#pragma once #include "pch.h" #include "bansystem.h" #include "serverauthentication.h" #include "concommand.h" #include "miscserverscript.h" #include <filesystem> const char* BANLIST_PATH = "R2Northstar/banlist.txt"; ServerBanSystem* g_ServerBanSystem; void ServerBanSystem::OpenBanlist() { std::ifstream enabledModsStream(BANLIST_PATH); std::stringstream enabledModsStringStream; if (!enabledModsStream.fail()) { std::string line; while (std::getline(enabledModsStream, line)) m_vBannedUids.push_back(strtoll(line.c_str(), nullptr, 10)); enabledModsStream.close(); } // open write stream for banlist m_sBanlistStream.open(BANLIST_PATH, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::app); } void ServerBanSystem::ClearBanlist() { m_vBannedUids.clear(); // reopen the file, don't provide std::ofstream::app so it clears on open m_sBanlistStream.close(); m_sBanlistStream.open(BANLIST_PATH, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary); } void ServerBanSystem::BanUID(uint64_t uid) { m_vBannedUids.push_back(uid); m_sBanlistStream << std::to_string(uid) << std::endl; spdlog::info("{} was banned", uid); } void ServerBanSystem::UnbanUID(uint64_t uid) { auto findResult = std::find(m_vBannedUids.begin(), m_vBannedUids.end(), uid); if (findResult == m_vBannedUids.end()) return; m_vBannedUids.erase(findResult); spdlog::info("{} was unbanned", uid); // todo: this needs to erase from the banlist file // atm unsure how to do this aside from just clearing and fully rewriting the file } bool ServerBanSystem::IsUIDAllowed(uint64_t uid) { return std::find(m_vBannedUids.begin(), m_vBannedUids.end(), uid) == m_vBannedUids.end(); } void BanPlayerCommand(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) return; // assuming maxplayers 32 for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { void* player = GetPlayerByIndex(i); if (!strcmp((char*)player + 0x16, args.Arg(1)) || !strcmp((char*)player + 0xF500, args.Arg(1))) { g_ServerBanSystem->BanUID(strtoll((char*)player + 0xF500, nullptr, 10)); CBaseClient__Disconnect(player, 1, "Banned from server"); break; } } } void UnbanPlayerCommand(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) return; // assumedly the player being unbanned here wasn't already connected, so don't need to iterate over players or anything g_ServerBanSystem->UnbanUID(strtoll(args.Arg(1), nullptr, 10)); } void ClearBanlistCommand(const CCommand& args) { g_ServerBanSystem->ClearBanlist(); } void InitialiseBanSystem(HMODULE baseAddress) { g_ServerBanSystem = new ServerBanSystem; g_ServerBanSystem->OpenBanlist(); RegisterConCommand("ban", BanPlayerCommand, "bans a given player by uid or name", FCVAR_GAMEDLL); RegisterConCommand("unban", UnbanPlayerCommand, "unbans a given player by uid", FCVAR_NONE); RegisterConCommand("clearbanlist", ClearBanlistCommand, "clears all uids on the banlist", FCVAR_NONE); }