#include "pch.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "NSMem.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "concommand.h" #include "convar.h" #include "hookutils.h" #include "squirrel.h" // use the R2 namespace for game funcs namespace R2 { GetCurrentPlaylistNameType GetCurrentPlaylistName; SetCurrentPlaylistType SetCurrentPlaylist; SetPlaylistVarOverrideType SetPlaylistVarOverride; GetCurrentPlaylistVarType GetCurrentPlaylistVar; } // namespace R2 void ConCommand_playlist(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) return; R2::SetCurrentPlaylist(args.Arg(1)); } void ConCommand_setplaylistvaroverride(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 3) return; for (int i = 1; i < args.ArgC(); i += 2) R2::SetPlaylistVarOverride(args.Arg(i), args.Arg(i + 1)); } ConVar* Cvar_ns_use_clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride; typedef char (*Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverrideType)(void* a1, void* a2); Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverrideType Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverride; char Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverrideHook(void* a1, void* a2) { // the private_match playlist is the only situation where there should be any legitimate sending of this netmessage // todo: check mp_lobby here too if (!Cvar_ns_use_clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride->GetBool() || strcmp(R2::GetCurrentPlaylistName(), "private_match")) return 1; return Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverride(a1, a2); } void SetPlaylistVarOverrideHook(const char* varName, const char* value) { if (strlen(value) >= 64) return; R2::SetPlaylistVarOverride(varName, value); } const char* GetCurrentPlaylistVarHook(const char* varName, bool useOverrides) { if (!useOverrides && !strcmp(varName, "max_players")) useOverrides = true; return R2::GetCurrentPlaylistVar(varName, useOverrides); } typedef int (*GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayersType)(); GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayersType GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayers; int GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayersHook() { char* maxPlayersStr = R2::GetCurrentPlaylistVar("max_players", 0); if (!maxPlayersStr) return GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayers(); int maxPlayers = atoi(maxPlayersStr); return maxPlayers; } ON_DLL_LOAD_RELIESON("engine.dll", PlaylistHooks, ConCommand, [](HMODULE baseAddress) { // playlist is the name of the command on respawn servers, but we already use setplaylist so can't get rid of it RegisterConCommand("playlist", ConCommand_playlist, "Sets the current playlist", FCVAR_NONE); RegisterConCommand("setplaylist", ConCommand_playlist, "Sets the current playlist", FCVAR_NONE); RegisterConCommand("setplaylistvaroverrides", ConCommand_setplaylistvaroverride, "sets a playlist var override", FCVAR_NONE); // note: clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride is pretty insecure, since it allows for entirely arbitrary playlist var overrides to be sent to the // server, this is somewhat restricted on custom servers to prevent it being done outside of private matches, but ideally it should be // disabled altogether, since the custom menus won't use it anyway this should only really be accepted if you want vanilla client // compatibility Cvar_ns_use_clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride = new ConVar( "ns_use_clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Whether the server should accept clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride messages"); R2::GetCurrentPlaylistName = (R2::GetCurrentPlaylistNameType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18C640); R2::SetCurrentPlaylist = (R2::SetCurrentPlaylistType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18EB20); R2::SetPlaylistVarOverride = (R2::SetPlaylistVarOverrideType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18ED00); R2::GetCurrentPlaylistVar = (R2::GetCurrentPlaylistVarType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18C680); HookEnabler hook; ENABLER_CREATEHOOK( hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x222180, &Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverrideHook, reinterpret_cast(&Onclc_SetPlaylistVarOverride)); ENABLER_CREATEHOOK( hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x18ED00, &SetPlaylistVarOverrideHook, reinterpret_cast(&R2::SetPlaylistVarOverride)); ENABLER_CREATEHOOK( hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x18C680, &GetCurrentPlaylistVarHook, reinterpret_cast(&R2::GetCurrentPlaylistVar)); ENABLER_CREATEHOOK( hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x18C430, &GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayersHook, reinterpret_cast(&GetCurrentGamemodeMaxPlayers)); uintptr_t ba = (uintptr_t)baseAddress; // patch to prevent clc_SetPlaylistVarOverride from being able to crash servers if we reach max overrides due to a call to Error (why is // this possible respawn, wtf) todo: add a warning for this NSMem::BytePatch(ba + 0x18ED8D, "C3"); // patch to allow setplaylistvaroverride to be called before map init on dedicated and private match launched through the game NSMem::NOP(ba + 0x18ED17, 6); })