#include "debugoverlay.h" #include "dedicated/dedicated.h" #include "core/convar/cvar.h" #include "core/math/vector.h" #include "server/ai_helper.h" enum OverlayType_t { OVERLAY_BOX = 0, OVERLAY_SPHERE, OVERLAY_LINE, OVERLAY_SMARTAMMO, OVERLAY_TRIANGLE, OVERLAY_SWEPT_BOX, // [Fifty]: the 2 bellow i did not confirm, rest are good OVERLAY_BOX2, OVERLAY_CAPSULE }; struct OverlayBase_t { OverlayBase_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_BOX; m_nServerCount = -1; m_nCreationTick = -1; m_flEndTime = 0.0f; m_pNextOverlay = NULL; } OverlayType_t m_Type; // What type of overlay is it? int m_nCreationTick; // Duration -1 means go away after this frame # int m_nServerCount; // Latch server count, too float m_flEndTime; // When does this box go away OverlayBase_t* m_pNextOverlay; __int64 m_pUnk; }; struct OverlayLine_t : public OverlayBase_t { OverlayLine_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_LINE; } Vector3 origin; Vector3 dest; int r; int g; int b; int a; bool noDepthTest; }; struct OverlayBox_t : public OverlayBase_t { OverlayBox_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_BOX; } Vector3 origin; Vector3 mins; Vector3 maxs; QAngle angles; int r; int g; int b; int a; }; struct OverlayTriangle_t : public OverlayBase_t { OverlayTriangle_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_TRIANGLE; } Vector3 p1; Vector3 p2; Vector3 p3; int r; int g; int b; int a; bool noDepthTest; }; struct OverlaySweptBox_t : public OverlayBase_t { OverlaySweptBox_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_SWEPT_BOX; } Vector3 start; Vector3 end; Vector3 mins; Vector3 maxs; QAngle angles; int r; int g; int b; int a; }; struct OverlaySphere_t : public OverlayBase_t { OverlaySphere_t() { m_Type = OVERLAY_SPHERE; } Vector3 vOrigin; float flRadius; int nTheta; int nPhi; int r; int g; int b; int a; bool m_bWireframe; }; static bool (*OverlayBase_t__IsDead)(OverlayBase_t* a1); static void (*OverlayBase_t__DestroyOverlay)(OverlayBase_t* a1); static ConVar* Cvar_enable_debug_overlays; LPCRITICAL_SECTION s_OverlayMutex; OverlayBase_t** s_pOverlays; int* g_nRenderTickCount; int* g_nOverlayTickCount; static void(__fastcall* o_pDrawOverlay)(OverlayBase_t* pOverlay) = nullptr; static void __fastcall h_DrawOverlay(OverlayBase_t* pOverlay) { EnterCriticalSection(s_OverlayMutex); switch (pOverlay->m_Type) { case OVERLAY_SMARTAMMO: case OVERLAY_LINE: { OverlayLine_t* pLine = static_cast(pOverlay); RenderLine(pLine->origin, pLine->dest, Color(pLine->r, pLine->g, pLine->b, pLine->a), pLine->noDepthTest); } break; case OVERLAY_BOX: { OverlayBox_t* pCurrBox = static_cast(pOverlay); if (pCurrBox->a > 0) { RenderBox( pCurrBox->origin, pCurrBox->angles, pCurrBox->mins, pCurrBox->maxs, Color(pCurrBox->r, pCurrBox->g, pCurrBox->b, pCurrBox->a), false, false); } if (pCurrBox->a < 255) { RenderWireframeBox( pCurrBox->origin, pCurrBox->angles, pCurrBox->mins, pCurrBox->maxs, Color(pCurrBox->r, pCurrBox->g, pCurrBox->b, 255), false, false); } } break; case OVERLAY_TRIANGLE: { OverlayTriangle_t* pTriangle = static_cast(pOverlay); RenderTriangle( pTriangle->p1, pTriangle->p2, pTriangle->p3, Color(pTriangle->r, pTriangle->g, pTriangle->b, pTriangle->a), pTriangle->noDepthTest); } break; case OVERLAY_SWEPT_BOX: { OverlaySweptBox_t* pBox = static_cast(pOverlay); RenderWireframeSweptBox( pBox->start, pBox->end, pBox->angles, pBox->mins, pBox->maxs, Color(pBox->r, pBox->g, pBox->b, pBox->a), false); } break; case OVERLAY_SPHERE: { OverlaySphere_t* pSphere = static_cast(pOverlay); RenderSphere( pSphere->vOrigin, pSphere->flRadius, pSphere->nTheta, pSphere->nPhi, Color(pSphere->r, pSphere->g, pSphere->b, pSphere->a), false); } break; default: { spdlog::warn("Unimplemented overlay type {}", pOverlay->m_Type); } break; } LeaveCriticalSection(s_OverlayMutex); } static void(__fastcall* o_pDrawAllOverlays)(bool bRender) = nullptr; static void __fastcall h_DrawAllOverlays(bool bRender) { EnterCriticalSection(s_OverlayMutex); OverlayBase_t* pCurrOverlay = *s_pOverlays; // rbx OverlayBase_t* pPrevOverlay = nullptr; // rsi OverlayBase_t* pNextOverlay = nullptr; // rdi int m_nCreationTick; // eax bool bShouldDraw; // zf int m_pUnk; // eax while (pCurrOverlay) { if (OverlayBase_t__IsDead(pCurrOverlay)) { if (pPrevOverlay) { pPrevOverlay->m_pNextOverlay = pCurrOverlay->m_pNextOverlay; } else { *s_pOverlays = pCurrOverlay->m_pNextOverlay; } pNextOverlay = pCurrOverlay->m_pNextOverlay; OverlayBase_t__DestroyOverlay(pCurrOverlay); pCurrOverlay = pNextOverlay; } else { if (pCurrOverlay->m_nCreationTick == -1) { m_pUnk = pCurrOverlay->m_pUnk; if (m_pUnk == -1) { bShouldDraw = true; } else { bShouldDraw = m_pUnk == *g_nOverlayTickCount; } } else { bShouldDraw = pCurrOverlay->m_nCreationTick == *g_nRenderTickCount; } if (bShouldDraw && bRender && (Cvar_enable_debug_overlays->GetBool() || pCurrOverlay->m_Type == OVERLAY_SMARTAMMO)) { h_DrawOverlay(pCurrOverlay); } pPrevOverlay = pCurrOverlay; pCurrOverlay = pCurrOverlay->m_pNextOverlay; } } if (bRender && Cvar_enable_debug_overlays->GetBool()) { g_pAIHelper->DrawNavmeshPolys(); } LeaveCriticalSection(s_OverlayMutex); } ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT_RELIESON("engine.dll", DebugOverlay, ConVar, (CModule module)) { o_pDrawOverlay = module.Offset(0xABCB0).RCast(); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pDrawOverlay, (PVOID)h_DrawOverlay); o_pDrawAllOverlays = module.Offset(0xAB780).RCast(); HookAttach(&(PVOID&)o_pDrawAllOverlays, (PVOID)h_DrawAllOverlays); OverlayBase_t__IsDead = module.Offset(0xACAC0).RCast(); OverlayBase_t__DestroyOverlay = module.Offset(0xAB680).RCast(); RenderLine = module.Offset(0x192A70).RCast(); RenderBox = module.Offset(0x192520).RCast(); RenderWireframeBox = module.Offset(0x193DA0).RCast(); RenderWireframeSweptBox = module.Offset(0x1945A0).RCast(); RenderTriangle = module.Offset(0x193940).RCast(); RenderAxis = module.Offset(0x1924D0).RCast(); RenderSphere = module.Offset(0x194170).RCast(); RenderUnknown = module.Offset(0x1924E0).RCast(); s_OverlayMutex = module.Offset(0x10DB0A38).RCast(); s_pOverlays = module.Offset(0x10DB0968).RCast(); g_nRenderTickCount = module.Offset(0x10DB0984).RCast(); g_nOverlayTickCount = module.Offset(0x10DB0980).RCast(); // not in g_pCVar->FindVar by this point for whatever reason, so have to get from memory Cvar_enable_debug_overlays = module.Offset(0x10DB0990).RCast(); Cvar_enable_debug_overlays->SetValue(false); Cvar_enable_debug_overlays->m_pszDefaultValue = (char*)"0"; Cvar_enable_debug_overlays->AddFlags(FCVAR_CHEAT); }