#![cfg_attr( all(not(debug_assertions), target_os = "windows"), windows_subsystem = "windows" )] use std::{ env, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, time::Duration, }; use app::{ check_is_valid_game_path, check_origin_running, find_game_install_location, get_host_os, get_northstar_version_number, install_northstar, launch_northstar, GameInstall, }; use tauri::{Manager, State}; use tokio::time::sleep; #[derive(Default)] struct Counter(Arc>); fn main() { // Only enable Sentry crash logs on release #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] let _guard = sentry::init(( "https://f833732deb2240b0b2dc4abce97d0f1d@o1374052.ingest.sentry.io/6692177", sentry::ClientOptions { release: sentry::release_name!(), ..Default::default() }, )); tauri::Builder::default() .setup(|app| { let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; // println!("sending backend ping"); app_handle.emit_all("backend-ping", "ping").unwrap(); } }); let app_handle = app.app_handle(); tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move { loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)).await; app_handle .emit_all("origin-running-ping", check_origin_running()) .unwrap(); } }); Ok(()) }) .manage(Counter(Default::default())) .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![ hello_world, add_count, force_panic, find_game_install_location_caller, get_version_number, get_northstar_version_number_caller, check_is_northstar_outdated, verify_install_location, get_host_os_caller, install_northstar_caller, update_northstar_caller, launch_northstar_caller ]) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application"); } #[tauri::command] /// Wrapper for `find_game_install_location` as tauri doesn't allow passing `Result<>` types to front-end fn find_game_install_location_caller() -> Result { match find_game_install_location() { Ok(game_install) => Ok(game_install), Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); Err(err.to_string()) } } } #[tauri::command] fn hello_world() -> String { "Hello World!!!".to_string() } #[tauri::command] fn add_count(num: i32, counter: State<'_, Counter>) -> String { let mut val = counter.0.lock().unwrap(); *val += num; format!("{val}") } #[tauri::command] /// This function's only use is to force a `panic!()` fn force_panic() { panic!("Force panicked!"); } #[tauri::command] /// Returns the current version number as a string fn get_version_number() -> String { let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); format!("v{}", version) } #[tauri::command] fn get_northstar_version_number_caller(game_path: String) -> String { match get_northstar_version_number(game_path) { Ok(version_number) => version_number, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); "".to_string() } } } #[tauri::command] /// Checks if installed Northstar version is up-to-date /// false -> Northstar install is up-to-date /// true -> Northstar install is outdated async fn check_is_northstar_outdated(game_path: String) -> Result { let index = thermite::api::get_package_index().await.unwrap().to_vec(); let nmod = index .iter() .find(|f| f.name.to_lowercase() == "northstar") .expect("Couldn't find Northstar on thunderstore???"); // .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Couldn't find Northstar on thunderstore???"))?; dbg!(nmod); let version_number = match get_northstar_version_number(game_path) { Ok(version_number) => version_number, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); // If we fail to get new version just assume we are up-to-date return Err(err.to_string()); } }; if version_number != nmod.version { println!("Installed Northstar version outdated"); Ok(true) } else { println!("Installed Northstar version up-to-date"); Ok(false) } } #[tauri::command] /// Checks if is valid Titanfall2 install based on certain conditions fn verify_install_location(game_path: String) -> bool { match check_is_valid_game_path(&game_path) { Ok(()) => true, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); false } } } #[tauri::command] /// Returns identifier of host OS FlightCore is running on fn get_host_os_caller() -> String { get_host_os() } #[tauri::command] /// Installs Northstar to the given path async fn install_northstar_caller(game_path: String) -> Result { println!("Running"); match install_northstar(&game_path).await { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); Err(err.to_string()) } } } #[tauri::command] /// Update Northstar install in the given path async fn update_northstar_caller(game_path: String) -> Result { println!("Updating"); // Simply re-run install with up-to-date version for upate match install_northstar(&game_path).await { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); Err(err.to_string()) } } } #[tauri::command] /// Launches Northstar fn launch_northstar_caller(game_install: GameInstall) -> Result { launch_northstar(game_install) }