global function DamageTypes_Init global function RegisterWeaponDamageSourceName global function GetObitFromDamageSourceID global function DamageSourceIDToString global function DamageSourceIDHasString #if SERVER global function RegisterWeaponDamageSource global function RegisterWeaponDamageSources #endif struct { table damageSourceIDToName table damageSourceIDToString // For new, modded damageSourceIDs. // Holds triplets of [id, enum_name, display name]. Stored with no separation for ease of string conversion. array customDamageSourceIDList } file // For sending custom damage source IDs to clients const int SOURCE_ID_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 200 // JFS - Used to break messages sent to client into chunks in case it would hit the limitation on command argument length const string MESSAGE_SPACE_PADDING = "\xA6" // The "broken pipe" character. Trash character used to replace spaces in display name to allow sending via commands (args are separated by spaces). global enum eDamageSourceId { invalid = -1 // used in code //--------------------------- // defined in damageDef.txt. This will go away ( you can use damagedef_nuclear_core instead of eDamageSourceId.[enum id] and get rid of it from here ) // once this list has only damagedef_*, then we can remove eDamageSourceId code_reserved // may be merged with invalid -1 above damagedef_unknown // must start at 1 and order must match what's in damageDefs.txt damagedef_unknownBugIt damagedef_suicide damagedef_despawn damagedef_titan_step damagedef_crush damagedef_nuclear_core damagedef_titan_fall damagedef_titan_hotdrop damagedef_reaper_fall damagedef_trip_wire damagedef_reaper_groundslam damagedef_reaper_nuke damagedef_frag_drone_explode damagedef_frag_drone_explode_FD damagedef_frag_drone_throwable_PLAYER damagedef_frag_drone_throwable_NPC damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_small damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_large damagedef_stalker_powersupply_explosion_large_at damagedef_shield_captain_arc_shield damagedef_fd_explosive_barrel damagedef_fd_tether_trap //--------------------------- // Titan Weapons mp_titanweapon_40mm mp_titanweapon_arc_cannon mp_titanweapon_arc_wave mp_titanweapon_arc_ball mp_titanweapon_arc_pylon mp_titanweapon_emp_volley mp_titanweapon_rocket_launcher mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_missile mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_rocketstream mp_titanweapon_shoulder_rockets mp_titanweapon_shoulder_grenade mp_titanweapon_orbital_strike mp_titanweapon_tether_shot mp_titanweapon_homing_rockets mp_titanweapon_dumbfire_rockets mp_titanweapon_multi_cluster mp_titanweapon_meteor mp_titanweapon_meteor_thermite mp_titanweapon_meteor_thermite_charged mp_titanweapon_salvo_rockets mp_titanweapon_tracker_rockets mp_titanweapon_sniper mp_titanweapon_triple_threat mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield mp_titanweapon_vortex_shield_ion mp_titanweapon_xo16 mp_titanweapon_xo16_shorty mp_titanweapon_xopistol mp_titanweapon_at_mine mp_titanweapon_leadwall mp_titanweapon_jackhammer mp_titanweapon_electric_fist mp_titanweapon_cabertoss mp_titanweapon_flame_wall mp_titanweapon_flame_ring mp_titanweapon_smash mp_titanweapon_particle_accelerator mp_titanweapon_sticky_40mm mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon_siege mp_titanability_laser_trip mp_titanweapon_laser_lite mp_titanweapon_stun_laser mp_titanability_smoke mp_titanability_arc_field mp_titanweapon_arc_minefield mp_titanability_hover mp_titanability_cloak mp_titanability_tether_trap mp_titancore_amp_core mp_titancore_emp mp_titancore_flame_wave mp_titancore_flame_wave_secondary mp_titancore_laser_cannon mp_titancore_nuke_core mp_titancore_nuke_missile mp_titanweapon_berserker mp_titancore_shift_core mp_titanweapon_flightcore_rockets mp_titancore_salvo_core mp_titancore_siege_mode //SP weapons mp_weapon_grenade_electric_smoke proto_titanweapon_deathblossom // Pilot Weapons mp_weapon_hemlok mp_weapon_lmg mp_weapon_rspn101 mp_weapon_vinson mp_weapon_lstar mp_weapon_g2 mp_weapon_smart_pistol mp_weapon_r97 mp_weapon_car mp_weapon_hemlok_smg mp_weapon_dmr mp_weapon_wingman mp_weapon_wingman_n mp_weapon_semipistol mp_weapon_autopistol mp_weapon_mgl mp_weapon_sniper mp_weapon_shotgun mp_weapon_mastiff mp_weapon_frag_drone mp_weapon_frag_grenade mp_weapon_grenade_emp mp_weapon_arc_blast mp_weapon_thermite_grenade mp_weapon_grenade_sonar mp_weapon_grenade_gravity mp_weapon_satchel mp_weapon_nuke_satchel mp_weapon_proximity_mine mp_weapon_smr mp_weapon_rocket_launcher mp_weapon_arc_launcher mp_weapon_defender mp_weapon_dash_melee mp_weapon_tether mp_weapon_tripwire mp_weapon_flak_rifle mp_extreme_environment mp_weapon_shotgun_pistol mp_weapon_pulse_lmg mp_weapon_sword mp_weapon_softball mp_weapon_shotgun_doublebarrel mp_weapon_doubletake mp_weapon_arc_rifle mp_weapon_gibber_pistol mp_weapon_alternator_smg mp_weapon_esaw mp_weapon_epg mp_weapon_arena1 mp_weapon_arena2 mp_weapon_arena3 mp_weapon_rspn101_og // melee_pilot_emptyhanded melee_pilot_arena melee_pilot_sword melee_titan_punch melee_titan_punch_ion melee_titan_punch_tone melee_titan_punch_legion melee_titan_punch_scorch melee_titan_punch_northstar melee_titan_punch_fighter melee_titan_punch_vanguard melee_titan_sword melee_titan_sword_aoe mp_weapon_engineer_turret // Turret Weapons mp_weapon_yh803 mp_weapon_yh803_bullet mp_weapon_yh803_bullet_overcharged mp_weapon_mega_turret mp_weapon_mega_turret_aa mp_turretweapon_rockets mp_turretweapon_blaster mp_turretweapon_plasma mp_turretweapon_sentry // AI only Weapons mp_weapon_super_spectre mp_weapon_dronebeam mp_weapon_dronerocket mp_weapon_droneplasma mp_weapon_turretplasma mp_weapon_turretrockets mp_weapon_turretplasma_mega mp_weapon_gunship_launcher mp_weapon_gunship_turret mp_weapon_gunship_missile // Misc rodeo rodeo_forced_titan_eject //For awarding points when you force a pilot to eject via rodeo rodeo_execution human_melee auto_titan_melee berserker_melee mind_crime charge_ball grunt_melee spectre_melee prowler_melee super_spectre_melee titan_execution human_execution eviscerate wall_smash ai_turret team_switch rocket titan_explosion flash_surge molotov sticky_time_bomb vortex_grenade droppod_impact ai_turret_explosion rodeo_trap round_end bubble_shield evac_dropship_explosion sticky_explosive titan_grapple // streaks satellite_strike // Environmental fall splat crushed burn lasergrid outOfBounds indoor_inferno submerged switchback_trap floor_is_lava suicideSpectreAoE titanEmpField stuck deadly_fog exploding_barrel electric_conduit turbine harvester_beam toxic_sludge mp_weapon_spectre_spawner // development weapon_cubemap // Prototype mp_weapon_zipline mp_ability_ground_slam sp_weapon_arc_tool sp_weapon_proto_battery_charger_offhand at_turret_override rodeo_battery_removal phase_shift gamemode_bomb_detonation nuclear_turret proto_viewmodel_test mp_titanweapon_heat_shield mp_titanability_slow_trap mp_titanability_gun_shield mp_titanability_power_shot mp_titanability_ammo_swap mp_titanability_sonar_pulse mp_titanability_rearm mp_titancore_upgrade mp_titanweapon_xo16_vanguard mp_weapon_arc_trap core_overload bombardment bleedout //damageSourceId=eDamageSourceId.xxxxx //fireteam //marvin //rocketstrike //orbitallaser //explosion } //When adding new mods, they need to be added below and to persistent_player_data_version_N.pdef in r1/cfg/server. //Then when updating that file, save a new one and increment N. global enum eModSourceId { accelerator afterburners arc_triple_threat aog burn_mod_autopistol burn_mod_car burn_mod_defender burn_mod_dmr burn_mod_emp_grenade burn_mod_frag_grenade burn_mod_grenade_electric_smoke burn_mod_grenade_gravity burn_mod_thermite_grenade burn_mod_g2 burn_mod_hemlok burn_mod_lmg burn_mod_mgl burn_mod_r97 burn_mod_rspn101 burn_mod_satchel burn_mod_semipistol burn_mod_smart_pistol burn_mod_smr burn_mod_sniper burn_mod_rocket_launcher burn_mod_titan_40mm burn_mod_titan_arc_cannon burn_mod_titan_rocket_launcher burn_mod_titan_sniper burn_mod_titan_triple_threat burn_mod_titan_xo16 burn_mod_titan_dumbfire_rockets burn_mod_titan_homing_rockets burn_mod_titan_salvo_rockets burn_mod_titan_shoulder_rockets burn_mod_titan_vortex_shield burn_mod_titan_smoke burn_mod_titan_particle_wall burst capacitor enhanced_targeting extended_ammo fast_lock fast_reload guided_missile hcog holosight instant_shot iron_sights overcharge quick_shot rapid_fire_missiles scope_4x scope_6x scope_8x scope_10x scope_12x burn_mod_shotgun silencer slammer spread_increase_ttt stabilizer titanhammer burn_mod_wingman burn_mod_lstar burn_mod_mastiff burn_mod_vinson ricochet ar_trajectory redline_sight threat_scope smart_lock pro_screen rocket_arena } //Attachments intentionally left off. This prevents them from displaying in kill cards. // modNameStrings should be defined when the mods are created, not in a separate table -Mackey global const modNameStrings = { [ eModSourceId.accelerator ] = "#MOD_ACCELERATOR_NAME", [ eModSourceId.afterburners ] = "#MOD_AFTERBURNERS_NAME", [ eModSourceId.arc_triple_threat ] = "#MOD_ARC_TRIPLE_THREAT_NAME", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_autopistol ] = "#BC_AUTOPISTOL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_car ] = "#BC_CAR_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_defender ] = "#BC_DEFENDER_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_dmr ] = "#BC_DMR_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_emp_grenade ] = "#BC_EMP_GRENADE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_frag_grenade ] = "#BC_FRAG_GRENADE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_grenade_electric_smoke ] = "#BC_GRENADE_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_grenade_gravity ] = "#BC_GRENADE_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_thermite_grenade ] = "#BC_GRENADE_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_g2 ] = "#BC_G2_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_hemlok ] = "#BC_HEMLOK_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_lmg ] = "#BC_LMG_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_mgl ] = "#BC_MGL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_r97 ] = "#BC_R97_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_rspn101 ] = "#BC_RSPN101_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_satchel ] = "#BC_SATCHEL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_semipistol ] = "#BC_SEMIPISTOL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_smr ] = "#BC_SMR_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_smart_pistol ] = "#BC_SMART_PISTOL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_sniper ] = "#BC_SNIPER_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_rocket_launcher ] = "#BC_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_40mm ] = "#BC_TITAN_40MM_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_arc_cannon ] = "#BC_TITAN_ARC_CANNON_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_rocket_launcher ] = "#BC_TITAN_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_sniper ] = "#BC_TITAN_SNIPER_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_triple_threat ] = "#BC_TITAN_TRIPLE_THREAT_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_xo16 ] = "#BC_TITAN_XO16_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_dumbfire_rockets ] = "#BC_TITAN_DUMBFIRE_MISSILE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_homing_rockets ] = "#BC_TITAN_HOMING_ROCKETS_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_salvo_rockets ] = "#BC_TITAN_SALVO_ROCKETS_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_shoulder_rockets ] = "#BC_TITAN_SHOULDER_ROCKETS_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_vortex_shield ] = "#BC_TITAN_VORTEX_SHIELD_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_smoke ] = "#BC_TITAN_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_titan_particle_wall ] = "#BC_TITAN_SHIELD_WALL_M2", [ eModSourceId.burst ] = "#MOD_BURST_NAME", [ eModSourceId.capacitor ] = "#MOD_CAPACITOR_NAME", [ eModSourceId.enhanced_targeting ] = "#MOD_ENHANCED_TARGETING_NAME", [ eModSourceId.extended_ammo ] = "#MOD_EXTENDED_MAG_NAME", [ eModSourceId.fast_reload ] = "#MOD_FAST_RELOAD_NAME", [ eModSourceId.instant_shot ] = "#MOD_INSTANT_SHOT_NAME", [ eModSourceId.overcharge ] = "#MOD_OVERCHARGE_NAME", [ eModSourceId.quick_shot ] = "#MOD_QUICK_SHOT_NAME", [ eModSourceId.rapid_fire_missiles ] = "#MOD_RAPID_FIRE_MISSILES_NAME", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_shotgun ] = "#BC_SHOTGUN_M2", [ eModSourceId.silencer ] = "#MOD_SILENCER_NAME", [ eModSourceId.slammer ] = "#MOD_SLAMMER_NAME", [ eModSourceId.spread_increase_ttt ] = "#MOD_SPREAD_INCREASE_TTT_NAME", [ eModSourceId.stabilizer ] = "#MOD_STABILIZER_NAME", [ eModSourceId.titanhammer ] = "#MOD_TITANHAMMER_NAME", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_wingman ] = "#BC_WINGMAN_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_lstar ] = "#BC_LSTAR_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_mastiff ] = "#BC_MASTIFF_M2", [ eModSourceId.burn_mod_vinson ] = "#BC_VINSON_M2", [ eModSourceId.ricochet ] = "Ricochet", [ eModSourceId.ar_trajectory ] = "AR Trajectory", [ eModSourceId.smart_lock ] = "Smart Lock", [ eModSourceId.pro_screen ] = "Pro Screen", [ eModSourceId.rocket_arena ] = "Rocket Arena", } void function DamageTypes_Init() { #if SERVER AddCallback_OnClientConnected( SendNewDamageSourceIDsConnected ) #else AddServerToClientStringCommandCallback( "register_damage_source_ids", ReceiveNewDamageSourceIDs ) #endif foreach ( name, number in eDamageSourceId ) { file.damageSourceIDToString[ number ] <- name } PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_rspn101" ) // used by npc_soldier >< #if DEV int numDamageDefs = DamageDef_GetCount() table damageSourceIdEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eDamageSourceId ) foreach ( name, id in damageSourceIdEnum ) { expect int( id ) if ( id <= eDamageSourceId.code_reserved || id >= numDamageDefs ) continue string damageDefName = DamageDef_GetName( id ) Assert( damageDefName == name, "damage def (" + id + ") name: '" + damageDefName + "' doesn't match damage source id '" + name + "'" ) } #endif file.damageSourceIDToName = { //sp [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_grenade_electric_smoke ] = "#DEATH_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_SCREEN", [ eDamageSourceId.proto_titanweapon_deathblossom ] = "#WPN_TITAN_ROCKET_LAUNCHER", //mp [ eDamageSourceId.mp_extreme_environment ] = "#DAMAGE_EXTREME_ENVIRONMENT", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_engineer_turret ] = "#WPN_ENGINEER_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_yh803 ] = "#WPN_LIGHT_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_yh803_bullet ] = "#WPN_LIGHT_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_yh803_bullet_overcharged ] = "#WPN_LIGHT_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_mega_turret ] = "#WPN_MEGA_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_mega_turret_aa ] = "#WPN_MEGA_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_turretweapon_rockets ] = "#WPN_TURRET_ROCKETS", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_super_spectre ] = "#WPN_SUPERSPECTRE_ROCKETS", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_dronebeam ] = "#WPN_DRONERBEAM", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_dronerocket ] = "#WPN_DRONEROCKET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_droneplasma ] = "#WPN_DRONEPLASMA", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_turretplasma ] = "#WPN_TURRETPLASMA", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_turretrockets ] = "#WPN_TURRETROCKETS", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_turretplasma_mega ] = "#WPN_TURRETPLASMA_MEGA", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_gunship_launcher ] = "#WPN_GUNSHIP_LAUNCHER", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_gunship_turret ] = "#WPN_GUNSHIP_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_gunship_turret ] = "#WPN_GUNSHIP_MISSILE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanability_smoke ] = "#DEATH_ELECTRIC_SMOKE_SCREEN", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanability_laser_trip ] = "#DEATH_LASER_TRIPWIRE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanability_slow_trap ] = "#DEATH_SLOW_TRAP", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanability_tether_trap ] = "#DEATH_TETHER_TRAP", [ ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_RODEO", [ eDamageSourceId.rodeo_forced_titan_eject ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_RODEO", [ eDamageSourceId.rodeo_execution ] = "#DEATH_RODEO_EXECUTION", [ eDamageSourceId.nuclear_turret ] = "#DEATH_NUCLEAR_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_flightcore_rockets ] = "#WPN_TITAN_FLIGHT_ROCKET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_amp_core ] = "#TITANCORE_AMP_CORE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_emp ] = "#TITANCORE_EMP", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_siege_mode ] = "#TITANCORE_SIEGE_MODE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave ] = "#TITANCORE_FLAME_WAVE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_flame_wave_secondary ] = "#GEAR_SCORCH_FLAMECORE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_nuke_core ] = "#TITANCORE_NUKE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_nuke_missile ] = "#TITANCORE_NUKE_MISSILE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titancore_shift_core ] = "#TITANCORE_SWORD", [ eDamageSourceId.berserker_melee ] = "#DEATH_BERSERKER_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.human_melee ] = "#DEATH_HUMAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.auto_titan_melee ] = "#DEATH_AUTO_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.prowler_melee ] = "#DEATH_PROWLER_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.super_spectre_melee ] = "#DEATH_SUPER_SPECTRE", [ eDamageSourceId.grunt_melee ] = "#DEATH_GRUNT_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.spectre_melee ] = "#DEATH_SPECTRE_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.eviscerate ] = "#DEATH_EVISCERATE", [ eDamageSourceId.wall_smash ] = "#DEATH_WALL_SMASH", [ eDamageSourceId.ai_turret ] = "#DEATH_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.team_switch ] = "#DEATH_TEAM_CHANGE", [ eDamageSourceId.rocket ] = "#DEATH_ROCKET", [ eDamageSourceId.titan_explosion ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_EXPLOSION", [ eDamageSourceId.evac_dropship_explosion ] = "#DEATH_EVAC_DROPSHIP_EXPLOSION", [ eDamageSourceId.flash_surge ] = "#DEATH_FLASH_SURGE", [ eDamageSourceId.molotov ] = "#DEATH_MOLOTOV", [ eDamageSourceId.sticky_time_bomb ] = "#DEATH_STICKY_TIME_BOMB", [ eDamageSourceId.vortex_grenade ] = "#DEATH_VORTEX_GRENADE", [ eDamageSourceId.droppod_impact ] = "#DEATH_DROPPOD_CRUSH", [ eDamageSourceId.ai_turret_explosion ] = "#DEATH_TURRET_EXPLOSION", [ eDamageSourceId.rodeo_trap ] = "#DEATH_RODEO_TRAP", [ eDamageSourceId.round_end ] = "#DEATH_ROUND_END", [ eDamageSourceId.burn ] = "#DEATH_BURN", [ eDamageSourceId.mind_crime ] = "Mind Crime", [ eDamageSourceId.charge_ball ] = "Charge Ball", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_rocketeer_missile ] = "Rocketeer Missile", [ eDamageSourceId.core_overload ] = "#DEATH_CORE_OVERLOAD", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_arc_trap ] = "#WPN_ARC_TRAP", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_turretweapon_sentry ] = "#WPN_SENTRY_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_turretweapon_blaster ] = "#WPN_BLASTER_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_turretweapon_rockets ] = "#WPN_ROCKET_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_turretweapon_plasma ] = "#WPN_PLASMA_TURRET", [ eDamageSourceId.bubble_shield ] = "#DEATH_BUBBLE_SHIELD", [ eDamageSourceId.sticky_explosive ] = "#DEATH_STICKY_EXPLOSIVE", [ eDamageSourceId.titan_grapple ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_GRAPPLE", [ eDamageSourceId.satellite_strike ] = "#DEATH_SATELLITE_STRIKE", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_meteor ] = "#WPN_TITAN_METEOR", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_meteor_thermite ] = "#WPN_TITAN_METEOR", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_meteor_thermite_charged ] = "Thermite Meteor", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_flame_ring ] = "Flame Wreath", // Instant death. Show no percentages on death recap. [ eDamageSourceId.fall ] = "#DEATH_FALL", //Todo: Rename eDamageSourceId.splat with a more appropriate name. This damage type was used for enviornmental damage, but it was for eject killing pilots if they were near a ceiling. I've changed the localized string to "Enviornment Damage", but this will cause confusion in the future. [ eDamageSourceId.splat ] = "#DEATH_SPLAT", [ eDamageSourceId.titan_execution ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_EXECUTION", [ eDamageSourceId.human_execution ] = "#DEATH_HUMAN_EXECUTION", [ eDamageSourceId.outOfBounds ] = "#DEATH_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", [ eDamageSourceId.indoor_inferno ] = "#DEATH_INDOOR_INFERNO", [ eDamageSourceId.submerged ] = "#DEATH_SUBMERGED", [ eDamageSourceId.switchback_trap ] = "#DEATH_ELECTROCUTION", // Damages teammates and opposing team [ eDamageSourceId.floor_is_lava ] = "#DEATH_ELECTROCUTION", [ eDamageSourceId.suicideSpectreAoE ] = "#DEATH_SUICIDE_SPECTRE", // Used for distinguishing the initial spectre from allies. [ eDamageSourceId.titanEmpField ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_EMP_FIELD", [ eDamageSourceId.deadly_fog ] = "#DEATH_DEADLY_FOG", // Prototype [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_zipline ] = "Zipline", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_ability_ground_slam ] = "Ground Slam", [ eDamageSourceId.sp_weapon_arc_tool ] = "#WPN_ARC_TOOL", [ eDamageSourceId.sp_weapon_proto_battery_charger_offhand ] = "Battery Charger", [ eDamageSourceId.at_turret_override ] = "AT Turret", [ eDamageSourceId.phase_shift ] = "#WPN_SHIFTER", [ eDamageSourceId.gamemode_bomb_detonation ] = "Bomb Detonation", [ eDamageSourceId.bleedout ] = "#DEATH_BLEEDOUT", [ eDamageSourceId.damagedef_unknownBugIt ] = "#DEATH_GENERIC_KILLED", [ eDamageSourceId.damagedef_unknown ] = "#DEATH_GENERIC_KILLED", [ eDamageSourceId.weapon_cubemap ] = "#DEATH_GENERIC_KILLED", [ eDamageSourceId.stuck ] = "#DEATH_GENERIC_KILLED", [ eDamageSourceId.rodeo_battery_removal ] = "#DEATH_RODEO_BATTERY_REMOVAL", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_pilot_emptyhanded ] = "#DEATH_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_pilot_arena ] = "#DEATH_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_pilot_sword ] = "#DEATH_SWORD", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_ion ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_tone ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_northstar ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_scorch ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_legion ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_fighter ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_punch_vanguard ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_MELEE", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_sword ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_SWORD", [ eDamageSourceId.melee_titan_sword_aoe ] = "#DEATH_TITAN_SWORD", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_titanweapon_arc_cannon ] = "#WPN_TITAN_ARC_CANNON_SHORT", [ eDamageSourceId.mp_weapon_shotgun_doublebarrel ] = "#WPN_SHOTGUN_DBLBARREL_SHORT" } #if DEV //development, with retail versions incase a rare bug happens we dont want to show developer text file.damageSourceIDToName[ eDamageSourceId.damagedef_unknownBugIt ] = "UNKNOWN! BUG IT!" file.damageSourceIDToName[ eDamageSourceId.damagedef_unknown ] = "Unknown" file.damageSourceIDToName[ eDamageSourceId.weapon_cubemap ] = "Cubemap" //file.damageSourceIDToName[ eDamageSourceId.invalid ] = "INVALID (BUG IT!)" file.damageSourceIDToName[ eDamageSourceId.stuck ] = "NPC got Stuck (Don't Bug it!)" #endif } void function RegisterWeaponDamageSourceName( string weaponRef, string damageSourceName ) { int sourceID = eDamageSourceId[weaponRef] file.damageSourceIDToName[ sourceID ] <- damageSourceName } bool function DamageSourceIDHasString( int index ) { return (index in file.damageSourceIDToString) } string function DamageSourceIDToString( int index ) { return file.damageSourceIDToString[ index ] } string function GetObitFromDamageSourceID( int damageSourceID ) { if ( damageSourceID > 0 && damageSourceID < DamageDef_GetCount() ) { return DamageDef_GetObituary( damageSourceID ) } if ( damageSourceID in file.damageSourceIDToName ) return file.damageSourceIDToName[ damageSourceID ] table damageSourceIdEnum = expect table( getconsttable().eDamageSourceId ) foreach ( name, id in damageSourceIdEnum ) { if ( id == damageSourceID ) return expect string( name ) } return "" } #if SERVER void function RegisterWeaponDamageSource( string weaponRef, string damageSourceName ) { // Have to do this since squirrel table initialization only supports literals for string keys table< string, string > temp temp[ weaponRef ] <- damageSourceName RegisterWeaponDamageSources( temp ) } /* Values are expected to be in a table containing the enum variable name and the string name, e.g. {"mp_titanweapon_sniper" : "Plasma Railgun", "mp_titanweapon_meteor" : "T203 Thermite Launcher"} Only works properly if used after the match starts, e.g. called in "after" callbacks. */ void function RegisterWeaponDamageSources( table< string, string > newValueTable ) { int trgt = file.damageSourceIDToString.len() - 1 // -1 accounts for invalid. int lastCustomSize = file.customDamageSourceIDList.len() // Used to only send new IDs to clients if any are added during runtime. foreach ( newVal, stringVal in newValueTable ) { // Don't replace existing enum values while ( trgt in file.damageSourceIDToString ) trgt++ // Only move insertion point if insertion succeeded if ( RegisterWeaponDamageSourceInternal( trgt, newVal, stringVal ) ) trgt++; } // Send IDs created during match runtime. IDs made on inits get sent through client connected callback. foreach( player in GetPlayerArray() ) SendNewDamageSourceIDs( player, lastCustomSize ) } #endif bool function RegisterWeaponDamageSourceInternal( int id, string newVal, string stringVal ) { table damageSourceID = expect table( getconsttable()[ "eDamageSourceId" ] ) // Fail invalid new source IDs (already exists or cannot be sent via string commands). Length condition has loose padding to account for ID string length. if ( newVal in damageSourceID || newVal.len() + stringVal.len() > SOURCE_ID_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 15 || id in file.damageSourceIDToString ) return false damageSourceID[ newVal ] <- id file.damageSourceIDToString[ id ] <- newVal file.damageSourceIDToName[ id ] <- stringVal file.customDamageSourceIDList.extend( [ id.tostring(), newVal, StringReplace( stringVal, " ", MESSAGE_SPACE_PADDING, true ) ] ) return true } #if SERVER void function SendNewDamageSourceIDsConnected( entity player ) { SendNewDamageSourceIDs( player ) } void function SendNewDamageSourceIDs( entity player, int index = 0 ) { while ( index < file.customDamageSourceIDList.len() ) { int curSize = 0 int curIndex = index // Figure out how many sources to send in this message chunk while ( curIndex < file.customDamageSourceIDList.len() ) { // Sources are inserted to the custom list in triplets, so we can trust these indices exist. curSize += file.customDamageSourceIDList[ curIndex ].len() curSize += file.customDamageSourceIDList[ curIndex + 1 ].len() curSize += file.customDamageSourceIDList[ curIndex + 2 ].len() // Stop before including strings in current message if it exceeds max message length. // This will never stall on a singular source that exceeds the size since new sources are size limited. if ( curSize > SOURCE_ID_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH ) break curIndex += 3 } // Create the string to pass to client string message = "" while ( index < curIndex ) message += file.customDamageSourceIDList[ index++ ] + " " ServerToClientStringCommand( player, "register_damage_source_ids " + message ) } } #else void function ReceiveNewDamageSourceIDs( array args ) { // IDs are inserted to the custom list in triplets, so we can trust these indices exist and the loop will end properly for ( int i = 0; i < args.len(); i += 3 ) RegisterWeaponDamageSourceInternal( args[ i ].tointeger(), args[ i + 1 ], StringReplace( args[ i + 2 ], MESSAGE_SPACE_PADDING, " ", true ) ) } #endif