global function AddNorthstarModMenu global function AddNorthstarModMenu_MainMenuFooter void function AddNorthstarModMenu() { AddMenu( "ModListMenu", $"resource/ui/menus/", InitModMenu ) } void function AddNorthstarModMenu_MainMenuFooter() { AddMenuFooterOption( GetMenu( "MainMenu" ), BUTTON_Y, "#Y_MENU_TITLE_MODS", "#MENU_TITLE_MODS", AdvanceToModListMenu ) } void function AdvanceToModListMenu( var button ) { AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ) ) } void function InitModMenu() { var menu = GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ) AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnModMenuOpened ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_Y, "#Y_RELOAD_MODS", "#RELOAD_MODS", ReloadMods ) foreach ( var button in GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ), "ModButton" ) ) AddButtonEventHandler( button, UIE_GET_FOCUS, OnModMenuButtonFocused ) } void function OnModMenuOpened() { Hud_SetText( Hud_GetChild( GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ), "Title" ), "#MENU_TITLE_MODS" ) array buttons = GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ), "ModButton" ) // disable all buttons, we'll enable the ones we need later foreach ( var button in buttons ) { Hud_SetEnabled( button, false ) Hud_SetVisible( button, false ) } array modNames = NSGetModNames() for ( int i = 0; i < modNames.len() && i < buttons.len(); i++ ) { Hud_SetEnabled( buttons[ i ], true ) Hud_SetVisible( buttons[ i ], true ) SetButtonRuiText( buttons[ i ], modNames[ i ] + " v" + NSGetModVersionByModName( modNames[ i ] ) ) } } void function OnModMenuButtonFocused( var button ) { string modName = NSGetModNames()[ int ( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) ] var rui = Hud_GetRui( Hud_GetChild( GetMenu( "ModListMenu" ), "LabelDetails" ) ) RuiSetGameTime( rui, "startTime", -99999.99 ) // make sure it skips the whole animation for showing this RuiSetString( rui, "headerText", modName ) RuiSetString( rui, "messageText", FormatModDescription( modName ) ) } string function FormatModDescription( string modName ) { string ret // version ret += format( "Version %s\n", NSGetModVersionByModName( modName ) ) // download link string modLink = NSGetModDownloadLinkByModName( modName ) if ( modLink.len() != 0 ) ret += format( "Download link: \"%s\"\n", modLink ) // load priority ret += format( "Load Priority: %i\n", NSGetModLoadPriority( modName ) ) // todo: add ClientRequired here // convars array modCvars = NSGetModConvarsByModName( modName ) if ( modCvars.len() != 0 ) { ret += "ConVars: " for ( int i = 0; i < modCvars.len(); i++ ) { if ( i != modCvars.len() - 1 ) ret += format( "\"%s\", ", modCvars[ i ] ) else ret += format( "\"%s\"", modCvars[ i ] ) } ret += "\n" } // description ret += format( "\n%s\n", NSGetModDescriptionByModName( modName ) ) return ret } void function ReloadMods( var button ) { NSReloadMods() OnModMenuOpened() // temp, until we start doing uiscript_reset here }