global function Gauntlet_ServerInit
global function EnableAllGauntlets
global function DisableAllGauntlets
global function EnableGauntlet
global function DisableGauntlet
global function Gauntlet_HideLeaderboard
global function Gauntlet_ShowLeaderboard
global function Gauntlet_NPC_PostSpawn
global function ClientCommand_Gauntlet_PlayerRestartedFromMenu
global function Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback
global function Gauntlet_StopGhostPlayback
global function Gauntlet_ChallengeLeaderboardGhosts
#if DEV
global function Gauntlet_Player_GhostRecordOrPlayback


void function Gauntlet_ServerInit()
	AddClientCommandCallback( "Gauntlet_PlayerRestartedFromMenu", ClientCommand_Gauntlet_PlayerRestartedFromMenu )
	AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( Gauntlet_PostEntityLoadSetup )
	AddCallback_OnClientConnected( Gauntlet_PlayerConnected )
	AddCallback_OnLoadSaveGame( Gauntlet_OnLoadSaveGame )

	RegisterSignal( "trigStart_OnStartTouch" )
	RegisterSignal( "trigStart_OnEndTouch" )
	RegisterSignal( "trigStart2_OnStartTouch" )
	RegisterSignal( "trigStart2_OnEndTouch" )

	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerHitStartTrig" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerWentBackwardsThroughStartTrig" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerHitFinishTrig" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_CheckpointHit" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_ForceRestart" )
	RegisterSignal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Start" )
	RegisterSignal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Stop" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerBeatChallengeGhost" )
	RegisterSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerBeatAllChallengeGhosts" )
	#if DEV
	RegisterSignal( "RecordAnimation_Start")
	RegisterSignal( "Player_StartRecordingGhost_HintStart" )

void function Gauntlet_PostEntityLoadSetup()
	foreach ( gauntlet in GetGauntlets() )
		InitGauntlet( gauntlet )

		if ( gauntlet.startEnabled )
			EnableGauntlet( gauntlet )

void function Gauntlet_PlayerConnected( entity player )
	foreach ( gauntlet in GetGauntlets() )
		// send ghost duration data to client- only server can read the anim durations
		foreach ( ghost in gauntlet.ghosts )
			Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_SetGhostDuration",,, ghost.duration )

		if ( gauntlet.showLeaderboard )
			Gauntlet_ShowLeaderboard( gauntlet )

			if ( gauntlet.activeGhostID != -1 )
				Gauntlet_RefreshActiveGhostID( gauntlet )

void function Gauntlet_OnLoadSaveGame( entity player )
	thread Gauntlet_OnLoadSaveGame_Thread( player )

void function Gauntlet_OnLoadSaveGame_Thread( entity player )
	wait 1.0
	Gauntlet_PlayerConnected( player )

// turns on a particular gauntlet
void function EnableGauntlet( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	Assert( gauntlet.isInited, "Must run InitGauntlet before enabling" )

	if ( gauntlet.isEnabled )

	Gauntlet_CreateSignalEnt( gauntlet )

	foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
		Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_EnableGauntlet", )

	thread Gauntlet_Think( gauntlet )

	gauntlet.isEnabled = true

// turns off a particular gauntlet
void function DisableGauntlet( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	if ( !gauntlet.isEnabled )

	gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "DisableGauntlet" )

	Gauntlet_CleanupSignalEnt( gauntlet )
	Gauntlet_ClearSpawnedNPCs( gauntlet )
	thread ClearDroppedWeapons( GAUNTLET_TARGET_DISSOLVE_TIME + 0.1 )  // needs to be longer than gauntlet ghost dissolve time so weapons drop

	foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
		Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_DisableGauntlet", )

	gauntlet.isEnabled = false

void function Gauntlet_HideLeaderboard( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	Gauntlet_SetLeaderboardEnabled( gauntlet, false )

	foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
		Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_HideLeaderboard", )

void function Gauntlet_ShowLeaderboard( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	Gauntlet_SetLeaderboardEnabled( gauntlet, true )

	foreach ( player in GetPlayerArray() )
		Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_ShowLeaderboard", )

void function Gauntlet_Checkpoints( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	if ( !gauntlet.checkpoints.len() )

	foreach ( trig in gauntlet.checkpoints )
		thread Gauntlet_CheckpointTrig_WaitForPlayer( gauntlet, trig )

void function Gauntlet_CheckpointTrig_WaitForPlayer( GauntletInfo gauntlet, entity trig )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )
	trig.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	table result
	entity activator

	while ( 1 )
		result = trig.WaitSignal( "OnStartTouch" )
		activator = expect entity( result.activator )

		if ( !activator.IsPlayer() )

		if ( !IsAlive( activator ) )

		if ( activator.IsTitan() )


	activator.Signal( "Gauntlet_CheckpointHit" )

void function Gauntlet_ClearSpawnedNPCs( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	foreach ( guy in gauntlet.spawned )
		if ( IsAlive( guy ) )
			Gauntlet_UnfreezeNPC( guy )

	gauntlet.spawned = []

void function Gauntlet_SpawnNPCs( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	Gauntlet_ClearSpawnedNPCs( gauntlet )

	array<entity> spawned = SpawnFromSpawnerArray( gauntlet.spawners )
	foreach ( guy in spawned )
		thread Gauntlet_NPC_PostSpawn( guy, gauntlet )

	gauntlet.spawned = spawned

void function Gauntlet_NPC_PostSpawn( entity npc, GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	if ( IsGrunt( npc ) )
		// TODO- pulse as player runs through course, so the effect highlights the different ranges where the enemies are
		Highlight_SetEnemyHighlightWithParam1( npc, "gauntlet_target_highlight", npc.EyePosition() )

		npc.SetHealth( 1 )

		npc.SetCanBeMeleeExecuted( false )

	npc.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
	thread Gauntlet_NPC_DeathWait( npc, gauntlet )

	AddEntityCallback_OnDamaged( npc, Gauntlet_NPC_Damaged )

	npc.SetNoTarget( true )
	npc.SetEfficientMode( true )
	npc.SetDeathActivity( "ACT_DIESIMPLE" )

	wait RandomFloatRange( 0.5, 1.0 )  // This is no good, too variable. TODO put in a pose instead


void function Gauntlet_NPC_Damaged( entity npc, var damageInfo )
	printt( "NPC Damaged!", npc.GetHealth() )

	float dmg = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
	float finalHealth = npc.GetHealth() - dmg

	if ( finalHealth <= 0 )
		Gauntlet_UnfreezeNPC( npc )

void function Gauntlet_NPC_DeathWait( entity npc, GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "DisableGauntlet" )

	npc.WaitSignal( "OnDeath" )

	EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, npc.GetOrigin(), "holopilot_impacts_training" )

	if ( !gauntlet.isActive )

	if ( gauntlet.runFinished )


	Remote_CallFunction_Replay( gauntlet.player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_SetEnemyInfo",, gauntlet.spawners.len(), gauntlet.enemiesKilled )

void function Gauntlet_UnfreezeNPC( entity npc )
	if ( !npc.IsFrozen() )


string function EnableAllGauntlets()
	foreach ( idx, gauntlet in GetGauntlets() )
		EnableGauntlet( gauntlet )

	return( "All gauntlets enabled" )

string function DisableAllGauntlets()
	foreach ( idx, gauntlet in GetGauntlets() )
		DisableGauntlet( gauntlet )

	return( "All gauntlets disabled" )

void function Gauntlet_Think( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "DisableGauntlet" )

	function() : ( gauntlet )
			Gauntlet_ResetTrackerStats( gauntlet )

			if ( gauntlet.player && !gauntlet.runFinished )
				Gauntlet_AbortRun( gauntlet )

	while ( 1 )
		thread Gauntlet_StartTrigThink( gauntlet )

		waitthread Gauntlet_WaitForPlayerToStart( gauntlet )

		Gauntlet_ResetTrackerStats( gauntlet )

		Gauntlet_StartRun( gauntlet )

		thread Gauntlet_HandlePlayerForceRestart( gauntlet )

		waitthread Gauntlet_WaitForStop( gauntlet )

		waitthread Gauntlet_StopRun( gauntlet )

void function Gauntlet_StartRun( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	printt( "Gauntlet Run Started for player " + gauntlet.player )

	RestockPlayerAmmo( gauntlet.player )
	EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( gauntlet.player, gauntlet.player, "training_scr_gaunlet_start" )

	gauntlet.isActive = true
	gauntlet.startTime = Time()
	gauntlet.player.Signal( "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )
	level.ui.playerRunningGauntlet = true

	Remote_CallFunction_Replay( gauntlet.player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_StartRun", )
	Remote_CallFunction_Replay( gauntlet.player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_SetEnemyInfo",, gauntlet.spawners.len(), 0 )

	thread Gauntlet_SpawnNPCs( gauntlet )

	thread Gauntlet_Checkpoints( gauntlet )

void function Gauntlet_StopRun( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.isActive = false
	level.ui.playerRunningGauntlet = false

	string feedbackSound = ""

	ResetPlayerHealthAndStatus( gauntlet.player )

	if ( !gauntlet.runFinished )
		Gauntlet_AbortRun( gauntlet )
		feedbackSound = "training_scr_gaunlet_abort"
		Gauntlet_FinishRun( gauntlet )

		if ( gauntlet.lastRunDefeatedGhost )
			feedbackSound = "training_scr_gaunlet_high_score"
		else if ( gauntlet.lastRunBestTime )
			feedbackSound = "training_scr_gaunlet_high_score"
			feedbackSound = "training_scr_gaunlet_end"

		if ( feedbackSound != "" && IsAlive( gauntlet.player ) )
			EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( gauntlet.player, gauntlet.player, feedbackSound )

	wait 0.1 // let the gauntlet finish and count NPCs remaining before killing the remainder
	Gauntlet_ClearSpawnedNPCs( gauntlet )
	thread ClearDroppedWeapons( GAUNTLET_TARGET_DISSOLVE_TIME + 0.1 )  // needs to be longer than gauntlet ghost dissolve time so weapons drop

	if ( IsValid( gauntlet.player ) )
		ClearActiveProjectilesForTeam( gauntlet.player.GetTeam() )

	// need to wait before firing final signal, so this signal doesn't kill Gauntlet_HandlePlayerForceRestart
	if ( IsValid( gauntlet.player ) )
		gauntlet.player.Signal( "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	if ( IsValid( gauntlet.signalEnt ) )
		gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	wait 0.1 // let other threads catch the signals and check the gauntlet struct before ResetTrackerStats

void function ResetPlayerHealthAndStatus( entity player )
	if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

	player.SetHealth( player.GetMaxHealth() )

	array<int> statusEffectsToStop = []
	statusEffectsToStop.append( eStatusEffect.emp )
	statusEffectsToStop.append( eStatusEffect.move_slow )
	statusEffectsToStop.append( eStatusEffect.turn_slow )

	foreach ( statusEffect in statusEffectsToStop )
		if ( StatusEffect_Get( player, statusEffect ) > 0.0 )
			StatusEffect_StopAll( player, statusEffect ) // arc grenade stun

void function Gauntlet_FinishRun( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	RestockPlayerAmmo( gauntlet.player )

	float elapsedTime = Time() - gauntlet.startTime
	printt( "Gauntlet Run Finished, elapsed time", elapsedTime )

	// time penalties for missed enemies
	float enemiesMissedTimePenalty = 0.0
	if ( gauntlet.spawners.len() > gauntlet.enemiesKilled )
		int numEnemiesRemaining = gauntlet.spawners.len() - gauntlet.enemiesKilled
		enemiesMissedTimePenalty = ( numEnemiesRemaining.tofloat() * GAUNTLET_ENEMY_MISSED_TIME_PENALTY )

		elapsedTime += enemiesMissedTimePenalty

	// check if new best time was set
	gauntlet.lastRunTime = elapsedTime
	if ( gauntlet.bestTime == -1.0 || elapsedTime < gauntlet.bestTime )
		printt( "New best time!" )
		gauntlet.bestTime = elapsedTime
		gauntlet.lastRunBestTime = true

		// if there's a player ghost (for leaderboard), update its duration
		if ( gauntlet.hasPlayerGhost )
			// update player ghost
			GauntletGhost playerGhost = Gauntlet_GetPlayerGhost( gauntlet )
			Gauntlet_SetGhostDuration( gauntlet, playerGhost, gauntlet.bestTime )

	// did player beat a ghost racer?
	if ( Gauntlet_HasActiveGhost( gauntlet ) )
		GauntletGhost activeGhost = Gauntlet_GetActiveGhost( gauntlet )

		if ( gauntlet.lastRunTime < activeGhost.duration )
			printt( "player beat active ghost!" )
			gauntlet.lastRunDefeatedGhost = true

	Remote_CallFunction_Replay( gauntlet.player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_FinishRun",, elapsedTime, gauntlet.bestTime, enemiesMissedTimePenalty )

void function Gauntlet_AbortRun( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	entity player = gauntlet.player
	if ( !IsValid( player ) )

	RestockPlayerAmmo_Silent( gauntlet.player )

	EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "training_scr_gaunlet_abort" )

	Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ScriptCallback_Gauntlet_AbortRun", )

void function Gauntlet_WaitForPlayerToStart( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	WaitSignal( gauntlet.signalEnt, "Gauntlet_PlayerHitStartTrig" )
	Assert( IsValid( gauntlet.player ) )

entity function Gauntlet_StartTrigThink( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	entity trigStart = gauntlet.trigStart
	entity trigStart2 = gauntlet.trigStart2

	EndSignal( gauntlet.signalEnt, "OnDestroy" )
	EndSignal( trigStart, "OnDestroy" )
	EndSignal( trigStart2, "OnDestroy" )
	EndSignal( gauntlet.signalEnt, "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	table result
	string signal
	entity player

	//printt( "WaitForPlayerToHitStartTrig started" )

	// "trigStart_OnStartTouch", "trigStart_OnEndTouch", "trigStart2_OnStartTouch", "trigStart2_OnEndTouch"
	thread Gauntlet_PlayerStartSignals( gauntlet, trigStart, "trigStart_" )
	thread Gauntlet_PlayerStartSignals( gauntlet, trigStart2, "trigStart2_" )

	while ( 1 )
		entity alreadyTouchingEnt = null
		foreach ( p in GetPlayerArray() )
			if ( trigStart.IsTouching( p ) && Gauntlet_EntCanActivateGauntletTrigger( p ) )
				alreadyTouchingEnt = p

		if ( IsValid( alreadyTouchingEnt ) )
			player = alreadyTouchingEnt
			//printt( "Waiting for trigStart OnStartTouch" )

			result = WaitSignal( trigStart, "OnStartTouch" )
			player = expect entity( result.activator )

		if ( !Gauntlet_EntCanActivateGauntletTrigger( player ) )

		if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

		//printt( "WAITING for trigStart_OnEndTouch" )

		while ( IsAlive( player ) )
			WaitSignal( player, "trigStart_OnEndTouch" )

			//printt( "RECEIVED trigStart_OnEndTouch" )

			// player exited start trig without running gauntlet
			if ( !trigStart2.IsTouching( player ) )
				player.Signal( "Gauntlet_PlayerWentBackwardsThroughStartTrig" )

			//printt( "WAITING for trigStart_OnStartTouch or trigStart2_OnEndTouch" )

			// player is now in trig2
			result = WaitSignal( player, "trigStart_OnStartTouch", "trigStart2_OnEndTouch" )
			signal = expect string( result.signal )
			if ( signal == "trigStart2_OnEndTouch" )
				//printt( "RECEIVED trigStart2_OnEndTouch" )

				// player exited trig2 without touching trig1, so we know they started the gauntlet
				if ( !trigStart.IsTouching( player ) )
					//printt( "SENDING Gauntlet_PlayerHitStartTrig" )
					gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "Gauntlet_PlayerHitStartTrig" )
					gauntlet.player = player

void function Gauntlet_PlayerStartSignals( GauntletInfo gauntlet, entity trig, string signalPrefix )
	EndSignal( trig, "OnDestroy" )
	EndSignal( gauntlet.signalEnt, "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	function() : (  )
			printt( "Gauntlet_PlayerStartSignals ENDED" )

	printt( "PlayerStartSignals started" )

	while ( 1 )
		table result = WaitSignal( trig, "OnStartTouch", "OnEndTouch" )
		string signal = expect string( result.signal )
		entity activator = expect entity( result.activator )

		if  ( !Gauntlet_EntCanActivateGauntletTrigger( activator ) )

		string outboundSignal = signalPrefix
		if ( signal == "OnStartTouch" )
			outboundSignal += "OnStartTouch"
		else if ( signal == "OnEndTouch" )
			outboundSignal += "OnEndTouch"

		Assert( outboundSignal != signalPrefix )

		Signal( activator, outboundSignal )

void function Gauntlet_WaitForStop( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "Gauntlet_PlayerWentBackwardsThroughStartTrig" )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "Gauntlet_ForceRestart" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "DisableGauntlet" )

	table result
	entity activator

	while ( 1 )
		result = gauntlet.trigFinish.WaitSignal( "OnStartTouch" )
		activator = expect entity( result.activator )

		if ( !activator.IsPlayer() )

		if ( activator != gauntlet.player )

		gauntlet.player.Signal( "Gauntlet_PlayerHitFinishTrig" )

		gauntlet.runFinished = true
		if ( gauntlet.checkpoints.len() && gauntlet.checkpointsHit < gauntlet.checkpoints.len() )
			gauntlet.runFinished = false


bool function Gauntlet_EntCanActivateGauntletTrigger( entity ent )
	if ( !ent.IsPlayer() )
		return false

	if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )
		return false

	if ( ent.IsTitan() )
		return false

	return true

void function Gauntlet_HandlePlayerForceRestart( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	gauntlet.player.EndSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	gauntlet.player.WaitSignal( "Gauntlet_ForceRestart" )

	thread Gauntlet_TeleportPlayerToStart( gauntlet )

void function Gauntlet_TeleportPlayerToStart( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	entity player = gauntlet.player
	entity startpoint = gauntlet.startpoint

	if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

	if ( !IsValid( startpoint ) )

	EndSignal( player, "OnDestroy" )

	// wait for quick death to finish before continuing
	printt( "player doing quick death (1)?", player.p.doingQuickDeath )
	while ( player.p.doingQuickDeath )
		wait 0.1

	//printt( "starting reset fade" )

	float fadeTime = 0.1
	float holdTime = 0.3
	ScreenFadeToBlack( player, fadeTime, holdTime )
	player.SetVelocity( <0,0,0> )

	function() : ( player, gauntlet )
			if ( IsValid( player ) )
				thread Gauntlet_TeleportFailsafe( player, gauntlet )

	wait fadeTime

	// again, wait for quick death to finish before continuing since it could have started during fadeTime
	printt( "player doing quick death (2)?", player.p.doingQuickDeath )
	while ( player.p.doingQuickDeath )
		wait 0.1

	printt( "moving player back to start" )

	player.FreezeControlsOnServer()  // just in case they were unfrozen by quick death ending since we started waiting
	player.SetOrigin( OriginToGround( startpoint.GetOrigin() + <0,0,1> ) )
	player.SetAngles( startpoint.GetAngles() )
	player.SetVelocity( <0,0,0> )

	wait holdTime

// HACK this is in case the quick death teleport happens on the exact same server frame as the gauntlet restart teleport
void function Gauntlet_TeleportFailsafe( entity player, GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	// HACK this breaks in other levels that don't have the flag trigger
	// in the future set this up as a gauntlet setting
	if ( GetMapName() != "sp_training" )

	EndSignal( player, "OnDestroy" )

	wait 0.5

	if ( !gauntlet.isActive && !Flag( "PlayerInGauntletEntryway" ) )
		printt( "Gauntlet reset FAILSAFE!" )
		thread Gauntlet_TeleportPlayerToStart( gauntlet )

bool function ClientCommand_Gauntlet_PlayerRestartedFromMenu( entity player, array<string> args )
	player.Signal( "Gauntlet_ForceRestart" )
	return true

void function Gauntlet_CreateSignalEnt( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	Assert( !IsValid( gauntlet.signalEnt ) )

	entity signalEnt = CreateEntity( "info_target" )
	DispatchSpawn( signalEnt )

	gauntlet.signalEnt = signalEnt

void function Gauntlet_CleanupSignalEnt( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.signalEnt = null

void function Gauntlet_ResetTrackerStats( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.startTime = -1
	gauntlet.runFinished = false
	gauntlet.lastRunBestTime = false
	gauntlet.lastRunDefeatedGhost = false
	gauntlet.enemiesKilled = 0

// ===== GHOST RECORDINGS =====
void function Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback( GauntletInfo gauntlet, string ghostFileName, string ghostDisplayName = "" )//, bool waitForPlayerToStartFirstRun = true )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Start" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Start" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Stop" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "DisableGauntlet" )

	GauntletGhost ghostInfo = Gauntlet_GetGhostByFileName( gauntlet, ghostFileName )
	var rec = LoadRecordedAnimation( ghostInfo.fileAsset )
	float duration = GetRecordedAnimationDuration( rec )
	printt( "duration is", duration )

	Gauntlet_SetActiveGhostID( gauntlet, )

	entity animRef = gauntlet.startpoint

	bool createdIdleRef = false
	entity idleRef
	if ( gauntlet.ghostAttractSpot != null )
		idleRef = gauntlet.ghostAttractSpot
		createdIdleRef = true
		idleRef = CreateScriptMover( animRef.GetOrigin(), animRef.GetAngles() )
		DropToGround( idleRef )

	table<int,entity> g = {}

	function() : ( g, idleRef, createdIdleRef, gauntlet )
			if ( IsValid( g[0] ) )
				StopSoundOnEntity( g[0], "PathHologram_Sustain_Loop_3P" )
				DissolveGhost( g[0] )

			if ( createdIdleRef && IsValid( idleRef ) )

			Gauntlet_ClearActiveGhost( gauntlet )

	entity ghost
	entity ghostWeapon

	bool isFirstRun = true

	while ( 1 )
		if ( IsValid( ghost ) )
			StopSoundOnEntity( ghost, "PathHologram_Sustain_Loop_3P" )
			DissolveGhost( ghost )

		ghost = CreateGhost( idleRef.GetOrigin(), ghostDisplayName )
		g[0] <- ghost
		//ghost.SetTitle( "Ghost Runner" )
		//ShowName( ghost )  // not working

		ghostWeapon = Ghost_GetWeaponEnt( ghost )
		ghostWeapon.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_NOBODY

		thread PlayAnimTeleport( ghost, "pt_OG_training_stand", idleRef )

		if ( !gauntlet.isActive )
			gauntlet.signalEnt.WaitSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )

		float startTime = Time()

		ghostWeapon.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE

		EmitSoundOnEntity( ghost, "PathHologram_Sustain_Loop_3P" )

		ghost.PlayRecordedAnimation( rec, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME, animRef )

		thread GhostPlayback_HideGhostIfPlayerIsNear( ghost, ghostWeapon )

		float ghostFadeTime = 1.2
		float waitBeforeFade = duration - ghostFadeTime
		WaitSignalTimeout( gauntlet.signalEnt, waitBeforeFade, "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

		// ended prematurely
		if ( Time() - startTime < waitBeforeFade )

		isFirstRun = false

void function GhostPlayback_HideGhostIfPlayerIsNear( entity ghost, entity ghostWeapon )
	EndSignal( ghost, "OnDestroy" )
	EndSignal( ghostWeapon, "OnDestroy" )

	const float TICK_WAIT = 0.1

	while ( 1 )
		wait TICK_WAIT

		entity nearbyPlayer

		array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
		foreach ( player in players )
			if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

			if ( PlayerTooCloseToGhost( player, ghost ) )
				nearbyPlayer = player

		if ( IsValid( nearbyPlayer ) )
			ghost.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_NOBODY
			ghostWeapon.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_NOBODY

			while ( PlayerTooCloseToGhost( nearbyPlayer, ghost ) )
				wait TICK_WAIT

			ghost.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE
			ghostWeapon.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE


bool function PlayerTooCloseToGhost( entity player, entity ghost )
	if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
		return false

	const float CLOSE_DIST = 64.0

	if ( Distance( player.EyePosition(), ghost.GetOrigin() ) <= CLOSE_DIST )
		return true

	if ( Distance( player.EyePosition(), ghost.EyePosition() ) <= CLOSE_DIST )
		return true

	return false

void function Gauntlet_StopGhostPlayback( GauntletInfo gauntlet )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.Signal( "GhostAnimationPlayback_Stop" )

// - Player climbs the leaderboard as her best run time improves
// - Skips challenging ghosts whose times are worse than the player's
void function Gauntlet_ChallengeLeaderboardGhosts( entity player, GauntletInfo gauntlet, string endFlag )
	if ( Flag( endFlag ) )

	FlagEnd( endFlag )

	player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	gauntlet.signalEnt.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	GauntletGhost playerGhost = Gauntlet_GetPlayerGhost( gauntlet )

	int nextGhostIdx 	= currPlayerIdx - 1

	while ( currPlayerIdx > 0 )
		array<GauntletGhost> leaderboard = Gauntlet_GetLeaderboard( gauntlet )

		// get current player leaderboard position
		int maxLeaderboardIdx = leaderboard.len() - 1
		if ( currPlayerIdx >= maxLeaderboardIdx )
			currPlayerIdx = maxLeaderboardIdx

		foreach ( idx, leaderboardGhost in leaderboard )
			if ( leaderboardGhost.fileName == playerGhost.fileName )
				currPlayerIdx = idx

		// player is top of the leaderboard, stop racing ghosts
		if ( currPlayerIdx <= 0 )

		// if player is not top of leaderboard, cue the ghost above player leaderboard position
		int nextGhostIdx = currPlayerIdx - 1
		GauntletGhost ghost = leaderboard[ nextGhostIdx ]

		Assert( ghost.fileName != GHOST_NAME_PLAYER, "Can't race against own player ghost- no anim recording asset" )

		thread Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback( gauntlet, ghost.fileName, ghost.displayName )

		if ( !gauntlet.isActive )
			WaitSignal( player, "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )

		// wait for run to stop
		WaitSignal( player, "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

	Gauntlet_ClearActiveGhost( gauntlet )

	gauntlet.allGhostsDefeated = true

#if DEV
void function Gauntlet_Player_GhostRecordOrPlayback( entity player, GauntletInfo gauntlet, string ghostFileName )
	if ( GetBugReproNum() == 55 )
		thread Gauntlet_Player_StartRecordingGhost( player, gauntlet, ghostFileName )
		thread Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback( gauntlet, ghostFileName )

		GauntletGhost ghost = Gauntlet_GetGhostByFileName( gauntlet, ghostFileName )
		Dev_PrintMessage( player, "Ghost Playback:", "TO RECORD, set bug_reproNum 55", 4.0 )
		wait 4.0
		Dev_PrintMessage( player, ghost.displayName, "TO RECORD, set bug_reproNum 55", 4.0 )

void function Gauntlet_Player_StartRecordingGhost( entity player, GauntletInfo gauntlet, string ghostFileName )
	player.Signal( "RecordAnimation_Start" )
	player.EndSignal( "RecordAnimation_Start" )
	player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	entity animRef = gauntlet.startpoint
	GauntletGhost ghost = Gauntlet_GetGhostByFileName( gauntlet, ghostFileName )

	thread Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback( gauntlet, ghostFileName )

	while ( 1 )
		#if PC_PROG
			thread Gauntlet_Player_StartRecordingGhost_Hints( player, gauntlet, ghost )

		printt( "READY TO RECORD:", ghost.fileName )

		player.WaitSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStarted" )

		player.StartRecordingAnimation( animRef.GetOrigin(), animRef.GetAngles() )
		printt( "RECORDING STARTED:", ghost.fileName )

		player.WaitSignal( "Gauntlet_RunStopped" )

		var recording = player.StopRecordingAnimation()

		if ( !gauntlet.runFinished )

		if ( gauntlet.enemiesKilled < gauntlet.spawners.len() )
			Dev_PrintMessage( player, "RECORDING NOT SAVED!", "Must kill all the enemies on your run to save.", 7.0 )
			printt( "!!!! RECORDED ANIM NOT SAVED!!!!" )

		#if PC_PROG
			SaveRecordedAnimation( recording, ghost.fileName )
			Dev_PrintMessage( player, "Anim Data Saved", "BAKE and CLEAR BUG REPRO NUM and RELOAD LEVEL to play it back.", 5.5 )
			printt( "RECORDED ANIM SAVED:", ghost.fileName )

			wait 5.5

			thread Gauntlet_StartGhostPlayback( gauntlet, ghostFileName )

void function Gauntlet_Player_StartRecordingGhost_Hints( entity player, GauntletInfo gauntlet, GauntletGhost ghost )
	player.Signal( "Player_StartRecordingGhost_HintStart" )
	player.EndSignal( "Player_StartRecordingGhost_HintStart" )
	player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	Dev_PrintMessage( player, "Ready To Record Ghost:", "FINISH Gauntlet and kill ALL TARGETS to SAVE GHOST.", 3.0 )
	wait 3.0
	Dev_PrintMessage( player, ghost.displayName, "FINISH Gauntlet and kill ALL TARGETS to SAVE GHOST.", 5.0 )
#endif //DEV