global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_Init global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_InitPlaylistVars #if SERVER global function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P #endif #if CLIENT global function ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim #endif global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_ATTACHMENT = "HEADFOCUS" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_ATTACHMENT = "HATCH_HEAD" // CHEST_LASER could be better, but is only on atlas titans global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP = "head" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP = "torso" global const string FORCE1P_PILOT_ENTITYCLASS = "npc_pilot_elite" global const string FORCE1P_TITAN_ENTITYCLASS = "npc_titan" global struct Forced1PSequenceData { entity player entity camera entity ownerProxy entity thirdPersonProxy } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_Init() { // atm do this no matter what playlist we're on since playlist overrides seem to get sent to clients after networkvar registration // not nice but whatever lol AddCallback_OnRegisteringCustomNetworkVars( FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_RegisterCustomNetworkFunctions ) } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_InitPlaylistVars() { PrecacheModel( $"models/weapons/sentry_turret/sentry_turret.mdl" ) AddPrivateMatchModeSettingEnum( "#MODE_SETTING_CATEGORY_RIFF", "fp_embark_enabled", [ "Disabled", "Enabled" ], "0" ) } void function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P_RegisterCustomNetworkFunctions() { Remote_RegisterFunction( "ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim" ) } #if SERVER Forced1PSequenceData function FirstPersonSequenceForce1P( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity other = null ) { string attachment = FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_ATTACHMENT string hiddenBodygroup = FORCE1P_PILOT_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP string entityclass = FORCE1P_PILOT_ENTITYCLASS if ( player.IsTitan() ) { attachment = FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_ATTACHMENT hiddenBodygroup = FORCE1P_TITAN_1P_HIDDEN_BODYGROUP entityclass = FORCE1P_TITAN_ENTITYCLASS } // hide player from everyone, unlike VisibilityFlags, this won't hide children, which is way easier to deal with player.Hide() Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData cleanupData.player = player // for some melee sequences, player.GetAngles() will be the angles the player had before they began the melee, which can cause desyncs // eyeangles are fine though vector angles = player.GetAngles() angles.y = player.EyeAngles().y // create the first proxy entity, this should visually be identical to the player, but only visible to them, and with head/torso hidden // this is an npc because some firstpersonsequences use animation features that only work on npcs and pilots, not props, so need to do this entity ownerProxy = CreateEntity( entityclass ) //CreatePropDynamic( player.GetModelName(), player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() ) ownerProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() ) ownerProxy.SetAngles( angles ) ownerProxy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER ownerProxy.kv.solid = 0 // nonsolid SetTeam( ownerProxy, player.GetTeam() ) ownerProxy.SetOwner( player ) ownerProxy.SetSkin( player.GetSkin() ) ownerProxy.SetCamo( player.GetCamo() ) // note: this seems weird, doesn't set right DispatchSpawn( ownerProxy ) ownerProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) ownerProxy.SetInvulnerable() cleanupData.ownerProxy = ownerProxy int bodygroupValue = 1 if ( hiddenBodygroup == "torso" ) bodygroupValue = 2 // hide annoying bodygroup ownerProxy.SetBodygroup( ownerProxy.FindBodyGroup( hiddenBodygroup ), bodygroupValue ) // don't play anim until later so we can do cleanup stuff // create the second proxy entity, this visible to everyone else entity thirdPersonProxy = CreateEntity( entityclass ) //CreatePropDynamic( player.GetModelName(), player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetAngles( angles ) thirdPersonProxy.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE & ~ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_OWNER thirdPersonProxy.kv.solid = 0 // nonsolid SetTeam( thirdPersonProxy, player.GetTeam() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetOwner( player ) thirdPersonProxy.SetSkin( player.GetSkin() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetCamo( player.GetCamo() ) // note: this seems weird, doesn't set right DispatchSpawn( thirdPersonProxy ) thirdPersonProxy.SetModel( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetValueForModelKey( player.GetModelName() ) thirdPersonProxy.SetInvulnerable() cleanupData.thirdPersonProxy = thirdPersonProxy if ( player.IsTitan() ) Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( thirdPersonProxy, "enemy_titan" ) else Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( thirdPersonProxy, "enemy_player" ) thread FirstPersonSequence( sequence, thirdPersonProxy, other ) // create the viewpoint entity entity camera = CreateEntity( "point_viewcontrol" ) camera.SetParent( ownerProxy, attachment ) camera.kv.spawnflags = 56 DispatchSpawn( camera ) player.SetViewEntity( camera, false ) = camera Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim" ) // play this anim now, so we can cleanup after it's done thread CleanupForced1PSequenceAfterAnimDone( sequence, ownerProxy, other, cleanupData ) return cleanupData } void function CleanupForced1PSequenceAfterAnimDone( FirstPersonSequenceStruct sequence, entity player, entity other, Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnAnimationDone" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( cleanupData ) { CleanupForced1PSequence( cleanupData ) }) FirstPersonSequence( sequence, player, other ) } void function CleanupForced1PSequence( Forced1PSequenceData cleanupData ) { cleanupData.player.Show() cleanupData.player.ClearViewEntity() cleanupData.ownerProxy.Destroy() cleanupData.thirdPersonProxy.Destroy() } #endif #if CLIENT void function ServerCallback_HideHudForFPHackAnim() { thread MainHud_TurnOff_RUI( true ) HidePermanentCockpitRui() thread EnableHudOnViewRestored() } void function EnableHudOnViewRestored() { while ( GetViewEntity() != GetLocalClientPlayer() ) WaitFrame() thread MainHud_TurnOn_RUI( true ) ShowPermanentCockpitRui() } #endif