#include "localchatwriter.h" class vgui_BaseRichText_vtable; class vgui_BaseRichText { public: vgui_BaseRichText_vtable* vtable; }; class vgui_BaseRichText_vtable { public: char unknown1[1880]; void(__fastcall* InsertChar)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, wchar_t ch); // yes these are swapped from the Source 2013 code, who knows why void(__fastcall* InsertStringWide)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, const wchar_t* wszText); void(__fastcall* InsertStringAnsi)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, const char* text); void(__fastcall* SelectNone)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* SelectAllText)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* SelectNoText)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* CutSelected)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* CopySelected)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* SetPanelInteractive)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, bool bInteractive); void(__fastcall* SetUnusedScrollbarInvisible)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, bool bInvis); void* unknown2; void(__fastcall* GotoTextStart)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* GotoTextEnd)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void* unknown3[3]; void(__fastcall* SetVerticalScrollbar)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, bool state); void(__fastcall* SetMaximumCharCount)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, int maxChars); void(__fastcall* InsertColorChange)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, Color col); void(__fastcall* InsertIndentChange)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, int pixelsIndent); void(__fastcall* InsertClickableTextStart)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, const char* pchClickAction); void(__fastcall* InsertClickableTextEnd)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); void(__fastcall* InsertPossibleURLString)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, const char* text, Color URLTextColor, Color normalTextColor); void(__fastcall* InsertFade)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, float flSustain, float flLength); void(__fastcall* ResetAllFades)(vgui_BaseRichText* self, bool bHold, bool bOnlyExpired, float flNewSustain); void(__fastcall* SetToFullHeight)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); int(__fastcall* GetNumLines)(vgui_BaseRichText* self); }; class CGameSettings { public: char unknown1[92]; int isChatEnabled; }; // Not sure what this actually refers to but chatFadeLength and chatFadeSustain // have their value at the same offset class CGameFloatVar { public: char unknown1[88]; float value; }; CGameSettings** gGameSettings; CGameFloatVar** gChatFadeLength; CGameFloatVar** gChatFadeSustain; CHudChat** CHudChat::allHuds; typedef void(__fastcall* ConvertANSIToUnicodeType)(LPCSTR ansi, int ansiCharLength, LPWSTR unicode, int unicodeCharLength); ConvertANSIToUnicodeType ConvertANSIToUnicode; LocalChatWriter::SwatchColor swatchColors[4] = { LocalChatWriter::MainTextColor, LocalChatWriter::SameTeamNameColor, LocalChatWriter::EnemyTeamNameColor, LocalChatWriter::NetworkNameColor, }; Color darkColors[8] = { Color {0, 0, 0, 255}, Color {205, 49, 49, 255}, Color {13, 188, 121, 255}, Color {229, 229, 16, 255}, Color {36, 114, 200, 255}, Color {188, 63, 188, 255}, Color {17, 168, 205, 255}, Color {229, 229, 229, 255}}; Color lightColors[8] = { Color {102, 102, 102, 255}, Color {241, 76, 76, 255}, Color {35, 209, 139, 255}, Color {245, 245, 67, 255}, Color {59, 142, 234, 255}, Color {214, 112, 214, 255}, Color {41, 184, 219, 255}, Color {255, 255, 255, 255}}; class AnsiEscapeParser { public: explicit AnsiEscapeParser(LocalChatWriter* writer) : m_writer(writer) { } void HandleVal(unsigned long val) { switch (m_next) { case Next::ControlType: m_next = HandleControlType(val); break; case Next::ForegroundType: m_next = HandleForegroundType(val); break; case Next::Foreground8Bit: m_next = HandleForeground8Bit(val); break; case Next::ForegroundR: m_next = HandleForegroundR(val); break; case Next::ForegroundG: m_next = HandleForegroundG(val); break; case Next::ForegroundB: m_next = HandleForegroundB(val); break; } } private: enum class Next { ControlType, ForegroundType, Foreground8Bit, ForegroundR, ForegroundG, ForegroundB }; LocalChatWriter* m_writer; Next m_next = Next::ControlType; Color m_expandedColor {0, 0, 0, 0}; Next HandleControlType(unsigned long val) { // Reset if (val == 0 || val == 39) { m_writer->InsertSwatchColorChange(LocalChatWriter::MainTextColor); return Next::ControlType; } // Dark foreground color if (val >= 30 && val < 38) { m_writer->InsertColorChange(darkColors[val - 30]); return Next::ControlType; } // Light foreground color if (val >= 90 && val < 98) { m_writer->InsertColorChange(lightColors[val - 90]); return Next::ControlType; } // Game swatch color if (val >= 110 && val < 114) { m_writer->InsertSwatchColorChange(swatchColors[val - 110]); return Next::ControlType; } // Expanded foreground color if (val == 38) { return Next::ForegroundType; } return Next::ControlType; } Next HandleForegroundType(unsigned long val) { // Next values are r,g,b if (val == 2) { m_expandedColor.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); return Next::ForegroundR; } // Next value is 8-bit swatch color if (val == 5) { return Next::Foreground8Bit; } // Invalid return Next::ControlType; } Next HandleForeground8Bit(unsigned long val) { if (val < 8) { m_writer->InsertColorChange(darkColors[val]); } else if (val < 16) { m_writer->InsertColorChange(lightColors[val - 8]); } else if (val < 232) { unsigned char code = val - 16; unsigned char blue = code % 6; unsigned char green = ((code - blue) / 6) % 6; unsigned char red = (code - blue - (green * 6)) / 36; m_writer->InsertColorChange(Color {(unsigned char)(red * 51), (unsigned char)(green * 51), (unsigned char)(blue * 51), 255}); } else if (val < UCHAR_MAX) { unsigned char brightness = (val - 232) * 10 + 8; m_writer->InsertColorChange(Color {brightness, brightness, brightness, 255}); } return Next::ControlType; } Next HandleForegroundR(unsigned long val) { if (val >= UCHAR_MAX) return Next::ControlType; m_expandedColor[0] = (unsigned char)val; return Next::ForegroundG; } Next HandleForegroundG(unsigned long val) { if (val >= UCHAR_MAX) return Next::ControlType; m_expandedColor[1] = (unsigned char)val; return Next::ForegroundB; } Next HandleForegroundB(unsigned long val) { if (val >= UCHAR_MAX) return Next::ControlType; m_expandedColor[2] = (unsigned char)val; m_writer->InsertColorChange(m_expandedColor); return Next::ControlType; } }; LocalChatWriter::LocalChatWriter(Context context) : m_context(context) { } void LocalChatWriter::Write(const char* str) { char writeBuffer[256]; while (true) { const char* startOfEscape = strstr(str, "\033["); if (startOfEscape == NULL) { // No more escape sequences, write the remaining text and exit InsertText(str); break; } if (startOfEscape != str) { // There is some text before the escape sequence, just print that size_t copyChars = startOfEscape - str; if (copyChars > 255) copyChars = 255; strncpy_s(writeBuffer, copyChars + 1, str, copyChars); InsertText(writeBuffer); } const char* escape = startOfEscape + 2; str = ApplyAnsiEscape(escape); } } void LocalChatWriter::WriteLine(const char* str) { InsertChar(L'\n'); InsertSwatchColorChange(MainTextColor); Write(str); } void LocalChatWriter::InsertChar(wchar_t ch) { for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertChar(hud->m_richText, ch); } if (ch != L'\n') { InsertDefaultFade(); } } void LocalChatWriter::InsertText(const char* str) { spdlog::info(str); WCHAR messageUnicode[288]; ConvertANSIToUnicode(str, -1, messageUnicode, 274); for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertStringWide(hud->m_richText, messageUnicode); } InsertDefaultFade(); } void LocalChatWriter::InsertText(const wchar_t* str) { for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertStringWide(hud->m_richText, str); } InsertDefaultFade(); } void LocalChatWriter::InsertColorChange(Color color) { for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertColorChange(hud->m_richText, color); } } static Color GetHudSwatchColor(CHudChat* hud, LocalChatWriter::SwatchColor swatchColor) { switch (swatchColor) { case LocalChatWriter::MainTextColor: return hud->m_mainTextColor; case LocalChatWriter::SameTeamNameColor: return hud->m_sameTeamColor; case LocalChatWriter::EnemyTeamNameColor: return hud->m_enemyTeamColor; case LocalChatWriter::NetworkNameColor: return hud->m_networkNameColor; } return Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } void LocalChatWriter::InsertSwatchColorChange(SwatchColor swatchColor) { for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertColorChange(hud->m_richText, GetHudSwatchColor(hud, swatchColor)); } } const char* LocalChatWriter::ApplyAnsiEscape(const char* escape) { AnsiEscapeParser decoder(this); while (true) { char* afterControlType = NULL; unsigned long controlType = strtoul(escape, &afterControlType, 10); // Malformed cases: // afterControlType = NULL: strtoul errored // controlType = 0 and escape doesn't actually start with 0: wasn't a number if (afterControlType == NULL || (controlType == 0 && escape[0] != '0')) { return escape; } decoder.HandleVal(controlType); // m indicates the end of the sequence if (afterControlType[0] == 'm') { return afterControlType + 1; } // : or ; indicates more values remain, anything else is malformed if (afterControlType[0] != ':' && afterControlType[0] != ';') { return afterControlType; } escape = afterControlType + 1; } } void LocalChatWriter::InsertDefaultFade() { float fadeLength = 0.f; float fadeSustain = 0.f; if ((*gGameSettings)->isChatEnabled) { fadeLength = (*gChatFadeLength)->value; fadeSustain = (*gChatFadeSustain)->value; } for (CHudChat* hud = *CHudChat::allHuds; hud != NULL; hud = hud->next) { if (hud->m_unknownContext != (int)m_context) continue; hud->m_richText->vtable->InsertFade(hud->m_richText, fadeSustain, fadeLength); } } ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT("client.dll", LocalChatWriter, (CModule module)) { gGameSettings = module.Offset(0x11BAA48).RCast(); gChatFadeLength = module.Offset(0x11BAB78).RCast(); gChatFadeSustain = module.Offset(0x11BAC08).RCast(); CHudChat::allHuds = module.Offset(0x11BA9E8).RCast(); ConvertANSIToUnicode = module.Offset(0x7339A0).RCast(); }