<template> <el-card :body-style="{ padding: '0px' }"> <img :src="latestVersion.icon" class="image" /> <div style="padding: 0 10px 10px;"> <span class="statContainer"> <el-icon class="no-inherit"> <Download /> </el-icon> {{ modDownloadsCount }} </span> <span class="statContainer"> {{ mod.rating_score }} <el-icon class="no-inherit"> <Star /> </el-icon> </span> <br/> <div class="name hide-text-overflow">{{ mod.name }}</div> <div class="author hide-text-overflow">{{ $t('mods.card.by') }} {{ mod.owner }}</div> <div class="desc"> {{ latestVersion.description }} </div> <span style="display: flex"> <el-button :type="modButtonType" style="flex: 6" :loading="isBeingInstalled || isBeingUpdated" @click.stop="installMod(mod)" > {{ $t(modButtonText) }} </el-button> <!-- Information dropdown menu --> <el-button v-if="!modIsRemovable" link type="info" class="infoBtn" @click="openURL(mod.package_url)"> <el-icon> <InfoFilled /> </el-icon> </el-button> <el-dropdown v-else> <el-icon class="infoBtn moreBtn"> <MoreFilled /> </el-icon> <template #dropdown> <el-dropdown-menu> <el-dropdown-item @click="openURL(mod.package_url)"> {{ $t('mods.card.more_info') }} </el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item @click="deleteMod(mod)"> {{ $t('mods.card.remove') }} </el-dropdown-item> </el-dropdown-menu> </template> </el-dropdown> </span> </div> </el-card> </template> <script lang="ts"> import {defineComponent} from "vue"; import {ThunderstoreMod} from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/ThunderstoreMod"; import {ThunderstoreModVersion} from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/ThunderstoreModVersion"; import {invoke, shell} from "@tauri-apps/api"; import {ThunderstoreModStatus} from "../utils/thunderstore/ThunderstoreModStatus"; import {NorthstarMod} from "../../../src-tauri/bindings/NorthstarMod"; import {GameInstall} from "../utils/GameInstall"; import { NorthstarState } from "../utils/NorthstarState"; import { ElMessageBox } from "element-plus"; import { showErrorNotification, showNotification } from "../utils/ui"; export default defineComponent({ name: "ThunderstoreModCard", props: { mod: { required: true, type: Object as () => ThunderstoreMod } }, data: () => ({ isBeingInstalled: false, isBeingUpdated: false }), computed: { latestVersion (): ThunderstoreModVersion { return this.mod.versions[0]; }, /** * Returns the status of a given mod. */ modStatus(): ThunderstoreModStatus { if (this.isBeingInstalled) { return ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_INSTALLED; } if (this.isBeingUpdated) { return ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_UPDATED; } // Ensure mod is up-to-date. const tsModPrefix = this.getThunderstoreDependencyStringPrefix(this.latestVersion.full_name); const matchingMods: NorthstarMod[] = this.$store.state.installed_mods.filter((mod: NorthstarMod) => { if (!mod.thunderstore_mod_string) return false; return this.getThunderstoreDependencyStringPrefix(mod.thunderstore_mod_string!) === tsModPrefix; }); if (matchingMods.length !== 0) { // There shouldn't be several mods with same dependency string, but we never know... const matchingMod = matchingMods[0]; // A mod is outdated if its dependency strings differs from Thunderstore dependency string // (no need for semver check here) return matchingMod.thunderstore_mod_string === this.latestVersion.full_name ? ThunderstoreModStatus.INSTALLED : ThunderstoreModStatus.OUTDATED; } return ThunderstoreModStatus.NOT_INSTALLED; }, /** * Returns button text associated to a mod. */ modButtonText(): string { switch (this.modStatus) { case ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_INSTALLED: return "mods.card.button.being_installed"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_UPDATED: return "mods.card.button.being_updated"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.INSTALLED: return "mods.card.button.installed"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.NOT_INSTALLED: return "mods.card.button.install"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.OUTDATED: return "mods.card.button.outdated"; } }, /** * Returns button type associated to a mod. */ modButtonType(): string { switch (this.modStatus) { case ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_INSTALLED: return "primary"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.INSTALLED: return "success"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.NOT_INSTALLED: return "primary"; case ThunderstoreModStatus.OUTDATED: case ThunderstoreModStatus.BEING_UPDATED: return "warning"; } }, /** * Tells if a Thunderstore mod can be removed. * This is used to tell if we should display the "Remove mod" option. **/ modIsRemovable(): boolean { return [ThunderstoreModStatus.INSTALLED, ThunderstoreModStatus.OUTDATED] .includes(this.modStatus); }, /** * This computes the total count of downloads of a given mod, by adding * download count of each of its releases. */ modDownloadsCount(): number { let totalDownloads = 0; this.mod.versions.map((version: ThunderstoreModVersion) => totalDownloads += version.downloads); return totalDownloads; }, }, methods: { /** * This opens an URL in user's favorite web browser. * This is used to open Thunderstore mod pages. */ openURL(url: string): void { shell.open(url); }, /** * Strips off a Thunderstore dependency string from its version * (e.g. "taskinoz-WallrunningTitans-1.0.0" to * "taskinoz-WallrunningTitans"). */ getThunderstoreDependencyStringPrefix (dependency: string): string { const dependencyStringMembers = dependency.split('-'); return `${dependencyStringMembers[0]}-${dependencyStringMembers[1]}`; }, async deleteMod(mod: ThunderstoreMod) { // Show pop-up to confirm delete ElMessageBox.confirm( this.$t('mods.card.remove_dialog_text'), this.$t('mods.card.remove_dialog_title'), { confirmButtonText: this.$t('generic.yes'), cancelButtonText: this.$t('generic.cancel'), type: 'warning', } ) .then(async () => { // Deletion confirmed let game_install = { game_path: this.$store.state.game_path, install_type: this.$store.state.install_type } as GameInstall; await invoke<string>("delete_thunderstore_mod", { gameInstall: game_install, thunderstoreModString: this.latestVersion.full_name }) .then((message) => { showNotification(this.$t('mods.card.remove_success', {modName: mod.name}), message); }) .catch((error) => { showErrorNotification(error); }) .finally(() => { this.$store.commit('loadInstalledMods'); }); }) .catch(() => { // Deletion cancelled console.log("Deleting Thunderstore mod cancelled.") }) }, async installMod (mod: ThunderstoreMod) { let game_install = { game_path: this.$store.state.game_path, install_type: this.$store.state.install_type } as GameInstall; // set internal state according to current installation state if (this.modStatus === ThunderstoreModStatus.OUTDATED) { this.isBeingUpdated = true; } else { this.isBeingInstalled = true; } await invoke<string>("install_mod_caller", { gameInstall: game_install, thunderstoreModString: this.latestVersion.full_name }).then((message) => { showNotification(this.$t('mods.card.install_success', {modName: mod.name}), message); }) .catch((error) => { showErrorNotification(error); }) .finally(() => { this.isBeingInstalled = false; this.isBeingUpdated = false; this.$store.commit('loadInstalledMods'); }); }, } }); </script> <style scoped> .el-card { display: inline-block; max-width: 178px; margin: 5px; } .author { font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; } .hide-text-overflow { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .desc { font-size: 12px; margin: 8px 0 16px; height: 57px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } .statContainer { font-size: 14px; } .statContainer:nth-child(2) { float: right; } .infoBtn { width: 20px; padding: 0 !important; font-size: 20px; border: none; } .moreBtn { margin-left: 10px; height: auto; } </style>