#pragma once

// From Source SDK
class ConCommandBase;
class IConCommandBaseAccessor
	// Flags is a combination of FCVAR flags in cvar.h.
	// hOut is filled in with a handle to the variable.
	virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase* pVar) = 0;

class CCommand
	CCommand() = delete;

	int64_t ArgC() const;
	const char** ArgV() const;
	const char* ArgS() const;				  // All args that occur after the 0th arg, in string form
	const char* GetCommandString() const;	  // The entire command in string form, including the 0th arg
	const char* operator[](int nIndex) const; // Gets at arguments
	const char* Arg(int nIndex) const;		  // Gets at arguments

	static int MaxCommandLength();


	int64_t m_nArgc;
	int64_t m_nArgv0Size;
	char m_pArgSBuffer[COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH];
	char m_pArgvBuffer[COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH];
	const char* m_ppArgv[COMMAND_MAX_ARGC];

inline int CCommand::MaxCommandLength() { return COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH - 1; }
inline int64_t CCommand::ArgC() const { return m_nArgc; }
inline const char** CCommand::ArgV() const { return m_nArgc ? (const char**)m_ppArgv : NULL; }
inline const char* CCommand::ArgS() const { return m_nArgv0Size ? &m_pArgSBuffer[m_nArgv0Size] : ""; }
inline const char* CCommand::GetCommandString() const { return m_nArgc ? m_pArgSBuffer : ""; }
inline const char* CCommand::Arg(int nIndex) const
	// FIXME: Many command handlers appear to not be particularly careful
	// about checking for valid argc range. For now, we're going to
	// do the extra check and return an empty string if it's out of range
	if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nArgc)
		return "";
	return m_ppArgv[nIndex];
inline const char* CCommand::operator[](int nIndex) const { return Arg(nIndex); }

// From r5reloaded
class ConCommandBase
	bool HasFlags(int nFlags);
	void AddFlags(int nFlags);
	void RemoveFlags(int nFlags);

	bool IsCommand(void) const;
	bool IsRegistered(void) const;
	bool IsFlagSet(int nFlags) const;
	static bool IsFlagSet(ConCommandBase* pCommandBase, int nFlags); // For hooking to engine's implementation.

	int GetFlags(void) const;
	ConCommandBase* GetNext(void) const;
	const char* GetHelpText(void) const;

	char* CopyString(const char* szFrom) const;

	void* m_pConCommandBaseVTable;		  // 0x0000
	ConCommandBase* m_pNext;			  // 0x0008
	bool m_bRegistered;					  // 0x0010
	char pad_0011[7];					  // 0x0011 <- 3 bytes padding + unk int32.
	const char* m_pszName;				  // 0x0018
	const char* m_pszHelpString;		  // 0x0020
	int m_nFlags;						  // 0x0028
	ConCommandBase* s_pConCommandBases;	  // 0x002C
	IConCommandBaseAccessor* s_pAccessor; // 0x0034
};										  // Size: 0x0040

// taken from ttf2sdk
class ConCommand : public ConCommandBase
	friend class CCVar;

	ConCommand(void){}; // !TODO: Rebuild engine constructor in SDK instead.
	ConCommand(const char* szName, const char* szHelpString, int nFlags, void* pCallback, void* pCommandCompletionCallback);
	void Init(void);
	bool IsCommand(void) const;

	void* m_pCommandCallback{};	   // 0x0040 <- starts from 0x40 since we inherit ConCommandBase.
	void* m_pCompletionCallback{}; // 0x0048 <- defaults to sub_180417410 ('xor eax, eax').
	int m_nCallbackFlags{};		   // 0x0050
	char pad_0054[4];			   // 0x0054
	int unk0;					   // 0x0058
	int unk1;					   // 0x005C
};								   // Size: 0x0060

void RegisterConCommand(const char* name, void (*callback)(const CCommand&), const char* helpString, int flags);
void InitialiseConCommands(HMODULE baseAddress);

#define MAKE_CONCMD(name, helpStr, flags, fn) RegisterConCommand(name, fn, helpStr, flags);