
global function Anim_Init

global function FirstPersonSequence
global function GetAnim
global function HasAnim
global function SetAnim
global function PlayAnimTeleport
global function GetAnimStartInfo

global function PlayFPSAnim
global function PlayFPSAnimShowProxy
global function PlayFPSAnimTeleport
global function PlayFPSAnimTeleportShowProxy

global function PlayAnim
global function PlayAnimGravity
global function PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing
global function PlayAnimRunGravity
global function PlayAnimRun

global function RunToAnimStart_Deprecated
global function RunToAnimStartForced_Deprecated

global function RunToAnimStartPos
global function RunToAndPlayAnim
global function RunToAndPlayAnimAndWait
global function RunToAndPlayAnimGravity
global function RunToAndPlayAnimGravityForced

function Anim_Init()
	RegisterSignal( "NewViewAnim" )
	RegisterSignal( "NewFirstPersonSequence" )
	RegisterSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )
	RegisterSignal( "AnimEventKill" )

	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "enable_weapon", GlobalAnimEvent_EnableWeapon )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "disable_weapon", GlobalAnimEvent_DisableWeapon	)
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "clear_parent", GlobalAnimEvent_ClearParent )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "hide", GlobalAnimEvent_Hide )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "show", GlobalAnimEvent_Show )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "RecordOrigin", GlobalAnimEvent_RecordOrigin )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "ShowFPSProxy", GlobalAnimEvent_ShowFPSProxy )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "clear_anim_view_ent",GlobalAnimEvent_ClearAnimViewEntity )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "scripted_death_to_ragdoll", GlobalAnimEvent_ScriptedDeathToRagdoll )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "SetVelocity", GlobalAnimEvent_SetVelocity )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "stance_kneel", GlobalAnimEvent_StanceKneel )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "stance_kneeling", GlobalAnimEvent_StanceKneeling )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "stance_stand", GlobalAnimEvent_StanceStand )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "stance_standing", GlobalAnimEvent_StanceStanding )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "enable_planting", GlobalAnimEvent_EnablePlanting )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "kill", GlobalAnimEvent_Kill )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "gib", GlobalAnimEvent_Gib )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "titan_gib", GlobalAnimEvent_TitanGib )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "EnableAimAssist", GlobalAnimEvent_EnableAimAssist )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "DisableAimAssist", GlobalAnimEvent_DisableAimAssist )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "give_ammo", GlobalAnimEvent_GiveAmmo )

	#if SP
	PrecacheWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets" ) // used by bt_pod_fire_left/bt_pod_fire_right anim events. Only BT has these anim events.
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "bt_pod_fire_left", GlobalAnimEvent_BT_Pod_Left )
	AddGlobalAnimEvent( "bt_pod_fire_right", GlobalAnimEvent_BT_Pod_Right )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_BT_Pod_Left( entity guy )
	BT_Pod( guy, "POD_L" )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_BT_Pod_Right( entity guy )
	BT_Pod( guy, "POD_R" )

void function BT_Pod( entity guy, string tag )
	entity oldOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
	guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )
	guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets", 0, [ "scripted_no_damage" ] )

	//printt( tag )
	entity newOffhandWeapon = guy.GetOffhandWeapon( 0 )
	int attachID = guy.LookupAttachment( tag )
	vector angles = guy.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID )
	WeaponPrimaryAttackParams params
	params.pos = guy.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
	params.dir = AnglesToForward( angles )
	StartParticleEffectOnEntity( guy, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_muzzleflash_predator" ), FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachID )

	thread OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_salvo_rockets( newOffhandWeapon, params )

	guy.TakeOffhandWeapon( 0 )

	if ( oldOffhandWeapon )
 		guy.GiveOffhandWeapon( oldOffhandWeapon.GetWeaponClassName(), 0, oldOffhandWeapon.GetMods() )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_EnableWeapon( entity guy )
	if ( guy.IsPlayer() )
		printt( "Warning: Tried to enable weapon on non player: " + guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_DisableWeapon( entity guy )
	if ( guy.IsPlayer() )
		printt( "Warning: Tried to disable weapon on non player: " + guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_ClearParent( entity guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_Hide( entity guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_Show( entity guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_RecordOrigin( entity actor )
	if ( !actor.IsPlayer() )
	if ( !( "recordedOrigin" in actor.s ) )
		actor.s.recordedOrigin <- []

	table record = {}
	record.origin <- actor.GetOrigin()
	record.time <- Time()

	actor.s.recordedOrigin.append( record )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_ShowFPSProxy( entity player )
	if ( !player.IsPlayer() )
	local viewmodel = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()

void function GlobalAnimEvent_ClearAnimViewEntity( entity player )
	if ( !player.IsPlayer() )
	ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, 1.0 )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_ScriptedDeathToRagdoll( entity ent )
	ent.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
	ent.BecomeRagdoll( Vector(0,0,0), false )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_SetVelocity( entity actor )
	if ( !actor.IsPlayer() )
	local record = null

	if ( ( "recordedOrigin" in actor.s ) && actor.s.recordedOrigin.len() )
		record = actor.s.recordedOrigin[ actor.s.recordedOrigin.len() - 1 ]

	Assert( record, "anim had AE_SV_VSCRIPT_CALLBACK: SetVelocity, but no AE_SV_VSCRIPT_CALLBACK:RecordOrigin" )

	local dir 		= Normalize( actor.GetOrigin() - record.origin )
	local distance 		= Distance( actor.GetOrigin(), record.origin )
	local time			= Time() - record.time
	if ( time <= 0 )
		time = 0.001 // timescale bug?
	local speed 		= distance / time

	actor.SetVelocity( dir * speed )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_StanceKneel( entity guy )
	Assert( guy.IsTitan() )
	Assert( guy.IsNPC() )
	SetStanceKneel( guy.GetTitanSoul() )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_StanceKneeling( entity guy )
	Assert( guy.IsTitan() )
	Assert( guy.IsNPC() )
	SetStanceKneeling( guy.GetTitanSoul() )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_StanceStand( entity guy )
	Assert( guy.IsTitan() )
	Assert( guy.IsNPC() )
	SetStanceStand( guy.GetTitanSoul() )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_StanceStanding( entity guy )
	Assert( guy.IsTitan() )
	Assert( guy.IsNPC() )
	SetStanceStanding( guy.GetTitanSoul() )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_EnablePlanting( entity guy )
	if ( guy.IsNPC() || guy.IsPlayer() )
		printt( "Warning: Tried to enable planting on " + guy )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_Kill( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		Signal( guy, "AnimEventKill" )
		guy.TakeDamage( guy.GetMaxHealth() + 1, null, null, { damageSourceId=damagedef_suicide } )
		guy.BecomeRagdoll( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), false )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_Gib( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		Signal( guy, "AnimEventKill" )
		guy.Gib( <0,0,100> )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_TitanGib( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		PlayTitanDeathFxUp( guy )

		local entKVs = guy.CreateTableFromModelKeyValues()
		local hitData = entKVs["hit_data"]

		foreach ( bodyGroupName, bodyGroupData in hitData )
			if ( !("blank" in bodyGroupData) )

			local bodyGroupIndex = guy.FindBodyGroup( bodyGroupName )
			local stateCount = guy.GetBodyGroupModelCount( bodyGroupIndex )
			guy.SetBodygroup( bodyGroupIndex, stateCount - 1 )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_EnableAimAssist( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		guy.SetAimAssistAllowed( true )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_DisableAimAssist( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		guy.SetAimAssistAllowed( false )

void function GlobalAnimEvent_GiveAmmo( entity guy )
	if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
		array<entity> weapons = guy.GetMainWeapons()
		if ( weapons.len() > 0 )
			entity weapon = weapons[0]
			if ( IsValid( weapon ) )
				weapon.SetWeaponPrimaryClipCount( weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCountMax() )

function GetAnim( guy, animation )
	if ( !( "anims" in guy.s ) )
		return animation

	if ( !( animation in guy.s.anims ) )
		return animation

	return guy.s.anims[ animation ]

function HasAnim( guy, animation )
	if ( !( "anims" in guy.s ) )
		return false

	return animation in guy.s.anims

function SetAnim( guy, name, animation )
	if ( !( "anims" in guy.s ) )
		guy.s.anims <- {}

	Assert( !( name in guy.s.anims ), guy + " already has set anim " + name )

	guy.s.anims[ name ] <- animation

AnimRefPoint function GetAnimStartInfo( entity ent, string animAlias, animref )
	string animData = expect string( GetAnim( ent, animAlias ) )
	AnimRefPoint animStartInfo = ent.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint( animData, animref.GetOrigin(), animref.GetAngles() )

	return animStartInfo

function GetRefPosition( reference )
	Assert( reference.HasKey( "model" ) && reference.GetValueForModelKey() != $"", "Tried to play an anim relative to " + reference + " but it has no model/ref attachment." )

	local position = {}
	local attach_id
	attach_id = reference.LookupAttachment( "REF" )

	if ( attach_id )
		position.origin <- reference.GetAttachmentOrigin( attach_id )
		position.angles <- reference.GetAttachmentAngles( attach_id )

	return position

// play the anim
function __PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME )
	expect entity( guy )

	Assert( IsValid_ThisFrame( guy ), "Invalid ent sent to PlayAnim " + animation_name )
	local animation = GetAnim( guy, animation_name )


	#if !DEV
	if ( guy.IsNPC() && !guy.IsInterruptable() )
		// better than nothing failsafe
		guy.Signal( "OnAnimationInterrupted" )
		guy.Signal( "OnAnimationDone" )

	if ( guy.IsNPC() )
		guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
		Assert( IsAlive( guy ), "Guy " + guy + " tried to play an anim, but it is not alive." )

	if ( reference )
		if ( reference == guy )
			local position = GetRefPosition( reference )
			local origin = position.origin
			local angles = position.angles

			if ( guy.IsNPC() )
				guy.Anim_ScriptedPlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )
				guy.Anim_PlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )


		if ( optionalTag )
			if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
				Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
				if ( guy.IsNPC() )
					guy.Anim_ScriptedPlayWithRefPoint( animation, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )
					guy.Anim_PlayWithRefPoint( animation, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )

			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "string", "Passed invalid optional tag " + optionalTag )

			if ( guy.GetParent() == reference )
				if ( guy.IsNPC() )
					guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( animation )
					guy.Anim_Play( animation )
				local attachIndex = reference.LookupAttachment( optionalTag )
				local origin = reference.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIndex )
				local angles = reference.GetAttachmentAngles( attachIndex )
				if ( guy.IsNPC() )
					//local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
					//local angles = reference.GetAngles()
					guy.Anim_ScriptedPlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )
					//local animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
					//local origin = animStartPos.origin
					//local angles = animStartPos.angles
					guy.Anim_PlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )
		Assert( optionalTag == null, "Reference was null, but optionalTag was not. Did you mean to set the tag?" )

	if ( reference != null && guy.GetParent() == reference )
		if ( guy.IsNPC() )
			guy.Anim_ScriptedPlay( animation )
			guy.Anim_Play( animation )


    if ( !reference )
	    reference = guy

    local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
    local angles = reference.GetAngles()

    if ( guy.IsNPC() )
	    guy.Anim_ScriptedPlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )
	    guy.Anim_PlayWithRefPoint( animation, origin, angles, blendTime )


function TeleportToAnimStart( _guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag = null, smooth = false )
	entity guy = expect entity( _guy )

	Assert( reference, "NO reference" )
	string animation = expect string( GetAnim( guy, animation_name ) )
	AnimRefPoint animStartPos

	if ( optionalTag )
		if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity( animation, reference, optionalTag )
		//printt( "Reference is " + reference )
		//printt( "guy is " + guy )
		//printt( "animation is " + animation )
		local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
		local angles = reference.GetAngles()
		animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint( animation, origin, angles )
	//Assert( animStartPos, "No animStartPos for " + animation + " on " + guy )

	// hack! shouldn't need to do this
	animStartPos.origin = ClampToWorldspace( animStartPos.origin )

	if ( guy.GetParent() )
		if ( smooth )
			guy.SetAbsOriginSmooth( animStartPos.origin )
			guy.SetAbsAnglesSmooth( animStartPos.angles )
			guy.SetAbsOrigin( animStartPos.origin )
			guy.SetAbsAngles( animStartPos.angles )
		guy.SetOrigin( animStartPos.origin )
		guy.SetAngles( animStartPos.angles )

// wait till arrive at goal and animation is done
function RunToAndPlayAnimAndWait( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival = false, optionalTag = null )
	bool savedEnableFriendlyFollower = guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = false

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )

	__RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )

	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE, allowFlee )
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = savedEnableFriendlyFollower

// wait till arrive at goal and start animation but don't wait until animation is done
function RunToAndPlayAnim( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival = false, optionalTag = null )
	bool savedEnableFriendlyFollower = guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = false

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )

	__RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )

	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE, allowFlee )
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = savedEnableFriendlyFollower

function RunToAndPlayAnimGravity( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival = false, optionalTag = null )
	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )

	float arrivalTolerance = guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance()
	__RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )

	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )

	guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( arrivalTolerance )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS, allowHandSignal )

function RunToAndPlayAnimGravityForced( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival = false, optionalTag = null )
	bool savedEnableFriendlyFollower = guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = false

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )

	float arrivalTolerance = guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance()
	__RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )

	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )

	guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( arrivalTolerance )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS, allowHandSignal )
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = savedEnableFriendlyFollower

function __RunToAndPlayAnim( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival, optionalTag )
	Assert( IsAlive( guy ) )
	guy.Anim_Stop() // in case we were doing an anim already
	guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )

	string animation = expect string( GetAnim( guy, animation_name ) )
	local origin, angles

	if ( optionalTag )
		if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
			origin = reference
			angles = optionalTag
			local attach_id = reference.LookupAttachment( optionalTag )
			origin = reference.GetAttachmentOrigin( attach_id )
			angles = reference.GetAttachmentAngles( attach_id )
		Assert( typeof( reference ) != "vector", "Expected an entity, but got an origin with no angles" )
		origin = reference.GetOrigin()
		angles = reference.GetAngles()

	guy.AssaultPointToAnim( origin, angles, animation, doArrival, 4.0 )

// run to the place to start the anim, then play it
function RunToAnimStart_Deprecated( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null )
	expect entity( guy )

	Assert( IsAlive( guy ) )
	guy.Anim_Stop() // in case we were doing an anim already
	guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )


	local animation = GetAnim( guy, animation_name )
	local animStartPos

	if ( optionalTag )
		if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
			local angles = reference.GetAngles()
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, origin, angles )

	guy.AssaultPoint( animStartPos.origin )
	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE, allowFlee )
	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS, allowHandSignal )

	local dist = Distance( animStartPos.origin, guy.GetOrigin() )
	if ( dist > 8 )
		//DebugDrawLine( animStartPos.origin, guy.GetOrigin(), 255, 150, 0, true, 60 )
		printt( guy, " was ", dist, " units away from where he wanted to end his scripted sequence" )
//	printt( guy + " finished assault at dist ", Distance( animStartPos.origin, guy.GetOrigin() ) )
//	Assert( Distance( animStartPos.origin, guy.GetOrigin() ) < 32, guy + " finished assault but was " + ( Distance( animStartPos.origin, guy.GetOrigin() ) ) + " away from where he should have ended up." )

// only use this if you are OK with a frame pause before the start of the animation
void function RunToAnimStartPos( entity guy, string animation_name, reference = null, bool doArrival = false, optionalTag = null )
	Assert( IsAlive( guy ) )
	guy.Anim_Stop() // in case we were doing an anim already
	guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )
	local allowArrivals = guy.GetNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_DISABLE_ARRIVALS )

	if ( !doArrival )
	//	guy.DisableArrivalOnce( true )


	local animation = GetAnim( guy, animation_name )
	local animStartPos

	if ( optionalTag )
		if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			vector ornull clampedPos = NavMesh_ClampPointForAI( animStartPos.origin, guy )
			if ( clampedPos != null )
				animStartPos.origin = clampedPos
		local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
		local angles = reference.GetAngles()
		animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, origin, angles )

	var fightRadius = guy.AssaultGetFightRadius()
	var arrivalTolerance = guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance()
	float runtoRadius = 61.16
	guy.AssaultSetFightRadius( runtoRadius )
	guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( runtoRadius )

	bool savedEnableFriendlyFollower = guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = false

	guy.AssaultPoint( animStartPos.origin )

	//DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), animStartPos.origin, 255, 0, 0, true, 20.0 )
	//DebugDrawAngles( animStartPos.origin, animStartPos.angles )
	//thread DebugAssaultEnt( guy, assaultEnt )
	WaitSignal( guy, "OnFinishedAssault" )

	//in case the scripter reset during run, we want to honor the intended change
	if ( guy.AssaultGetFightRadius() == runtoRadius )
		guy.AssaultSetFightRadius( fightRadius )

	if ( guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance() == runtoRadius )
		guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( arrivalTolerance )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE, allowFlee )
	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS, allowHandSignal )
	guy.SetNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_DISABLE_ARRIVALS, allowArrivals )

	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = savedEnableFriendlyFollower

// Deprecated, use RunToAndPlayAnim, otherwise there will be a gap between arriving at position and playing the animation
function RunToAnimStartForced_Deprecated( entity guy, string animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, bool disableArrival = true, disableAssaultAngles = false )
	Assert( IsAlive( guy ) )
	guy.Anim_Stop() // in case we were doing an anim already
	guy.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )

	local allowFlee = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE )
	local allowHandSignal = guy.GetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS )
	local allowArrivals = guy.GetNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_DISABLE_ARRIVALS )

	if ( disableArrival )
	//	guy.DisableArrivalOnce( true )


	local animation = GetAnim( guy, animation_name )
	local animStartPos

	if ( optionalTag )
		if ( typeof( reference ) == "vector" )
			Assert( typeof( optionalTag ) == "vector", "Expected angles but got " + optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity_Old( animation, reference, optionalTag )
			vector ornull clampedPos = NavMesh_ClampPointForAI( animStartPos.origin, guy )
			if ( clampedPos != null )
				animStartPos.origin = clampedPos
		local origin = reference.GetOrigin()
		local angles = reference.GetAngles()
		animStartPos = guy.Anim_GetStartForRefPoint_Old( animation, origin, angles )

	var fightRadius = guy.AssaultGetFightRadius()
	var arrivalTolerance = guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance()
	float runtoRadius = 61.16
	guy.AssaultSetFightRadius( runtoRadius )
	guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( runtoRadius )

	bool savedEnableFriendlyFollower = guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower
	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = false

	guy.AssaultPoint( animStartPos.origin )
	if ( !disableAssaultAngles )
		guy.AssaultSetAngles( animStartPos.angles, true )

	//DebugDrawLine( guy.GetOrigin(), animStartPos.origin, 255, 0, 0, true, 20.0 )
	//DebugDrawAngles( animStartPos.origin, animStartPos.angles )
	//thread DebugAssaultEnt( guy, assaultEnt )
	WaitSignal( guy, "OnFinishedAssault" )

	if ( !disableAssaultAngles )
		guy.AssaultSetAngles( animStartPos.angles, true )

	guy.AssaultPointToAnim( animStartPos.origin, animation, 4.0 )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )
//	guy.WaitSignal( "OnFinishedAssault" )

	//in case the scripter reset during run, we want to honor the intended change
	if ( guy.AssaultGetFightRadius() == runtoRadius )
		guy.AssaultSetFightRadius( fightRadius )

	if ( guy.AssaultGetArrivalTolerance() == runtoRadius )
		guy.AssaultSetArrivalTolerance( arrivalTolerance )

	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_FLEE, allowFlee )
	guy.SetNPCFlag( NPC_ALLOW_HAND_SIGNALS, allowHandSignal )
	guy.SetNPCMoveFlag( NPCMF_DISABLE_ARRIVALS, allowArrivals )

	guy.ai.enableFriendlyFollower = savedEnableFriendlyFollower

void function ShowEnt( entity viewmodel )
	if ( IsValid_ThisFrame( viewmodel ) )

// anim teleport
function PlayAnimTeleport( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, initialTime = -1.0, smooth = false )
	if ( type( guy ) == "array" || type( guy ) == "table" )
		Assert( reference, "NO reference" )
		local firstEnt = null
		foreach ( ent in guy )
			if ( !firstEnt )
				firstEnt = ent

			TeleportToAnimStart( ent, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, smooth )
			__PlayAnim( ent, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, 0 )
			if ( initialTime > 0.0 )
				guy.Anim_SetInitialTime( initialTime )

		WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( firstEnt ) )
		if ( !reference )
			reference = guy

		TeleportToAnimStart( guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, smooth )
		__PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, 0 )
		if ( initialTime > 0.0 )
			guy.Anim_SetInitialTime( initialTime )
		WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( guy ) )

// play the anim
function PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME, initialTime = -1.0 )
	if ( type( guy ) == "array" )
		foreach ( ent in guy )
			__PlayAnim( ent, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )
			if ( initialTime > 0.0 )
				guy.Anim_SetInitialTime( initialTime )

		WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( guy[0] ) )
		__PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )
		if ( initialTime > 0.0 )
			guy.Anim_SetInitialTime( initialTime )
		WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( guy ) )

// play the anim
function PlayAnimRun( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME  )
	RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )
	WaitSignal( guy, "OnFinishedAssault" )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )

function PlayAnimRunGravity( entity guy, string animation_name, reference, bool doArrival, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME )
	RunToAndPlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, doArrival, optionalTag )
	WaitSignal( guy, "OnFinishedAssault" )
	WaittillAnimDone( guy )

function PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME  )
	__PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )
	WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( guy ) )

function PlayAnimGravity( guy, animation_name, reference = null, optionalTag = null, blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME  )
	__PlayAnim( guy, animation_name, reference, optionalTag, blendTime )
	WaittillAnimDone( expect entity( guy ) )

function CalcSequenceBlendTime( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity ent = null )
	if ( sequence.blendTime != CALCULATE_SEQUENCE_BLEND_TIME )

	sequence.blendTime = 0
	if ( ent && sequence.thirdPersonAnim != "" )
		local start
		if ( sequence.attachment != "" )
			start = player.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity_Old( sequence.thirdPersonAnim, ent, sequence.attachment )
			start = {}
			start.origin <- ent.GetOrigin()
			start.angles <- ent.GetAngles()

		if ( sequence.teleport )
			player.SetAbsOrigin( start.origin )
			player.SetAbsAngles( start.angles )
			local dist = Distance( player.GetOrigin(), start.origin )
			sequence.blendTime = GraphCapped( dist, 0, 350, 0.25, 0.9 )

void function PlayFPSAnim( entity player, string anim3rd, string anim1st = "", entity ref = null, string optionalTag = "", void functionref(entity) animView = null, float blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME, float initialTime = 0.0 )
	bool teleport = false
	bool hideProxy = true
	__PlayFPSAnimInternal( player, anim3rd, anim1st, ref, optionalTag, animView, blendTime, initialTime, teleport, hideProxy )

void function PlayFPSAnimShowProxy( entity player, string anim3rd, string anim1st = "", entity ref = null, string optionalTag = "", void functionref(entity) animView = null, float blendTime = DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME, float initialTime = 0.0 )
	bool teleport = false
	bool hideProxy = false
	__PlayFPSAnimInternal( player, anim3rd, anim1st, ref, optionalTag, animView, blendTime, initialTime, teleport, hideProxy )

void function PlayFPSAnimTeleport( entity player, string anim3rd, string anim1st = "", entity ref = null, string optionalTag = "", void functionref(entity) animView = null, float initialTime = 0.0 )
	bool teleport = true
	bool hideProxy = true
	float blendTime = 0.0
	__PlayFPSAnimInternal( player, anim3rd, anim1st, ref, optionalTag, animView, blendTime, initialTime, teleport, hideProxy )

void function PlayFPSAnimTeleportShowProxy( entity player, string anim3rd, string anim1st = "", entity ref = null, string optionalTag = "", void functionref(entity) animView = null, float initialTime = 0.0 )
	bool teleport = true
	bool hideProxy = false
	float blendTime = 0.0
	__PlayFPSAnimInternal( player, anim3rd, anim1st, ref, optionalTag, animView, blendTime, initialTime, teleport, hideProxy )

void function __PlayFPSAnimInternal( entity player, string anim3rd, string anim1st, entity ref, string optionalTag, void functionref(entity) animView, float blendTime, float initialTime, bool teleport, bool hideProxy )
	if ( animView == null )
		animView = ViewConeRampFree

	FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence

	sequence.firstPersonAnim	= anim1st
	sequence.thirdPersonAnim 	= anim3rd
	sequence.attachment 		= optionalTag
	sequence.viewConeFunction	= animView
	sequence.setInitialTime 	= initialTime
	sequence.blendTime			= blendTime
	sequence.teleport			= teleport
	sequence.hideProxy			= hideProxy

	//hard coded in this function
	sequence.noParent			= true

	FirstPersonSequence( sequence, player, ref )

void function FirstPersonSequence( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity ent = null )
	player.Signal( "NewFirstPersonSequence" )
	player.EndSignal( "NewFirstPersonSequence" )
	player.EndSignal( "ScriptAnimStop" )

	player.SetVelocity( <0,0,0> ) // fix this
	if ( player.IsPlayer() && sequence.snapPlayerFeetToEyes )

	//figure out if we have/should do a first person sequence and handle Spawn slots.
	bool doFirstPersonAnim = sequence.firstPersonAnim != ""

	entity firstPersonProxy
	if ( doFirstPersonAnim )
		Assert( player.IsPlayer(), player + " is not a player" )
		firstPersonProxy = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()
		if ( !IsValid( firstPersonProxy ) || !EntHasModelSet( firstPersonProxy ) )
			doFirstPersonAnim = false;

	if ( doFirstPersonAnim )

		if ( sequence.renderWithViewModels )
			firstPersonProxy.RenderWithViewModels( true )
			firstPersonProxy.RenderWithViewModels( false )

		firstPersonProxy.SetAbsOrigin( player.GetOrigin() )
		firstPersonProxy.SetAbsAngles( player.GetAngles() )

		// Set anim view entity *after* setting the proxy's origin so that we calculate our initial view offset correctly (for lerping)
		SetPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, firstPersonProxy )
		SetForceDrawWhileParented( firstPersonProxy, true )
	else if ( sequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments.len() > 0 )
		if ( player.IsPlayer() )
			entity fpProxy = player.GetFirstPersonProxy() //Shouldn't ever need to show the first person proxy when doing thirdPersonCameraAttachments; hide it explicitly here to stop it from showing up when chaining animations
			if ( IsValid( fpProxy )  )

			if ( sequence.thirdPersonCameraEntity )
				SetPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, sequence.thirdPersonCameraEntity )
				SetPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, player )

			player.AnimViewEntity_SetThirdPersonCameraAttachments( sequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments )
			if ( sequence.thirdPersonCameraVisibilityChecks )
		if ( player.IsPlayer() )
			ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )

	entity soul

	if ( ent )
		// the entity we are animating relative to may change during the animation
		if ( IsSoul( ent ) )
			soul = ent
			ent = soul.GetTitan()
			if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
		else if ( HasSoul( ent ) )
			soul = ent.GetTitanSoul()

	CalcSequenceBlendTime( sequence, player, ent )

	if ( player.IsPlayer() )
		if ( sequence.teleport )
			player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpInTime( 0.0 )
			player.PlayerCone_SetLerpTime( 0.0 )
			player.SnapToAbsOrigin( player.GetOrigin() )
			if ( sequence.noViewLerp || (sequence.blendTime <= 0.0) )
				player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpInTime( 0.0 )
				player.PlayerCone_SetLerpTime( 0.0 )
				player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpInTime( sequence.blendTime )
				player.PlayerCone_SetLerpTime( sequence.blendTime )

		if ( sequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments.len() == 0 )
			if ( sequence.firstPersonBlendOutTime >= 0.0 )
				player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpOutTime( sequence.firstPersonBlendOutTime )
				player.AnimViewEntity_SetLerpOutTime( 0.4 )

		if ( !doFirstPersonAnim || !sequence.playerPushable )

	if ( ent && !sequence.noParent )
		local optionalTag
		if ( sequence.attachment != "" )
			optionalTag = sequence.attachment
			optionalTag = ""

		if ( player.GetParent() != ent )
			// you could be parenting from one tag to another but we don't do
			// that anywhere currently, and if we want to do it we can do some
			// special stuff
			player.SetParent( ent, optionalTag, false, sequence.blendTime )

	if ( doFirstPersonAnim )
		if ( sequence.teleport )
			firstPersonProxy.SnapToAbsOrigin( player.GetOrigin() )

		if ( sequence.playerPushable )
			firstPersonProxy.SetParent( player, "", false )
			firstPersonProxy.SetToSameParentAs( player )

	if ( sequence.relativeAnim != "" )
		if ( sequence.teleport )
			thread PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing( ent, sequence.relativeAnim, null, null, 0.0 )
			thread PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing( ent, sequence.relativeAnim )

		if ( sequence.setInitialTime != 0.0 )
			ent.Anim_SetInitialTime( sequence.setInitialTime )

	if ( doFirstPersonAnim )
		if ( ent )
			thread PlayAnim( firstPersonProxy, sequence.firstPersonAnim, ent, sequence.attachment, sequence.blendTime )
		else if ( sequence.playerPushable )
			firstPersonProxy.Anim_Play( sequence.firstPersonAnim )
		else if ( sequence.gravity )
			thread PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing( firstPersonProxy, sequence.firstPersonAnim, sequence.origin, sequence.angles, sequence.blendTime )
			thread PlayAnim( firstPersonProxy, sequence.firstPersonAnim, sequence.origin, sequence.angles, sequence.blendTime )

		// BROKEN - Anim_EnablePlanting() only works on players and NPCs
		// if ( sequence.enablePlanting )
		// {
		// 	viewmodel.Anim_EnablePlanting()
		// }

		if ( sequence.setInitialTime != 0.0 )
			firstPersonProxy.Anim_SetInitialTime( sequence.setInitialTime )

		if ( sequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment )

		if ( sequence.hideProxy )

	if ( sequence.thirdPersonAnim != "" )
		if ( ent )
			thread PlayAnim( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnim, ent, sequence.attachment, sequence.blendTime )
		else if ( player.IsPlayer() && sequence.playerPushable )
			player.Anim_Play( sequence.thirdPersonAnim )
		else if ( sequence.gravity )
			thread PlayAnimGravityClientSyncing( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnim, sequence.origin, sequence.angles, sequence.blendTime )
			thread PlayAnim( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnim, sequence.origin, sequence.angles, sequence.blendTime )

		if ( sequence.enablePlanting )

		if ( sequence.viewConeFunction != null )
			if ( sequence.thirdPersonCameraAttachments.len() == 0 )
				sequence.viewConeFunction( player )

		if ( sequence.setInitialTime != 0.0 )
			player.Anim_SetInitialTime( sequence.setInitialTime )

		if ( sequence.useAnimatedRefAttachment )

		WaittillAnimDone( player )

	if ( doFirstPersonAnim && IsValid( firstPersonProxy ) && firstPersonProxy.Anim_IsActive() && !firstPersonProxy.IsSequenceFinished() )
		WaittillAnimDone( firstPersonProxy )

	if ( !IsValid( player ) )

	if ( player.IsPlayer() )
		if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

 		if ( IsDisconnected( player ) )
	if ( player.IsNPC() )
		if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

	// time passed
	if ( soul )
		if ( !IsValid( soul ) )

		ent = soul.GetTitan()
		if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )

	if ( sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle != "" )
		//thread PlayAnim( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle, ent, sequence.attachment, 0 )
		if ( ent )
			thread PlayAnim( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle, ent, sequence.attachment, sequence.blendTime )
		else if ( player.IsPlayer() && sequence.playerPushable )
			player.Anim_Play( sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle )
			thread PlayAnim( player, sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle, sequence.origin, sequence.angles, sequence.blendTime )

	if ( sequence.firstPersonAnimIdle != "" )
		firstPersonProxy = player.GetFirstPersonProxy()

		if ( IsValid( firstPersonProxy ) && EntHasModelSet( firstPersonProxy ) ) //JFS: Defensive fix for player not having view models sometimes
			if ( sequence.renderWithViewModels )
				firstPersonProxy.RenderWithViewModels( true )
				firstPersonProxy.RenderWithViewModels( false )

			SetPlayerAnimViewEntity( player, firstPersonProxy )

			firstPersonProxy.SetAbsOrigin( player.GetOrigin() )
			firstPersonProxy.SetAbsAngles( player.GetAngles() )

			firstPersonProxy.Anim_Play( sequence.firstPersonAnimIdle )

			if ( sequence.playerPushable )
				firstPersonProxy.SetParent( player, "", false )
				firstPersonProxy.SetToSameParentAs( player )

	if ( sequence.thirdPersonAnimIdle != "" && sequence.firstPersonAnimIdle != "" )
		if ( sequence.viewConeFunction != null )
			sequence.viewConeFunction( player )

function ClampPlayerViewCone( player )
	player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
	player.PlayerCone_SetLerpTime( 0.0 )