global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_Init global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_InitPlaylistVars #if SERVER global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P #endif #if CLIENT global function ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim #endif global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_ATTACHMENT = "HEADFOCUS" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_ATTACHMENT = "HATCH_HEAD" // CHEST_LASER could be better, but is only on atlas titans global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP = "head" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP = "torso" global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_ENTITYCLASS = "npc_pilot_elite" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_ENTITYCLASS = "npc_titan" global struct Forced1PSequenceData { entity player entity camera entity ownerProxy entity thirdPersonProxy } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_Init() { // atm do this no matter what playlist we're on since playlist overrides seem to get sent to clients after networkvar registration // not nice but whatever lol AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_RegisterCustomNetworkFunctions ) } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_InitPlaylistVars() { AddPrivateMatchModeSettingEnum( "#MODE_SETTING_CATEGORY_RIFF", "fp_embark_enabled", [ "#SETTING_DISABLED", "#SETTING_ENABLED" ], "0" ) } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_RegisterCustomNetworkFunctions() { Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim" ) } #if SERVER Forced1PSequenceData function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity other = null ) { string attachment = FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_ATTACHMENT string hiddenBodygroup = FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP string entityclass = FORCE1P_PILOT_ENTITYCLASS if ( player.IsTitan() ) { attachment = FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_ATTACHMENT hiddenBodygroup = FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP entityclass = FORCE1P_TITAN_ENTITYCLASS } // hide player from everyone, unlike VisibilityFlags, this won't hide children, which is way easier to deal with player.Hide() Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData cleanupData.player = player // for some melee sequences, player.GetAngles() will be the angles the player had before they began the melee, which can cause desyncs // eyeangles are fine though vector angles = player.GetAngles() angles.y = player.EyeAngles().y // create the first proxy entity, this should visually be identical to the player, but only visible to them, and with head/torso hidden // this is an npc because some firstpersonsequences use animation features that only work on npcs and pilots, not props, so need to do this entity ownerProxy = CreateEntity( entityclass ) //CreatePropDynamic( player.GetModelName(), player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() ) ownerProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() ) ownerProxy.SetAngles( angles ) ownerProxy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER ownerProxy.kv.solid = 0 // nonsolid SetTeam( ownerProxy, player.GetTeam() ) ownerProxy.SetOwner( player ) ownerProxy.SetSkin( player.GetSkin() ) ownerProxy.SetCamo( player.GetCamo() ) // note: this seems weird, doesn't set right DispatchSpawn( ownerProxy ) ownerProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetInvulnerable() HideName( ownerProxy ) cleanupData.ownerProxy = ownerProxy int bodygroupValue = 1 if ( hiddenBodygroup == "torso" ) bodygroupValue = 2 // hide annoying bodygroup ownerProxy.SetBodygroup( ownerProxy.FindBodyGroup( hiddenBodygroup ), bodygroupValue ) // don't play anim until later so we can do cleanup stuff // create the second proxy entity, this visible to everyone else entity thirdPersonProxy = CreateEntity( entityclass ) //CreatePropDynamic( player.GetModelName(), player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetAngles( angles ) thirdPersonProxy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE & ~ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER thirdPersonProxy.kv.solid = 0 // nonsolid SetTeam( thirdPersonProxy, player.GetTeam() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetOwner( player ) thirdPersonProxy.SetSkin( player.GetSkin() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetCamo( player.GetCamo() ) // note: this seems weird, doesn't set right DispatchSpawn( thirdPersonProxy ) thirdPersonProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetInvulnerable() HideName( thirdPersonProxy ) cleanupData.thirdPersonProxy = thirdPersonProxy if ( player.IsTitan() ) Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( thirdPersonProxy, "enemy_titan" ) else Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( thirdPersonProxy, "enemy_player" ) thread FirstPersonSequence( sequence, thirdPersonProxy, other ) // create the viewpoint entity if ( player.IsPlayer() ) // Check if the victim is an NPC { entity camera = CreateEntity( "point_viewcontrol" ) camera.SetParent( ownerProxy, attachment ) camera.kv.spawnflags = 56 DispatchSpawn( camera ) player.SetViewEntity( camera, true ) = camera } // note for potential thing that could be done // entity e = CreatePropDynamic($"models/weapons/arms/pov_titan_light_cockpit.mdl"); e.SetParent(GetPlayerArray()[0].GetPetTitan(), "HATCH_HEAD"); e.SetOrigin(<0.75,0,-195>) // this is so we get a cockpit in these anims, issue with it is that the cockpit seems to break alot of rendering stuff // which really sucks since it'd be awesome to have a cockpit over these anims, really makes them better, even the client func to render through cockpits doesn't seem to work for it, just makes stuff rendering through the cockpit invisible rather than rendering in a broken way if ( player.IsPlayer() ) // Check if the victim is an NPC Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim" ) // play this anim now, so we can cleanup after it's done thread CleanupForced1PSequenceAfterAnimDone( sequence, ownerProxy, other, cleanupData ) return cleanupData } void function CleanupForced1PSequenceAfterAnimDone( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity other, Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnAnimationDone" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( cleanupData ) { if ( IsValid( cleanupData.player ) && cleanupData.player.IsPlayer() ) CleanupForced1PSequence( cleanupData ) }) FirstPersonSequence( sequence, player, other ) } void function CleanupForced1PSequence( Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData ) { cleanupData.player.Show() cleanupData.player.ClearViewEntity() cleanupData.ownerProxy.Destroy() cleanupData.thirdPersonProxy.Destroy() } #endif #if CLIENT void function ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim() { // these functions just set hud positions to infront of/behind the camera, manually set them up here so they'll be far enough away so we don't see them in these anims // in an ideal world we wouldn't even have to turn off this rui stuff because it would be parented to our camera but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world //thread MainHud_TurnOff_RUI( true ) //HidePermanentCockpitRui() RuiTopology_UpdatePos( clGlobal.topoCockpitHud, < -1000, -1000, -1000 >, < -1000, -1000, -1000 >, < -1000, -1000, -1000 > ) RuiTopology_UpdatePos( clGlobal.topoCockpitHudPermanent, < -1000, -1000, -1000 >, < -1000, -1000, -1000 >, < -1000, -1000, -1000 > ) thread EnableHudOnViewRestored() } void function EnableHudOnViewRestored() { while ( GetViewEntity() != GetLocalClientPlayer() ) WaitFrame() thread MainHud_TurnOn_RUI( true ) ShowPermanentCockpitRui() } #endif