#include "pch.h" #include "audio.h" #include "dedicated.h" #include "rapidjson/error/en.h" #include #include #include #include #include "convar.h" extern "C" { // should be called only in LoadSampleMetadata_Hook extern void* __fastcall Audio_GetParentEvent(); } ConVar* Cvar_ns_print_played_sounds; CustomAudioManager g_CustomAudioManager; EventOverrideData::EventOverrideData() { spdlog::warn("Initialised struct EventOverrideData without any data!"); LoadedSuccessfully = false; } EventOverrideData::EventOverrideData(const std::string& data, const fs::path& path) { if (data.length() <= 0) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: file is empty", path.string()); return; } fs::path samplesFolder = path; samplesFolder = samplesFolder.replace_extension(); if (!fs::exists(samplesFolder)) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: samples folder doesn't exist; should be named the same as the definition file without JSON extension.", path.string()); return; } rapidjson_document dataJson; dataJson.Parse(data); // fail if parse error if (dataJson.HasParseError()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: encountered parse error \"{}\" at offset {}", path.string(), GetParseError_En(dataJson.GetParseError()), dataJson.GetErrorOffset()); return; } // fail if it's not a json obj (could be an array, string, etc) if (!dataJson.IsObject()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: file is not a JSON object", path.string()); return; } // fail if no event ids given if (!dataJson.HasMember("EventId")) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: JSON object does not have the EventId property", path.string()); return; } // array of event ids if (dataJson["EventId"].IsArray()) { for (auto& eventId : dataJson["EventId"].GetArray()) { if (!eventId.IsString()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: EventId array has a value of invalid type, all must be strings", path.string()); return; } EventIds.push_back(eventId.GetString()); } } // singular event id else if (dataJson["EventId"].IsString()) { EventIds.push_back(dataJson["EventId"].GetString()); } // incorrect type else { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: EventId property is of invalid type (must be a string or an array of strings)", path.string()); return; } if (dataJson.HasMember("EventIdRegex")) { // array of event id regex if (dataJson["EventIdRegex"].IsArray()) { for (auto& eventId : dataJson["EventIdRegex"].GetArray()) { if (!eventId.IsString()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: EventIdRegex array has a value of invalid type, all must be strings", path.string()); return; } const std::string& regex = eventId.GetString(); try { EventIdsRegex.push_back({ regex, std::regex(regex) }); } catch (...) { spdlog::error("Malformed regex \"{}\" in audio override file {}", regex, path.string()); return; } } } // singular event id regex else if (dataJson["EventIdRegex"].IsString()) { const std::string& regex = dataJson["EventIdRegex"].GetString(); try { EventIdsRegex.push_back({ regex, std::regex(regex) }); } catch (...) { spdlog::error("Malformed regex \"{}\" in audio override file {}", regex, path.string()); return; } } // incorrect type else { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: EventIdRegex property is of invalid type (must be a string or an array of strings)", path.string()); return; } } if (dataJson.HasMember("AudioSelectionStrategy")) { if (!dataJson["AudioSelectionStrategy"].IsString()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: AudioSelectionStrategy property must be a string", path.string()); return; } std::string strategy = dataJson["AudioSelectionStrategy"].GetString(); if (strategy == "sequential") { Strategy = AudioSelectionStrategy::SEQUENTIAL; } else if (strategy == "random") { Strategy = AudioSelectionStrategy::RANDOM; } else { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: AudioSelectionStrategy string must be either \"sequential\" or \"random\"", path.string()); return; } } // load samples for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(samplesFolder)) { if (file.is_regular_file() && file.path().extension().string() == ".wav") { // Open the file. std::basic_ifstream wavStream(file.path().string(), std::ios::binary); if (wavStream.fail()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio sample {}", file.path().string()); continue; } // Get file size. wavStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); size_t fileSize = wavStream.tellg(); wavStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // Allocate enough memory for the file. uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[fileSize]; // Read the file. wavStream.read(data, fileSize); Samples.push_back({ fileSize, std::unique_ptr(data) }); // Close the file. wavStream.close(); } } /* if (dataJson.HasMember("EnableOnLoopedSounds")) { if (!dataJson["EnableOnLoopedSounds"].IsBool()) { spdlog::error("Failed reading audio override file {}: EnableOnLoopedSounds property is of invalid type (must be a bool)", path.string()); return; } EnableOnLoopedSounds = dataJson["EnableOnLoopedSounds"].GetBool(); } */ if (Samples.size() == 0) spdlog::warn("Audio override {} has no valid samples! Sounds will not play for this event.", path.string()); spdlog::info("Loaded audio override file {}", path.string()); LoadedSuccessfully = true; } bool CustomAudioManager::TryLoadAudioOverride(const fs::path& defPath) { if (IsDedicated()) return true; // silently fail std::ifstream jsonStream(defPath); std::stringstream jsonStringStream; // fail if no audio json if (jsonStream.fail()) { spdlog::warn("Unable to read audio override from file {}", defPath.string()); return false; } while (jsonStream.peek() != EOF) jsonStringStream << (char)jsonStream.get(); jsonStream.close(); std::shared_ptr data = std::make_shared(jsonStringStream.str(), defPath); if (!data->LoadedSuccessfully) return false; // no logging, the constructor has probably already logged for (const std::string& eventId : data->EventIds) { spdlog::info("Registering sound event {}", eventId); m_loadedAudioOverrides.insert({ eventId, data }); } for (const auto& eventIdRegexData : data->EventIdsRegex) { spdlog::info("Registering sound event regex {}", eventIdRegexData.first); m_loadedAudioOverridesRegex.insert({ eventIdRegexData.first, data }); } return true; } typedef void (*MilesStopAll_Type)(); MilesStopAll_Type MilesStopAll; void CustomAudioManager::ClearAudioOverrides() { if (IsDedicated()) return; if (m_loadedAudioOverrides.size() > 0 || m_loadedAudioOverridesRegex.size() > 0) { // stop all miles sounds beforehand // miles_stop_all MilesStopAll(); // this is cancer but it works Sleep(50); } m_loadedAudioOverrides.clear(); m_loadedAudioOverridesRegex.clear(); } typedef bool (*LoadSampleMetadata_Type)(void* sample, void* audioBuffer, unsigned int audioBufferLength, int audioType); LoadSampleMetadata_Type LoadSampleMetadata_Original; // Empty stereo 48000 WAVE file unsigned char EMPTY_WAVE[45] = { 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x74, 0x20, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x44, 0xAC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x58, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; template Iter select_randomly(Iter start, Iter end, RandomGenerator& g) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, std::distance(start, end) - 1); std::advance(start, dis(g)); return start; } template Iter select_randomly(Iter start, Iter end) { static std::random_device rd; static std::mt19937 gen(rd()); return select_randomly(start, end, gen); } bool ShouldPlayAudioEvent(const char* eventName, const std::shared_ptr& data) { std::string eventNameString = eventName; std::string eventNameStringBlacklistEntry = ("!" + eventNameString); for (const std::string& name : data->EventIds) { if (name == eventNameStringBlacklistEntry) return false; // event blacklisted if (name == "*") { // check for bad sounds I guess? // really feel like this should be an option but whatever if (!!strstr(eventName, "_amb_") || !!strstr(eventName, "_emit_") || !strstr(eventName, "amb_")) return false; // would play static noise, I hate this } } return true; // good to go } // DO NOT INLINE THIS FUNCTION // See comment below. bool __declspec(noinline) __fastcall LoadSampleMetadata_Internal(uintptr_t parentEvent, void* sample, void* audioBuffer, unsigned int audioBufferLength, int audioType) { char* eventName = (char*)parentEvent + 0x110; if (Cvar_ns_print_played_sounds->m_nValue > 0) spdlog::info("[AUDIO] Playing event {}", eventName); auto iter = g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverrides.find(eventName); std::shared_ptr overrideData; if (iter == g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverrides.end()) { // override for that specific event not found, try wildcard iter = g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverrides.find("*"); if (iter == g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverrides.end()) { // not found // try regex for (const auto& item : g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverridesRegex) for (const auto& regexData : item.second->EventIdsRegex) if (std::regex_search(eventName, regexData.second)) overrideData = item.second; if (!overrideData) // not found either return LoadSampleMetadata_Original(sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, audioType); else { // cache found pattern to improve performance g_CustomAudioManager.m_loadedAudioOverrides[eventName] = overrideData; } } else overrideData = iter->second; } else overrideData = iter->second; if (!ShouldPlayAudioEvent(eventName, overrideData)) return LoadSampleMetadata_Original(sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, audioType); void* data = 0; unsigned int dataLength = 0; if (overrideData->Samples.size() == 0) { // 0 samples, turn off this particular event. // using a dummy empty wave file data = EMPTY_WAVE; dataLength = sizeof(EMPTY_WAVE); } else { std::pair>* dat = NULL; switch (overrideData->Strategy) { case AudioSelectionStrategy::RANDOM: dat = &*select_randomly(overrideData->Samples.begin(), overrideData->Samples.end()); break; case AudioSelectionStrategy::SEQUENTIAL: default: dat = &overrideData->Samples[overrideData->CurrentIndex++]; if (overrideData->CurrentIndex >= overrideData->Samples.size()) overrideData->CurrentIndex = 0; // reset back to the first sample entry break; } if (!dat) spdlog::warn("Could not get sample data from override struct for event {}! Shouldn't happen", eventName); else { data = dat->second.get(); dataLength = dat->first; } } if (!data) { spdlog::warn("Could not fetch override sample data for event {}! Using original data instead.", eventName); return LoadSampleMetadata_Original(sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, audioType); } audioBuffer = data; audioBufferLength = dataLength; // most important change: set the sample class buffer so that the correct audio plays *(void**)((uintptr_t)sample + 0xE8) = audioBuffer; *(unsigned int*)((uintptr_t)sample + 0xF0) = audioBufferLength; // 64 - Auto-detect sample type bool res = LoadSampleMetadata_Original(sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, 64); if (!res) spdlog::error("LoadSampleMetadata failed! The game will crash :("); return res; } // DO NOT TOUCH THIS FUNCTION // The actual logic of it in a separate function (forcefully not inlined) to preserve the r12 register, which holds the event pointer. bool __fastcall LoadSampleMetadata_Hook(void* sample, void* audioBuffer, unsigned int audioBufferLength, int audioType) { uintptr_t parentEvent = (uintptr_t)Audio_GetParentEvent(); // Raw source, used for voice data only if (audioType == 0) return LoadSampleMetadata_Original(sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, audioType); return LoadSampleMetadata_Internal(parentEvent, sample, audioBuffer, audioBufferLength, audioType); } typedef bool (*MilesLog_Type)(int level, const char* string); MilesLog_Type MilesLog_Original; void __fastcall MilesLog_Hook(int level, const char* string) { spdlog::info("[MSS] {} - {}", level, string); } void InitialiseMilesAudioHooks(HMODULE baseAddress) { Cvar_ns_print_played_sounds = RegisterConVar("ns_print_played_sounds", "0", FCVAR_NONE, ""); if (IsDedicated()) return; uintptr_t milesAudioBase = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleA("mileswin64.dll"); if (!milesAudioBase) return spdlog::error("miles audio not found :terror:"); HookEnabler hook; ENABLER_CREATEHOOK(hook, (char*)milesAudioBase + 0xF110, &LoadSampleMetadata_Hook, reinterpret_cast(&LoadSampleMetadata_Original)); ENABLER_CREATEHOOK(hook, (char*)baseAddress + 0x57DAD0, &MilesLog_Hook, reinterpret_cast(&MilesLog_Original)); MilesStopAll = (MilesStopAll_Type)((char*)baseAddress + 0x580850); }