#include "pch.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "convar.h" #include "sourceconsole.h" #include "sourceinterface.h" #include "concommand.h" #include "hookutils.h" SourceInterface* g_SourceGameConsole; void ConCommand_toggleconsole(const CCommand& arg) { if ((*g_SourceGameConsole)->IsConsoleVisible()) (*g_SourceGameConsole)->Hide(); else (*g_SourceGameConsole)->Activate(); } void ConCommand_showconsole(const CCommand& arg) { (*g_SourceGameConsole)->Activate(); } void ConCommand_hideconsole(const CCommand& arg) { (*g_SourceGameConsole)->Hide(); } void PrintCommandHelpDialogue(const ConCommandBase* command, const char* name) { if (!command) { spdlog::info("unknown command {}", name); return; } // build string for flags if not FCVAR_NONE std::string flagString; if (command->GetFlags() != FCVAR_NONE) { flagString = "( "; for (auto& flagPair : g_PrintCommandFlags) { if (command->GetFlags() & flagPair.first) { flagString += flagPair.second; flagString += " "; } } flagString += ") "; } // temp because command->IsCommand does not currently work ConVar* cvar = g_pCVar->FindVar(command->m_pszName); if (cvar) spdlog::info("\"{}\" = \"{}\" {}- {}", cvar->GetBaseName(), cvar->GetString(), flagString, cvar->GetHelpText()); else spdlog::info("\"{}\" {} - {}", command->m_pszName, flagString, command->GetHelpText()); } void ConCommand_help(const CCommand& arg) { if (arg.ArgC() < 2) { spdlog::info("Usage: help "); return; } PrintCommandHelpDialogue(g_pCVar->FindCommandBase(arg.Arg(1)), arg.Arg(1)); } void ConCommand_find(const CCommand& arg) { if (arg.ArgC() < 2) { spdlog::info("Usage: find [...]"); return; } char pTempName[256]; char pTempSearchTerm[256]; for (auto& map : g_pCVar->DumpToMap()) { bool bPrintCommand = true; for (int i = 0; i < arg.ArgC() - 1; i++) { // make lowercase to avoid case sensitivity strncpy(pTempName, map.second->m_pszName, sizeof(pTempName)); strncpy(pTempSearchTerm, arg.Arg(i + 1), sizeof(pTempSearchTerm)); for (int i = 0; pTempName[i]; i++) pTempName[i] = tolower(pTempName[i]); for (int i = 0; pTempSearchTerm[i]; i++) pTempSearchTerm[i] = tolower(pTempSearchTerm[i]); if (!strstr(pTempName, pTempSearchTerm)) { bPrintCommand = false; break; } } if (bPrintCommand) PrintCommandHelpDialogue(map.second, map.second->m_pszName); } } typedef void (*OnCommandSubmittedType)(CConsoleDialog* consoleDialog, const char* pCommand); OnCommandSubmittedType onCommandSubmittedOriginal; void OnCommandSubmittedHook(CConsoleDialog* consoleDialog, const char* pCommand) { consoleDialog->m_pConsolePanel->Print("] "); consoleDialog->m_pConsolePanel->Print(pCommand); consoleDialog->m_pConsolePanel->Print("\n"); // try to display help text for this cvar { int pCommandLen = strlen(pCommand); char* pCvarStr = new char[pCommandLen]; strcpy(pCvarStr, pCommand); // trim whitespace from right for (int i = pCommandLen - 1; i; i--) { if (isspace(pCvarStr[i])) pCvarStr[i] = '\0'; else break; } // check if we're inputting a cvar, but not setting it at all ConVar* cvar = g_pCVar->FindVar(pCvarStr); if (cvar) PrintCommandHelpDialogue(&cvar->m_ConCommandBase, pCvarStr); delete[] pCvarStr; } onCommandSubmittedOriginal(consoleDialog, pCommand); } // called from sourceinterface.cpp in client createinterface hooks, on GameClientExports001 void InitialiseConsoleOnInterfaceCreation() { (*g_SourceGameConsole)->Initialize(); auto consoleLogger = std::make_shared(); consoleLogger->set_pattern("[%l] %v"); spdlog::default_logger()->sinks().push_back(consoleLogger); // hook OnCommandSubmitted so we print inputted commands HookEnabler hook; ENABLER_CREATEHOOK( hook, (void*)((*g_SourceGameConsole)->m_pConsole->m_vtable->OnCommandSubmitted), &OnCommandSubmittedHook, reinterpret_cast(&onCommandSubmittedOriginal)); } // logging stuff SourceConsoleSink::SourceConsoleSink() { logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::trace, SourceColor(0, 255, 255, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::debug, SourceColor(0, 255, 255, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::info, SourceColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::warn, SourceColor(255, 255, 0, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::err, SourceColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::critical, SourceColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); logColours.emplace(spdlog::level::off, SourceColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); } void SourceConsoleSink::sink_it_(const spdlog::details::log_msg& msg) { if (!(*g_SourceGameConsole)->m_bInitialized) return; spdlog::memory_buf_t formatted; spdlog::sinks::base_sink::formatter_->format(msg, formatted); (*g_SourceGameConsole) ->m_pConsole->m_pConsolePanel->ColorPrint(logColours[msg.level], fmt::to_string(formatted).c_str()); // todo needs colour support } void SourceConsoleSink::flush_() {} ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT_RELIESON("client.dll", SourceConsole, ConCommand, [](HMODULE baseAddress) { g_SourceGameConsole = new SourceInterface("client.dll", "GameConsole004"); RegisterConCommand("toggleconsole", ConCommand_toggleconsole, "Show/hide the console.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD); RegisterConCommand("showconsole", ConCommand_showconsole, "Show the console.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD); RegisterConCommand("hideconsole", ConCommand_hideconsole, "Hide the console.", FCVAR_DONTRECORD); RegisterConCommand("find", ConCommand_find, "Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.", FCVAR_NONE); // help is already a command, so we need to modify the preexisting command to use our func instead // and clear the flags also ConCommand* helpCommand = g_pCVar->FindCommand("help"); helpCommand->m_nFlags = 0; helpCommand->m_pCommandCallback = ConCommand_help; })