#include "pch.h" #include "core/tier0.h" #include #include AUTOHOOK_INIT() typedef LANGID (*Tier0_DetectDefaultLanguageType)(); bool CheckLangAudioExists(char* lang) { std::string path {"r2\\sound\\general_"}; path += lang; path += ".mstr"; return fs::exists(path); } std::vector file_list(fs::path dir, std::regex ext_pattern) { std::vector result; if (!fs::exists(dir) || !fs::is_directory(dir)) return result; using iterator = fs::directory_iterator; const iterator end; for (iterator iter {dir}; iter != end; ++iter) { const std::string filename = iter->path().filename().string(); std::smatch matches; if (fs::is_regular_file(*iter) && std::regex_match(filename, matches, ext_pattern)) { result.push_back(std::move(matches.str(1))); } } return result; } std::string GetAnyInstalledAudioLanguage() { for (const auto& lang : file_list("r2\\sound\\", std::regex(".*?general_([a-z]+)_patch_1\\.mstr"))) if (lang != "general" || lang != "") return lang; return "NO LANGUAGE DETECTED"; } // clang-format off AUTOHOOK(GetGameLanguage, tier0.dll + 0xF560, char*, __fastcall, ()) // clang-format on { auto tier0Handle = GetModuleHandleA("tier0.dll"); auto Tier0_DetectDefaultLanguageType = GetProcAddress(tier0Handle, "Tier0_DetectDefaultLanguage"); char* ingameLang1 = (char*)tier0Handle + 0xA9B60; // one of the globals we need to override if overriding lang (size: 256) bool& canOriginDictateLang = *(bool*)((char*)tier0Handle + 0xA9A90); const char* forcedLanguage; if (Tier0::CommandLine()->CheckParm("-language", &forcedLanguage)) { if (!CheckLangAudioExists((char*)forcedLanguage)) { spdlog::info( "User tried to force the language (-language) to \"{}\", but audio for this language doesn't exist and the game is bound " "to error, falling back to next option...", forcedLanguage); } else { spdlog::info("User forcing the language (-language) to: {}", forcedLanguage); strncpy(ingameLang1, forcedLanguage, 256); return ingameLang1; } } canOriginDictateLang = true; // let it try { auto lang = GetGameLanguage(); if (!CheckLangAudioExists(lang)) { if (strcmp(lang, "russian") != 0) // don't log for "russian" since it's the default and that means Origin detection just didn't change it most likely spdlog::info( "Origin detected language \"{}\", but we do not have audio for it installed, falling back to the next option", lang); } else { spdlog::info("Origin detected language: {}", lang); return lang; } } Tier0_DetectDefaultLanguageType(); // force the global in tier0 to be populated with language inferred from user's system rather than // defaulting to Russian canOriginDictateLang = false; // Origin has no say anymore, we will fallback to user's system setup language auto lang = GetGameLanguage(); spdlog::info("Detected system language: {}", lang); if (!CheckLangAudioExists(lang)) { spdlog::warn("Caution, audio for this language does NOT exist. You might want to override your game language with -language " "command line option."); auto lang = GetAnyInstalledAudioLanguage(); spdlog::warn("Falling back to the first installed audio language: {}", lang.c_str()); strncpy(ingameLang1, lang.c_str(), 256); return ingameLang1; } return lang; } ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT("tier0.dll", LanguageHooks, (CModule module)) { AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH() }