path: root/NorthstarDedicatedTest/cl_rcon.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'NorthstarDedicatedTest/cl_rcon.cpp')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/cl_rcon.cpp b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/cl_rcon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28c36353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/cl_rcon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// Purpose: Implementation of the rcon client.
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "convar.h"
+#include "concommand.h"
+#include "cvar.h"
+#include "rcon_shared.h"
+#include "sv_rcon.pb.h"
+#include "cl_rcon.pb.h"
+#include "cl_rcon.h"
+#include "igameserverdata.h"
+// Purpose: NETCON systems init
+void CRConClient::Init(void) { m_bInitialized = true; }
+// Purpose: NETCON systems shutdown
+void CRConClient::Shutdown(void)
+ if (m_bConnEstablished)
+ {
+ this->Disconnect();
+ }
+// Purpose: client rcon main processing loop
+void CRConClient::RunFrame(void)
+ if (m_bInitialized && m_bConnEstablished)
+ {
+ this->Recv();
+ }
+// Purpose: connect to address and port stored in 'rcon_address' cvar
+// Output : true if connection succeeds, false otherwise
+bool CRConClient::Connect(void)
+ if (strlen(CVar_rcon_address->GetString()) > 0)
+ {
+ // Default is []:37015
+ m_pNetAdr2->SetIPAndPort(CVar_rcon_address->GetString());
+ }
+ if (m_pSocket->ConnectSocket(*m_pNetAdr2, true) == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ spdlog::info("Connection to RCON server '{}' failed: (SOCKET_ERROR)", m_pNetAdr2->GetIPAndPort());
+ return false;
+ }
+ spdlog::info("Connected to: {}", m_pNetAdr2->GetIPAndPort().c_str());
+ m_bConnEstablished = true;
+ return true;
+// Purpose: connect to specified address and port
+// Input : *svInAdr -
+// *svInPort -
+// Output : true if connection succeeds, false otherwise
+bool CRConClient::Connect(const std::string& svInAdr, const std::string& svInPort)
+ if (svInAdr.size() > 0 && svInPort.size() > 0)
+ {
+ // Default is []:37015
+ m_pNetAdr2->SetIPAndPort(svInAdr, svInPort);
+ }
+ if (m_pSocket->ConnectSocket(*m_pNetAdr2, true) == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ spdlog::info("Connection to RCON server '{}' failed: (SOCKET_ERROR)", m_pNetAdr2->GetIPAndPort());
+ return false;
+ }
+ spdlog::info("Connected to: {}", m_pNetAdr2->GetIPAndPort().c_str());
+ m_bConnEstablished = true;
+ return true;
+// Purpose: disconnect from current session
+void CRConClient::Disconnect(void)
+ ::closesocket(m_pSocket->GetAcceptedSocketHandle(0));
+ m_bConnEstablished = false;
+// Purpose: send message
+// Input : *svMessage -
+void CRConClient::Send(const std::string& svMessage) const
+ int nSendResult = ::send(m_pSocket->GetAcceptedSocketData(0)->m_hSocket, svMessage.c_str(), svMessage.size(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ if (nSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ spdlog::info("Failed to send RCON message: (SOCKET_ERROR)");
+ }
+// Purpose: receive message
+void CRConClient::Recv(void)
+ static char szRecvBuf[MAX_NETCONSOLE_INPUT_LEN]{};
+ { //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ int nPendingLen = ::recv(m_pSocket->GetAcceptedSocketData(0)->m_hSocket, szRecvBuf, sizeof(szRecvBuf), MSG_PEEK);
+ if (nPendingLen == SOCKET_ERROR && m_pSocket->IsSocketBlocking())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (nPendingLen <= 0 && m_bConnEstablished) // EOF or error.
+ {
+ this->Disconnect();
+ spdlog::info("Server closed RCON connection");
+ return;
+ }
+ } //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ u_long nReadLen; // Find out how much we have to read.
+ ::ioctlsocket(m_pSocket->GetAcceptedSocketData(0)->m_hSocket, FIONREAD, &nReadLen);
+ while (nReadLen > 0)
+ {
+ memset(szRecvBuf, '\0', sizeof(szRecvBuf));
+ int nRecvLen = ::recv(m_pSocket->GetAcceptedSocketData(0)->m_hSocket, szRecvBuf, MIN(sizeof(szRecvBuf), nReadLen), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+ if (nRecvLen == 0 && m_bConnEstablished) // Socket was closed.
+ {
+ this->Disconnect();
+ spdlog::info("Server closed RCON connection");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nRecvLen < 0 && !m_pSocket->IsSocketBlocking())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ nReadLen -= nRecvLen; // Process what we've got.
+ this->ProcessBuffer(szRecvBuf, nRecvLen);
+ }
+// Purpose: handles input response buffer
+// Input : *pszIn -
+// nRecvLen -
+void CRConClient::ProcessBuffer(const char* pszIn, int nRecvLen) const
+ int nCharsInRespondBuffer = 0;
+ char szInputRespondBuffer[MAX_NETCONSOLE_INPUT_LEN]{};
+ while (nRecvLen)
+ {
+ switch (*pszIn)
+ {
+ case '\r':
+ {
+ if (nCharsInRespondBuffer)
+ {
+ sv_rcon::response sv_response = this->Deserialize(szInputRespondBuffer);
+ this->ProcessMessage(sv_response);
+ }
+ nCharsInRespondBuffer = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ if (nCharsInRespondBuffer < MAX_NETCONSOLE_INPUT_LEN - 1)
+ {
+ szInputRespondBuffer[nCharsInRespondBuffer++] = *pszIn;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pszIn++;
+ nRecvLen--;
+ }
+// Purpose: processes received message
+// Input : *sv_response -
+void CRConClient::ProcessMessage(const sv_rcon::response& sv_response) const
+ std::string svOut = sv_response.responsebuf();
+ switch (sv_response.responsetype())
+ {
+ case sv_rcon::response_t::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_AUTH:
+ {
+ svOut.erase(std::remove(svOut.begin(), svOut.end(), '\n'), svOut.end());
+ spdlog::info("{}", svOut.c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ case sv_rcon::response_t::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_CONSOLE_LOG:
+ {
+ // !TODO: Network the enum to differentiate script/engine logs.
+ svOut.erase(std::remove(svOut.begin(), svOut.end(), '\n'), svOut.end());
+ spdlog::info("{}", svOut.c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// Purpose: serializes input
+// Input : *svReqBuf -
+// *svReqVal -
+// request_t -
+// Output : serialized results as string
+std::string CRConClient::Serialize(const std::string& svReqBuf, const std::string& svReqVal, cl_rcon::request_t request_t) const
+ cl_rcon::request cl_request;
+ cl_request.set_requestid(-1);
+ cl_request.set_requesttype(request_t);
+ switch (request_t)
+ {
+ case cl_rcon::request_t::SERVERDATA_REQUEST_SETVALUE:
+ case cl_rcon::request_t::SERVERDATA_REQUEST_AUTH:
+ {
+ cl_request.set_requestbuf(svReqBuf);
+ cl_request.set_requestval(svReqVal);
+ break;
+ }
+ case cl_rcon::request_t::SERVERDATA_REQUEST_EXECCOMMAND:
+ {
+ cl_request.set_requestbuf(svReqBuf);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return cl_request.SerializeAsString().append("\r");
+// Purpose: de-serializes input
+// Input : *svBuf -
+// Output : de-serialized object
+sv_rcon::response CRConClient::Deserialize(const std::string& svBuf) const
+ sv_rcon::response sv_response;
+ sv_response.ParseFromArray(svBuf.c_str(), static_cast<int>(svBuf.size()));
+ return sv_response;
+// Purpose: checks if client rcon is initialized
+// Output : true if initialized, false otherwise
+bool CRConClient::IsInitialized(void) const { return m_bInitialized; }
+// Purpose: checks if client rcon is connected
+// Output : true if connected, false otherwise
+bool CRConClient::IsConnected(void) const { return m_bConnEstablished; }
+CRConClient* g_pRConClient = new CRConClient();