#include "pch.h" #include "misccommands.h" #include "concommand.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "r2engine.h" #include "r2client.h" #include "tier0.h" #include "hoststate.h" #include "masterserver.h" #include "modmanager.h" #include "serverauthentication.h" #include "squirrel.h" void ConCommand_force_newgame(const CCommand& arg) { if (arg.ArgC() < 2) return; R2::g_pHostState->m_iNextState = R2::HostState_t::HS_NEW_GAME; strncpy(R2::g_pHostState->m_levelName, arg.Arg(1), sizeof(R2::g_pHostState->m_levelName)); } void ConCommand_ns_start_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby(const CCommand& arg) { // hack for special case where we're on a local server, so we erase our own newly created auth data on disconnect g_pMasterServerManager->m_bNewgameAfterSelfAuth = true; g_pMasterServerManager->AuthenticateWithOwnServer(R2::g_pLocalPlayerUserID, g_pMasterServerManager->m_sOwnClientAuthToken); } void ConCommand_ns_end_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby(const CCommand& arg) { if (g_pServerAuthentication->m_RemoteAuthenticationData.size()) R2::g_pCVar->FindVar("serverfilter")->SetValue(g_pServerAuthentication->m_RemoteAuthenticationData.begin()->first.c_str()); // weird way of checking, but check if client script vm is initialised, mainly just to allow players to cancel this if (g_pSquirrel->m_pSQVM) { g_pServerAuthentication->m_bNeedLocalAuthForNewgame = true; // this won't set playlist correctly on remote clients, don't think they can set playlist until they've left which sorta // fucks things should maybe set this in HostState_NewGame? R2::SetCurrentPlaylist("tdm"); strcpy(R2::g_pHostState->m_levelName, "mp_lobby"); R2::g_pHostState->m_iNextState = R2::HostState_t::HS_NEW_GAME; } } void AddMiscConCommands() { RegisterConCommand( "force_newgame", ConCommand_force_newgame, "forces a map load through directly setting g_pHostState->m_iNextState to HS_NEW_GAME", FCVAR_NONE); RegisterConCommand( "ns_start_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby", ConCommand_ns_start_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby, "called by the server, used to reauth and return the player to lobby when leaving a game", FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE); // this is a concommand because we make a deferred call to it from another thread RegisterConCommand("ns_end_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby", ConCommand_ns_end_reauth_and_leave_to_lobby, "", FCVAR_NONE); } // fixes up various cvar flags to have more sane values void FixupCvarFlags() { if (Tier0::CommandLine()->CheckParm("-allowdevcvars")) { // strip hidden and devonly cvar flags int iNumCvarsAltered = 0; for (auto& pair : R2::g_pCVar->DumpToMap()) { // strip flags int flags = pair.second->GetFlags(); if (flags & FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY) { flags &= ~FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY; iNumCvarsAltered++; } if (flags & FCVAR_HIDDEN) { flags &= ~FCVAR_HIDDEN; iNumCvarsAltered++; } pair.second->m_nFlags = flags; } spdlog::info("Removed {} hidden/devonly cvar flags", iNumCvarsAltered); } // make all engine client commands FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS // these are usually checked through CGameClient::IsEngineClientCommand, but we get more control over this if we just do it through // cvar flags const char** ppEngineClientCommands = CModule("engine.dll").Offset(0x7C5EF0).As(); int i = 0; do { ConCommandBase* pCommand = R2::g_pCVar->FindCommandBase(ppEngineClientCommands[i]); if (pCommand) // not all the commands in this array actually exist in respawn source pCommand->m_nFlags |= FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS; } while (ppEngineClientCommands[++i]); // array of cvars and the flags we want to add to them const std::vector> CVAR_FIXUP_ADD_FLAGS = { // system commands (i.e. necessary for proper functionality) // servers need to be able to disconnect {"disconnect", FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE}, // cheat commands {"give", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"give_server", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"givecurrentammo", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"takecurrentammo", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"switchclass", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"set", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"_setClassVarServer", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_create", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_throw", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_setname", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_teleport", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_remove", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_remove_all", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"ent_fire", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"particle_create", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"particle_recreate", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"particle_kill", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"test_setteam", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"melee_lunge_ent", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}}; // array of cvars and the flags we want to remove from them const std::vector> CVAR_FIXUP_REMOVE_FLAGS = { // unsure how this command works, not even sure it's used on retail servers, deffo shouldn't be used on northstar {"migrateme", FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE | FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"recheck", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, // we don't need this on northstar servers, it's for communities // unsure how these work exactly (rpt system likely somewhat stripped?), removing anyway since they won't be used {"rpt_client_enable", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}, {"rpt_password", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS}}; for (auto& fixup : CVAR_FIXUP_ADD_FLAGS) { ConCommandBase* command = R2::g_pCVar->FindCommandBase(std::get<0>(fixup)); if (command) command->m_nFlags |= std::get<1>(fixup); } for (auto& fixup : CVAR_FIXUP_REMOVE_FLAGS) { ConCommandBase* command = R2::g_pCVar->FindCommandBase(std::get<0>(fixup)); if (command) command->m_nFlags &= ~std::get<1>(fixup); } }