#include "plugins.h" #include "config/profile.h" #include "squirrel/squirrel.h" #include "plugins.h" #include "masterserver/masterserver.h" #include "core/convar/convar.h" #include "server/serverpresence.h" #include #include #include "util/version.h" #include "pluginbackend.h" #include "util/wininfo.h" #include "logging/logging.h" #include "dedicated/dedicated.h" PluginManager* g_pPluginManager; void freeLibrary(HMODULE hLib) { if (!FreeLibrary(hLib)) { spdlog::error("There was an error while trying to free library"); } } EXPORT void PLUGIN_LOG(LogMsg* msg) { spdlog::source_loc src {}; src.filename = msg->source.file; src.funcname = msg->source.func; src.line = msg->source.line; auto&& logger = g_pPluginManager->m_vLoadedPlugins[msg->pluginHandle].logger; logger->log(src, (spdlog::level::level_enum)msg->level, msg->msg); } EXPORT void* CreateObject(ObjectType type) { switch (type) { case ObjectType::CONVAR: return (void*)new ConVar; case ObjectType::CONCOMMANDS: return (void*)new ConCommand; default: return NULL; } } std::optional PluginManager::LoadPlugin(fs::path path, PluginInitFuncs* funcs, PluginNorthstarData* data) { Plugin plugin {}; std::string pathstring = path.string(); std::wstring wpath = path.wstring(); LPCWSTR wpptr = wpath.c_str(); HMODULE datafile = LoadLibraryExW(wpptr, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE); // Load the DLL as a data file if (datafile == NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Failed to load library '{}': ", std::system_category().message(GetLastError())); return std::nullopt; } HRSRC manifestResource = FindResourceW(datafile, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDR_RCDATA1), RT_RCDATA); if (manifestResource == NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Could not find manifest for library '{}'", pathstring); freeLibrary(datafile); return std::nullopt; } HGLOBAL myResourceData = LoadResource(datafile, manifestResource); if (myResourceData == NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("Failed to load manifest from library '{}'", pathstring); freeLibrary(datafile); return std::nullopt; } int manifestSize = SizeofResource(datafile, manifestResource); std::string manifest = std::string((const char*)LockResource(myResourceData), 0, manifestSize); freeLibrary(datafile); rapidjson_document manifestJSON; manifestJSON.Parse(manifest.c_str()); if (manifestJSON.HasParseError()) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("Manifest for '{}' was invalid", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("name")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing a name in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("displayname")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing a displayname in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("description")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing a description in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("api_version")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing a api_version in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("version")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing a version in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("run_on_server")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing 'run_on_server' in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } if (!manifestJSON.HasMember("run_on_client")) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error("'{}' is missing 'run_on_client' in its manifest", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } auto test = manifestJSON["api_version"].GetString(); if (strcmp(manifestJSON["api_version"].GetString(), std::to_string(ABI_VERSION).c_str())) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->error( "'{}' has an incompatible API version number in its manifest. Current ABI version is '{}'", pathstring, ABI_VERSION); return std::nullopt; } // Passed all checks, going to actually load it now HMODULE pluginLib = LoadLibraryExW(wpptr, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS | LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS); // Load the DLL with lib folders if (pluginLib == NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Failed to load library '{}': ", std::system_category().message(GetLastError())); return std::nullopt; } plugin.init = (PLUGIN_INIT_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INIT"); if (plugin.init == NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Library '{}' has no function 'PLUGIN_INIT'", pathstring); return std::nullopt; } NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Succesfully loaded {}", pathstring); plugin.name = manifestJSON["name"].GetString(); plugin.displayName = manifestJSON["displayname"].GetString(); plugin.description = manifestJSON["description"].GetString(); plugin.api_version = manifestJSON["api_version"].GetString(); plugin.version = manifestJSON["version"].GetString(); plugin.run_on_client = manifestJSON["run_on_client"].GetBool(); plugin.run_on_server = manifestJSON["run_on_server"].GetBool(); if (!plugin.run_on_server && IsDedicatedServer()) return std::nullopt; if (manifestJSON.HasMember("dependencyName")) { plugin.dependencyName = manifestJSON["dependencyName"].GetString(); } else { plugin.dependencyName = plugin.name; } if (std::find_if( plugin.dependencyName.begin(), plugin.dependencyName.end(), [&](char c) -> bool { return !((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_'); }) != plugin.dependencyName.end()) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->warn("Dependency string \"{}\" in {} is not valid a squirrel constant!", plugin.dependencyName, plugin.name); } plugin.init_sqvm_client = (PLUGIN_INIT_SQVM_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INIT_SQVM_CLIENT"); plugin.init_sqvm_server = (PLUGIN_INIT_SQVM_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INIT_SQVM_SERVER"); plugin.inform_sqvm_created = (PLUGIN_INFORM_SQVM_CREATED_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INFORM_SQVM_CREATED"); plugin.inform_sqvm_destroyed = (PLUGIN_INFORM_SQVM_DESTROYED_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INFORM_SQVM_DESTROYED"); plugin.inform_dll_load = (PLUGIN_INFORM_DLL_LOAD_TYPE)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_INFORM_DLL_LOAD"); plugin.run_frame = (PLUGIN_RUNFRAME)GetProcAddress(pluginLib, "PLUGIN_RUNFRAME"); plugin.handle = m_vLoadedPlugins.size(); plugin.logger = std::make_shared(plugin.displayName.c_str(), NS::Colors::PLUGIN); RegisterLogger(plugin.logger); NS::log::PLUGINSYS->info("Loading plugin {} version {}", plugin.displayName, plugin.version); m_vLoadedPlugins.push_back(plugin); plugin.init(funcs, data); return plugin; } inline void FindPlugins(fs::path pluginPath, std::vector& paths) { // ensure dirs exist if (!fs::exists(pluginPath) || !fs::is_directory(pluginPath)) { return; } for (const fs::directory_entry& entry : fs::directory_iterator(pluginPath)) { if (fs::is_regular_file(entry) && entry.path().extension() == ".dll") paths.emplace_back(entry.path()); } } bool PluginManager::LoadPlugins() { if (strstr(GetCommandLineA(), "-noplugins") != NULL) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->warn("-noplugins detected; skipping loading plugins"); return false; } fs::create_directories(GetThunderstoreModFolderPath()); std::vector paths; pluginPath = GetNorthstarPrefix() + "\\plugins"; PluginNorthstarData data {}; std::string ns_version {version}; PluginInitFuncs funcs {}; funcs.logger = PLUGIN_LOG; funcs.relayInviteFunc = nullptr; funcs.createObject = CreateObject; data.version = ns_version.c_str(); data.northstarModule = g_NorthstarModule; fs::path libPath = fs::absolute(pluginPath + "\\lib"); if (fs::exists(libPath) && fs::is_directory(libPath)) AddDllDirectory(libPath.wstring().c_str()); FindPlugins(pluginPath, paths); // Special case for Thunderstore mods dir std::filesystem::directory_iterator thunderstoreModsDir = fs::directory_iterator(GetThunderstoreModFolderPath()); // Set up regex for `AUTHOR-MOD-VERSION` pattern std::regex pattern(R"(.*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)-([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+))"); for (fs::directory_entry dir : thunderstoreModsDir) { fs::path pluginsDir = dir.path() / "plugins"; // Use regex to match `AUTHOR-MOD-VERSION` pattern if (!std::regex_match(dir.path().string(), pattern)) { spdlog::warn("The following directory did not match 'AUTHOR-MOD-VERSION': {}", dir.path().string()); continue; // skip loading package that doesn't match } fs::path libDir = fs::absolute(pluginsDir / "lib"); if (fs::exists(libDir) && fs::is_directory(libDir)) AddDllDirectory(libDir.wstring().c_str()); FindPlugins(pluginsDir, paths); } if (paths.empty()) { NS::log::PLUGINSYS->warn("Could not find any plugins. Skipped loading plugins"); return false; } for (fs::path path : paths) { if (LoadPlugin(path, &funcs, &data)) data.pluginHandle += 1; } return true; } void PluginManager::InformSQVMLoad(ScriptContext context, SquirrelFunctions* s) { for (auto plugin : m_vLoadedPlugins) { if (context == ScriptContext::CLIENT && plugin.init_sqvm_client != NULL) { plugin.init_sqvm_client(s); } else if (context == ScriptContext::SERVER && plugin.init_sqvm_server != NULL) { plugin.init_sqvm_server(s); } } } void PluginManager::InformSQVMCreated(ScriptContext context, CSquirrelVM* sqvm) { for (auto plugin : m_vLoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.inform_sqvm_created != NULL) { plugin.inform_sqvm_created(context, sqvm); } } } void PluginManager::InformSQVMDestroyed(ScriptContext context) { for (auto plugin : m_vLoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.inform_sqvm_destroyed != NULL) { plugin.inform_sqvm_destroyed(context); } } } void PluginManager::InformDLLLoad(const char* dll, void* data, void* dllPtr) { for (auto plugin : m_vLoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.inform_dll_load != NULL) { plugin.inform_dll_load(dll, (PluginEngineData*)data, dllPtr); } } } void PluginManager::RunFrame() { for (auto plugin : m_vLoadedPlugins) { if (plugin.run_frame != NULL) { plugin.run_frame(); } } }