// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda) // Based on original Protocol Buffers design by // Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Must be last. #include namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace compiler { namespace cpp { namespace { // When we forward-declare things, we want to create a sorted order so our // output is deterministic and minimizes namespace changes. template std::string GetSortKey(const T& val) { return val.full_name(); } template <> std::string GetSortKey(const FileDescriptor& val) { return val.name(); } template bool CompareSortKeys(const T* a, const T* b) { return GetSortKey(*a) < GetSortKey(*b); } template std::vector Sorted(const std::unordered_set& vals) { std::vector sorted(vals.begin(), vals.end()); std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), CompareSortKeys); return sorted; } } // namespace FileGenerator::FileGenerator(const FileDescriptor* file, const Options& options) : file_(file), options_(options), scc_analyzer_(options) { // These variables are the same on a file level SetCommonVars(options, &variables_); variables_["dllexport_decl"] = options.dllexport_decl; variables_["tablename"] = UniqueName("TableStruct", file_, options_); variables_["file_level_metadata"] = UniqueName("file_level_metadata", file_, options_); variables_["desc_table"] = DescriptorTableName(file_, options_); variables_["file_level_enum_descriptors"] = UniqueName("file_level_enum_descriptors", file_, options_); variables_["file_level_service_descriptors"] = UniqueName("file_level_service_descriptors", file_, options_); variables_["filename"] = file_->name(); variables_["package_ns"] = Namespace(file_, options); std::vector msgs = FlattenMessagesInFile(file); for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) { // Deleted in destructor MessageGenerator* msg_gen = new MessageGenerator(msgs[i], variables_, i, options, &scc_analyzer_); message_generators_.emplace_back(msg_gen); msg_gen->AddGenerators(&enum_generators_, &extension_generators_); } for (int i = 0; i < file->enum_type_count(); i++) { enum_generators_.emplace_back( new EnumGenerator(file->enum_type(i), variables_, options)); } for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); i++) { service_generators_.emplace_back( new ServiceGenerator(file->service(i), variables_, options)); } if (HasGenericServices(file_, options_)) { for (int i = 0; i < service_generators_.size(); i++) { service_generators_[i]->index_in_metadata_ = i; } } for (int i = 0; i < file->extension_count(); i++) { extension_generators_.emplace_back( new ExtensionGenerator(file->extension(i), options, &scc_analyzer_)); } for (int i = 0; i < file->weak_dependency_count(); ++i) { weak_deps_.insert(file->weak_dependency(i)); } } FileGenerator::~FileGenerator() = default; void FileGenerator::GenerateMacroUndefs(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // Only do this for protobuf's own types. There are some google3 protos using // macros as field names and the generated code compiles after the macro // expansion. Undefing these macros actually breaks such code. if (file_->name() != "net/proto2/compiler/proto/plugin.proto" && file_->name() != "google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto") { return; } std::vector names_to_undef; std::vector fields; ListAllFields(file_, &fields); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { const std::string& name = fields[i]->name(); static const char* kMacroNames[] = {"major", "minor"}; for (int j = 0; j < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(kMacroNames); ++j) { if (name == kMacroNames[j]) { names_to_undef.push_back(name); break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < names_to_undef.size(); ++i) { format( "#ifdef $1$\n" "#undef $1$\n" "#endif\n", names_to_undef[i]); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateHeader(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // port_def.inc must be included after all other includes. IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_def.inc", printer); format("#define $1$$ dllexport_decl$\n", FileDllExport(file_, options_)); GenerateMacroUndefs(printer); // For Any support with lite protos, we need to friend AnyMetadata, so we // forward-declare it here. format( "PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_OPEN\n" "namespace internal {\n" "class AnyMetadata;\n" "} // namespace internal\n" "PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_CLOSE\n"); GenerateGlobalStateFunctionDeclarations(printer); GenerateForwardDeclarations(printer); { NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); format("\n"); GenerateEnumDefinitions(printer); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); GenerateMessageDefinitions(printer); format("\n"); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); GenerateServiceDefinitions(printer); GenerateExtensionIdentifiers(printer); format("\n"); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); GenerateInlineFunctionDefinitions(printer); format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)\n" "\n"); } // We need to specialize some templates in the ::google::protobuf namespace: GenerateProto2NamespaceEnumSpecializations(printer); format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)\n" "\n"); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_undef.inc", printer); } void FileGenerator::GenerateProtoHeader(io::Printer* printer, const std::string& info_path) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (!options_.proto_h) { return; } GenerateTopHeaderGuard(printer, false); if (!options_.opensource_runtime) { format( "#ifdef SWIG\n" "#error \"Do not SWIG-wrap protobufs.\"\n" "#endif // SWIG\n" "\n"); } if (IsBootstrapProto(options_, file_)) { format("// IWYU pragma: private, include \"$1$.proto.h\"\n\n", StripProto(file_->name())); } GenerateLibraryIncludes(printer); for (int i = 0; i < file_->public_dependency_count(); i++) { const FileDescriptor* dep = file_->public_dependency(i); format("#include \"$1$.proto.h\"\n", StripProto(dep->name())); } format("// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)\n"); GenerateMetadataPragma(printer, info_path); GenerateHeader(printer); GenerateBottomHeaderGuard(printer, false); } void FileGenerator::GeneratePBHeader(io::Printer* printer, const std::string& info_path) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); GenerateTopHeaderGuard(printer, true); if (options_.proto_h) { std::string target_basename = StripProto(file_->name()); if (!options_.opensource_runtime) { GetBootstrapBasename(options_, target_basename, &target_basename); } format("#include \"$1$.proto.h\" // IWYU pragma: export\n", target_basename); } else { GenerateLibraryIncludes(printer); } if (options_.transitive_pb_h) { GenerateDependencyIncludes(printer); } // This is unfortunately necessary for some plugins. I don't see why we // need two of the same insertion points. // TODO(gerbens) remove this. format("// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)\n"); GenerateMetadataPragma(printer, info_path); if (!options_.proto_h) { GenerateHeader(printer); } else { { NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)\n"); } format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)\n" "\n"); } GenerateBottomHeaderGuard(printer, true); } void FileGenerator::DoIncludeFile(const std::string& google3_name, bool do_export, io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); const std::string prefix = "net/proto2/"; GOOGLE_CHECK(google3_name.find(prefix) == 0) << google3_name; if (options_.opensource_runtime) { std::string path = google3_name.substr(prefix.size()); path = StringReplace(path, "internal/", "", false); path = StringReplace(path, "proto/", "", false); path = StringReplace(path, "public/", "", false); if (options_.runtime_include_base.empty()) { format("#include <$1$>", path); } else { format("#include \"$1$google/protobuf/$2$\"", options_.runtime_include_base, path); } } else { format("#include \"$1$\"", google3_name); } if (do_export) { format(" // IWYU pragma: export"); } format("\n"); } std::string FileGenerator::CreateHeaderInclude(const std::string& basename, const FileDescriptor* file) { bool use_system_include = false; std::string name = basename; if (options_.opensource_runtime) { if (IsWellKnownMessage(file)) { if (options_.runtime_include_base.empty()) { use_system_include = true; } else { name = options_.runtime_include_base + basename; } } } std::string left = "\""; std::string right = "\""; if (use_system_include) { left = "<"; right = ">"; } return left + name + right; } void FileGenerator::GenerateSourceIncludes(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); std::string target_basename = StripProto(file_->name()); if (!options_.opensource_runtime) { GetBootstrapBasename(options_, target_basename, &target_basename); } target_basename += options_.proto_h ? ".proto.h" : ".pb.h"; format( "// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "// source: $filename$\n" "\n" "#include $1$\n" "\n" "#include \n" // for swap() "\n", CreateHeaderInclude(target_basename, file_)); IncludeFile("net/proto2/io/public/coded_stream.h", printer); // TODO(gerbens) This is to include parse_context.h, we need a better way IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/extension_set.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/wire_format_lite.h", printer); // Unknown fields implementation in lite mode uses StringOutputStream if (!UseUnknownFieldSet(file_, options_) && !message_generators_.empty()) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/io/public/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h", printer); } if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/descriptor.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_reflection.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/reflection_ops.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/wire_format.h", printer); } if (HasGeneratedMethods(file_, options_) && options_.tctable_mode != Options::kTCTableNever) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_tctable_impl.h", printer); } if (options_.proto_h) { // Use the smaller .proto.h files. for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); i++) { const FileDescriptor* dep = file_->dependency(i); // Do not import weak deps. if (!options_.opensource_runtime && IsDepWeak(dep)) continue; std::string basename = StripProto(dep->name()); if (IsBootstrapProto(options_, file_)) { GetBootstrapBasename(options_, basename, &basename); } format("#include \"$1$.proto.h\"\n", basename); } } if (HasCordFields(file_, options_)) { format( "#include \"third_party/absl/strings/internal/string_constant.h\"\n"); } format("// @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)\n"); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_def.inc", printer); // For MSVC builds, we use #pragma init_seg to move the initialization of our // libraries to happen before the user code. // This worksaround the fact that MSVC does not do constant initializers when // required by the standard. format("\nPROTOBUF_PRAGMA_INIT_SEG\n"); } void FileGenerator::GenerateSourceDefaultInstance(int idx, io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); MessageGenerator* generator = message_generators_[idx].get(); generator->GenerateConstexprConstructor(printer); // Use a union to disable the destructor of the _instance member. // We can constant initialize, but the object will still have a non-trivial // destructor that we need to elide. format( "struct $1$ {\n" " constexpr $1$()\n" " : _instance(::$proto_ns$::internal::ConstantInitialized{}) {}\n" " ~$1$() {}\n" " union {\n" " $2$ _instance;\n" " };\n" "};\n", DefaultInstanceType(generator->descriptor_, options_), generator->classname_); // NO_DESTROY is not necessary for correctness. The empty destructor is // enough. However, the empty destructor fails to be elided in some // configurations (like non-opt or with certain sanitizers). NO_DESTROY is // there just to improve performance and binary size in these builds. format("PROTOBUF_ATTRIBUTE_NO_DESTROY PROTOBUF_CONSTINIT $1$ $2$;\n", DefaultInstanceType(generator->descriptor_, options_), DefaultInstanceName(generator->descriptor_, options_)); for (int i = 0; i < generator->descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = generator->descriptor_->field(i); if (IsStringInlined(field, options_)) { // Force the initialization of the inlined string in the default instance. format( "PROTOBUF_ATTRIBUTE_INIT_PRIORITY std::true_type " "$1$::_init_inline_$2$_ = " "($3$._instance.$2$_.Init(), std::true_type{});\n", ClassName(generator->descriptor_), FieldName(field), DefaultInstanceName(generator->descriptor_, options_)); } } if (options_.lite_implicit_weak_fields) { format("$1$* $2$ = &$3$;\n", DefaultInstanceType(generator->descriptor_, options_), DefaultInstancePtr(generator->descriptor_, options_), DefaultInstanceName(generator->descriptor_, options_)); } } // A list of things defined in one .pb.cc file that we need to reference from // another .pb.cc file. struct FileGenerator::CrossFileReferences { // Populated if we are referencing from messages or files. std::unordered_set weak_default_instances; // Only if we are referencing from files. std::unordered_set strong_reflection_files; std::unordered_set weak_reflection_files; }; void FileGenerator::GetCrossFileReferencesForField(const FieldDescriptor* field, CrossFileReferences* refs) { const Descriptor* msg = field->message_type(); if (msg == nullptr) return; if (IsImplicitWeakField(field, options_, &scc_analyzer_) || IsWeak(field, options_)) { refs->weak_default_instances.insert(msg); } } void FileGenerator::GetCrossFileReferencesForFile(const FileDescriptor* file, CrossFileReferences* refs) { ForEachField(file, [this, refs](const FieldDescriptor* field) { GetCrossFileReferencesForField(field, refs); }); if (!HasDescriptorMethods(file, options_)) return; for (int i = 0; i < file->dependency_count(); i++) { const FileDescriptor* dep = file->dependency(i); if (IsDepWeak(dep)) { refs->weak_reflection_files.insert(dep); } else { refs->strong_reflection_files.insert(dep); } } } // Generates references to variables defined in other files. void FileGenerator::GenerateInternalForwardDeclarations( const CrossFileReferences& refs, io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); { NamespaceOpener ns(format); for (auto instance : Sorted(refs.weak_default_instances)) { ns.ChangeTo(Namespace(instance, options_)); if (options_.lite_implicit_weak_fields) { format("extern $1$ $2$;\n", DefaultInstanceType(instance, options_), DefaultInstanceName(instance, options_)); format("__attribute__((weak)) $1$* $2$ = nullptr;\n", DefaultInstanceType(instance, options_), DefaultInstancePtr(instance, options_)); } else { format("extern __attribute__((weak)) $1$ $2$;\n", DefaultInstanceType(instance, options_), DefaultInstanceName(instance, options_)); } } } for (auto file : Sorted(refs.weak_reflection_files)) { format( "extern __attribute__((weak)) const " "::$proto_ns$::internal::DescriptorTable $1$;\n", DescriptorTableName(file, options_)); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateSourceForMessage(int idx, io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); GenerateSourceIncludes(printer); CrossFileReferences refs; ForEachField(message_generators_[idx]->descriptor_, [this, &refs](const FieldDescriptor* field) { GetCrossFileReferencesForField(field, &refs); }); GenerateInternalForwardDeclarations(refs, printer); { // package namespace NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); // Define default instances GenerateSourceDefaultInstance(idx, printer); // Generate classes. format("\n"); message_generators_[idx]->GenerateClassMethods(printer); format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)\n"); } // end package namespace { NamespaceOpener proto_ns(ProtobufNamespace(options_), format); message_generators_[idx]->GenerateSourceInProto2Namespace(printer); } format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)\n"); } void FileGenerator::GenerateSourceForExtension(int idx, io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); GenerateSourceIncludes(printer); NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); extension_generators_[idx]->GenerateDefinition(printer); } void FileGenerator::GenerateGlobalSource(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); GenerateSourceIncludes(printer); { GenerateTables(printer); // Define the code to initialize reflection. This code uses a global // constructor to register reflection data with the runtime pre-main. if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { GenerateReflectionInitializationCode(printer); } } NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); // Generate enums. for (int i = 0; i < enum_generators_.size(); i++) { enum_generators_[i]->GenerateMethods(i, printer); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateSource(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); GenerateSourceIncludes(printer); CrossFileReferences refs; GetCrossFileReferencesForFile(file_, &refs); GenerateInternalForwardDeclarations(refs, printer); { NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); // Define default instances for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { GenerateSourceDefaultInstance(i, printer); } } { GenerateTables(printer); if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { // Define the code to initialize reflection. This code uses a global // constructor to register reflection data with the runtime pre-main. GenerateReflectionInitializationCode(printer); } } { NamespaceOpener ns(Namespace(file_, options_), format); // Actually implement the protos // Generate enums. for (int i = 0; i < enum_generators_.size(); i++) { enum_generators_[i]->GenerateMethods(i, printer); } // Generate classes. for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { format("\n"); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); message_generators_[i]->GenerateClassMethods(printer); } if (HasGenericServices(file_, options_)) { // Generate services. for (int i = 0; i < service_generators_.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) format("\n"); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); service_generators_[i]->GenerateImplementation(printer); } } // Define extensions. for (int i = 0; i < extension_generators_.size(); i++) { extension_generators_[i]->GenerateDefinition(printer); } format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)\n"); } { NamespaceOpener proto_ns(ProtobufNamespace(options_), format); for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { message_generators_[i]->GenerateSourceInProto2Namespace(printer); } } format( "\n" "// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)\n"); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_undef.inc", printer); } void FileGenerator::GenerateReflectionInitializationCode(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (!message_generators_.empty()) { format("static ::$proto_ns$::Metadata $file_level_metadata$[$1$];\n", message_generators_.size()); } if (!enum_generators_.empty()) { format( "static " "const ::$proto_ns$::EnumDescriptor* " "$file_level_enum_descriptors$[$1$];\n", enum_generators_.size()); } else { format( "static " "constexpr ::$proto_ns$::EnumDescriptor const** " "$file_level_enum_descriptors$ = nullptr;\n"); } if (HasGenericServices(file_, options_) && file_->service_count() > 0) { format( "static " "const ::$proto_ns$::ServiceDescriptor* " "$file_level_service_descriptors$[$1$];\n", file_->service_count()); } else { format( "static " "constexpr ::$proto_ns$::ServiceDescriptor const** " "$file_level_service_descriptors$ = nullptr;\n"); } if (!message_generators_.empty()) { format( "\n" "const $uint32$ $tablename$::offsets[] " "PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) = {\n"); format.Indent(); std::vector > pairs; pairs.reserve(message_generators_.size()); for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { pairs.push_back(message_generators_[i]->GenerateOffsets(printer)); } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::MigrationSchema schemas[] " "PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) = {\n"); format.Indent(); { int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { message_generators_[i]->GenerateSchema(printer, offset, pairs[i].second); offset += pairs[i].first; } } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "\nstatic " "::$proto_ns$::Message const * const file_default_instances[] = {\n"); format.Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { const Descriptor* descriptor = message_generators_[i]->descriptor_; format( "reinterpret_cast(&$1$::_$2$_default_instance_),\n", Namespace(descriptor, options_), // 1 ClassName(descriptor)); // 2 } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "\n"); } else { // we still need these symbols to exist format( // MSVC doesn't like empty arrays, so we add a dummy. "const $uint32$ $tablename$::offsets[1] = {};\n" "static constexpr ::$proto_ns$::internal::MigrationSchema* schemas = " "nullptr;" "\n" "static constexpr ::$proto_ns$::Message* const* " "file_default_instances = nullptr;\n" "\n"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Embed the descriptor. We simply serialize the entire // FileDescriptorProto/ and embed it as a string literal, which is parsed and // built into real descriptors at initialization time. const std::string protodef_name = UniqueName("descriptor_table_protodef", file_, options_); format("const char $1$[] PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) =\n", protodef_name); format.Indent(); FileDescriptorProto file_proto; file_->CopyTo(&file_proto); std::string file_data; file_proto.SerializeToString(&file_data); { if (file_data.size() > 65535) { // Workaround for MSVC: "Error C1091: compiler limit: string exceeds // 65535 bytes in length". Declare a static array of chars rather than // use a string literal. Only write 25 bytes per line. static const int kBytesPerLine = 25; format("{ "); for (int i = 0; i < file_data.size();) { for (int j = 0; j < kBytesPerLine && i < file_data.size(); ++i, ++j) { format("'$1$', ", CEscape(file_data.substr(i, 1))); } format("\n"); } format("'\\0' }"); // null-terminate } else { // Only write 40 bytes per line. static const int kBytesPerLine = 40; for (int i = 0; i < file_data.size(); i += kBytesPerLine) { format( "\"$1$\"\n", EscapeTrigraphs(CEscape(file_data.substr(i, kBytesPerLine)))); } } format(";\n"); } format.Outdent(); CrossFileReferences refs; GetCrossFileReferencesForFile(file_, &refs); int num_deps = refs.strong_reflection_files.size() + refs.weak_reflection_files.size(); // Build array of DescriptorTable deps. if (num_deps > 0) { format( "static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::DescriptorTable*const " "$desc_table$_deps[$1$] = {\n", num_deps); for (auto dep : Sorted(refs.strong_reflection_files)) { format(" &::$1$,\n", DescriptorTableName(dep, options_)); } for (auto dep : Sorted(refs.weak_reflection_files)) { format(" &::$1$,\n", DescriptorTableName(dep, options_)); } format("};\n"); } // The DescriptorTable itself. // Should be "bool eager = NeedsEagerDescriptorAssignment(file_, options_);" // however this might cause a tsan failure in superroot b/148382879, // so disable for now. bool eager = false; format( "static ::$proto_ns$::internal::once_flag $desc_table$_once;\n" "const ::$proto_ns$::internal::DescriptorTable $desc_table$ = {\n" " false, $1$, $2$, $3$, \"$filename$\", \n" " &$desc_table$_once, $4$, $5$, $6$,\n" " schemas, file_default_instances, $tablename$::offsets,\n" " $7$, $file_level_enum_descriptors$, " "$file_level_service_descriptors$,\n" "};\n" // This function exists to be marked as weak. // It can significantly speed up compilation by breaking up LLVM's SCC in // the .pb.cc translation units. Large translation units see a reduction // of more than 35% of walltime for optimized builds. // Without the weak attribute all the messages in the file, including all // the vtables and everything they use become part of the same SCC through // a cycle like: // GetMetadata -> descriptor table -> default instances -> // vtables -> GetMetadata // By adding a weak function here we break the connection from the // individual vtables back into the descriptor table. "PROTOBUF_ATTRIBUTE_WEAK const ::$proto_ns$::internal::DescriptorTable* " "$desc_table$_getter() {\n" " return &$desc_table$;\n" "}\n" "\n", eager ? "true" : "false", file_data.size(), protodef_name, num_deps == 0 ? "nullptr" : variables_["desc_table"] + "_deps", num_deps, message_generators_.size(), message_generators_.empty() ? "nullptr" : variables_["file_level_metadata"]); // For descriptor.proto we want to avoid doing any dynamic initialization, // because in some situations that would otherwise pull in a lot of // unnecessary code that can't be stripped by --gc-sections. Descriptor // initialization will still be performed lazily when it's needed. if (file_->name() != "net/proto2/proto/descriptor.proto") { format( "// Force running AddDescriptors() at dynamic initialization time.\n" "PROTOBUF_ATTRIBUTE_INIT_PRIORITY " "static ::$proto_ns$::internal::AddDescriptorsRunner " "$1$(&$desc_table$);\n", UniqueName("dynamic_init_dummy", file_, options_)); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateTables(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (options_.table_driven_parsing) { // TODO(ckennelly): Gate this with the same options flag to enable // table-driven parsing. format( "PROTOBUF_CONSTEXPR_VAR ::$proto_ns$::internal::ParseTableField\n" " const $tablename$::entries[] " "PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) = {\n"); format.Indent(); std::vector entries; size_t count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { size_t value = message_generators_[i]->GenerateParseOffsets(printer); entries.push_back(value); count += value; } // We need these arrays to exist, and MSVC does not like empty arrays. if (count == 0) { format("{0, 0, 0, ::$proto_ns$::internal::kInvalidMask, 0, 0},\n"); } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "\n" "PROTOBUF_CONSTEXPR_VAR " "::$proto_ns$::internal::AuxiliaryParseTableField\n" " const $tablename$::aux[] " "PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) = {\n"); format.Indent(); std::vector aux_entries; count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { size_t value = message_generators_[i]->GenerateParseAuxTable(printer); aux_entries.push_back(value); count += value; } if (count == 0) { format("::$proto_ns$::internal::AuxiliaryParseTableField(),\n"); } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "PROTOBUF_CONSTEXPR_VAR ::$proto_ns$::internal::ParseTable const\n" " $tablename$::schema[] " "PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold) = {\n"); format.Indent(); size_t offset = 0; size_t aux_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { message_generators_[i]->GenerateParseTable(printer, offset, aux_offset); offset += entries[i]; aux_offset += aux_entries[i]; } if (message_generators_.empty()) { format("{ nullptr, nullptr, 0, -1, -1, false },\n"); } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "\n"); } if (!message_generators_.empty() && options_.table_driven_serialization) { format( "const ::$proto_ns$::internal::FieldMetadata " "$tablename$::field_metadata[] " "= {\n"); format.Indent(); std::vector field_metadata_offsets; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { field_metadata_offsets.push_back(idx); idx += message_generators_[i]->GenerateFieldMetadata(printer); } field_metadata_offsets.push_back(idx); format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "const ::$proto_ns$::internal::SerializationTable " "$tablename$::serialization_table[] = {\n"); format.Indent(); // We rely on the order we layout the tables to match the order we // calculate them with FlattenMessagesInFile, so we check here that // these match exactly. std::vector calculated_order = FlattenMessagesInFile(file_); GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(calculated_order.size(), message_generators_.size()); for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(calculated_order[i], message_generators_[i]->descriptor_); format("{$1$, $tablename$::field_metadata + $2$},\n", field_metadata_offsets[i + 1] - field_metadata_offsets[i], // 1 field_metadata_offsets[i]); // 2 } format.Outdent(); format( "};\n" "\n"); } } class FileGenerator::ForwardDeclarations { public: void AddMessage(const Descriptor* d) { classes_[ClassName(d)] = d; } void AddEnum(const EnumDescriptor* d) { enums_[ClassName(d)] = d; } void Print(const Formatter& format, const Options& options) const { for (const auto& p : enums_) { const std::string& enumname = p.first; const EnumDescriptor* enum_desc = p.second; format( "enum ${1$$2$$}$ : int;\n" "bool $2$_IsValid(int value);\n", enum_desc, enumname); } for (const auto& p : classes_) { const std::string& classname = p.first; const Descriptor* class_desc = p.second; format( "class ${1$$2$$}$;\n" "struct $3$;\n" "$dllexport_decl $extern $3$ $4$;\n", class_desc, classname, DefaultInstanceType(class_desc, options), DefaultInstanceName(class_desc, options)); } } void PrintTopLevelDecl(const Formatter& format, const Options& options) const { for (const auto& pair : classes_) { format( "template<> $dllexport_decl $" "$1$* Arena::CreateMaybeMessage<$1$>(Arena*);\n", QualifiedClassName(pair.second, options)); } } private: std::map classes_; std::map enums_; }; static void PublicImportDFS(const FileDescriptor* fd, std::unordered_set* fd_set) { for (int i = 0; i < fd->public_dependency_count(); i++) { const FileDescriptor* dep = fd->public_dependency(i); if (fd_set->insert(dep).second) PublicImportDFS(dep, fd_set); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateForwardDeclarations(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); std::vector classes; std::vector enums; FlattenMessagesInFile(file_, &classes); // All messages need forward decls. if (options_.proto_h) { // proto.h needs extra forward declarations. // All classes / enums referred to as field members std::vector fields; ListAllFields(file_, &fields); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { classes.push_back(fields[i]->containing_type()); classes.push_back(fields[i]->message_type()); enums.push_back(fields[i]->enum_type()); } ListAllTypesForServices(file_, &classes); } // Calculate the set of files whose definitions we get through include. // No need to forward declare types that are defined in these. std::unordered_set public_set; PublicImportDFS(file_, &public_set); std::map decls; for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) { const Descriptor* d = classes[i]; if (d && !public_set.count(d->file())) decls[Namespace(d, options_)].AddMessage(d); } for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); i++) { const EnumDescriptor* d = enums[i]; if (d && !public_set.count(d->file())) decls[Namespace(d, options_)].AddEnum(d); } { NamespaceOpener ns(format); for (const auto& pair : decls) { ns.ChangeTo(pair.first); pair.second.Print(format, options_); } } format("PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_OPEN\n"); for (const auto& pair : decls) { pair.second.PrintTopLevelDecl(format, options_); } format("PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_CLOSE\n"); } void FileGenerator::GenerateTopHeaderGuard(io::Printer* printer, bool pb_h) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // Generate top of header. format( "// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "// source: $filename$\n" "\n" "#ifndef $1$\n" "#define $1$\n" "\n" "#include \n" "#include \n", IncludeGuard(file_, pb_h, options_)); if (!options_.opensource_runtime && !enum_generators_.empty()) { // Add header to provide std::is_integral for safe Enum_Name() function. format("#include \n"); } format("\n"); } void FileGenerator::GenerateBottomHeaderGuard(io::Printer* printer, bool pb_h) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); format("#endif // $GOOGLE_PROTOBUF$_INCLUDED_$1$\n", IncludeGuard(file_, pb_h, options_)); } void FileGenerator::GenerateLibraryIncludes(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (UsingImplicitWeakFields(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/implicit_weak_message.h", printer); } if (HasWeakFields(file_, options_)) { GOOGLE_CHECK(!options_.opensource_runtime); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/weak_field_map.h", printer); } if (HasLazyFields(file_, options_, &scc_analyzer_)) { GOOGLE_CHECK(!options_.opensource_runtime); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/lazy_field.h", printer); } if (ShouldVerify(file_, options_, &scc_analyzer_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/wire_format_verify.h", printer); } if (options_.opensource_runtime) { // Verify the protobuf library header version is compatible with the protoc // version before going any further. IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_def.inc", printer); format( "#if PROTOBUF_VERSION < $1$\n" "#error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is\n" "#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update\n" "#error your headers.\n" "#endif\n" "#if $2$ < PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION\n" "#error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which " "is\n" "#error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please\n" "#error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.\n" "#endif\n" "\n", PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC, // 1 PROTOBUF_VERSION); // 2 IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/port_undef.inc", printer); } // OK, it's now safe to #include other files. IncludeFile("net/proto2/io/public/coded_stream.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/arena.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/arenastring.h", printer); if ((options_.force_inline_string || options_.profile_driven_inline_string) && !options_.opensource_runtime) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/inlined_string_field.h", printer); } if (HasSimpleBaseClasses(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_bases.h", printer); } IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_table_driven.h", printer); if (HasGeneratedMethods(file_, options_) && options_.tctable_mode != Options::kTCTableNever) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_tctable_decl.h", printer); } IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_util.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/metadata_lite.h", printer); if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_message_reflection.h", printer); } if (!message_generators_.empty()) { if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/message.h", printer); } else { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/message_lite.h", printer); } } if (options_.opensource_runtime) { // Open-source relies on unconditional includes of these. IncludeFileAndExport("net/proto2/public/repeated_field.h", printer); IncludeFileAndExport("net/proto2/public/extension_set.h", printer); } else { // Google3 includes these files only when they are necessary. if (HasExtensionsOrExtendableMessage(file_)) { IncludeFileAndExport("net/proto2/public/extension_set.h", printer); } if (HasRepeatedFields(file_)) { IncludeFileAndExport("net/proto2/public/repeated_field.h", printer); } if (HasStringPieceFields(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/string_piece_field_support.h", printer); } if (HasCordFields(file_, options_)) { format("#include \"third_party/absl/strings/cord.h\"\n"); } } if (HasMapFields(file_)) { IncludeFileAndExport("net/proto2/public/map.h", printer); if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/map_entry.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/map_field_inl.h", printer); } else { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/map_entry_lite.h", printer); IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/map_field_lite.h", printer); } } if (HasEnumDefinitions(file_)) { if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_enum_reflection.h", printer); } else { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/generated_enum_util.h", printer); } } if (HasGenericServices(file_, options_)) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/service.h", printer); } if (UseUnknownFieldSet(file_, options_) && !message_generators_.empty()) { IncludeFile("net/proto2/public/unknown_field_set.h", printer); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateMetadataPragma(io::Printer* printer, const std::string& info_path) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (!info_path.empty() && !options_.annotation_pragma_name.empty() && !options_.annotation_guard_name.empty()) { format.Set("guard", options_.annotation_guard_name); format.Set("pragma", options_.annotation_pragma_name); format.Set("info_path", info_path); format( "#ifdef $guard$\n" "#pragma $pragma$ \"$info_path$\"\n" "#endif // $guard$\n"); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateDependencyIncludes(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); for (int i = 0; i < file_->dependency_count(); i++) { std::string basename = StripProto(file_->dependency(i)->name()); // Do not import weak deps. if (IsDepWeak(file_->dependency(i))) continue; if (IsBootstrapProto(options_, file_)) { GetBootstrapBasename(options_, basename, &basename); } format("#include $1$\n", CreateHeaderInclude(basename + ".pb.h", file_->dependency(i))); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateGlobalStateFunctionDeclarations( io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // Forward-declare the DescriptorTable because this is referenced by .pb.cc // files depending on this file. // // The TableStruct is also outputted in weak_message_field.cc, because the // weak fields must refer to table struct but cannot include the header. // Also it annotates extra weak attributes. // TODO(gerbens) make sure this situation is handled better. format( "\n" "// Internal implementation detail -- do not use these members.\n" "struct $dllexport_decl $$tablename$ {\n" // These tables describe how to serialize and parse messages. Used // for table driven code. " static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::ParseTableField entries[]\n" " PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold);\n" " static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::AuxiliaryParseTableField aux[]\n" " PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold);\n" " static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::ParseTable schema[$1$]\n" " PROTOBUF_SECTION_VARIABLE(protodesc_cold);\n" " static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::FieldMetadata field_metadata[];\n" " static const ::$proto_ns$::internal::SerializationTable " "serialization_table[];\n" " static const $uint32$ offsets[];\n" "};\n", std::max(size_t(1), message_generators_.size())); if (HasDescriptorMethods(file_, options_)) { format( "$dllexport_decl $extern const ::$proto_ns$::internal::DescriptorTable " "$desc_table$;\n"); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateMessageDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // Generate class definitions. for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { format("\n"); format(kThinSeparator); format("\n"); } message_generators_[i]->GenerateClassDefinition(printer); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateEnumDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) { // Generate enum definitions. for (int i = 0; i < enum_generators_.size(); i++) { enum_generators_[i]->GenerateDefinition(printer); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateServiceDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); if (HasGenericServices(file_, options_)) { // Generate service definitions. for (int i = 0; i < service_generators_.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { format("\n"); format(kThinSeparator); format("\n"); } service_generators_[i]->GenerateDeclarations(printer); } format("\n"); format(kThickSeparator); format("\n"); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateExtensionIdentifiers(io::Printer* printer) { // Declare extension identifiers. These are in global scope and so only // the global scope extensions. for (auto& extension_generator : extension_generators_) { if (extension_generator->IsScoped()) continue; extension_generator->GenerateDeclaration(printer); } } void FileGenerator::GenerateInlineFunctionDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // TODO(gerbens) remove pragmas when gcc is no longer used. Current version // of gcc fires a bogus error when compiled with strict-aliasing. format( "#ifdef __GNUC__\n" " #pragma GCC diagnostic push\n" " #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wstrict-aliasing\"\n" "#endif // __GNUC__\n"); // Generate class inline methods. for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { format(kThinSeparator); format("\n"); } message_generators_[i]->GenerateInlineMethods(printer); } format( "#ifdef __GNUC__\n" " #pragma GCC diagnostic pop\n" "#endif // __GNUC__\n"); for (int i = 0; i < message_generators_.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { format(kThinSeparator); format("\n"); } } } void FileGenerator::GenerateProto2NamespaceEnumSpecializations( io::Printer* printer) { Formatter format(printer, variables_); // Emit GetEnumDescriptor specializations into google::protobuf namespace: if (HasEnumDefinitions(file_)) { format("\n"); { NamespaceOpener proto_ns(ProtobufNamespace(options_), format); format("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < enum_generators_.size(); i++) { enum_generators_[i]->GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(printer); } format("\n"); } } } } // namespace cpp } // namespace compiler } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google