untyped global function InitMainMenuPanel global function UpdatePromoData global function UICodeCallback_GetOnPartyServer global function UICodeCallback_MainMenuPromosUpdated global bool isOnMainMenu = false // defining this here because it's the only place it's used rn, custom const for a hook in launcher global const WEBBROWSER_FLAG_FORCEEXTERNAL = 1 << 1 // 2 struct { var menu var panel array spButtons array spButtonFuncs var mpButton var fdButton void functionref() mpButtonActivateFunc = null var buttonData array menuButtons var activeProfile var serviceStatus MainMenuPromos& promoData var whatsNew var spotlightPanel array spotlightButtons bool installing = false bool stopNSLocalAuth = false } file const DEBUG_PERMISSIONS = false void function InitMainMenuPanel() { RegisterSignal( "EndShowMainMenuPanel" ) file.panel = GetPanel( "MainMenuPanel" ) file.menu = GetParentMenu( file.panel ) AddPanelEventHandler( file.panel, eUIEvent.PANEL_SHOW, OnShowMainMenuPanel ) AddPanelEventHandler( file.panel, eUIEvent.PANEL_HIDE, OnHideMainMenuPanel ) file.menuButtons = GetElementsByClassname( file.menu, "MainMenuButtonClass" ) AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( file.menu, "MainMenuButtonClass", UIE_CLICK, MainMenuButton_Activate ) file.spotlightPanel = Hud_GetChild( file.panel, "SpotlightPanel" ) file.spotlightButtons = GetElementsByClassname( file.menu, "SpotlightButtonClass" ) foreach ( button in file.spotlightButtons ) button.s.link <- "" AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( file.menu, "SpotlightButtonClass", UIE_CLICK, SpotlightButton_Activate ) file.activeProfile = Hud_GetChild( file.panel, "ActiveProfile" ) file.serviceStatus = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( file.panel, "ServiceStatus" ) ) file.whatsNew = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( file.panel, "WhatsNew" ) ) ComboStruct comboStruct = ComboButtons_Create( file.panel ) int headerIndex = 0 int buttonIndex = 0 var campaignHeader = AddComboButtonHeader( comboStruct, headerIndex, "#GAMEMODE_SOLO" ) file.spButtons.append( AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex, "" ) ) file.spButtonFuncs.append( DoNothing() ) Hud_AddEventHandler( file.spButtons[buttonIndex], UIE_CLICK, RunSPButton0 ) buttonIndex++ file.spButtons.append( AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex, "" ) ) file.spButtonFuncs.append( DoNothing() ) Hud_AddEventHandler( file.spButtons[buttonIndex], UIE_CLICK, RunSPButton1 ) buttonIndex++ file.spButtons.append( AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex, "" ) ) file.spButtonFuncs.append( DoNothing() ) Hud_AddEventHandler( file.spButtons[buttonIndex], UIE_CLICK, RunSPButton2 ) buttonIndex++ UpdateSPButtons() headerIndex++ buttonIndex = 0 var multiplayerHeader = AddComboButtonHeader( comboStruct, headerIndex, "#MULTIPLAYER_ALLCAPS" ) file.mpButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#MULTIPLAYER_LAUNCH" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( file.mpButton, UIE_CLICK, OnPlayMPButton_Activate ) file.fdButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( file.fdButton, UIE_CLICK, OnPlayFDButton_Activate ) Hud_SetLocked( file.fdButton, true ) headerIndex++ buttonIndex = 0 var settingsHeader = AddComboButtonHeader( comboStruct, headerIndex, "#MENU_HEADER_SETTINGS" ) var controlsButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#CONTROLS" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( controlsButton, UIE_CLICK, ActivateControlsMenu ) #if CONSOLE_PROG var avButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#AUDIO_VIDEO" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( avButton, UIE_CLICK, ActivateAudioVisualMenu ) #elseif PC_PROG var audioButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#AUDIO" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( audioButton, UIE_CLICK, AdvanceMenuEventHandler( GetMenu( "AudioMenu" ) ) ) var videoButton = AddComboButton( comboStruct, headerIndex, buttonIndex++, "#VIDEO" ) Hud_AddEventHandler( videoButton, UIE_CLICK, AdvanceMenuEventHandler( GetMenu( "VideoMenu" ) ) ) #endif var spotlightLargeButton = Hud_GetChild( file.spotlightPanel, "SpotlightLarge" ) spotlightLargeButton.SetNavLeft( file.spButtons[0] ) var spotlightSmall0Button = Hud_GetChild( file.spotlightPanel, "SpotlightSmall0" ) spotlightSmall0Button.SetNavLeft( file.spButtons[0] ) file.buttonData = [] #if PC_PROG file.buttonData.append( { name = "#QUIT", activateFunc = OnQuitButton_Activate } ) #endif // PC_PROG if ( file.buttonData.len() ) { comboStruct.navUpButton = file.menuButtons[ expect int( file.buttonData.len() ) - 1 ] comboStruct.navDownButton = file.menuButtons[0] foreach ( button in file.menuButtons ) button.SetNavRight( spotlightLargeButton ) } comboStruct.navRightButton = spotlightLargeButton ComboButtons_Finalize( comboStruct ) //AddPanelFooterOption( file.panel, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" ) //AddPanelFooterOption( file.panel, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_CLOSE", "#CLOSE" ) //AddPanelFooterOption( file.panel, BUTTON_BACK, "", "", ClosePostGameMenu ) thread TrackInstallProgress() UpdateCustomMainMenuPromos() } void function OnShowMainMenuPanel() { Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "EndShowMainMenuPanel" ) EndSignal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "EndShowMainMenuPanel" ) foreach ( button in file.menuButtons ) { int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) if ( buttonID < file.buttonData.len() ) { if ( "updateFunc" in file.buttonData[buttonID] ) file.buttonData[buttonID].updateFunc.call( this, button ) else Hud_SetEnabled( button, true ) RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", file.buttonData[buttonID].name ) Hud_Show( button ) } else { Hud_Hide( button ) } } #if PS4_PROG thread EnableCheckPlus() #endif // PS4_PROG UpdateSPButtons() thread UpdatePlayButton( file.mpButton ) thread UpdatePlayButton( file.fdButton ) thread MonitorTrialVersionChange() #if DURANGO_PROG SetLabelRuiText( file.activeProfile, Durango_GetGameDisplayName() ) Hud_Show( file.activeProfile ) #endif // DURANGO_PROG ExecCurrentGamepadButtonConfig() ExecCurrentGamepadStickConfig() string defaultButtonRowFocus = "ButtonRow0x0" bool shouldFocusMultiplayer = GetMenuWasMultiplayerPlayedLast() if ( shouldFocusMultiplayer ) defaultButtonRowFocus = "ButtonRow1x0" SetPanelDefaultFocus( file.panel, Hud_GetChild( file.panel, defaultButtonRowFocus ) ) PanelFocusDefault( file.panel ) } void function EnableCheckPlus() { WaitFrame() // ???: doesn't work without a wait if ( !Ps4_CheckPlus_Allowed() && !IsSingleplayer() ) { printt( "scheduling plus check" ) Ps4_CheckPlus_Schedule() } } void function OnHideMainMenuPanel() { Signal( uiGlobal.signalDummy, "EndShowMainMenuPanel" ) } void function UpdatePlayButton( var button ) { #if CONSOLE_PROG bool isOnline bool hasPermission bool isFullyInstalled #endif #if DURANGO_PROG bool isGuest #elseif PS4_PROG bool isPSNConnected bool isOverAge bool hasPlus bool hasLatestPatch #elseif PC_PROG bool isOriginConnected bool hasLatestPatch #endif bool isStryderAuthenticated bool isMPAllowed bool isLocked string buttonText string message bool isMessageVisible while ( GetTopNonDialogMenu() == file.menu ) { if ( !Hud_IsFocused( button ) ) { RuiSetBool( file.serviceStatus, "isVisible", false ) WaitFrame() continue } #if DURANGO_PROG isFullyInstalled = IsGameFullyInstalled() isOnline = Console_IsOnline() isGuest = Durango_IsGuest() hasPermission = Console_HasPermissionToPlayMultiplayer() isStryderAuthenticated = IsStryderAuthenticated() isMPAllowed = IsStryderAllowingMP() if ( DEBUG_PERMISSIONS ) { printt( "isFullyInstalled:", isFullyInstalled ) printt( "isOnline:", isOnline ) printt( "isGuest:", isGuest ) printt( "hasPermission:", hasPermission ) printt( "isStryderAuthenticated:", isStryderAuthenticated ) printt( "isMPAllowedByStryder:", isMPAllowed ) } buttonText = "#MULTIPLAYER_LAUNCH" message = "" if ( !isOnline ) { message = "#INTERNET_NOT_FOUND" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( isGuest ) { buttonText = "#SWITCH_PROFILE" message = "#GUESTS_NOT_SUPPORTED" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = XB1_SwitchAccount } else if ( !hasPermission || !isMPAllowed ) { message = "#MULTIPLAYER_NOT_AVAILABLE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( !isStryderAuthenticated ) { message = "#CONTACTING_RESPAWN_SERVERS" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP isLocked = file.mpButtonActivateFunc == null ? true : false Hud_SetLocked( button, isLocked ) #elseif PS4_PROG isFullyInstalled = IsGameFullyInstalled() hasLatestPatch = HasLatestPatch() isOnline = Console_IsOnline() isPSNConnected = Ps4_PSN_Is_Loggedin() hasPermission = Console_HasPermissionToPlayMultiplayer() isOverAge = !PS4_is_NetworkStatusAgeRestriction() hasPlus = Ps4_CheckPlus_Allowed() isStryderAuthenticated = IsStryderAuthenticated() isMPAllowed = IsStryderAllowingMP() if ( DEBUG_PERMISSIONS ) { printt( "isFullyInstalled:", isFullyInstalled ) printt( "hasLatestPatch:", hasLatestPatch ) printt( "isOnline:", isOnline ) printt( "isPSNConnected:", isPSNConnected ) printt( "hasPermission:", hasPermission ) printt( "isOverAge:", isOverAge ) printt( "hasPlus:", hasPlus ) printt( "isStryderAuthenticated:", isStryderAuthenticated ) printt( "isMPAllowedByStryder:", isMPAllowed ) } buttonText = "#MULTIPLAYER_LAUNCH" message = "" if ( !isOnline ) { message = "#INTERNET_NOT_FOUND" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( PS4_getUserNetworkingResolution() == PS4_NETWORK_STATUS_UNKNOWN ) { message = "#INTERNET_NOT_FOUND" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP } else if ( !hasLatestPatch ) { message = "#UPDATE_AVAILABLE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( PS4_getUserNetworkingResolution() == PS4_NETWORK_STATUS_IN_ERROR ) { message = "#PSN_HAD_ERROR" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP } else if ( !isPSNConnected ) { buttonText = "#PS4_SIGN_IN" message = "#PS4_DISCONNECT_NOT_SIGNED_IN_TO_PSN" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = PS4_PSNSignIn } else if ( !isFullyInstalled ) { //message = "#INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( !isOverAge ) { message = "#MULTIPLAYER_AGE_RESTRICTED" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( !hasPermission || !isMPAllowed ) // A more general permission check. Can fail if not patched, underage profile logged in to another controller, network issue, etc. { message = "#MULTIPLAYER_NOT_AVAILABLE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( !hasPlus ) { //buttonText = "#PS4_GET_PLAYSTATION_PLUS" //message = "#PSN_MUST_BE_PLUS_USER" //file.mpButtonActivateFunc = PS4_PlusSignUp // Their is a race on this. The function may not be completed. // The LaunchMP handles this race and will retry/ issue an error dialog if needed. file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP } else if ( !isStryderAuthenticated ) { message = "#CONTACTING_RESPAWN_SERVERS" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else { file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP } isLocked = file.mpButtonActivateFunc == null ? true : false Hud_SetLocked( button, isLocked ) #elseif PC_PROG hasLatestPatch = Origin_IsUpToDate() isOriginConnected = Origin_IsEnabled() ? Origin_IsOnline() : true isStryderAuthenticated = IsStryderAuthenticated() isMPAllowed = IsStryderAllowingMP() if ( DEBUG_PERMISSIONS ) { printt( "isOriginConnected:", isOriginConnected ) printt( "isStryderAuthenticated:", isStryderAuthenticated ) } buttonText = "#MULTIPLAYER_LAUNCH" message = "" if ( !isOriginConnected ) { message = "#ORIGIN_IS_OFFLINE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( !isStryderAuthenticated ) { message = "#CONTACTING_RESPAWN_SERVERS" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( button == file.mpButton && !isMPAllowed ) { message = "#MULTIPLAYER_NOT_AVAILABLE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( button == file.mpButton && !hasLatestPatch ) { message = "#ORIGIN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( button == file.fdButton && GetConVarInt( "ns_has_agreed_to_send_token" ) != NS_AGREED_TO_SEND_TOKEN ) { message = "#AUTHENTICATIONAGREEMENT_NO" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null } else if ( button == file.mpButton ) { // restrict non-vanilla players from accessing official servers bool hasNonVanillaMods = false foreach ( string modName in NSGetModNames() ) { if ( NSIsModEnabled( modName ) && NSIsModRequiredOnClient( modName ) ) { hasNonVanillaMods = true break } } if ( hasNonVanillaMods ) file.mpButtonActivateFunc = null else file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchMP } isLocked = file.mpButtonActivateFunc == null ? true : false if( button == file.fdButton ) thread TryUnlockNorthstarButton() else Hud_SetLocked( button, isLocked ) #endif if ( Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() && !IsTrialPeriodActive() && file.mpButtonActivateFunc != LaunchGamePurchase ) { buttonText = "#MENU_GET_THE_FULL_GAME" file.mpButtonActivateFunc = LaunchGamePurchase Hud_SetLocked( button, false ) message = "" } ComboButton_SetText( file.mpButton, buttonText ) ComboButton_SetText( file.fdButton, "#MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" ) //Hud_SetEnabled( file.fdButton, false ) if ( file.installing ) message = "" else if ( message == "" ) message = GetConVarString( "rspn_motd" ) RuiSetString( file.serviceStatus, "messageText", message ) isMessageVisible = message != "" ? true : false RuiSetBool( file.serviceStatus, "isVisible", isMessageVisible ) WaitFrame() //wait 2 } } void function XB1_SwitchAccount() { Durango_ShowAccountPicker() } void function PS4_PSNSignIn() { Ps4_LoginDialog_Schedule() } void function PS4_PlusSignUp() { if ( Ps4_ScreenPlusDialog_Schedule() ) { while ( Ps4_ScreenPlusDialog_Running() ) WaitFrame() if ( Ps4_ScreenPlusDialog_Allowed() ) Ps4_CheckPlus_Schedule() } } void function MainMenuButton_Activate( var button ) { int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) Assert( file.buttonData ) if ( file.buttonData[buttonID].activateFunc ) file.buttonData[buttonID].activateFunc.call( this ) } void function TryUnlockNorthstarButton() { // unlock "Launch Northstar" button until you're authed with masterserver, are allowing insecure auth, or 7.5 seconds have passed float time = Time() while ( GetConVarInt( "ns_has_agreed_to_send_token" ) != NS_AGREED_TO_SEND_TOKEN || time + 10.0 > Time() ) { if ( ( NSIsMasterServerAuthenticated() && IsStryderAuthenticated() ) || GetConVarBool( "ns_auth_allow_insecure" ) ) break WaitFrame() } Hud_SetLocked( file.fdButton, false ) } void function OnPlayFDButton_Activate( var button ) // repurposed for launching northstar lobby { if ( !Hud_IsLocked( button ) ) { SetConVarBool( "ns_is_modded_server", true ) SetConVarString( "communities_hostname", "" ) // disable communities due to crash exploits that are still possible through it NSTryAuthWithLocalServer() thread TryAuthWithLocalServer() } } void function TryAuthWithLocalServer() { DialogData dialogData dialogData.showSpinner = true dialogData.header = "#CONNECTING" dialogData.message = "#DIALOG_AUTHENTICATING_MASTERSERVER" // probably isn't actually what's going on here but makes more sense to the user AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#CANCEL", CancelNSLocalAuth ) AddDialogFooter( dialogData, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" ) OpenDialog( dialogData ) while ( NSIsAuthenticatingWithServer() ) { if( file.stopNSLocalAuth ) { file.stopNSLocalAuth = false return } WaitFrame() } if ( NSWasAuthSuccessful() ) { NSCompleteAuthWithLocalServer() if ( GetConVarString( "mp_gamemode" ) == "solo" ) SetConVarString( "mp_gamemode", "tdm" ) CloseAllDialogs() ClientCommand( "setplaylist tdm" ) ClientCommand( "map mp_lobby" ) } else { CloseAllDialogs() string reason = NSGetAuthFailReason() DialogData dialogData dialogData.image = $"ui/menu/common/dialog_error" dialogData.header = "#ERROR" dialogData.message = reason AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#OK", null ) OpenDialog( dialogData ) } } void function CancelNSLocalAuth() { file.stopNSLocalAuth = true } void function OnPlayMPButton_Activate( var button ) { if ( file.mpButtonActivateFunc == null ) printt( "file.mpButtonActivateFunc is null" ) if ( !Hud_IsLocked( button ) && file.mpButtonActivateFunc != null ) { Lobby_SetAutoFDOpen( false ) // Lobby_SetFDMode( false ) SetConVarBool( "ns_is_modded_server", false ) thread file.mpButtonActivateFunc() } } void function UICodeCallback_GetOnPartyServer() { uiGlobal.launching = eLaunching.MULTIPLAYER_INVITE Lobby_SetAutoFDOpen( false ) // Lobby_SetFDMode( false ) LaunchGame() } #if PC_PROG void function OnQuitButton_Activate() { DialogData dialogData dialogData.header = "#MENU_QUIT_GAME_CONFIRM" AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#CANCEL" ) AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#QUIT", Quit ) AddDialogFooter( dialogData, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" ) AddDialogFooter( dialogData, "#B_BUTTON_CANCEL" ) OpenDialog( dialogData ) } void function Quit() { ClientCommand( "quit" ) } #endif // #if PC_PROG void function MonitorTrialVersionChange() { bool isTrialVersion bool lastIsTrialVersion = Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() while ( GetTopNonDialogMenu() == file.menu ) { isTrialVersion = Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() if ( isTrialVersion != lastIsTrialVersion ) UpdateSPButtons() lastIsTrialVersion = isTrialVersion WaitFrame() } } void function UpdateSPButtons() { foreach( button in file.spButtons ) { ComboButton_SetText( button, "" ) Hud_SetEnabled( button, false ) } int buttonIndex = 0 if ( Script_IsRunningTrialVersion() ) { if ( HasStartedGameEver() ) AddSPButton( buttonIndex, TrainingModeSelect, "#SP_TRIAL_MENU_TRAINING" ) else AddSPButton( buttonIndex, LaunchSPNew, "#SP_TRIAL_MENU_TRAINING" ) buttonIndex++ if ( HasStartedGameEver() ) { AddSPButton( buttonIndex, TrialMissionSelect, "#SP_TRIAL_MENU_MISSION" ) buttonIndex++ } AddSPButton( buttonIndex, LaunchGamePurchase, "#MENU_GET_THE_FULL_GAME" ) buttonIndex++ } else { if ( HasValidSaveGame() ) { AddSPButton( buttonIndex, LaunchSPContinue, "#MENU_CONTINUE_GAME" ) buttonIndex++ } if ( HasStartedGameEver() ) { AddSPButton( buttonIndex, LaunchSPMissionSelect, "#MENU_MISSION_SELECT" ) buttonIndex++ } AddSPButton( buttonIndex, LaunchSPNew, "#MENU_NEW_GAME" ) } } void function AddSPButton( int index, void functionref() func, string text ) { var button = file.spButtons[ index ] ComboButton_SetText( button, text ) Hud_SetEnabled( button, true ) file.spButtonFuncs[ index ] = func } void function DoNothing() { } void function RunSPButton0( var button ) { void functionref() func = file.spButtonFuncs[ 0 ] func() } void function RunSPButton1( var button ) { void functionref() func = file.spButtonFuncs[ 1 ] func() } void function RunSPButton2( var button ) { void functionref() func = file.spButtonFuncs[ 2 ] func() } void function ActivateControlsMenu( var button ) { #if CONSOLE_PROG if ( GetEULAVersionAccepted() < 1 ) // Treat as binary for now, as discussed with Preston. { if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu == GetMenu( "EULADialog" ) ) return if ( IsDialog( uiGlobal.activeMenu ) ) CloseActiveMenu( true ) uiGlobal.consoleSettingMenu = eConsoleSettingsMenu.CONTROLS_MENU EULA_Dialog() return } else { AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "ControlsMenu" ) ) return } #endif #if PC_PROG AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "ControlsMenu" ) ) #endif } void function ActivateAudioVisualMenu( var button ) //This is only run on console { if ( GetEULAVersionAccepted() < 1 ) // Treat as binary for now, as discussed with Preston. { if ( uiGlobal.activeMenu == GetMenu( "EULADialog" ) ) return if ( IsDialog( uiGlobal.activeMenu ) ) CloseActiveMenu( true ) uiGlobal.consoleSettingMenu = eConsoleSettingsMenu.AUDIO_VISUAL_MENU EULA_Dialog() return } else { AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "AudioVideoMenu" ) ) return } } void function TrackInstallProgress() { var rui = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( file.panel, "InstallProgress" ) ) while ( GetGameFullyInstalledProgress() < 1.0 ) { file.installing = true RuiSetFloat( rui, "installProgress", GetGameFullyInstalledProgress() ) wait 0.5 } file.installing = false RuiSetFloat( rui, "installProgress", 1.0 ) } bool function IsStryderAuthenticated() { // We don't actually need to wait for Stryder response, because we don't care about it anyway return true //return GetConVarInt( "mp_allowed" ) != -1 } bool function IsStryderAllowingMP() { return GetConVarInt( "mp_allowed" ) == 1 } #if PS4_PROG bool function HasLatestPatch() { int status = PS4_getUserNetworkingErrorStatus() if ( status == -2141913073 ) // SCE_NP_ERROR_LATEST_PATCH_PKG_EXIST return false return true } #endif // PS4_PROG // custom mainmenupromos stuff // nopping these void function UpdatePromoData() { } void function UICodeCallback_MainMenuPromosUpdated() { } enum eMainMenuPromoDataProperty { newInfoTitle1, newInfoTitle2, newInfoTitle3, largeButtonTitle, largeButtonText, largeButtonUrl, largeButtonImageIndex, smallButton1Title, smallButton1Url, smallButton1ImageIndex, smallButton2Title, smallButton2Url, smallButton2ImageIndex } void function UpdateCustomMainMenuPromos() { NSRequestCustomMainMenuPromos() thread UpdateCustomMainMenuPromosThreaded() } void function UpdateCustomMainMenuPromosThreaded() { while ( !NSHasCustomMainMenuPromoData() ) WaitFrame() UpdateWhatsNewData() UpdateSpotlightData() } void function UpdateWhatsNewData() { // file.promoData.newInfo_ImageIndex //RuiSetString( file.whatsNew, "line1Text", "`2%$rui/menu/main_menu/whats_new_bulletpoint%`0 Updated Live Fire Maps!\n`2%$rui/menu/main_menu/whats_new_bulletpoint%`0 Prime Titans`0 in the Store\n`2%$rui/menu/main_menu/whats_new_bulletpoint% DOUBLE XP`0 weekend!" )//file.promoData.newInfo_Title1 ) RuiSetString( file.whatsNew, "line1Text", expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle1 ) ) ) RuiSetString( file.whatsNew, "line2Text", expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle2 ) ) ) RuiSetString( file.whatsNew, "line3Text", expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle3 ) ) ) bool isVisible = true if ( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle1 ) == "" && NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle2 ) == "" && NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.newInfoTitle3 ) == "" ) isVisible = false RuiSetBool( file.whatsNew, "isVisible", isVisible ) } void function UpdateSpotlightData() { SetSpotlightButtonData( file.spotlightButtons[0], expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.largeButtonUrl ) ), expect int( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.largeButtonImageIndex ) ), expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.largeButtonTitle ) ), expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.largeButtonText ) ) ) SetSpotlightButtonData( file.spotlightButtons[1], expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton1Url ) ), expect int( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton1ImageIndex ) ), expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton1Title ) ) ) SetSpotlightButtonData( file.spotlightButtons[2], expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton2Url ) ), expect int( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton2ImageIndex ) ), expect string( NSGetCustomMainMenuPromoData( eMainMenuPromoDataProperty.smallButton2Title ) ) ) } void function SetSpotlightButtonData( var button, string link, int imageIndex, string title, string details = "skip" ) { var rui = Hud_GetRui( button ) var dataTable = GetDataTable( $"datatable/spotlight_images.rpak" ) asset image = GetDataTableAsset( dataTable, imageIndex, GetDataTableColumnByName( dataTable, "image" ) ) RuiSetImage( rui, "buttonImage", image ) RuiSetString( rui, "titleText", title ) if ( details != "skip" ) RuiSetString( rui, "detailsText", details ) button.s.link = link Hud_SetVisible( file.spotlightPanel, true ) } void function SpotlightButton_Activate( var button ) { string link = expect string( button.s.link ) if ( link == "" ) return if ( link.find( "menu:" ) == 0 ) { var menu switch ( link ) { //case "menu:new": // menu = GetMenu( "StoreMenu_NewReleases" ) // break case "menu:new": case "menu:weaponskins": menu = GetMenu( "StoreMenu_WeaponSkins" ) break //case "menu:limited": // menu = GetMenu( "StoreMenu_Limited" ) // break case "menu:sales": menu = GetMenu( "StoreMenu_Sales" ) break } if ( menu != null ) { uiGlobal.menuToOpenFromPromoButton = menu LaunchMP() } } else { // discord links don't work in origin overlay if ( link.find( "https://discord.gg" ) == 0 || link == "https://northstar.tf/discord" || link == "https://northstar.tf/wiki" ) LaunchExternalWebBrowser( link, WEBBROWSER_FLAG_FORCEEXTERNAL ) else LaunchExternalWebBrowser( link, WEBBROWSER_FLAG_MUTEGAME ) } }