#include "pch.h" #include "printmaps.h" #include "convar.h" #include "concommand.h" #include "modmanager.h" #include "tier0.h" #include "r2engine.h" #include #include AUTOHOOK_INIT() enum class MapSource_t { VPK, GAMEDIR, MOD }; const std::unordered_map PrintMapSource = { {MapSource_t::VPK, "VPK"}, {MapSource_t::MOD, "MOD"}, {MapSource_t::GAMEDIR, "R2"}}; struct MapVPKInfo { std::string name; std::string parent; MapSource_t source; }; // our current list of maps in the game std::vector vMapList; void RefreshMapList() { vMapList.clear(); // get modded maps // TODO: could probably check mod vpks to get mapnames from there too? for (auto& modFilePair : g_pModManager->m_ModFiles) { ModOverrideFile file = modFilePair.second; if (file.m_Path.extension() == ".bsp" && file.m_Path.parent_path().string() == "maps") // only allow mod maps actually in /maps atm { MapVPKInfo& map = vMapList.emplace_back(); map.name = file.m_Path.stem().string(); map.parent = file.m_pOwningMod->Name; map.source = MapSource_t::MOD; } } // get maps in vpk { const int iNumRetailNonMapVpks = 1; static const char* const ppRetailNonMapVpks[] = { "englishclient_frontend.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk"}; // don't include mp_common here as it contains mp_lobby // matches directory vpks, and captures their map name in the first group static const std::regex rVpkMapRegex("englishclient_([a-zA-Z_]+)\\.bsp\\.pak000_dir\\.vpk", std::regex::icase); for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator("./vpk")) { std::string pathString = file.path().filename().string(); bool bIsValidMapVpk = true; for (int i = 0; i < iNumRetailNonMapVpks; i++) { if (!pathString.compare(ppRetailNonMapVpks[i])) { bIsValidMapVpk = false; break; } } if (!bIsValidMapVpk) continue; // run our map vpk regex on the filename std::smatch match; std::regex_match(pathString, match, rVpkMapRegex); if (match.length() < 2) continue; std::string mapName = match[1].str(); // special case: englishclient_mp_common contains mp_lobby, so hardcode the name here if (mapName == "mp_common") mapName = "mp_lobby"; MapVPKInfo& map = vMapList.emplace_back(); map.name = mapName; map.parent = pathString; map.source = MapSource_t::VPK; } } // get maps in game dir for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(fmt::format("{}/maps", R2::g_pModName))) { if (file.path().extension() == ".bsp") { MapVPKInfo& map = vMapList.emplace_back(); map.name = file.path().stem().string(); map.parent = "R2"; map.source = MapSource_t::GAMEDIR; } } } // clang-format off AUTOHOOK(_Host_Map_f_CompletionFunc, engine.dll + 0x161AE0, int, __fastcall, (const char const* cmdname, const char const* partial, char commands[COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS][COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH])) // clang-format on { // don't update our map list often from this func, only refresh every 10 seconds so we avoid constantly reading fs static double flLastAutocompleteRefresh = -999; if (flLastAutocompleteRefresh + 10.0 < Tier0::Plat_FloatTime()) { RefreshMapList(); flLastAutocompleteRefresh = Tier0::Plat_FloatTime(); } // use a custom autocomplete func for all map loading commands const int cmdLength = strlen(cmdname); const char* query = partial + cmdLength; const int queryLength = strlen(query); int numMaps = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vMapList.size() && numMaps < COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS; i++) { if (!strncmp(query, vMapList[i].name.c_str(), queryLength)) { strcpy(commands[numMaps], cmdname); strncpy_s( commands[numMaps++] + cmdLength, COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH, &vMapList[i].name[0], COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH - cmdLength); } } return numMaps; } void ConCommand_maps(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { spdlog::info("Usage: maps "); spdlog::info("maps * for full listing"); return; } RefreshMapList(); for (MapVPKInfo& map : vMapList) // need to figure out a nice way to include parent path without making the formatting awful if ((*args.Arg(1) == '*' && !args.Arg(1)[1]) || strstr(map.name.c_str(), args.Arg(1))) spdlog::info("({}) {}", PrintMapSource.at(map.source), map.name); } void InitialiseMapsPrint() { AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH() ConCommand* mapsCommand = R2::g_pCVar->FindCommand("maps"); mapsCommand->m_pCommandCallback = ConCommand_maps; }