#![cfg_attr( all(not(debug_assertions), target_os = "windows"), windows_subsystem = "windows" )] use std::{ env, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, time::Duration, }; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] use std::ptr::null_mut; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] use winapi::um::winuser::{MessageBoxW, MB_ICONERROR, MB_OK, MB_USERICON}; use app::{ constants::{APP_USER_AGENT, MASTER_SERVER_URL, REFRESH_DELAY, SERVER_BROWSER_ENDPOINT}, *, }; mod github; use github::pull_requests::{ apply_launcher_pr, apply_mods_pr, get_launcher_download_link, get_pull_requests_wrapper, }; use github::release_notes::{ check_is_flightcore_outdated, get_newest_flightcore_version, get_northstar_release_notes, }; use github::{compare_tags, get_list_of_tags}; mod repair_and_verify; use repair_and_verify::{ clean_up_download_folder, disable_all_but_core, get_log_list, verify_game_files, }; mod mod_management; use mod_management::{ delete_northstar_mod, delete_thunderstore_mod, fc_download_mod_and_install, get_installed_mods_and_properties, set_mod_enabled_status, }; mod northstar; use northstar::get_northstar_version_number; mod thunderstore; use thunderstore::query_thunderstore_packages_api; use tauri::{Manager, Runtime}; use tokio::time::sleep; #[derive(Default)] struct Counter(Arc>); fn main() { // Setup logger let mut log_builder = pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder(); log_builder.parse_filters("info"); let logger = sentry_log::SentryLogger::with_dest(log_builder.build()); log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger)).unwrap(); log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info); // Only enable Sentry crash logs on release #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] let _guard = sentry::init(( "https://f833732deb2240b0b2dc4abce97d0f1d@o1374052.ingest.sentry.io/6692177", sentry::ClientOptions { release: sentry::release_name!(), attach_stacktrace: true, ..Default::default() }, )); match tauri::Builder::default() .plugin(tauri_plugin_store::Builder::default().build()) .setup(|app| { let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; // println!("sending backend ping"); app_handle.emit_all("backend-ping", "ping").unwrap(); } }); let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; app_handle .emit_all("origin-running-ping", check_origin_running()) .unwrap(); } }); let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; app_handle .emit_all("northstar-running-ping", check_northstar_running()) .unwrap(); } }); // Emit updated player and server count to GUI let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(REFRESH_DELAY).await; app_handle .emit_all("northstar-statistics", get_server_player_count().await) .unwrap(); } }); Ok(()) }) .manage(Counter(Default::default())) .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![ force_panic, find_game_install_location_caller, get_flightcore_version_number, get_northstar_version_number_caller, check_is_northstar_outdated, verify_install_location, get_host_os_caller, install_northstar_caller, update_northstar_caller, launch_northstar_caller, launch_northstar_steam_caller, check_is_flightcore_outdated_caller, get_log_list, verify_game_files, set_mod_enabled_status, disable_all_but_core, is_debug_mode, get_northstar_release_notes, linux_checks, get_installed_mods_and_properties, install_mod_caller, clean_up_download_folder_caller, get_newest_flightcore_version, delete_northstar_mod, get_server_player_count, delete_thunderstore_mod, open_repair_window, query_thunderstore_packages_api, get_list_of_tags, compare_tags, get_pull_requests_wrapper, apply_launcher_pr, apply_mods_pr, get_launcher_download_link, close_application, ]) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) { Ok(()) => (), Err(err) => { // Failed to launch system native web view // Log error on Linux #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] { log::error!("{err}"); } // On Windows we can show an error window using Windows API to show how to install WebView2 #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { log::error!("WebView2 not installed: {err}"); // Display a message box to the user with a button to open the installation instructions let title = "WebView2 not found" .encode_utf16() .chain(Some(0)) .collect::>(); let message = "FlightCore requires WebView2 to run.\n\nClick OK to open installation instructions.".encode_utf16().chain(Some(0)).collect::>(); unsafe { let result = MessageBoxW( null_mut(), message.as_ptr(), title.as_ptr(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_USERICON, ); if result == 1 { // Open the installation instructions URL in the user's default web browser open::that("https://github.com/R2NorthstarTools/FlightCore/blob/main/docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#flightcore-wont-launch").unwrap(); } } } } }; } /// Wrapper for `find_game_install_location` as tauri doesn't allow passing `Result<>` types to front-end #[tauri::command] async fn find_game_install_location_caller() -> Result { find_game_install_location() } /// This function's only use is to force a `panic!()` // This must NOT be async to ensure crashing whole application. #[tauri::command] fn force_panic() { panic!("Force panicked!"); } /// Returns true if built in debug mode #[tauri::command] async fn is_debug_mode() -> bool { cfg!(debug_assertions) } /// Returns true if linux compatible #[tauri::command] async fn linux_checks() -> Result<(), String> { // Different behaviour depending on OS // MacOS is missing as it is not a target // in turn this means this application will not build on MacOS. #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { Err("Not available on Windows".to_string()) } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { linux_checks_librs() } } /// Returns the current version number as a string #[tauri::command] async fn get_flightcore_version_number() -> String { let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); if cfg!(debug_assertions) { // Debugging enabled format!("v{} (debug mode)", version) } else { // Debugging disabled format!("v{}", version) } } #[tauri::command] async fn get_northstar_version_number_caller(game_path: String) -> Result { match get_northstar_version_number(&game_path) { Ok(version_number) => Ok(version_number), Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()), } } /// Helps with converting release candidate numbers which are different on Thunderstore /// due to restrictions imposed by the platform pub fn convert_release_candidate_number(version_number: String) -> String { // This simply converts `-rc` to `0` // Works as intended for RCs < 10, e.g. `v1.9.2-rc1` -> `v1.9.201` // Doesn't work for larger numbers, e.g. `v1.9.2-rc11` -> `v1.9.2011` (should be `v1.9.211`) version_number.replace("-rc", "0").replace("00", "") } /// Checks if installed Northstar version is up-to-date /// false -> Northstar install is up-to-date /// true -> Northstar install is outdated #[tauri::command] async fn check_is_northstar_outdated( game_path: String, northstar_package_name: Option, ) -> Result { let northstar_package_name = match northstar_package_name { Some(northstar_package_name) => { if northstar_package_name.len() <= 1 { "Northstar".to_string() } else { northstar_package_name } } None => "Northstar".to_string(), }; let index = thermite::api::get_package_index().unwrap().to_vec(); let nmod = index .iter() .find(|f| f.name.to_lowercase() == northstar_package_name.to_lowercase()) .expect("Couldn't find Northstar on thunderstore???"); // .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Couldn't find Northstar on thunderstore???"))?; let version_number = match get_northstar_version_number(&game_path) { Ok(version_number) => version_number, Err(err) => { log::warn!("{}", err); // If we fail to get new version just assume we are up-to-date return Err(err.to_string()); } }; // Release candidate version numbers are different between `mods.json` and Thunderstore let version_number = convert_release_candidate_number(version_number); if version_number != nmod.latest { log::info!("Installed Northstar version outdated"); Ok(true) } else { log::info!("Installed Northstar version up-to-date"); Ok(false) } } /// Checks if installed FlightCore version is up-to-date /// false -> FlightCore install is up-to-date /// true -> FlightCore install is outdated #[tauri::command] async fn check_is_flightcore_outdated_caller() -> Result { check_is_flightcore_outdated().await } /// Checks if is valid Titanfall2 install based on certain conditions #[tauri::command] async fn verify_install_location(game_path: String) -> bool { match check_is_valid_game_path(&game_path) { Ok(()) => true, Err(err) => { log::warn!("{}", err); false } } } /// Returns identifier of host OS FlightCore is running on #[tauri::command] async fn get_host_os_caller() -> String { get_host_os() } /// Installs Northstar to the given path #[tauri::command] async fn install_northstar_caller( window: tauri::Window, game_path: String, northstar_package_name: Option, version_number: Option, ) -> Result { log::info!("Running"); // Get Northstar package name (`Northstar` vs `NorthstarReleaseCandidate`) let northstar_package_name = northstar_package_name .map(|name| { if name.len() <= 1 { "Northstar".to_string() } else { name } }) .unwrap_or("Northstar".to_string()); match install_northstar(window, &game_path, northstar_package_name, version_number).await { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(err) => { log::error!("{}", err); Err(err) } } } /// Update Northstar install in the given path #[tauri::command] async fn update_northstar_caller( window: tauri::Window, game_path: String, northstar_package_name: Option, ) -> Result { log::info!("Updating Northstar"); // Simply re-run install with up-to-date version for upate install_northstar_caller(window, game_path, northstar_package_name, None).await } /// Launches Northstar #[tauri::command] async fn launch_northstar_caller( game_install: GameInstall, bypass_checks: Option, ) -> Result { launch_northstar(&game_install, bypass_checks) } /// Launches Northstar #[tauri::command] async fn launch_northstar_steam_caller( game_install: GameInstall, bypass_checks: Option, ) -> Result { launch_northstar_steam(&game_install, bypass_checks) } /// Installs the specified mod #[tauri::command] async fn install_mod_caller( game_install: GameInstall, thunderstore_mod_string: String, ) -> Result<(), String> { fc_download_mod_and_install(&game_install, &thunderstore_mod_string).await?; match clean_up_download_folder(&game_install, false) { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(err) => { log::info!("Failed to delete download folder due to {}", err); // Failure to delete download folder is not an error in mod install // As such ignore. User can still force delete if need be Ok(()) } } } /// Installs the specified mod #[tauri::command] async fn clean_up_download_folder_caller( game_install: GameInstall, force: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { match clean_up_download_folder(&game_install, force) { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()), } } /// Gets server and playercount from master server API #[tauri::command] async fn get_server_player_count() -> Result<(i32, usize), String> { let url = format!("{MASTER_SERVER_URL}{SERVER_BROWSER_ENDPOINT}"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let res = client .get(url) .header(reqwest::header::USER_AGENT, APP_USER_AGENT) .send() .await .unwrap() .text() .await .unwrap(); let ns_servers: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&res).expect("JSON was not well-formatted"); // Get server count let server_count = ns_servers.len(); // Sum up player count let total_player_count: i32 = ns_servers.iter().map(|server| server.player_count).sum(); log::info!("total_player_count: {}", total_player_count); log::info!("server_count: {}", server_count); Ok((total_player_count, server_count)) } /// Spawns repair window #[tauri::command] async fn open_repair_window(handle: tauri::AppHandle) -> Result<(), String> { // Spawn new window let repair_window = match tauri::WindowBuilder::new( &handle, "RepairWindow", tauri::WindowUrl::App("/#/repair".into()), ) .build() { Ok(res) => res, Err(err) => return Err(err.to_string()), }; // Set window title match repair_window.set_title("FlightCore Repair Window") { Ok(()) => (), Err(err) => return Err(err.to_string()), }; Ok(()) } /// Closes all windows and exits application #[tauri::command] async fn close_application(app: tauri::AppHandle) -> Result<(), String> { app.exit(0); // Close application Ok(()) } /// Returns a serde json object of the parsed `enabledmods.json` file pub fn get_enabled_mods(game_install: &GameInstall) -> Result { let enabledmods_json_path = format!("{}/R2Northstar/enabledmods.json", game_install.game_path); // Check for JSON file if !std::path::Path::new(&enabledmods_json_path).exists() { return Err("enabledmods.json not found".to_string()); } // Read file let data = match std::fs::read_to_string(enabledmods_json_path) { Ok(data) => data, Err(err) => return Err(err.to_string()), }; // Parse JSON let res: serde_json::Value = match serde_json::from_str(&data) { Ok(result) => result, Err(err) => return Err(format!("Failed to read JSON due to: {}", err)), }; // Return parsed data Ok(res) }