global function InitModesMenu struct { int currentModePage } file const int MODES_PER_PAGE = 15 void function InitModesMenu() { var menu = GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ) AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnOpenModesMenu ) AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "ModeButton", UIE_GET_FOCUS, ModeButton_GetFocus ) AddEventHandlerToButtonClass( menu, "ModeButton", UIE_CLICK, ModeButton_Click ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_LEFT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV", CycleModesBack, IsNorthstarServer ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_SHOULDER_RIGHT, "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", "#PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_NEXT", CycleModesForward, IsNorthstarServer ) } void function OnOpenModesMenu() { UpdateVisibleModes() if ( level.ui.privatematch_mode == 0 ) // set to the first mode if there's no mode focused Hud_SetFocused( GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ), "ModeButton" )[ 0 ] ) } void function UpdateVisibleModes() { // ensures that we only ever show enough buttons for the number of modes we have array buttons = GetElementsByClassname( GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ), "ModeButton" ) foreach ( var button in buttons ) { Hud_SetEnabled( button, false ) Hud_SetVisible( button, false ) } array modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes() for ( int i = 0; i < MODES_PER_PAGE; i++ ) { if ( i + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE ) >= modesArray.len() ) break int modeIndex = i + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE ) SetButtonRuiText( buttons[ i ], GetGameModeDisplayName( modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) ) Hud_SetEnabled( buttons[ i ], true ) Hud_SetVisible( buttons[ i ], true ) if ( !ModeSettings_RequiresAI( modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) || modesArray[ modeIndex ] == "aitdm" ) Hud_SetLocked( buttons[ i ], false ) else Hud_SetLocked( buttons[ i ], true ) if ( !PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap(), modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) && !IsNorthstarServer() ) { Hud_SetLocked( buttons[ i ], true ) SetButtonRuiText( buttons[ i ], Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_UNAVAILABLE", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayName( modesArray[ modeIndex ] ) ) ) ) } } } void function ModeButton_GetFocus( var button ) { int modeId = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE ) var menu = GetMenu( "ModesMenu" ) var nextModeImage = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeImage" ) var nextModeIcon = Hud_GetChild( menu, "ModeIconImage" ) var nextModeName = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeName" ) var nextModeDesc = Hud_GetChild( menu, "NextModeDesc" ) array modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes() if ( modeId > modesArray.len() ) return string modeName = modesArray[modeId] asset playlistImage = GetPlaylistImage( modeName ) RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextModeImage ), "basicImage", playlistImage ) RuiSetImage( Hud_GetRui( nextModeIcon ), "basicImage", GetPlaylistThumbnailImage( modeName ) ) Hud_SetText( nextModeName, GetGameModeDisplayName( modeName ) ) string mapName = PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap() bool mapSupportsMode = PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( mapName, modeName ) if ( !mapSupportsMode && !IsNorthstarServer() ) Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, Localize( "#PRIVATE_MATCH_MODE_NO_MAP_SUPPORT", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayName( modeName ) ), Localize( GetMapDisplayName( mapName ) ) ) ) else if ( IsFDMode( modeName ) ) // HACK! Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, Localize( "#FD_PLAYERS_DESC", Localize( GetGameModeDisplayHint( modeName ) ) ) ) else Hud_SetText( nextModeDesc, GetGameModeDisplayHint( modeName ) ) } void function ModeButton_Click( var button ) { // this never activates on custom servers, but keeping it for parity with official if ( !AmIPartyLeader() && GetPartySize() > 1 ) return if ( Hud_IsLocked( button ) ) return int modeID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) + ( file.currentModePage * MODES_PER_PAGE ) array modesArray = GetPrivateMatchModes() string modeName = modesArray[ modeID ] // on modded servers set us to the first map for that mode automatically // need this for coliseum mainly which is literally impossible to select without this if ( IsNorthstarServer() && !PrivateMatch_IsValidMapModeCombo( PrivateMatch_GetSelectedMap(), modesArray[ modeID ] ) ) ClientCommand( "SetCustomMap " + GetPrivateMatchMapsForMode( modeName )[ 0 ] ) // set it ClientCommand( "PrivateMatchSetMode " + modeName ) CloseActiveMenu() } void function CycleModesBack( var button ) { if ( file.currentModePage == 0 ) return file.currentModePage-- UpdateVisibleModes() } void function CycleModesForward( var button ) { if ( ( file.currentModePage + 1 ) * MODES_PER_PAGE >= GetPrivateMatchModes().len() ) return file.currentModePage++ UpdateVisibleModes() }