<template> <div class="fc__developer__container"> <el-button type="primary" @click="disableDevMode"> Disable developer mode </el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="crashApplication"> Panic button </el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="toggleReleaseCandidate"> Toggle Release Candidate </el-button> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import {defineComponent} from "vue"; import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api"; import { ElNotification } from "element-plus"; import { ReleaseCanal } from "../utils/ReleaseCanal"; export default defineComponent({ name: "DeveloperView", methods: { disableDevMode() { this.$store.commit('toggleDeveloperMode'); }, async crashApplication() { await invoke("force_panic"); ElNotification({ title: 'Error', message: "Never should have been able to get here!", type: 'error', position: 'bottom-right' }); }, async toggleReleaseCandidate() { // Flip between RELEASE and RELEASE_CANDIDATE this.$store.state.release_canal = this.$store.state.release_canal === ReleaseCanal.RELEASE ? ReleaseCanal.RELEASE_CANDIDATE : ReleaseCanal.RELEASE; // Update current state so that update check etc can be performed this.$store.commit("checkNorthstarUpdates"); console.log(this.$store.state) // Display notification to highlight change ElNotification({ title: `${this.$store.state.release_canal}`, message: `Switched release channel to: "${this.$store.state.release_canal}"`, type: 'success', position: 'bottom-right' }); } } }); </script> <style scoped> .fc__developer__container { padding: 20px 30px; } </style>