if(NOT minizip_FOUND) # zlib 1.3.1 had a cmake change that broke stuff, so this branch on our fork reverts that one commit :) set(ZLIB_TAG "fix-things") set(ZLIB_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/R2Northstar/zlib") check_init_submodule(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/primedev/thirdparty/minizip) set(MZ_ZLIB ON CACHE BOOL "Enable ZLIB compression, needed for DEFLATE" ) set(MZ_BZIP2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable BZIP2 compression" ) set(MZ_LZMA OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable LZMA & XZ compression" ) set(MZ_PKCRYPT OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable PKWARE traditional encryption" ) set(MZ_WZAES OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WinZIP AES encryption" ) set(MZ_ZSTD OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable ZSTD compression" ) set(MZ_SIGNING OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable zip signing support" ) add_subdirectory(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/primedev/thirdparty/minizip minizip) set(minizip_FOUND 1 PARENT_SCOPE ) endif()