsSubItemType( int itemType ) { switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY_MOD: case eItemTypes.PILOT_WEAPON_MOD3: case eItemTypes.TITAN_GENERAL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TITANFALL_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_RONIN_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NORTHSTAR_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_ION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_TONE_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_SCORCH_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_LEGION_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_VANGUARD_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE1_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE2_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_UPGRADE3_PASSIVE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_NOSE_ART: case eItemTypes.PRIME_TITAN_NOSE_ART: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_ATTACHMENT: case eItemTypes.SUB_PILOT_WEAPON_MOD: case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN: case eItemTypes.CAMO_SKIN_TITAN: case eItemTypes.TITAN_WARPAINT: case eItemTypes.WEAPON_FEATURE: case eItemTypes.TITAN_FD_UPGRADE: case eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN: return true } return false } ItemDisplayData function GetItemDisplayData( string itemRef, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( (parentRef + itemRef) in file.displayDataCache ) return file.displayDataCache[parentRef + itemRef] ItemData itemData = GetItemData( itemRef ) ItemDisplayData displayData if ( parentRef != "" && !IsItemRandom( itemRef ) ) { Assert( IsSubItemType( itemData.itemType ) ) ItemData parentItem = GetItemData( parentRef ) displayData.itemType = parentItem.subitems[itemRef].itemType displayData.i = clone parentItem.subitems[itemRef].i } else { Assert( !IsSubItemType( itemData.itemType ) ) displayData.itemType = itemData.itemType displayData.i = clone itemData.i } displayData.name = itemData.name displayData.desc = itemData.desc displayData.longdesc = itemData.longdesc displayData.image = itemData.image displayData.hidden = itemData.hidden displayData.ref = itemRef displayData.parentRef = parentRef displayData.imageAtlas = itemData.imageAtlas displayData.persistenceId = itemData.persistenceId file.displayDataCache[parentRef + itemRef] <- displayData return displayData } bool function IsItemRandom( string itemRef ) { if ( itemRef == "random" ) return true if ( itemRef == "advocate_gift" ) return true return false } string function DEV_GetEnumStringFromIndex( string enumName, int enumIndex ) { table enumTable = expect table( getconsttable()[enumName] ) foreach ( name, index in enumTable ) { if ( index == enumIndex ) return string( name ) } return "not found" } ItemDisplayData function GetItemDisplayDataFromGuid( int refGuid, int parentRefGuid = 0 ) { string itemRef string parentItemRef for( int index = 0; index < file.allItems.len(); index++ ) { GlobalItemRef globalItemRef = file.allItems[index] if ( itemRef == "" && globalItemRef.guid == refGuid ) { itemRef = globalItemRef.ref if ( parentRefGuid == 0 || parentItemRef != "" ) break } else if ( parentItemRef == "" && parentRefGuid != 0 && globalItemRef.guid == parentRefGuid ) { parentItemRef = globalItemRef.ref if ( itemRef != "" ) break } } Assert( itemRef != "" ) Assert( (parentRefGuid == 0 && parentItemRef == "") || parentItemRef != "" ) return GetItemDisplayData( itemRef, parentItemRef ) } int function StringHash( string str ) { int res = 0 int length = str.len() for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { res *= 31 res += expect int( str[i] ) } return res } string function GetFullRef( string itemRef, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( parentRef != "" ) return parentRef + "." + itemRef else return itemRef unreachable } bool function IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( string itemRef, string parentRef = "" ) { string fullRef = GetFullRef( itemRef, parentRef ) return fullRef in file.entitlementUnlocks } void function InitUnlockAsEntitlement( string itemRef, string parentRef, int entitlementId, string purchaseMenu = "" ) { if ( IsDisabledRef( itemRef ) || IsDisabledRef( parentRef ) ) return #if DEV if ( parentRef == "" ) { Assert( ItemDefined( itemRef ), itemRef + " does not exist but is being initialized as an entitlement" ) if ( itemRef in file.unlocks ) CodeWarning( parentRef + "." + itemRef + " already exists in Unlocks but is being initialized as an entitlement" ) } else { Assert( SubitemDefined( parentRef, itemRef ), parentRef + "." + itemRef + " does not exist but is being initialized as an entitlement" ) if ( parentRef in file.unlocks && itemRef in file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child ) CodeWarning( parentRef + "." + itemRef + " already exists in Unlocks but is being initialized as an entitlement" ) } if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( itemRef, parentRef ) ) CodeWarning( parentRef + "." + itemRef + " already exists in Random Unlocks but is being initialized as an entitlement" ) #endif string fullRef = GetFullRef( itemRef, parentRef ) Unlock unlock if ( !(fullRef in file.entitlementUnlocks) ) { unlock.unlockType = eUnlockType.ENTITLEMENT file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef] <- unlock unlock.purchaseData.purchaseMenu = purchaseMenu } else { unlock = file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef] } unlock.entitlementIds.append( entitlementId ) } array function GetEntitlementIds( string itemRef, string parentRef = "" ) { string fullRef = GetFullRef( itemRef, parentRef ) Assert( fullRef in file.entitlementUnlocks ) return clone file.entitlementUnlocks[fullRef].entitlementIds } int function GetSortedIndex( string menuName, int elemNum ) { if ( menuName in file.sortedElems ) return file.sortedElems[menuName][elemNum] return elemNum } void function RefreshSortedElems( entity player, string menuName, int maxElems, ItemDisplayData functionref(int) getFunc ) { if (!( menuName in file.sortedElems )) { file.sortedElems[menuName] <- [] } file.sortedElems[menuName].clear() array new = [] array locked = [] array unlocked = [] for( int i=0; i= unlock.unlockIntVal ) return if ( oldStatVal + deltaStatVal < unlock.unlockIntVal ) return StatUnlock_Unlocked( player, itemRef, "", statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) } else { float oldStatVal = GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) float deltaStatVal = PlayerStat_GetCurrentFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) if ( oldStatVal >= unlock.unlockFloatVal ) return if ( oldStatVal + deltaStatVal < unlock.unlockFloatVal ) return StatUnlock_Unlocked( player, itemRef, "", statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) } } void function StatsCallback_SubItemUnlockUpdate( entity player, float changeInValue, string fullRef ) { array splitArray = SplitAndStripUnlockField( fullRef ) string itemRef = splitArray[0] string parentRef = splitArray[1] ChildUnlock unlock = file.unlocks[ parentRef ].child[itemRef] int statType = expect int( unlock.additionalData.statType ) string statVar = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statVar ) string statCategory = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statCategory ) string statAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statAlias ) string statSubAlias = expect string( unlock.additionalData.statSubAlias ) thread Stats_SaveStatDelayed( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) if ( statType == ePlayerStatType.INT ) { int oldStatVal = GetPlayerStatInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) int curStatVal = PlayerStat_GetCurrentInt( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) if ( oldStatVal >= unlock.unlockIntVal ) return if ( oldStatVal + curStatVal < unlock.unlockIntVal ) return StatUnlock_Unlocked( player, itemRef, parentRef, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) } else { float oldStatVal = GetPlayerStatFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) float curStatVal = PlayerStat_GetCurrentFloat( player, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) if ( oldStatVal >= unlock.unlockFloatVal ) return if ( oldStatVal + curStatVal < unlock.unlockFloatVal ) return StatUnlock_Unlocked( player, itemRef, parentRef, statCategory, statAlias, statSubAlias ) } } void function StatUnlock_Unlocked( entity player, string itemRef, string parentRef, string statCategory, string statAlias, string statSubAlias ) { // early out if we've already marked this as new if ( IsItemNew( player, itemRef, parentRef ) ) return int refGuid = file.itemRefToGuid[itemRef] int parentRefGuid = parentRef == "" ? 0 : file.itemRefToGuid[parentRef] if ( parentRef != "" ) { int itemType = GetItemType( parentRef ) switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY: case eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY: int weaponIndex = shWeaponXP.weaponClassNames.find( parentRef ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_WeaponChallengeCompleted", weaponIndex, refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY: int titanIndex = shTitanXP.titanClasses.find( GetTitanForWeapon( parentRef ) ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TitanChallengeCompleted", titanIndex, refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break case eItemTypes.TITAN: int titanIndex = shTitanXP.titanClasses.find( parentRef ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TitanChallengeCompleted", titanIndex, refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break default: Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerChallengeCompleted", refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break } } else { int itemType = GetItemType( itemRef ) switch ( itemType ) { case eItemTypes.TITAN: int titanIndex = shTitanXP.titanClasses.find( parentRef ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_TitanChallengeCompleted", titanIndex, refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break default: Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayerChallengeCompleted", refGuid, parentRefGuid ) break } } if ( player.p.challengeUnlocks.len() < 6 ) { RecentUnlock challengeUnlock challengeUnlock.refGuid = refGuid challengeUnlock.parentRefGuid = parentRefGuid player.p.challengeUnlocks.append( challengeUnlock ) } SetItemNewStatus( player, itemRef, parentRef, true ) } #endif int function CheckItemUnlockType( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { if ( IsItemInRandomUnlocks( ref, parentRef ) ) return eUnlockType.RANDOM if ( IsItemInEntitlementUnlock( ref, parentRef ) ) return eUnlockType.ENTITLEMENT if ( parentRef != "" ) return file.unlocks[parentRef].child[ref].unlockType else return file.unlocks[ref].unlockType unreachable } #if SERVER void function PersistenceCleanup( entity player ) { ClearTargetNew( player ) FixupLevelCamosForRegen( player ) } string function GetNoseArtRefFromTitanClassAndPersistenceValue( string titanClass, int persistenceValue ) //TODO: Replace NoseArtIndexToRef() with this eventually { if ( !( titanClass in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable ) ) return INVALID_REF if ( !( persistenceValue in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable[ titanClass ] ) ) return INVALID_REF return file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToNoseArtRefTable[ titanClass ][ persistenceValue ] } string function GetSkinRefFromTitanClassAndPersistenceValue( string titanClass, int persistenceValue ) { if ( !( titanClass in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable ) ) return INVALID_REF if ( !( persistenceValue in file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ titanClass ] ) ) return INVALID_REF return file.titanClassAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ titanClass ][ persistenceValue ] } #endif // SERVER string function GetSkinRefFromWeaponRefAndPersistenceValue( string weaponRef, int persistenceValue ) { if ( !( weaponRef in file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable ) ) return INVALID_REF if ( !( persistenceValue in file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ weaponRef ] ) ) return INVALID_REF return file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ weaponRef ][ persistenceValue ] } const array liveDisabledRefs = [ "vanguard_skin_01", "vanguard_skin_02", "vanguard_skin_03", "vanguard_skin_07", "vanguard_skin_08" ] const array disabledRefs = [ "mp_ability_pathchooser" ] bool function IsDisabledRef( string ref ) { if ( liveDisabledRefs.contains( ref ) ) return true #if DEVSCRIPTS return false #endif return ( disabledRefs.contains( ref ) ) } #if DEV void function GenerateAllValidateDataTableCRCCheckText() { GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/burn_meter_rewards.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/calling_cards.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/callsign_icons.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/camo_skins.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/faction_leaders.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/features_mp.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_abilities.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_executions.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_passives.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_properties.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_features.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_weapon_mods_common.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/pilot_weapons.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/playlist_items.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_nose_art.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_passives.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_primary_mods_common.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_skins.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titan_voices.rpak" ) GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( $"datatable/titans_mp.rpak" ) } string function GenerateValidateDataTableCRCText( asset dataTableAsset ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( dataTableAsset ) int numRows = GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ) int dataTableCRC = 0 for( int index = 0; index < numRows; index++ ) { string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, index, 0 ) dataTableCRC = dataTableCRC ^ StringHash( ref ) dataTableCRC = (dataTableCRC << 13) ^ (dataTableCRC >> 17) } string resultString = ( "ValidateDataTableCRC( " + dataTableAsset + ", " + numRows + ", " + dataTableCRC + ")" ) printt( resultString ) return resultString } void function ValidateDataTableCRC( asset dataTableAsset, int numRows, int generatedCRC ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( dataTableAsset ) int dataTableCRC = 0 for( int index = 0; index < numRows; index++ ) { string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, index, 0 ) dataTableCRC = dataTableCRC ^ StringHash( ref ) dataTableCRC = (dataTableCRC << 13) ^ (dataTableCRC >> 17) } if( dataTableCRC != generatedCRC ) { printt( "DataTableCRC mismatch:", dataTableAsset ) Assert( dataTableCRC == generatedCRC ) } } #endif bool function GetItemRequiresPrime( string ref, string parentRef = "" ) { Assert( ref in file.itemData ) return file.itemData[ref].reqPrime } void function SetupWeaponSkinData() { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/weapon_skins.rpak" ) for ( int row = 0; row < GetDatatableRowCount( dataTable ); row++ ) { string weaponRef = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "weaponRef" ) ) string ref = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "ref" ) ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) string name = GetDataTableString( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "name" ) ) int skinIndex = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "skinIndex" ) ) int skinType = GetDataTableInt( dataTable, row, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "skinType" ) ) int datatableIndex = row if ( IsDisabledRef( weaponRef ) ) continue CreateWeaponSkinData( datatableIndex, eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN, false, ref, weaponRef, name, image, skinIndex, skinType ) CreateGenericSubItemData( eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN, weaponRef, ref, 0, { skinIndex = skinIndex } ) if ( !( weaponRef in file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable ) ) file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ weaponRef ] <- {} file.weaponRefAndPersistenceValueToSkinRefTable[ weaponRef ][ skinIndex ] <- ref } } bool function ItemsInSameMenuCategory( string itemRef1, string itemRef2 ) { int category1 = expect int( GetItemDisplayData( itemRef1 ).i.menuCategory ) int category2 = expect int( GetItemDisplayData( itemRef2 ).i.menuCategory ) if ( category1 == category2 ) return true return false } asset function GetTitanLoadoutIconFD( string titanRef ) { var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/titan_properties.rpak" ) int loadoutIconCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "loadoutIconFD" ) int titanCol = GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "titanRef" ) int row = GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue( dataTable, titanCol, titanRef ) return GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, row, loadoutIconCol ) } array function GetOwnedEliteWeaponSkins( entity player ) { array allWeaponSkins = GetAllItemsOfType( eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN ) array ownedWeaponSkinRefs foreach ( weaponSkinItem in allWeaponSkins ) { string parentRef = weaponSkinItem.parentRef if ( !IsSubItemLocked( player, weaponSkinItem.ref, weaponSkinItem.parentRef ) && expect int( weaponSkinItem.i.skinType ) == 1 ) ownedWeaponSkinRefs.append( weaponSkinItem.ref ) } return ownedWeaponSkinRefs } asset function GetTitanPrimeBg( string titanClass ) { switch ( titanClass ) { case "ion": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_ion_bg" case "scorch": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_scorch_bg" case "northstar": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_northstar_bg" case "ronin": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_ronin_bg" case "tone": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_tone_bg" case "legion": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_legion_bg" case "monarch": return $"rui/menu/store/prime_legion_bg" } return $"" } struct FullRefWithEntitlements { string fullRef array entitlementIds } array function GetItemRefsForEntitlements( array entitlements ) { array filteredEntitlements foreach ( entitlement in entitlements ) { if ( HasChildEntitlements( entitlement ) ) { array childEntitlements = GetChildEntitlements( entitlement ) foreach ( childEntitlement in childEntitlements ) { if ( !filteredEntitlements.contains( childEntitlement ) ) filteredEntitlements.append( childEntitlement ) } } else { if ( !filteredEntitlements.contains( entitlement ) ) filteredEntitlements.append( entitlement ) } } array unlocks foreach ( key, val in file.entitlementUnlocks ) { foreach ( entitlement in filteredEntitlements ) { if ( val.entitlementIds.contains( entitlement ) ) { //printt( "key:", key, "entitlement:", entitlement ) FullRefWithEntitlements record record.fullRef = key record.entitlementIds = val.entitlementIds unlocks.append( record ) } } } // Sort to match original entitlement order as best we can avoiding dupes. // We diverge from this order whenever mulitple entitlements are associated with an unlock. array sortedUnlocks foreach ( entitlement in filteredEntitlements ) { foreach ( unlock in unlocks ) { if ( unlock.entitlementIds.contains( entitlement ) && !sortedUnlocks.contains( unlock ) ) { //printt( "unlock.fullRef:", unlock.fullRef, "entitlement:", entitlement ) sortedUnlocks.append( unlock ) } } } array sortedRefs foreach ( unlock in sortedUnlocks ) { string fullRef = unlock.fullRef array tokens = split( fullRef, "." ) if ( tokens.len() == 2 ) sortedRefs.append( tokens[1] ) else sortedRefs.append( fullRef ) } return sortedRefs } ItemDisplayData function WeaponWarpaint_GetByIndex( int skinIndex, string parentRef ) { array subItems = GetAllSubItemsOfType( parentRef, eItemTypes.WEAPON_SKIN ) foreach ( subItem in subItems ) { if ( subItem.i.skinIndex != skinIndex ) continue return GetSubitemDisplayData( parentRef, subItem.ref ) } unreachable }