#include #include #include #include "squirrel/squirrel.h" #include "util/utils.h" #include "mods/modmanager.h" #include "modsavefiles.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" #include "config/profile.h" #include "core/tier0.h" #include "rapidjson/error/en.h" #include "scripts/scriptjson.h" SaveFileManager* g_pSaveFileManager; int MAX_FOLDER_SIZE = 52428800; // 50MB (50 * 1024 * 1024) fs::path savePath; /// /// The directory we want the size of. /// The file we're excluding from the calculation. /// The size of the contents of the current directory, excluding a specific file. uintmax_t GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(fs::path dir, std::string file) { uintmax_t result = 0; for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(dir)) { if (entry.path().filename() == file) continue; // fs::file_size may not work on directories - but does in some cases. // per cppreference.com, it's "implementation-defined". try { result += fs::file_size(entry.path()); } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) { if (entry.is_directory()) { result += GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(entry.path(), ""); } } } return result; } uintmax_t GetSizeOfFolder(fs::path dir) { uintmax_t result = 0; for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(dir)) { // fs::file_size may not work on directories - but does in some cases. // per cppreference.com, it's "implementation-defined". try { result += fs::file_size(entry.path()); } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) { if (entry.is_directory()) { result += GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(entry.path(), ""); } } } return result; } // Saves a file asynchronously. template void SaveFileManager::SaveFileAsync(fs::path file, std::string contents) { auto mutex = std::ref(fileMutex); std::thread writeThread( [mutex, file, contents]() { try { mutex.get().lock(); fs::path dir = file.parent_path(); // this actually allows mods to go over the limit, but not by much // the limit is to prevent mods from taking gigabytes of space, // we don't need to be particularly strict. if (GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(dir, file.filename().string()) + contents.length() > MAX_FOLDER_SIZE) { // tbh, you're either trying to fill the hard drive or use so much data, you SHOULD be congratulated. spdlog::error(fmt::format("Mod spamming save requests? Folder limit bypassed despite previous checks. Not saving.")); mutex.get().unlock(); return; } std::ofstream fileStr(file); if (fileStr.fail()) { mutex.get().unlock(); return; } fileStr.write(contents.c_str(), contents.length()); fileStr.close(); mutex.get().unlock(); // side-note: this causes a leak? // when a file is added to the map, it's never removed. // no idea how to fix this - because we have no way to check if there are other threads waiting to use this file(?) // tried to use m.try_lock(), but it's unreliable, it seems. } catch (std::exception ex) { spdlog::error("SAVE FAILED!"); mutex.get().unlock(); spdlog::error(ex.what()); } }); writeThread.detach(); } // Loads a file asynchronously. template int SaveFileManager::LoadFileAsync(fs::path file) { int handle = ++m_iLastRequestHandle; auto mutex = std::ref(fileMutex); std::thread readThread( [mutex, file, handle]() { try { mutex.get().lock(); std::ifstream fileStr(file); if (fileStr.fail()) { spdlog::error("A file was supposed to be loaded but we can't access it?!"); g_pSquirrel->AsyncCall("NSHandleLoadResult", handle, false, ""); mutex.get().unlock(); return; } std::stringstream stringStream; stringStream << fileStr.rdbuf(); g_pSquirrel->AsyncCall("NSHandleLoadResult", handle, true, stringStream.str()); fileStr.close(); mutex.get().unlock(); // side-note: this causes a leak? // when a file is added to the map, it's never removed. // no idea how to fix this - because we have no way to check if there are other threads waiting to use this file(?) // tried to use m.try_lock(), but it's unreliable, it seems. } catch (std::exception ex) { spdlog::error("LOAD FAILED!"); g_pSquirrel->AsyncCall("NSHandleLoadResult", handle, false, ""); mutex.get().unlock(); spdlog::error(ex.what()); } }); readThread.detach(); return handle; } // Deletes a file asynchronously. template void SaveFileManager::DeleteFileAsync(fs::path file) { // P.S. I don't like how we have to async delete calls but we do. auto m = std::ref(fileMutex); std::thread deleteThread( [m, file]() { try { m.get().lock(); fs::remove(file); m.get().unlock(); // side-note: this causes a leak? // when a file is added to the map, it's never removed. // no idea how to fix this - because we have no way to check if there are other threads waiting to use this file(?) // tried to use m.try_lock(), but it's unreliable, it seems. } catch (std::exception ex) { spdlog::error("DELETE FAILED!"); m.get().unlock(); spdlog::error(ex.what()); } }); deleteThread.detach(); } // Checks if a file contains null characters. bool ContainsInvalidChars(std::string str) { // we don't allow null characters either, even if they're ASCII characters because idk if people can // use it to circumvent the file extension suffix. return std::any_of(str.begin(), str.end(), [](char c) { return c == '\0'; }); } // Checks if the relative path (param) remains inside the mod directory (dir). // Paths are restricted to ASCII because encoding is fucked and we decided we won't bother. bool IsPathSafe(const std::string param, fs::path dir) { try { auto const normRoot = fs::weakly_canonical(dir); auto const normChild = fs::weakly_canonical(dir / param); auto itr = std::search(normChild.begin(), normChild.end(), normRoot.begin(), normRoot.end()); // we return if the file is safe (inside the directory) and uses only ASCII chars in the path. return itr == normChild.begin() && std::none_of( param.begin(), param.end(), [](char c) { unsigned char unsignedC = static_cast(c); return unsignedC > 127 || unsignedC < 0; }); } catch (fs::filesystem_error err) { return false; } } // void NSSaveFile( string file, string data ) ADD_SQFUNC("void", NSSaveFile, "string file, string data", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); if (mod == nullptr) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, "Has to be called from a mod function!"); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } std::string content = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 2); if (ContainsInvalidChars(content)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format("File contents may not contain NUL/\\0 characters! Make sure your strings are valid!", mod->Name).c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } fs::create_directories(dir); // this actually allows mods to go over the limit, but not by much // the limit is to prevent mods from taking gigabytes of space, // this ain't a cloud service. if (GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(dir, fileName) + content.length() > MAX_FOLDER_SIZE) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "The mod {} has reached the maximum folder size.\n\nAsk the mod developer to optimize their data usage," "or increase the maximum folder size using the -maxfoldersize launch parameter.", mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } g_pSaveFileManager->SaveFileAsync(dir / fileName, content); return SQRESULT_NULL; } // void NSSaveJSONFile(string file, table data) ADD_SQFUNC("void", NSSaveJSONFile, "string file, table data", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); if (mod == nullptr) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, "Has to be called from a mod function!"); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } // Note - this cannot be done in the async func since the table may get garbage collected. // This means that especially large tables may still clog up the system. std::string content = EncodeJSON(sqvm); if (ContainsInvalidChars(content)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format("File contents may not contain NUL/\\0 characters! Make sure your strings are valid!", mod->Name).c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } fs::create_directories(dir); // this actually allows mods to go over the limit, but not by much // the limit is to prevent mods from taking gigabytes of space, // this ain't a cloud service. if (GetSizeOfFolderContentsMinusFile(dir, fileName) + content.length() > MAX_FOLDER_SIZE) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "The mod {} has reached the maximum folder size.\n\nAsk the mod developer to optimize their data usage," "or increase the maximum folder size using the -maxfoldersize launch parameter.", mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } g_pSaveFileManager->SaveFileAsync(dir / fileName, content); return SQRESULT_NULL; } // int NS_InternalLoadFile(string file) ADD_SQFUNC("int", NS_InternalLoadFile, "string file", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm, 1); // the function that called NSLoadFile :) if (mod == nullptr) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, "Has to be called from a mod function!"); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } g_pSquirrel->pushinteger(sqvm, g_pSaveFileManager->LoadFileAsync(dir / fileName)); return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } // bool NSDoesFileExist(string file) ADD_SQFUNC("bool", NSDoesFileExist, "string file", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } g_pSquirrel->pushbool(sqvm, fs::exists(dir / (fileName))); return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } // int NSGetFileSize(string file) ADD_SQFUNC("int", NSGetFileSize, "string file", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } try { // throws if file does not exist // we don't want stuff such as "file does not exist, file is unavailable" to be lethal, so we just try/catch fs errors g_pSquirrel->pushinteger(sqvm, (int)(fs::file_size(dir / fileName) / 1024)); } catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error const& ex) { spdlog::error("GET FILE SIZE FAILED! Is the path valid?"); g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, ex.what()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } // void NSDeleteFile(string file) ADD_SQFUNC("void", NSDeleteFile, "string file", "", ScriptContext::SERVER | ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string fileName = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); if (!IsPathSafe(fileName, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", fileName, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } g_pSaveFileManager->DeleteFileAsync(dir / fileName); return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } // The param is not optional because that causes issues :) ADD_SQFUNC("array", NS_InternalGetAllFiles, "string path", "", ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI | ScriptContext::SERVER) { // depth 1 because this should always get called from Northstar.Custom Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm, 1); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string pathStr = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); fs::path path = dir; if (pathStr != "") path = dir / pathStr; if (!IsPathSafe(pathStr, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", pathStr, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } try { g_pSquirrel->newarray(sqvm, 0); for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { g_pSquirrel->pushstring(sqvm, entry.path().filename().string().c_str()); g_pSquirrel->arrayappend(sqvm, -2); } return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } catch (std::exception ex) { spdlog::error("DIR ITERATE FAILED! Is the path valid?"); g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, ex.what()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } } ADD_SQFUNC("bool", NSIsFolder, "string path", "", ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI | ScriptContext::SERVER) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); std::string pathStr = g_pSquirrel->getstring(sqvm, 1); fs::path path = dir; if (pathStr != "") path = dir / pathStr; if (!IsPathSafe(pathStr, dir)) { g_pSquirrel->raiseerror( sqvm, fmt::format( "File name invalid ({})! Make sure it does not contain any non-ASCII character, and results in a path inside your mod's " "save folder.", pathStr, mod->Name) .c_str()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } try { g_pSquirrel->pushbool(sqvm, fs::is_directory(path)); return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } catch (std::exception ex) { spdlog::error("DIR READ FAILED! Is the path valid?"); spdlog::info(path.string()); g_pSquirrel->raiseerror(sqvm, ex.what()); return SQRESULT_ERROR; } } // side note, expensive. ADD_SQFUNC("int", NSGetTotalSpaceRemaining, "", "", ScriptContext::CLIENT | ScriptContext::UI | ScriptContext::SERVER) { Mod* mod = g_pSquirrel->getcallingmod(sqvm); fs::path dir = savePath / fs::path(mod->m_ModDirectory).filename(); g_pSquirrel->pushinteger(sqvm, (MAX_FOLDER_SIZE - GetSizeOfFolder(dir)) / 1024); return SQRESULT_NOTNULL; } // ok, I'm just gonna explain what the fuck is going on here because this // is the pinnacle of my stupidity and I do not want to touch this ever // again, yet someone will eventually have to maintain this. template std::string EncodeJSON(HSQUIRRELVM sqvm) { // new rapidjson rapidjson_document doc; doc.SetObject(); // get the SECOND param SQTable* table = sqvm->_stackOfCurrentFunction[2]._VAL.asTable; // take the table and copy it's contents over into the rapidjson_document EncodeJSONTable(table, &doc, doc.GetAllocator()); // convert JSON document to string rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer writer(buffer); doc.Accept(writer); // return the converted string return buffer.GetString(); } ON_DLL_LOAD("engine.dll", ModSaveFFiles_Init, (CModule module)) { savePath = fs::path(GetNorthstarPrefix()) / "save_data"; g_pSaveFileManager = new SaveFileManager; int parm = CommandLine()->FindParm("-maxfoldersize"); if (parm) MAX_FOLDER_SIZE = std::stoi(CommandLine()->GetParm(parm)); } int GetMaxSaveFolderSize() { return MAX_FOLDER_SIZE; }