#include "filesystem.h" #include "core/tier1.h" #include "mods/modmanager.h" #include #include bool bReadingOriginalFile = false; std::string sCurrentModPath; ConVar* Cvar_ns_fs_log_reads; IFileSystem* g_pFilesystem; std::string ReadVPKFile(const char* path) { // read scripts.rson file, todo: check if this can be overwritten FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFilesystem->m_vtable2->Open(&g_pFilesystem->m_vtable2, path, "rb", "GAME", 0); std::stringstream fileStream; int bytesRead = 0; char data[4096]; do { bytesRead = g_pFilesystem->m_vtable2->Read(&g_pFilesystem->m_vtable2, data, (int)std::size(data), fileHandle); fileStream.write(data, bytesRead); } while (bytesRead == std::size(data)); g_pFilesystem->m_vtable2->Close(g_pFilesystem, fileHandle); return fileStream.str(); } std::string ReadVPKOriginalFile(const char* path) { // todo: should probably set search path to be g_pModName here also bReadingOriginalFile = true; std::string ret = ReadVPKFile(path); bReadingOriginalFile = false; return ret; } static void(__fastcall* o_pAddSearchPath)(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pPath, const char* pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType) = nullptr; static void __fastcall h_AddSearchPath(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pPath, const char* pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType) { o_pAddSearchPath(fileSystem, pPath, pathID, addType); // make sure current mod paths are at head if (!strcmp(pathID, "GAME") && sCurrentModPath.compare(pPath) && addType == PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD) { o_pAddSearchPath(fileSystem, sCurrentModPath.c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD); o_pAddSearchPath(fileSystem, GetCompiledAssetsPath().string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD); } } void SetNewModSearchPaths(Mod* mod) { // put our new path to the head if we need to read from a different mod path // in the future we could also determine whether the file we're setting paths for needs a mod dir, or compiled assets if (mod != nullptr) { if ((fs::absolute(mod->m_ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string().compare(sCurrentModPath)) { o_pAddSearchPath( g_pFilesystem, (fs::absolute(mod->m_ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD); sCurrentModPath = (fs::absolute(mod->m_ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string(); } } else // push compiled to head o_pAddSearchPath(g_pFilesystem, fs::absolute(GetCompiledAssetsPath()).string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD); } bool TryReplaceFile(const char* pPath, bool shouldCompile) { if (bReadingOriginalFile) return false; if (shouldCompile) g_pModManager->CompileAssetsForFile(pPath); // idk how efficient the lexically normal check is // can't just set all /s in path to \, since some paths aren't in writeable memory auto file = g_pModManager->m_ModFiles.find(g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(fs::path(pPath))); if (file != g_pModManager->m_ModFiles.end()) { SetNewModSearchPaths(file->second.m_pOwningMod); return true; } return false; } // force modded files to be read from mods, not cache static bool(__fastcall* o_pReadFromCache)(IFileSystem* filesystem, char* pPath, void* result) = nullptr; static bool __fastcall h_ReadFromCache(IFileSystem* filesystem, char* pPath, void* result) { if (TryReplaceFile(pPath, true)) return false; return o_pReadFromCache(filesystem, pPath, result); } static FileHandle_t(__fastcall* o_pReadFileFromVPK)(VPKData* vpkInfo, uint64_t* b, char* filename) = nullptr; static FileHandle_t __fastcall h_ReadFileFromVPK(VPKData* vpkInfo, uint64_t* b, char* filename) { // don't compile here because this is only ever called from OpenEx, which already compiles if (TryReplaceFile(filename, false)) { *b = -1; return b; } return o_pReadFileFromVPK(vpkInfo, b, filename); } static FileHandle_t(__fastcall* o_pCBaseFileSystem__OpenEx)( IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* pPath, const char* pOptions, uint32_t flags, const char* pPathID, char** ppszResolvedFilename) = nullptr; static FileHandle_t __fastcall h_CBaseFileSystem__OpenEx( IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* pPath, const char* pOptions, uint32_t flags, const char* pPathID, char** ppszResolvedFilename) { TryReplaceFile(pPath, true); return o_pCBaseFileSystem__OpenEx(filesystem, pPath, pOptions, flags, pPathID, ppszResolvedFilename); } static VPKData* (*o_pMountVPK)(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pVpkPath) = nullptr; static VPKData* h_MountVPK(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pVpkPath) { NS::log::fs->info("MountVPK {}", pVpkPath); VPKData* ret = o_pMountVPK(fileSystem, pVpkPath); for (Mod mod : g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods) { if (!mod.m_bEnabled) continue; for (ModVPKEntry& vpkEntry : mod.Vpks) { // if we're autoloading, just load no matter what if (!vpkEntry.m_bAutoLoad) { // resolve vpk name and try to load one with the same name // todo: we should be unloading these on map unload manually std::string mapName(fs::path(pVpkPath).filename().string()); std::string modMapName(fs::path(vpkEntry.m_sVpkPath.c_str()).filename().string()); if (mapName.compare(modMapName)) continue; } VPKData* loaded = o_pMountVPK(fileSystem, vpkEntry.m_sVpkPath.c_str()); if (!ret) // this is primarily for map vpks and stuff, so the map's vpk is what gets returned from here ret = loaded; } } return ret; } ON_DLL_LOAD("filesystem_stdio.dll", Filesystem, (CModule module)) { o_pReadFileFromVPK = module.Offset(0x5CBA0).RCast(); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pReadFileFromVPK, (PVOID)h_ReadFileFromVPK); o_pCBaseFileSystem__OpenEx = module.Offset(0x15F50).RCast(); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pCBaseFileSystem__OpenEx, (PVOID)h_CBaseFileSystem__OpenEx); g_pFilesystem = Sys_GetFactoryPtr("filesystem_stdio.dll", "VFileSystem017").RCast(); o_pAddSearchPath = reinterpret_cast(g_pFilesystem->m_vtable->AddSearchPath); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pAddSearchPath, (PVOID)h_AddSearchPath); o_pReadFromCache = reinterpret_cast(g_pFilesystem->m_vtable->ReadFromCache); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pReadFromCache, (PVOID)h_ReadFromCache); o_pMountVPK = reinterpret_cast(g_pFilesystem->m_vtable->MountVPK); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pMountVPK, (PVOID)h_MountVPK); }