path: root/Northstar.CustomServers
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authorx3Karma <juliuslimck@gmail.com>2022-05-14 01:43:53 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-05-13 19:43:53 +0200
commitb20b1cc199ae58af2033e5d40d43e2cea96e2ebf (patch)
treeb40322bd06cd19da21e5190a7558d7caee95e4c0 /Northstar.CustomServers
parent1b355246798b14bf992ca046c55d1344aaeaa521 (diff)
Add Health and Damage Scaling to FD (#359)
- also add dialogue if last player is not ready
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fd.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fd.nut
index a2f95818..5e5692e0 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fd.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fd.nut
@@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ void function GamemodeFD_Init()
+ AddDamageCallback( "player", DamageScaleByDifficulty )
+ AddDamageCallback( "npc_titan", DamageScaleByDifficulty )
+ AddDamageCallback( "npc_turret_sentry", DamageScaleByDifficulty )
+ AddSpawnCallback( "npc_titan", HealthScaleByDifficulty )
+ AddSpawnCallback( "npc_super_spectre", HealthScaleByDifficulty )
AddSpawnCallback("npc_turret_sentry", AddTurretSentry )
@@ -178,11 +184,11 @@ void function OnNpcDeath( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
SetGlobalNetInt( "FD_AICount_Current", file.spawnedNPCs.len() )
string name = victim.GetTargetName()
int aitype = FD_GetAITypeID_ByString(name)
- try
+ try
if (GetGlobalNetInt(FD_GetAINetIndex_byAITypeID( aitype )) > -1)
SetGlobalNetInt(FD_GetAINetIndex_byAITypeID( aitype ), GetGlobalNetInt(FD_GetAINetIndex_byAITypeID( aitype )) - 1) // lower scoreboard number by 1
- }
+ }
catch (exception)
print (exception)
@@ -450,9 +456,6 @@ bool function runWave(int waveIndex,bool shouldDoBuyTime)
- SetGlobalNetInt("FD_AICount_Total", file.spawnedNPCs.len())
- SetGlobalNetInt("FD_AICount_Current", file.spawnedNPCs.len())
float totalDamage = 0.0
@@ -651,6 +654,35 @@ void function OnHarvesterDamaged(entity harvester, var damageInfo)
fd_harvester.lastDamage = Time()
+ int difficultyLevel = FD_GetDifficultyLevel()
+ switch ( difficultyLevel )
+ {
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL: // easy and normal have no damage scaling
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD:
+ {
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, (damageAmount * 1.5) )
+ damageAmount = (damageAmount * 1.5) // for use in health calculations below
+ break
+ }
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
+ {
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, (damageAmount * 2.5) )
+ damageAmount = (damageAmount * 2.5) // for use in health calculations below
+ break
+ }
+ default:
+ unreachable
+ }
float shieldPercent = ( (harvester.GetShieldHealth().tofloat() / harvester.GetShieldHealthMax()) * 100 )
if ( shieldPercent < 100 && !file.harvesterShieldDown)
PlayFactionDialogueToTeam( "fd_baseShieldTakingDmg", TEAM_MILITIA )
@@ -844,9 +876,117 @@ void function FD_DamageByPlayerCallback(entity victim,var damageInfo)
+void function DamageScaleByDifficulty( entity ent, var damageInfo )
+ entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo )
+ if ( !attacker )
+ return
+ if ( ent.GetTeam() != TEAM_MILITIA )
+ return
+ int damageSourceID = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo )
+ float damageAmount = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo )
+ if ( !damageSourceID && !damageAmount )
+ return
+ if ( attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker.GetTeam() == TEAM_IMC ) // in case we ever want a PvP in Frontier Defense, don't scale their damage
+ return
+ int difficultyLevel = FD_GetDifficultyLevel()
+ switch ( difficultyLevel )
+ {
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL: // easy and normal have no damage scaling
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD:
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, (damageAmount * 1.5) )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
+ DamageInfo_SetDamage( damageInfo, (damageAmount * 2.5) )
+ break
+ default:
+ unreachable
+ }
+void function HealthScaleByDifficulty( entity ent )
+ if ( ent.GetTeam() != TEAM_IMC )
+ return
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ if ( IsValid(GetPetTitanOwner( ent ) ) ) // in case we ever want pvp in FD
+ return
+ int difficultyLevel = FD_GetDifficultyLevel()
+ switch ( difficultyLevel )
+ {
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ ent.SetMaxHealth( ent.GetMaxHealth() - 5000 )
+ else
+ ent.SetMaxHealth( ent.GetMaxHealth() - 2000 )
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL:
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ ent.SetMaxHealth( ent.GetMaxHealth() - 2500 )
+ else
+ ent.SetMaxHealth( ent.GetMaxHealth() - 1000 )
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD: // no changes in Hard Mode
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
+ if ( ent.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ ent.SetShieldHealthMax( 2500 ) // apparently they have 0, costs me some time debugging this ffs
+ ent.SetShieldHealth( 2500 )
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ unreachable
+ }
void function FD_createHarvester()
- fd_harvester = SpawnHarvester(file.harvester_info.GetOrigin(),file.harvester_info.GetAngles(),25000,6000,TEAM_MILITIA)
+ int shieldamount = 6000
+ int difficultyLevel = FD_GetDifficultyLevel()
+ switch ( difficultyLevel )
+ {
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.EASY:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.NORMAL: // easy and normal have no shield changes
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.HARD:
+ shieldamount = 5000
+ break
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.MASTER:
+ case eFDDifficultyLevel.INSANE:
+ shieldamount = 4000
+ break
+ default:
+ unreachable
+ }
+ fd_harvester = SpawnHarvester(file.harvester_info.GetOrigin(),file.harvester_info.GetAngles(),25000,shieldamount,TEAM_MILITIA)
fd_harvester.harvester.Minimap_SetAlignUpright( true )
fd_harvester.harvester.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_IMC, null )
fd_harvester.harvester.Minimap_AlwaysShow( TEAM_MILITIA, null )
@@ -975,12 +1115,29 @@ bool function allPlayersReady()
return true
+void function CheckLastPlayerReady()
+ int readyplayers = 0
+ entity notready
+ foreach(entity player in GetPlayerArray())
+ {
+ if(player.GetPlayerNetBool("FD_readyForNextWave"))
+ readyplayers++
+ else
+ notready = player // keep a track of this player
+ }
+ if (readyplayers == GetPlayerArray().len() - 1)
+ PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( "fd_playerNeedsToReadyUp", notready ) // ready up i swear there's one player like this in every match i've played
bool function ClientCommandCallbackToggleReady( entity player, array<string> args )
+ CheckLastPlayerReady()
return true