#include "pch.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "hooks.h"
#include "hookutils.h"
#include "sourceinterface.h"
#include "modmanager.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

// hook forward declares
typedef FileHandle_t (*ReadFileFromVPKType)(VPKData* vpkInfo, __int64* b, char* filename);
ReadFileFromVPKType readFileFromVPK;
FileHandle_t ReadFileFromVPKHook(VPKData* vpkInfo, __int64* b, char* filename);

typedef bool (*ReadFromCacheType)(IFileSystem* filesystem, char* path, void* result);
ReadFromCacheType readFromCache;
bool ReadFromCacheHook(IFileSystem* filesystem, char* path, void* result);

typedef void (*AddSearchPathType)(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pPath, const char* pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType);
AddSearchPathType addSearchPathOriginal;
void AddSearchPathHook(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pPath, const char* pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType);

typedef FileHandle_t (*ReadFileFromFilesystemType)(
	IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* pPath, const char* pOptions, int64_t a4, uint32_t a5);
ReadFileFromFilesystemType readFileFromFilesystem;
FileHandle_t ReadFileFromFilesystemHook(IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* pPath, const char* pOptions, int64_t a4, uint32_t a5);

typedef VPKData* (*MountVPKType)(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* vpkPath);
MountVPKType mountVPK;
VPKData* MountVPKHook(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* vpkPath);

bool readingOriginalFile;
std::string currentModPath;
SourceInterface<IFileSystem>* g_Filesystem;

void InitialiseFilesystem(HMODULE baseAddress)
	g_Filesystem = new SourceInterface<IFileSystem>("filesystem_stdio.dll", "VFileSystem017");

	// create hooks
	HookEnabler hook;
	ENABLER_CREATEHOOK(hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x5CBA0, &ReadFileFromVPKHook, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&readFileFromVPK));
	ENABLER_CREATEHOOK(hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x15F20, &ReadFileFromFilesystemHook, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&readFileFromFilesystem));
		hook, reinterpret_cast<void*>((*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable->MountVPK), &MountVPKHook, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&mountVPK));

std::string ReadVPKFile(const char* path)
	// read scripts.rson file, todo: check if this can be overwritten
	FileHandle_t fileHandle = (*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable2->Open(&(*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable2, path, "rb", "GAME", 0);

	std::stringstream fileStream;
	int bytesRead = 0;
	char data[4096];
		bytesRead = (*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable2->Read(&(*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable2, data, (int)std::size(data), fileHandle);
		fileStream.write(data, bytesRead);
	} while (bytesRead == std::size(data));

	(*g_Filesystem)->m_vtable2->Close(*g_Filesystem, fileHandle);

	return fileStream.str();

std::string ReadVPKOriginalFile(const char* path)
	readingOriginalFile = true;
	std::string ret = ReadVPKFile(path);
	readingOriginalFile = false;

	return ret;

void SetNewModSearchPaths(Mod* mod)
	// put our new path to the head if we need to read from a different mod path
	// in the future we could also determine whether the file we're setting paths for needs a mod dir, or compiled assets
	if (mod != nullptr)
		if ((fs::absolute(mod->ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string().compare(currentModPath))
			spdlog::info("changing mod search path from {} to {}", currentModPath, mod->ModDirectory.string());

				&*(*g_Filesystem), (fs::absolute(mod->ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD);
			currentModPath = (fs::absolute(mod->ModDirectory) / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR).string();
	else // push compiled to head
		addSearchPathOriginal(&*(*g_Filesystem), fs::absolute(GetCompiledAssetsPath()).string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD);

bool TryReplaceFile(char* path, bool shouldCompile)
	if (readingOriginalFile)
		return false;

	if (shouldCompile)

	// idk how efficient the lexically normal check is
	// can't just set all /s in path to \, since some paths aren't in writeable memory
	auto file = g_ModManager->m_modFiles.find(fs::path(path).lexically_normal().string());
	if (file != g_ModManager->m_modFiles.end())
		return true;

	return false;

FileHandle_t ReadFileFromVPKHook(VPKData* vpkInfo, __int64* b, char* filename)
	// move this to a convar at some point when we can read them in native
	// spdlog::info("ReadFileFromVPKHook {} {}", filename, vpkInfo->path);

	// there is literally never any reason to compile here, since we'll always compile in ReadFileFromFilesystemHook in the same codepath
	// this is called
	if (TryReplaceFile(filename, false))
		*b = -1;
		return b;

	return readFileFromVPK(vpkInfo, b, filename);

bool ReadFromCacheHook(IFileSystem* filesystem, char* path, void* result)
	// move this to a convar at some point when we can read them in native
	// spdlog::info("ReadFromCacheHook {}", path);

	if (TryReplaceFile(path, true))
		return false;

	return readFromCache(filesystem, path, result);

void AddSearchPathHook(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* pPath, const char* pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType)
	addSearchPathOriginal(fileSystem, pPath, pathID, addType);

	// make sure current mod paths are at head
	if (!strcmp(pathID, "GAME") && currentModPath.compare(pPath) && addType == PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD)
		addSearchPathOriginal(fileSystem, currentModPath.c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD);
		addSearchPathOriginal(fileSystem, GetCompiledAssetsPath().string().c_str(), "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD);

FileHandle_t ReadFileFromFilesystemHook(IFileSystem* filesystem, const char* pPath, const char* pOptions, int64_t a4, uint32_t a5)
	// this isn't super efficient, but it's necessary, since calling addsearchpath in readfilefromvpk doesn't work, possibly refactor later
	// it also might be possible to hook functions that are called later, idk look into callstack for ReadFileFromVPK
	if (!readingOriginalFile)
		TryReplaceFile((char*)pPath, true);

	return readFileFromFilesystem(filesystem, pPath, pOptions, a4, a5);

VPKData* MountVPKHook(IFileSystem* fileSystem, const char* vpkPath)
	spdlog::info("MountVPK {}", vpkPath);
	VPKData* ret = mountVPK(fileSystem, vpkPath);

	for (Mod mod : g_ModManager->m_loadedMods)
		if (!mod.Enabled)

		for (ModVPKEntry& vpkEntry : mod.Vpks)
			// if we're autoloading, just load no matter what
			if (!vpkEntry.m_bAutoLoad)
				// resolve vpk name and try to load one with the same name
				// todo: we should be unloading these on map unload manually
				std::string mapName(fs::path(vpkPath).filename().string());
				std::string modMapName(fs::path(vpkEntry.m_sVpkPath.c_str()).filename().string());
				if (mapName.compare(modMapName))

			VPKData* loaded = mountVPK(fileSystem, vpkEntry.m_sVpkPath.c_str());
			if (!ret) // this is primarily for map vpks and stuff, so the map's vpk is what gets returned from here
				ret = loaded;

	return ret;