#include "pch.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "gameutils.h" // TODO: rename to malloc and free after removing statically compiled .libs extern "C" void* _malloc_base(size_t n) { // allocate into static buffer if g_pMemAllocSingleton isn't initialised if (!g_pMemAllocSingleton) { InitialiseTier0GameUtilFunctions(GetModuleHandleA("tier0.dll")); } return g_pMemAllocSingleton->m_vtable->Alloc(g_pMemAllocSingleton, n); } /*extern "C" void* malloc(size_t n) { return _malloc_base(n); }*/ extern "C" void _free_base(void* p) { if (!g_pMemAllocSingleton) { spdlog::warn("Trying to free something before g_pMemAllocSingleton was ready, this should never happen"); InitialiseTier0GameUtilFunctions(GetModuleHandleA("tier0.dll")); } g_pMemAllocSingleton->m_vtable->Free(g_pMemAllocSingleton, p); } extern "C" void* _realloc_base(void* oldPtr, size_t size) { if (!g_pMemAllocSingleton) { InitialiseTier0GameUtilFunctions(GetModuleHandleA("tier0.dll")); } return g_pMemAllocSingleton->m_vtable->Realloc(g_pMemAllocSingleton, oldPtr, size); } extern "C" void* _calloc_base(size_t n, size_t size) { size_t bytes = n * size; void* memory = _malloc_base(bytes); if (memory) { memset(memory, 0, bytes); } return memory; } extern "C" char* _strdup_base(const char* src) { char* str; char* p; int len = 0; while (src[len]) len++; str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_malloc_base(len + 1)); p = str; while (*src) *p++ = *src++; *p = '\0'; return str; } void* operator new(size_t n) { return _malloc_base(n); } void operator delete(void* p) { _free_base(p); }// /FORCE:MULTIPLE