	HullType				"HULL_SMALL"
	AIClass					flyingdrone
	BodyType				flyingdrone
	SmartAmmoLockType		any
	drone_type				"drone_type_basic"

	BaseClass				"npc_drone"

	BehaviorSelector		"behavior_drone"

	mechanical				1

	Health					90 [$sp]
	Health					100 [$mp]

	title 					#NPC_DRONE
	ui_targetinfo			"ui/targetinfo_npc_basic" [$mp]
	ui_targetinfo			"" [$sp]

	//leechAnimSet			flyingdrone
	//onLeechFuncName			DroneOnLeeched
	//leechAnimTag			HIJACK
	//leechDataKnifeTag		KNIFE
	leechMaxDist			0

	DefaultModelName		"models/robots/drone_air_attack/drone_air_attack_rockets.mdl"

	FOV_Vert_Offset			0
    FOV_Near_Dist			500		// use near values up to this distance
	FOV_Far_Dist			1700	// use far values after this distance, interpolate horizontal in between, use far for vertical

	FOV_Idle_Near_Horz		360
	FOV_Idle_Near_Vert		360
	FOV_Idle_Far_Horz		400
	FOV_Idle_Far_Vert		400

	FOV_Alert_Near_Horz		150
	FOV_Alert_Near_Vert		180
	FOV_Alert_Far_Horz		110
	FOV_Alert_Far_Vert		110

	FOV_Combat_Near_Horz	160
	FOV_Combat_Near_Vert	180
	FOV_Combat_Far_Horz		130
	FOV_Combat_Far_Vert		60

	aimassist_bounds_override					40.0
	aimassist_use_short_inner_bounds			1
	aimassist_adspull_centerAttachmentName		"HEADSHOT"
	aimassist_adspull_centerRadius				11.0
	aimassist_adspull_headshotAttachmentName	""
	aimassist_adspull_headshotRadius			0.0

	YawSpeed				35
	MoveYawSpeed			15
	AimAngularSpeed			10

	// TEMP for now, make them basically blind unless you're right in front of them
	NoticeDistNear_Idle		200
	NoticeDistNear_Alert	300
	NoticeDistNear_Combat	1000

	NoticeDistFar_Idle		2000
	NoticeDistFar_Alert		2000
	NoticeDistFar_Combat	2000

	NoticeTimeNear_Idle		0.1
	NoticeTimeNear_Alert	0.1
	NoticeTimeNear_Combat	0.0

	NoticeTimeFar_Idle		1.0
	NoticeTimeFar_Alert		1.0
	NoticeTimeFar_Combat	1.0

	NoticeForgetPreTime		0.3
	NoticeForgetPostTime	5.0

	rodeoMaxDist			0	// set to > 0 to make rodeoable
	chaseStopDist			800
	chaseStopDistHeavyArmor	1200

	faceEnemyToleranceAngle			2
	faceEnemyStrictToleranceAngle	1
	PainOnHeavyDamageThreshold		0	// no heavy damage

	waitBetweenWeaponBurst	1

	magneticRange			125

	waypointTolerance		16
	randomHoverAmount		3
	flyingStoppingTime		0.5
	maxFlyingSpeed			600
	maxFlyingSpeedNonCombat	150

	maxPitch			15
	maxRoll				30

	patrolRangeMin		300
	patrolRangeMax		600

	hoverHeight			100	// if has target, offset above target's height

	closestToCameraSound	Drone_Mvmt_Hover_Hero			// only works on drones for now
	moveLoopingSound		Drone_Mvmt_Hover
	yawChangeSound 			Drone_Mvmt_Turn
	yawChangeSoundAngle		100

	//sound0					Drone.Ambient.Searching.Loop	// scan loop (no enemy)
	//sound1					Drone.Ambient.Has.Enemy.loop 	// scan loop (has enemy)
	//sound2					Drone.Target.Locking			// target locking on
	//sound3					Drone_Beam_TargetPlayer			// Target locked, plays at end of Drone.Target.Locking
	//sound4					Drone.Target.Lost				// target lost

	showTitle						1	[$mp]
	showTitle						0	[$sp]