#include "pch.h" #include "config/profile.h" #include "dedicated/dedicated.h" #include fs::path GetNorthstarPrefix() { return NORTHSTAR_FOLDER_PREFIX; } void InitialiseNorthstarPrefix() { char* clachar = strstr(GetCommandLineA(), "-profile="); if (clachar) { std::string cla = std::string(clachar); if (strncmp(cla.substr(9, 1).c_str(), "\"", 1)) { int space = cla.find(" "); std::string dirname = cla.substr(9, space - 9); spdlog::info("Found profile in command line arguments: " + dirname); NORTHSTAR_FOLDER_PREFIX = dirname; } else { std::string quote = "\""; int quote1 = cla.find(quote); int quote2 = (cla.substr(quote1 + 1)).find(quote); std::string dirname = cla.substr(quote1 + 1, quote2); spdlog::info("Found profile in command line arguments: " + dirname); NORTHSTAR_FOLDER_PREFIX = dirname; } } else { spdlog::info("Profile was not found in command line arguments. Using default: R2Northstar"); NORTHSTAR_FOLDER_PREFIX = "R2Northstar"; } // set the console title to show the current profile // dont do this on dedi as title contains useful information on dedi and setting title breaks it as well if (!IsDedicatedServer()) SetConsoleTitleA((fs::path("NorthstarLauncher | ") / NORTHSTAR_FOLDER_PREFIX).string().c_str()); }