#include "loader.h" #include <string> #include <system_error> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <filesystem> #include <iostream> namespace fs = std::filesystem; void LibraryLoadError(DWORD dwMessageId, const wchar_t* libName, const wchar_t* location) { char text[4096]; std::string message = std::system_category().message(dwMessageId); sprintf_s(text, "Failed to load the %ls at \"%ls\" (%lu):\n\n%hs", libName, location, dwMessageId, message.c_str()); if (dwMessageId == 126 && std::filesystem::exists(location)) { sprintf_s( text, "%s\n\nThe file at the specified location DOES exist, so this error indicates that one of its *dependencies* failed to be " "found.", text); } MessageBoxA(GetForegroundWindow(), text, "Northstar Wsock32 Proxy Error", 0); } bool ShouldLoadNorthstar() { bool loadNorthstar = strstr(GetCommandLineA(), "-northstar"); if (loadNorthstar) return loadNorthstar; auto runNorthstarFile = std::ifstream("run_northstar.txt"); if (runNorthstarFile) { std::stringstream runNorthstarFileBuffer; runNorthstarFileBuffer << runNorthstarFile.rdbuf(); runNorthstarFile.close(); if (!runNorthstarFileBuffer.str().starts_with("0")) loadNorthstar = true; } return loadNorthstar; } bool LoadNorthstar() { FARPROC Hook_Init = nullptr; { std::string strProfile = "R2Northstar"; char* clachar = strstr(GetCommandLineA(), "-profile="); if (clachar) { std::string cla = std::string(clachar); if (strncmp(cla.substr(9, 1).c_str(), "\"", 1)) { int space = cla.find(" "); std::string dirname = cla.substr(9, space - 9); std::cout << "[*] Found profile in command line arguments: " << dirname << std::endl; strProfile = dirname.c_str(); } else { std::string quote = "\""; int quote1 = cla.find(quote); int quote2 = (cla.substr(quote1 + 1)).find(quote); std::string dirname = cla.substr(quote1 + 1, quote2); std::cout << "[*] Found profile in command line arguments: " << dirname << std::endl; strProfile = dirname; } } else { std::cout << "[*] Profile was not found in command line arguments. Using default: R2Northstar" << std::endl; strProfile = "R2Northstar"; } wchar_t buffer[8192]; // Check if "Northstar.dll" exists in profile directory, if it doesnt fall back to root swprintf_s(buffer, L"%s\\%s\\Northstar.dll", exePath, std::wstring(strProfile.begin(), strProfile.end()).c_str()); if (!fs::exists(fs::path(buffer))) swprintf_s(buffer, L"%s\\Northstar.dll", exePath); std::wcout << L"[*] Using: " << buffer << std::endl; HMODULE hHookModule = LoadLibraryExW(buffer, 0, 8u); if (hHookModule) Hook_Init = GetProcAddress(hHookModule, "InitialiseNorthstar"); if (!hHookModule || Hook_Init == nullptr) { LibraryLoadError(GetLastError(), L"Northstar.dll", buffer); return false; } } ((bool (*)())Hook_Init)(); return true; } typedef int (*LauncherMainType)(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow); LauncherMainType LauncherMainOriginal; int LauncherMainHook(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { if (ShouldLoadNorthstar()) LoadNorthstar(); return LauncherMainOriginal(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); } bool ProvisionNorthstar() { if (!ShouldLoadNorthstar()) return true; if (MH_Initialize() != MH_OK) { MessageBoxA( GetForegroundWindow(), "MH_Initialize failed\nThe game cannot continue and has to exit.", "Northstar Wsock32 Proxy Error", 0); return false; } auto launcherHandle = GetModuleHandleA("launcher.dll"); if (!launcherHandle) { MessageBoxA( GetForegroundWindow(), "Launcher isn't loaded yet.\nThe game cannot continue and has to exit.", "Northstar Wsock32 Proxy Error", 0); return false; } LPVOID pTarget = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(launcherHandle, "LauncherMain"); if (MH_CreateHook(pTarget, (LPVOID)&LauncherMainHook, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&LauncherMainOriginal)) != MH_OK || MH_EnableHook(pTarget) != MH_OK) MessageBoxA(GetForegroundWindow(), "Hook creation failed for function LauncherMain.", "Northstar Wsock32 Proxy Error", 0); return true; }